Monday 10th of March 2025

lonesome cowboy .....

lonesome cowboy .....

America’s back in the cold war and W’s back on vacation. 

Talk about your fearful symmetry. 

After eight years, the president’s gut remains gullible. He’ll go out as he came in — ignoring reality; failing to foresee, prevent or even prepare for disasters; misinterpreting intelligence reports; misreading people; and handling crises in ways that makes them exponentially worse. 

He has spent 469 days of his presidency kicking back at his ranch, and 450 days cavorting at Camp David. And there’s still time to mountain-bike through another historic disaster. 

As Russian troops continued to manhandle parts of Georgia on Friday, President Bush chastised Russian leaders that “bullying and intimidation are not acceptable ways to conduct foreign policy in the 21st century” — and then flew off to Crawford. 

His words might have carried more weight if he, Cheney and Rummy had not kicked off the 21st century with a ham-fisted display of global bullying and intimidation modeled after Sherman’s march through the other Georgia. 

We knew we could count on the cheerleader in chief to be jumping around like a kid in Beijing with bikini-clad beach volleyball players while the Re-Evil Empire was sending columns of tanks into its former republic. (Georgia made the mistake of baiting the bear.) 

If only W. had taken the rest of his presidency as seriously as he’s taken his sports outings. 

read more at the New York Times ….. 

Russia Is Not Jamaica

cocky West

From the BBC

"We were bombed for three days and nights. If Russia had not helped, we would have disappeared."


Tskhinvali [Ossetia] resident


They are very clear who they blame: Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili, who sent troops to re-take control of this breakaway region. That effort has clearly backfired. The pro-Russian sentiment I experienced on my last visit four years ago has become far fiercer as a result of this conflict.

From the New York Times

Russia Builds Checkpoints in Georgia

KARALETI, Georgia — Russian troops were building new checkpoints a few miles north of the key Georgian city of Gori on Tuesday, using backhoes to cut deep trenches at the edge of the town of Karaleti and using cranes to stack concrete blocks into barricades. The Kremlin claimed a day earlier to have begun withdrawing troops from Georgia, but there has been little evidence of change on the ground.


The West — via the dilettante president Fubya of the YooEss — is too cocky and has ulterior motives, thus the West is letting Georgia's President Mikhail Saakashvili get away with his very bad deed — and perhaps encouraging him behind close doors.

In fact, the Russians should be praised, then they would withdraw while protecting the South Ossetians and Abkhazians as they should from a YooEss imperialism gone mad and coming closer to Russian borders via a new puppet in Georgia...

But, praising the Ruskies? The West?...


Mr. Medvedev on Monday cautioned that any force used against these soldiers would provoke a response.

“Obviously, if anyone thinks he can kill our citizens, our soldiers and officers who are serving as peacekeepers, and go unpunished, we will never allow this,” Mr. Medvedev said. “Anyone who tries this will receive a devastating response. For this, we have all the means — economic and political and military. If anyone had illusions about this some time ago, then they must part with those illusions now.”

He added: “We do not want to aggravate the situation, but we want to be respected, and our government to be respected, and our people to be respected, and our values.”


By adding "and our values", Medvedez is showing he is taking on board the West's entertaining propaganda wordage... Although I am surprised it was not translated "in error" as "and our concrete blocks"...



Rice and Vodka

From the BBC


She said the agreement would help Nato, Poland and the US respond to "the threats of the 21st Century".

Mr Rice also emphasised that the missile system was "defensive and aimed at no-one".


Gus: "no-one"? Thus should there be "a threat from some-one", the system would have to be targeted in five minutes at whatever came along, from a flock of ducks to an airliner in nappies and possibly a missile from no-one on its way to nowhere?

Who is that woman kidding? Like most US and defense systems, these will be "targeted at everyone", including the Russians, especially. "Threats of the 21st Century?" Mostly the US threatening... Iraq being the prong of this US hypocrisy.