Sunday 9th of March 2025

rattus land rights .....


rattus land rights .....

Nullarbor set to have world's biggest golf course

The Federal Government has agreed to fund what is set to become the world's biggest golf course.

The 18 hole course stretches 1,300 kilometres across the Nullarbor Plain between Kalgoorlie and Ceduna in South Australia.

It will also provide historical information at each hole.

The Eyre Highway Operators Association which is involved in the project says the $330, 000 from the Commonwealth will trigger a series of state grants.

The association's President Bob Bongiorno says it will be a major tourist attraction.

"Which is three times the size of Japan, twice the size of Texas and one and a third the length of the British Isles, it's a very exciting concept," he said.

"Most people try to traverse the [Nullarbor] journey as quick as possible and they just endure it rather than making it part of the holiday and hopefully this is the catalyst for actually slowing people down and enjoying that part of the journey."

Nullarbor Set To Have World's Biggest Golf Course

Gus: why do people have to muddle with the integrity of the largest Karst plateau on earth... the Nullarbor plain? Just to play a few holes?... The surface of the Nullarbor is peppered with natural sink holes anyway, with many large caves below... A wonder of nature in its entirety... A golf course? A major tourist attraction? Imagine having to maintain the greens...

Do I see a bit of pork barrellling in the salt bushes?

muddled in the pigeon loft...

Bush to Hillary Clinton:
I'm Truman, You're Ike

President Bush told a group of broadcasters that he was impressed with Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign. (AP).

Karl Rove may not think much of Hillary Rodham Clinton's chances of winning the White House, but it sounds like President Bush is less sanguine. At an off-the-record lunch a week ago, Bush expressed admiration for her tenacity in the campaign. And he left some in the room with the impression that he thinks she will win the election and has been thinking about how to turn over the country to her.

Gus: something got lost in Bushit's little messed up brain.... Truman was a Democrat and Ike was a Republican.... Truman was a man of peace and Ike was a man of war... Boofhead Junior Bush also known as Turd Blossom should be impeached, just for meddling with history... But he should also be charged with war crimes against humanity for having waged an illegal war — which according to Mr Moneybags, the former US Fed Bank manager "everyone knew it was mostly about oil"...

So, killing people for oil is okay? In fact the war in Iraq is a deadly mirage... At no time was the war officially declared by Turd Blossom. He just started to bomb a restaurant in Baghdad and everything went down from there, despite a "mishun accumplished" misleading landing on an aircraft carrier...

Yes, I know, if Bushit was put in front of a war crime tribunal, he would soon be discharged for insanity... Our own insanity for putting him up there.

Bush's (and Howard's) little mess...

How Iraq's war has turned friendship between families into sectarian hatred By Kim Sengupta in Baghdad Published: 24 September 2007

They are two Iraqi families, one Shia, the other Sunni, who once lived in what were called "mixed" neighbourhoods. Now they are among the 2 million internal refugees in the country, a vast and desperate pool of the dispossessed whose numbers have risen massively along with US troop "surge" operations.

The forced migration, called "a human tragedy unprecedented in the country's history" in the latest Iraqi Red Crescent report, has uprooted communities from homes they have occupied for decades. In Baghdad, the focus of US military action, there are a million displaced people in a population of four million.

Another two million people, according to UN estimates, have fled abroad. Amnesty International, in a report released today, identifies Britain as forcibly returning more Iraqi refugees than any other country in Europe.

But it is the internal diaspora that is causing acute problems in this fractured society, with numbers rising by 71 per cent in just one month, according to the Red Crescent. The Independent has spoken to two families, the al-Rawis and the al-Amirys, who had been forced to flee their homes. In both cases the horrors they endured have turned tolerance and friendship across the religious divide into sectarian anger and hatred.

read more at the Independent 

More Bush's (and Howard) little mess...

Graft in Contracts Spread From Kuwait Base
Published: September 24, 2007

CASTOR, La. — On the fourth Sunday in July, John Lee Cockerham was here in his hometown for the baptism of his twin sons.

People in this northwest corner of Louisiana think of him as an unlikely success story, a man who started with nothing to become a major in the Army. He and his 17 siblings grew up without electricity and running water. His parents earned barely enough to keep everyone fed.

Yet even after he made it out of Castor, his ties to these backwoods remained strong. The congregation at New Friendship Baptist Church celebrated his last promotion with a parade. At his sons’ baptism, he told fellow worshipers that he hoped to instill in his children the values he had wrested from hardship.

Less than 24 hours later Major Cockerham was behind bars, accused of orchestrating the largest single bribery scheme against the military since the start of the Iraq war. According to the authorities, the 41-year-old officer, with his wife and a sister, used an elaborate network of offshore bank accounts and safe deposit boxes to hide nearly $10 million in bribes from companies seeking military contracts.


Gus: I squarely blame the triumvirate of the willing for having creating the opportunity for such bad things to happen... not only that, it appears to me that the way the Bushit administration structured the plunder of Iraq, it was setting up the usual payola, that our Howard, of course, cannot remember or never saw the memo in regard to the AWB bribes... while the cleaning lady knew what was going on... meanwhile a few more US troops ate some dust... while the Iraqi population now hate each others sectarianism unleashed by the Bushit... The great con artist, bushit is... and lets not forget our brown-nosed woolly Rattus... and Paul Brenner who sowed the seeds of GM confusion...

Sad death shift

A man who survived a civil war in Sudan died working as a translator for the U.S. Army in Iraq. Beer Ayuel spent several years in Atlanta before "The Lost Boys" were resettled here.

The young men, including Ayuel, escaped war in Sudan by wandering the countryside for years. Ayuel was a leader in the Sudanese community in Atlanta. He recently became a U.S. citizen and married his long-time fiancee. He died after spending only 17 days in Iraq.

Iron bar clad argument

Tuckey backs Opposition wheat policy

Government back bencher Wilson Tuckey has supported the federal Opposition's plan to abolish Australia's wheat export monopoly, saying the Coalition's current policy works against farmers.

Labor says it would establish a new wheat policy that will allow several companies to export Australian wheat while still retaining a single desk.

Agriculture Minister Peter McGauran has rejected the plan but Mr Tuckey says it would provide farmers with more choices.

Mr Tuckey says the plan resembles a Private Members Bill he introduced into Parliament two years ago.

"It's clear that the Labor Party seems to understand economics on this issue better than we do, or our National Party friends do," he said.

"They say that they believe they will best maximise grower returns."

playing long ball...

Golfers will be able to give their clubs an outback workout from next month when a golf course, touted as the world's longest, opens on the Nullarbor Plain.

Nullarbor Links covers 1365 kilometres and crosses two states. It begins and ends (depending on which way you approach it) in the goldmining town of Kalgoorlie in Western Australia and the coastal town of Ceduna in South Australia.

Golfers will have to contend with more than strong winds and water hazards on the par 72 course.

In addition to tackling the rough desert terrain, there will be wombats, camels and kangaroos to dodge. Not to mention the resident ball-stealing crow.


See toon at top... Have the golf-course-makers thought of the sink holes?...

happy birthday...

The world's longest golf course in outback Australia has just celebrated its 10th anniversary and appears to be growing in popularity as a tourist attraction. 

Key points
  • 'A little peculiar' is how some have described the world's longest golf course in the outback
  • The concept for the attraction was conceived over a drink in a bid to keep tourists in the area for longer
  • Celebrating its 10th birthday, the 1,365km course is gaining popularity with golfers from around the world


The 18-hole Nullarbor Links spans 1,365 kilometres from Ceduna in South Australia to the Western Australian mining city of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. 


Read more:



Read from top.


Meanwhile in golf-poo-hazards Tasmania...


A wildlife cull prompted by animal faeces on the greens of a suburban Tasmanian golf course has angered animal welfare advocates and some local residents.

Key points: 
  • Launceston Golf Club has approval to cull native species "causing damage"
  • Wildlife rehabilitation carers and some local residents are against the move
  • The golf club has declined to comment


The Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment (DPIPWE) has granted the Launceston Golf Club a permit to cull species that have been "causing damage to the golf course", including ducks, possums, native hens and wallabies.

Launceston resident Sarah Bryan said she first heard of the cull after the golf club put letters in the mailboxes of homes near the green.

The letter informing residents of planned "population reduction" was dated April 29, but Ms Bryan said locals didn't receive them until May 1 — the day the cull was supposed to start.


Read more:




I know that many golf courses in Australia are a "kangaroo hazard"... The good part is the green keepers rarely use the lawn mower... but need the poopascoopa when there is too much fertiliza...