Friday 17th of May 2024

the resurrection of "little paulie" .....

the resurrection of "little paulie" .....

In an interview with the Financial Times, former World Bank President. “little paulie” Wolfowitz - who resigned in scandal after granting a substantial pay raise to his girlfriend - "vowed to continue in political life."

In that effort, he said he would be joining the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think-tank in Washington, which would allow him “to continue influencing public policy." AEI has become notorious for its stranglehold on the bushit administration.

In February, bushit stated: "I admire AEI a lot. After all, I have been consistently borrowing some of your best people. More than 20 AEI scholars have worked in my administration."

Some of the "best” people (can you think of anyone worse) who bushit has recruited include former UN ambassador John Bolton; Fred Kagan, the "architect" of the Iraq war; Richard Perle, an early proponent of regime change in Iraq & John Yoo, an architect of bushit's detainee torture policies.

Despite the lack of progress in the war, AEI analysts like Fred Kagan continue to argue that "we are turning a corner in Iraq."

“Little wolfie's” tenure at the World Bank - filling top posts with Iraq war allies, doctoring climate change reports & pursuing anti-abortion policies - are in line with AEI's policies. The phoney patriot also said that he is "[leaving] open the possibility of rejoining the government, in what would be a remarkable political rehabilitation."

“Aussie tony” would be proud …..

"we’ve been bombing Iraq for 10 years"...

From the American Conservative

Stupid Party

Republicans rage against Ron Paul.

by Kara Hopkins

It was a dangerous night in South Carolina: the ten candidates for the Republican nomination gathered, and a debate broke out. Damage control was swift. Party elders rushed to excommunicate the instigator. Pundits howled, bloggers convulsed: “moonbat on Kool Aid,” “crackpot,” “cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.”

But for all that pious fury, a candidate few Americans had heard of owned the next day’s headlines. Ron Paul had committed the sin of truth—and the reaction revealed much about the party that shunned him.

The evening began predictably enough. Focus-grouped down to their ties, the heavyweights managed to attach conviction to issues they rarely think about, while a pack of also-rans nipped at their wingtips. The audience inserted polite applause. Then the play went off script.

Asked if bringing our troops home from Iraq was really a Republican position, Ron Paul countered, “There’s a strong tradition of being antiwar in the Republican Party. It is the constitutional position.” Had 9/11 altered that, his questioner inquired. Paul responded that American foreign policy was a “major contributing factor. … They attacked us because we’ve been over there; we’ve been bombing Iraq for 10 years…” The crowd went silent. “Are you suggesting that we invited the 9/11 attacks, sir?” A more packaged candidate would have prefaced his answer with a disclaimer—“Of course we did nothing to deserve the attacks.” Paul believes this, but he doesn’t park on Madison Avenue. “I’m suggesting that we listen to the people who attacked us and the reason they did it…”



from the land where nothing matters .....

Newsweek reports that Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz has been rewarded with a new position in the Bushit administration that will allow him to oversee classified intelligence and inform policies on weapons of mass destruction issues.  

Wolfie will be chairman of the State Department's "prestigious" International Security Advisory Board, "which has access to highly classified intelligence, advises [Secretary of State Condoleezza] Rice on disarmament, nuclear proliferation, WMD issues and other matters."  

Prior to the Iraq war, Wolfie established the Office of Special Plans in the Pentagon to skirt the intelligence community & peddle the most egregiously false claims of Iraqi WMD.  

In 2003, Wolfie referenced "Iraqi efforts to procure uranium from abroad," despite the fact that the claim had already been discredited by the CIA.  

A few months after the Iraq invasion, Wolfie admitted that claims of Iraqi WMD were used as political tools to achieve consensus for the war.

Laura Rozen at Mother Jones notes that Wolfie's new position "doesn't require Senate confirmation." 

Wolfie would be the model of a scholar & statesman but for one fact: he is completely inept.

His three-decade career in US foreign policy can be summed up by the term that Bushit coined to describe the war in Iraq that Wolfowitz promoted & helped to oversee: a "catastrophic success." 

Even the greatest statesman makes some mistakes, but Wolfie is perfectly incompetent.

He is the Mozart of ineptitude, the Einstein of incapacity.

To be sure, he has his virtues, the foremost of which is consistency.

He has been consistently wrong about foreign policy for 30 years.

hair raiser .....

When in doubt, put a corrupt thug in charge of delicate matters to further illegal causes, encourage conflict, and create more alienation from the US. 

Paul "Spit On My Comb" Wolfowitz has a brand new job! 

Paul Wolfowitz, an architect of the Iraq war who was forced to resign from the World Bank because of an ethics scandal, will chair a U.S. advisory panel on arms control, the State Department said on Thursday. 

How wise, hiring WolfaHalfWitz for a position that he will no doubt use to bungle and/or further endanger the U.S. Well, at least he'll be able to afford a new comb. 

The former deputy secretary of defense and advocate of the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq will head the State Department's International Security Advisory Board, which gives the department independent advice on arms control, disarmament, international security and other matters. 

Wolfowitz was forced to resign as president of the World Bank last year after a bank panel found he broke several of its rules by involving himself in the promotion of his companion Shaha Riza, a Middle East expert at the bank. 

Disgraced Warmonger Wolfowitz To Chair US Panel On Arms Control