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welcolme to the cockroaches overlord...![]() When the Roald Dahl's family recently apologised for anti-Semitic comments made by the best-selling author, who died in 1990, it created a stir… Hey, there is money at stake! A couple of projects demands the sanitation of the famous storyteller persona. With the enduring popularity of his novels, Roald Dahl's estate continues to be highly lucrative, posting annual pre-tax profits of £12.7m in 2018 - largely thanks to film and television deals. In October this year, a new film version of The Witches was released starring Anne Hathaway, and in March Netflix announced a forthcoming adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The Roald Dahl Story Company later added: "Apologising for the words of a much-loved grandparent is a challenging thing to do, but made more difficult when the words are so hurtful to an entire community. "We loved Roald, but we passionately disagree with his anti-Semitic comments. This is why we chose to apologise on our website.” Roald would be spinning in his grave. He would not apologise. Never. “The Witches”… 3 stars from the old and decrepit critics. But the children might give it seven out of five. Who knows. We might have to break up the kiddish statistics in between Arian, Jewish and Arabic kiddies. What about the Chinese GUGUMIZAs or the Indian KATIKATIs? The other project is from a Jewish-Maori: Netflix just announced that the Academy Award-winning Maori-Jewish filmmaker Taika Waititi will write, direct and executive produce two series based on the work of author Roald Dahl for the streaming platform. The first is a series based on “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” and another focusing specifically on the Oompa-Loompas. This was easily the best news of the week. It’s not just that Taika Waititi is an incredibly talented filmmaker. It’s not just that his trademark dark, quirky humor makes him a perfect fit for this project. It’s not just that Waititi’s work always manages to be moving and delightful. No, what really makes this project exciting is that it would totally have pissed off Roald Dahl. In case you weren’t aware, Roald Dahl was an anti-Semite. And not a subtle one. ——————————— Yes, Roald Dahl was not only strongly antisemitic, he was anti-religions for their self-contained hypocrisy and he was also a misogynist… What a good cockroach... Just so we’re clear: He was proud of it. He never apologized. He went to his grave believing that Jews control the media and that Hitler “didn’t just pick on them for no reason.” So how did Roald manage to become so popular amongst children? Roald Dahl wrote what kids understood/understand: nonsense. BUNGO BUNI DAFU LUNI YUBEE LUNI! What language was that in? It does not matter: it make funny noises… You laugh. KIRASUKU MALIBUKU WEEBEE WIZE UN YUBEE KUKU! Hey hey! … We adults bathe in historical facts and they’re not pretty. We kill each others. Amerika and Israel are at one point of the spearhead… And the Muslims are eager to participate. Nonsense can go anywhere as long as it sends good vibes, mostly at the end, and that danger is never real. If one bleeds, it has to be chocolate sauce. In 1543, Luther published On the Jews and Their Lies in which he wrote that the Jews are a “base, whoring people, that is, no people of God, and their boast of lineage, circumcision, and law must be accounted as filth." Full of the "devil's feces … which they wallow in like swine." The synagogue was a "defiled bride, yes, an incorrigible whore and an evil slut ..." Luther advocated that their synagogues and schools be set on fire, their prayer books destroyed, rabbis forbidden to preach, homes razed, and property and money confiscated. They should be shown no mercy nor kindness, afforded no legal protection, and these "poisonous envenomed worms" should be drafted into forced labor or expelled for all time. He also advocate murdering them, writing “(We) are at fault in not slaying them." Strong words indeed... What did the Jews do to deserve this? Fair question… Answer: ? (We have no clue…) So, what is the connection between Luther and Dahl?… Roald Dahl was born in Cardiff, Wales and grew up in various boarding schools in Wales and England. Both of his parents were Norwegian immigrants to Wales, and Dahl was baptised and raised in the Church of Norway, a Lutheran denomination of Christianity. Now we’re getting somewhere… Meanwhile, another source warns us: Attention, Reader: This book is not published for sectarian purposes. The publishers, as indicated above, are also publishing the edicts of more than 20 popes who dealt with the Jewish problem. Their edicts are as strong as anything contained in this work by Dr. Martin Luther. So the Popes were at it also… It's religious crap versus religious bullshit versus religious stupidity… And people killed each others over this. And still do. The end vision is for one or the other to “conquer the world”, except we, gentiles, have taken the notion that the Jews prefer to “rule the world” instead. It makes more sense. So presently the punch ups between all parties in the Middle East is as old as Abraham himself. He’s the guilty dude! And what to do about the Western World trying to play referee when it is a cold-bloody participant?? We have to mention the divisions within each group, some of Muslims hating the other Muslims for whatever blasphemous beliefs. It’s the Persian Shia versus the Sunni Saudis, with a splattering of small despotic countries in between, like the UAE and Qatar now aligning themselves with the Jews against the Persians. It’s ugly. At this stage, the war between the Lutherans (morphed into evangelicals) and the Catholics that used to be cut-throat, is now "peacefully" embedded in the hypocritical elections of a US President. And there’s been a nasty dispute about the result... The Muslim invasion of Europe is on, slowly. Faster than the Europeans think. There will be a time when all the gentile Arians will have to move to Antarctica to maintain their secular freedom… There in the cold winters, they will have to dream of reconquering the world for sanity against the insane peoples of god, of Allah or those of Cockroacher. GL. God eradicator.
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self-appointed prophets of the cockroaches...
In his groundbreaking book, Le messie et son prophète: Aux origines de l’Islam, Edouard-Marie Gallez lifts the veil and lets us see the historical roots of Islam. He shows it originating in a vast movement of messianic Jews called “Ebionites” or “Nazareens.” These non-rabbinical Jews accepted Jesus as the messiah, but not as the divine Logos.
Gallez shows how the scrolls and fragments found in the Qumram caves by the Dead Sea and in the vicinity of Massada illuminate the ideology behind this movement of Jews, who were eager and willing to follow the messiah into holy war, believing they would thereby save the world.
Unlike rabbinical Jews, who looked to the past, these men looked forward to an earthly utopia that would come only after mass exterminations. Like the later Muslims, they believed that the messiah had not died on the Cross but had been taken up alive into heaven and was ready, whenever the conditions were right (i.e., when Palestine was no longer in the hands of the impious and the Temple had been rebuilt), to return to the Mount of Olives and lead them to the subjugation of the entire world. The Nazareens, like the Muslims, forbade pork and wine…
The first tome of this magisterial work of about a thousand pages deals with the Essenes, the Qumram documents, and the Jewish Messianic movement from its rise in the 2nd-century B.C. to its culmination in 7th-century Islam.
The second tome is devoted in large part to the birth of Islam, the attempt to erase the Nazareen legacy, and the traces of it that remain in the Qur’an, which started as a compilation of Nazareen lectionaries (“qery’n,” to which the Arab word qur’an corresponds). These lectionaries were initially given to the Arab Qorechites to indoctrinate them into the messianic ideology and engage them in the conquest of Palestine.
The Muhammad of History
The last chapter of the second tome is entitled “The Historical Muhammad: a Portrait” and based on sources dating from the 7th century. Let me start with this extraordinary chapter and then return to survey how the two tomes lead up to this “Portrait.” Gallez states that Muhammad’s first wife Hadija, a rich widow who was older than he, was a cousin of the Nazareen priest Waraqa ibn Nawfal, so she was probably a Nazareen herself. Waraqa was also a distant cousin of Muhammad’s and played an important role in their marriage. (This leads me to wonder whether Muhammad himself was not part Jewish, but Gallez does not raise this question.) Waraqa had indoctrinated the Arab tribe of the Qorechites, who were previously Christian, into joining the Nazareen cause, which was to regain Jerusalem by force of arms and bring about the messiah’s prompt return. When Chosroes led a Persian expedition into Palestine in 614, thousands of rabbinical Jews gave him assistance (one Jewish encyclopedia cited by Gallez puts their number at 24,000), and so the Persian [Iran] general, in return for his easy victory, gave them control over Jerusalem. In the same expedition, Muhammad (a surname which in the Nazareen language meant “one who desires to please God”) probably led his Qorechite warriors into Jerusalem, but the rabbinical Jews, who had been installed as masters there, expelled him and his Qorechites, as well as the Nazareens. Even so, Muhammad had now seen that it was possible to conquer Jerusalem.
The Byzantine Emperor [Heraclius] began his re-conquest of the region in the early 620s, so the Persians abandoned Jerusalem in 622. Gallez thinks it likely that Muhammad’s emigration or hegira towards the oasis of Yatrib (Medina) was the result of this Christian re-conquest. The Chronicle of Sebeos (660) reports that in Yatrib, Muhammad, as a Nazareen follower of the Torah — prohibited wine — and had a Jewish woman and her lover stoned to death for adultery. In Yatrib he won over the surrounding Arab tribes by preaching to them that God had promised Palestine to Abraham’s descendants and, since they themselves were the descendants of Abraham, they would inherit that promise if they returned to the worship of the one God of Abraham and of him alone. This preaching was intended to make them abandon their Christian religion. Contrary to what Muslims say, the conversion of the Arabs had started three centuries earlier, and Maximus the Confessor had written about them in 632, that among them “the error of polytheism had disappeared.”
Muhammad’s success is confirmed by the Chronicle of Jacob of Edessa (before 692) and also by Doctrina Jacobi (before 640). In the latter we learn that some rabbinical Jews arriving in Yatrib in 625 or 627 found the Arabs there already impregnated with the Nazareen ideology and their chieftain Muhammad “proclaiming the coming of the messiah” with such charism that they were all united firmly under his authority. The Chronography of Theophane (who died in 817) states that in 622 some rabbinical Jews known to the Byzantines attached themselves to Muhammad: they saw him as one of “their prophets,” the one who, as Malachy 3:23 foretold, would precede the messiah. In the 8th-century Secrets of Rabbi ben Yohay, a Jewish apocalypse, there is a passage going back to 650 where a rabbinical Jew still believes the Messiah will come if Umar rebuilds the Temple. (Would rabbinical Jews, I wonder, have attached themselves to a “prophet” who wasn’t at least part Jewish? Again, Gallez does not raise this question.)
Muhammad and his Arab troops soon began making incursions into Palestine to “liberate” it and restore “the House of God.” He and his followers called themselves “muhajirun” or “emigrants” living out a new Exodus. Others called them “Hagarenes” and “Saracens,” but they themselves kept this unique name of “muhajirun” for at least three generations. This was the name they used in official documents, such as the Charter of Medina (Yatrib), a pact which included Jews (the Nazareens) in their “Umma,” or confraternity of war. Gallez explains that “muhajirun” meant “those who have left their country or emigrated in order to fight for God.” It is only in 775 that they start calling themselves “muslimun” and that “islam” replaces “hijra.” In 629 Muhammad led an attempt to conquer Jerusalem, but was defeated by the Byzantines at Muta, southeast of the Jordan. He died a few years later, probably in 634, the same year that Sophrone, Patriarch of Jerusalem, reported that the Arabs were boasting about “conquering the world.”
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Long live Charlie Hebdo... and the crass freedom.
welcome to the real world...
What was this about?
We cannot afford giving god, allah or any superior-being the credit for having created the universe in which our planet has been a small grain of sand for the last 4.6 billions years.
We are in trouble. We are about to loose much of nature, we are about warming the planet beyond our comfort and we have the power to destroy ourselves, the whole of humanity, about 5 times over with nuclear thingies. And we still pray uselessly to Shitface in the sky above. Are we nuts?
Please don’t answer this. I know. We’re nuts. But can we come to some sort of reality and understand that the human history is full of crap, designed to give power to some people over others, whether we are Jews, Muslims, Christians, women, men and dogs. We have made ourselves masters of this planet natural evolution and we’ve understood bugger all about the processes, including those that give us our power of thinking. Molecular thinking. God is an idiot that we invented to manage the fear of death… He ain’t going to improve your status.
So what was this all about?
Scientific secularity is the only way to progress, without the shackles of our woeful stupid history. But sciences cannot be absorbed nor controlled by politics and religions. By now if you still doubtful, politics is a mugs' game in which we’re invited from time to time to place a bet on one or another sociopathic moron. And while secularity has been a force since Enlightenment, our growing mercantile activity is destroying the planet for hamburgers. We’re intelligent but not smart.
We have to come to terms with our loneliness in the universe and learn to live with each others and nature without any religious values. We simply have to be humans in a natural evolving environment.
As we lie through arts for entertainment, we have to be truthful with sciences.
Welcome to the real world.
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Meanwhile, be prepared to weather a storm of religious bullshit…
As we are already through one fifth of the "21st century", the religious mobs see their power control slipping. Thus they try hard to ensure the sociopath we elect as US president is either Catholic or an Evangelical Nut, here placed against the reality of natural evolution, but in the dangerous glory of US exceptionalism. It’s hard to know how even a Joe Biden, a Catholic, can understand any scientific questions without being conflicted and confused. Oh I know how he does it: he is a politician... You work this one out... We also know that some media, including some idiotic Russian media, still push a social “religious” agenda with stupid articles, possibly with the sole purpose to annoy Mr Leonisky.
Here comes Claudio Chianese:
Modern science, born as a reaction from below to the unquestionable truths of the Scriptures, is now removed from the doubts that come precisely from below; raised to the rank of untouchable faith by a tireless army of televised priests. For this reason today it is necessary to defend science from itself, from the tendency to transform itself into a congregation of theologians, extraneous to society and intolerant of democratic control.
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EXCUSE ME? Religion invented BIG BROTHER! Hell…. "The unquestionable truths of the Scriptures"? Please, the nonsense of Roald Dahl makes more sense and contains more truth than the “sermon on the mount”. “Modern science, born as a reaction from below to the unquestionable truths of the Scriptures” is crap. Some smart people could see that religious beliefs were bullshit, thus decided to explore reality with observations. It was not reactionary, but totally PROGRESSIVE (in the true sense of the word, not its political application).
Claudio Chianese quotes one of the great American generals of the last century, Omar Bradley who died, almost 90, in 1981... In a 1948 speech, Bradley had said:
"We have many men of science, but few men of God. We have understood the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount. The world developed genius without consciousness.”
So? "The world developed genius without consciousness" is a stupid meaningless statement. Please explain genius and explain consciousness...
After 2000 years of religious lies including religious wars, some ENLIGHTENED people awoke to the fact they have been told porkies. Even the sermon on the mount is a gross abuse of human capable understanding.
Believe in god if you will, but keep this illusion/delusion of Him (god is male) away from the political levers and scientific understanding of spacial naturalness. Sciences are not easy. They demand logical complex computations and an absence of a-priori (absence of faith) — unlike religion that says god made the universe in six days and had a rest on the seventh some 6,000 years ago… How can you believe this scriptural shit?
Understanding the “mystery” of the atom is far more important than farting around with god’s moods — "His" (god is a male) love and wrath… because god does not exist. In order to support his hollow thesis, Claudio Chianese quotes Paul Feyerabend (we have mentioned him there) who wrote in 1975:
"Without chaos there is no knowledge. Without frequent renunciation of reason there is no progress. [...] We must therefore conclude that, within science, reason cannot and should not dominate everything and that it must often be defeated, or eliminated, in favor of other instances. There is not even a rule that remains valid in all circumstances and there is nothing to which one can always appeal.”
This was not an appeal by Feyerabend to believe in god! What Paul Feyerabend did was to suggest the scientific processes and philosophic understanding also needed some “invention” through lateral thinking and imagination to progress. And guess what? This was Einstein's baby… “Imagination is better than knowledge” is the incomplete quote seen on T-shirts… But without knowledge there is no imagination. Meanwhile, please understand that the so-called knowledge (knowing-without-questioning) of the scriptures is an imagination killer: believe or else. It's loony.
In sciences, one asks questions and there are answers that are plausible, verifiable and repeatable. Enters the telephonic "miracle" of the shoe-phone... The major problem with religions is that they believe in perfection which is a scientific anathema. Perfection is frigid and dogmatically uncreative. Nowhere to go. Feyerabend knew this.
So, we need to expose the idiocy of Claudio Chianese who has a narrow point of view which is Western Christian centric to say the least. It’s awful to think that an adult like Claudio — I guess he is above the age of 14 — still believe in Santa Claus.
Go away…
dunking religions into the historical toilet bowl...
The French leader and President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi held a joint press conference at the Elysee Palace during a state visit by the Egyptian president on Monday.
While the two praised one another for their efforts in challenging Islamic extremism, they also expressed opposing views on the role of religion and free speech, stemming from the circulating of controversial cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed, which many Muslims find blasphemous.
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Please, Freedom of expression is far more "sacred" (important) than the image of a prophet who was only a human controller of ideas at a specific time of history... Yes we agree, the images from Charlie Hebdo are low class, crass, crude, idiotic and childish... Meanwhile, read from top...
We, dumb Westerners, had the same discussions about Christianity more than 200 years ago — discussions we should have had more than 1700 years ago when the lies of Christianity were being formalised under Constantine (way before Mohammed was born). This image (below) from 1913 was part of our coming to terms with the repression of evolving human intelligence — a repression coming from religion:
The Crucified Venus is an expression of Norman Lindsay’s belief that Christianity is a repressive force: clerics and puritans are shown nailing up the goddess of love. The drawing was shown in Melbourne in 1913, provoking such hostility and debate that it was first removed from, and then reinstated in, the exhibition. It was later destroyed in a fire.
A preparatory pencil sketch for The Crucified Venus was on show in Glorious Days, on loan from the Norman Lindsay Gallery, National Trust of Australia (NSW).
Extract (from Gus's private collection):
The full image:
Rather than attract attention to your exclusive sacredness, let humanity be more human... Don't worry about the images. Worry about the guns.
France's Macron defends arms sales to Egypt despite rights concernsFrench President Emmanuel Macron says French arms sales to Egypt would go ahead despite its poor human rights record. At a meeting with that country's president, he said Egypt's fight against terrorism was paramount.
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Freedom of expression is the necessary evil of understanding who we really are.
Selling weapons is only a balance sheet gymnastics. It won't help in the "fight against terrorism".
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Note: Luther hated the Muslims as well, but slightly less than the Jews...
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