Sunday 12th of January 2025

great moments in health care .....


great moments in health care .....

Abbott announces $15m health plan for elderly

Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott has announced the Federal Government will provide Medicare-funded health checks for people aged 65 and over.

Patients can be referred to a geriatrician, who can then develop treatment plans to help patients stay out of aged care homes.

Mr Abbott says the program will cost about $15 million over four years.

"This is a new and innovative development," he said.

"It will help geriatricians to properly treat their older patients.

a heist for bums

Nappies worth $250,000 stolen from warehouse Edmund Tadros
October 10, 2007 - 8:17AM  Normally the cost of disposable nappies is a bit on the nose - but police have warned budget-conscious parents to beware of anyone offering them at prices too good to be true after a theft from a warehouse in Sydney's south-west on Sunday night.

About 90 pallets of disposable nappies were stolen from a Kimberly-Clark warehouse in Minto.


Gus: apologies. I could not resist. See cartoon above... 

from the master of faith and spin

Rudd wants federal rule, we want community rule

"Hospitals with local management boards would be less obsessed with budgets and more focused on treating patients. It would be harder for officials to move services around like pieces on a chess board, regardless of the views of patients and clinicians. This is why state governments don't like them. Although the "Dr Death" Royal Commission in Queensland noted the need for co-ordination of public hospital services, it concluded that "hospital boards … were attentive to local issues [and] planning was firmly focused on the clinical needs of the immediate population".


Gus: beware of this little con trick by Kiddy Abbott who has been responsible for the growing health problems, for a while now... "local management boards would be less obsessed with budgets"... In fact if board members DO NOT MEET BUDGET, they could be LIABLE out of their own pockets, like directors of boards in private enterprise are... Beware of his cuddly side of community run hospitals under his Federal government flogging funding to come near you, which under Abbott has lost already nearly 5 per cent of federal funding... You do the sum. The growing difference had to be made up by the States governments...

And please do not forget, that not long ago Tony the kid WAS IN FAVOUR of the federal government taking over the public hospital system (mainly to privatise it, dare I say) but then he saw more mileage in blaming Labor for his own short falls.

Abbott gotta go-go-go...


Don't trust the Daily Telgraph...

The Daily Telegraph published a photograph on its front page today of Mrs King lying on a hospital bed, claiming it showed her in a storeroom at the hospital and without an emergency buzzer.

But today, her granddaughter, Sharon Hooper, told the Herald she was not unhappy with Mrs King's treatment.

She was upset that there had been a breach of security, and wanted to know how the photo was taken and who within the hospital had passed on her mobile phone number to the newspaper.

"None of this has stemmed from me ... I don' t know how they got in there and I don't know how they got my phone number ... so it must have been an inside job," Ms Hooper said.

"It's obviously somebody who works there who thinks that what they're doing is wrong but they don't want to speak out, probably because of fear of their job," she said.

Ms Meagher and NSW Health director-general Debora Picone today said Mrs King was photographed in a patient treatment room, not a storage room.

Outrageous Abbott

Abbott apologises to Banton

October 31, 2007 - 9:18AM

Health Minister Tony Abbott has apologised for comments he made about terminally-ill asbestos campaigner Bernie Banton.

Mr Abbott yesterday described as a stunt a move by Mr Banton to present him with a petition supporting the listing of the mesothelioma drug Alimta on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

"Let's be up front about this, I know Bernie is very sick, but just because a person is sick doesn't necessarily mean that he is pure of heart in all things," Mr Abbott told the Nine Network.

Mr Abbott this morning rang Mr Banton to apologise for his comments.

"I've had a chat to Bernie this morning," Mr Abbott told AAP.

"He is a thoroughly decent bloke, he is very committed to helping people who are suffering from asbestos-related diseases.

"It's a thoroughly admirable commitment. Obviously I shouldn't have been as dismissive as I was and I've apologised to him."


Gus: Abbott Tony-the-kid should resign. He is outrageously unfit to be a Health Minister. Anyone voting for him should have their head examined by a decent doctor... Abbott is sick in the head... It may not be his fault but that's not a good reason for him to be a minister... I drew a cartoon this morning that could be obsolete, but then Abbott apology, even if accepted, cannot wash the crap inside his brain...

Meanwhile the Spin Docktor Howardus we'lltellyouanythingus is "pledging" more money to train the doctors he has not trained, but should have, in the past 11 years of his Prime Minister-ship. A total disgrace of managing the country's real needs...

Get rid of John Howard and his team, including Abbott...

More Abbott antics

Abbott turns up late to debate

Health Minister Tony Abbott has turned up half an hour late for his National Press Club debate with his Labor opposite number Nicola Roxon.

Ms Roxon took the National Press Club stage first after the traditional toss of the coin was shelved in the absence of her opponent.

Mr Abbott was delayed en route to Canberra from Victoria, where he was speaking to the media this morning.

Ms Roxon began her address by referring to Mr Abbott's absence as a lack of respect for the importance of the debate.

"I'm delighted to be here and I have to say I feel... particularly pleased to be here, I'm sure I'm going to win a lot of votes, particularly if I'm the only person prepared to debate myself on health policy," she said.

Ms Roxon finished her address and had fielded several questions from journalists by the time Mr Abbott arrived.

Mr Abbott says he was unable to make it on time.

"I had to be at a campaign launch this morning and it was impossible ... to be here any earlier," he said.


Gus: arrogance and bad manners...  

Like asbestos, deadly and non-flammable

Abbott's apology to Banton genuine: PM

Prime Minister John Howard says he did not intervene to ask Health Minister Tony Abbott to apologise to asbestos campaigner Bernie Banton.

Mr Abbott phoned Mr Banton this morning to apologise after he said the dying man was involved in a stunt, by leading a group trying to present a petition to the Minister about a new drug treatment.

Mr Howard says the Minister said sorry of his own accord, then he tried to put the focus back onto Labor's campaign troubles, sparked by the party's candidate for Hinkler who called a Queensland couple 'warmongers'.

"Mr Abbott apologised to Mr Banton which is more than Mr Rudd did to the parents of that brave British soldier in Afghanistan," he said.


Gus: Howard, like asbestos, deadly and non-flammable. Non palpable... Passing the mud bowl without lid with the ease of a dunny-man doing-his-job... a stinker. Warmongers? So? Under which circumstances this word was uttered? Were these brave people supporting the war publicly and haggling the candidate? If so, "Warmongers" is correct in relation to the Iraq war... Brave warmongers at a pinch. Undeniable. Johnnee himself, the warmonger for Aussieland, would feel threatened by such nomenclature. Well deserved so. Kick Howard out.

Abbott swears in...

From the ABC

Abbott ends tough day with 'bullshit' rebuke

Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott has been caught swearing at his Labor opponent Nicola Roxon.

Mr Abbott arrived half-an-hour late for his National Press Club debate on health, capping off an already difficult day on which he had to apologise to asbestosis sufferer Bernie Banton and defer the start of his Mersey Hospital takeover in Tasmania.

"I thought if our timetables held, it would be possible to be here in time for the live telecast," Mr Abbott said.

"Unfortunately when you're making public announcements, when you've got lots of announcements from journalists at those public announcements, timetables get put out and that's why I was late."

Posing for photographs with Ms Roxon at the end of the debate, the pair got into a testy exchange.

Ms Roxon told the Minister he could have made it on time if he had wanted to. Mr Abbott replied: "That's bullshit. You're being deliberately unpleasant."


Gus: Kick Abbott out. He's a disgrace... 

tricking pensioners with misleading claims...

Scott Morrison has been accused of tricking pensioners with misleading claims of an $800 pensioner bonus after confirmation that hardly any seniors will secure that amount.

The New Daily revealed today that less than 1 per cent of the one million aged pensioners promised a better deal under changes to the deeming rate will secure the maximum $800 for singles and $1,000 for couples.

The changes were the subject of front-page newspaper reports in July heralding a “$800 pensioner bonus”.

But freedom-of-information requests lodged by The New Daily reveal that less than 1 per cent will secure that amount.

Opposition social services spokeswoman Linda Burney said pensioners had every right to feel conned.

“Scott Morrison has been caught out by his own figures,” she said.

“For the vast majority of pensioners, this isn’t enough to buy a cup of coffee. After waiting more than four years for the government to do something about the deeming rates, it’s an absolute slap in the face.

“Pensioners have every right to feel conned. Scott Morrison should not be propping up his budget on the back of pensioners.”

In Parliament, she asked the Morrison government to confirm whether only a fraction of pensioners will secure the maximum amount of $800.

“How can the Prime Minister explain this broken promise,” she asked.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg responded to the question instead of the Prime Minister, stressing the government said that pensioners will receive “up to” that amount.


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Gus: Kick Scummo out. He's a disgrace...