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aliens, evolution and wet gunpowder...![]() We know that history has been falsified and that it is falsified daily. We know that… On this site we exposed one of the earliest deception of historical records with the Blood Rivers of Babylon… We have also exposed how the culprits for an illegal war, the war on Saddam fabricated “intelligence” and published their memoirs — [our post has more than 16,000 reads] which to say the least were falsified record of what really happened. Bush, Blair and Howard should be in prison like all the Germans who were judged at the Nuremberg trials and hanged thereafter. So, OffGuardian (via Gloria Moss), in an attempt to tell us about the Guy Fawkes fake evidence against him, mentions a John Hamer book:
According to historians of the gunpowder plot, the official story of this event concealed the extent to which the British establishment of the day may have enhanced their popularity and personal profits by pushing a version of events that drew Britain into decades of profitable war against Catholic Spain and Portugal. Most recently, this view has been expressed by John Hamer (in his Falsification of History) and by Webster Tarpley (in his videos about the Gunpowder Plot ). The earliest and fullest account however occurs in John Gerard’s 1897 book, What was the Gunpowder Plot?
Gerard’s detailed investigation concludes that “the government consistently falsified the story”. Since this is the earliest account to openly declare this, and since it predates the CIA’s label of ‘conspiracy theory’ by some seventy years, it is worth reviewing the evidence underpinning this statement. The blurb for The Falsification of History attractively tells us: This book relates the current, insidious plight facing the human race as a direct result of a grand deception that has been imposed upon it for tens of thousands of years if not longer. This has been perpetrated by the systematic, ongoing falsification of history in much the same way as perpetrated by the powers that be in the suspiciously prophetic novel ‘1984’, by George Orwell. We have all been deceived on a monumental scale by a tiny clique of people who by their own birthright and bloodlines absolutely believe that they have the divine right to rule over us by whatever method best suits their purposes. In order to achieve this they have lied, deceived, murdered and even committed genocide down the millennia in an attempt to bring their ultimate goal to fruition. Find out about the use of drugs, vaccinations, micro-chipping, mind control, trans-humanism and 24/7 distractions such as non-stop sports, entertainments and the invasive ‘celebrity culture’ that attempts to pervade our whole lives. Yes we know (or we don’t…) So what’s the beef? Why is Gus annoyed at this book (and at John Hamer’s pseudo-peddlings?), knowing well that history is not accurately depicting the process of being (or becoming) human? Ho! I see, Hamer favours the theory of aliens having seeded the earth with humans… WOW! As far as he is concerned he follows the theory developed into a certainty by a certain doctor Chang: Scientists are in shock: Scientist confirms that aliens have created the human race Were there civilizations of advanced humans scattered throughout the galaxies? A group of researchers working on the Human Genome Project made an impressive discovery! The results of the study made the Christians angry. Angry Christians? Bullshit! They should be happy… All they have to do is clothe the aliens in big white robe, give them angelic features like wings on their back and call their boss: GOD! And we’re back on track. The aliens created Adam and Eve from scratch and Bob’s your uncle... But Professor Chang's research team concludes that the alien programmers, probably in a hurry, might have been ordered to make us imperfect when they focused on the "Earth project” in order to complete it in due time. So is this why we're dumb assssses?… Good question… They believe that 97% of human DNA that is formed, by so-called "uncoded sequences", are nothing less than genetic codes of extraterrestrial life forms. Uncoded sequences are common in all living organisms on Earth, from cells to fish to humans. They constitute a large part of human DNA, says Professor Sam Chang, leader of the group. The uncoded sequences, originally known as "DNA-GARBAGE", were discovered years ago and their function remains a mystery. The overwhelming majority of human DNA comes from outside our planet. These obvious "extraterrestrial garbage genes" simply "enjoy the ride" with the other active genes passing from generation to generation. Professor Chang also states that "Our hypothesis is that a higher form of extraterrestrial life was concerned with creating new forms of life and planting them on various planets. Earth is just one of them. Perhaps, after programming us, our creators took care of creating us how we create bacteria in laboratories. We do not know their motives, whether it was to be a scientific experiment, or a way to prepare new planets for colonization, or whether it is a long-term job of seeding life in the universe." Here we have to go to the historical record as interpreted by John Hamer. He shows us a lot of convinced (I did not say convincing) evidence that aliens visited this planet and we, with our moronic civilisation, interpreted and recorded these visits, that obviously gave us the power to build pyramids to glorify the sun and to devise dunnies (enclosed/outdoor Australian latrines or shithouses) to solve an obvious problem. Now you know everything. And below is what I was lazily writing this morning before this illuminated alien invasion came to enhance or spoil my day. Take your pick…: knowledgisation vs thinking, emotions vs knowledgisation. These are two distinct shifty characters of the human psyche. Einstein favoured imagination above knowledge, though one needs a bit of knowledge, even if it’s grunty language, in order to survive and imagine. Is knowledge thinking? So, what is knowledge? Does knowledge influence our choices? Are we victims of thinking too much? Are emotions the way to go? Do we know enough? Sometimes you see reporters do a piece to camera and with seemingly perfect knowledge of the subject they present, one gets a feeling that they have not been thinking one bit about it. Is our perception due to their clothes, the voice which does not carry the level of seriousness demanded by the subject of the piece or due to the overdone make-up? Or is it the way they hold the microphone like a whatever toy. Now an important question arises: Are these reporters aliens? Do we need Men In Black or Ghostbusters to check? Well, the real scientists have put their thinking caps on: Would you purchase a book with over 98 percent of the text written in gibberish? Biology has no business in the book industry, yet it still writes a pretty fascinating guidebook: DNA. Our genetic manual holds the instructions for the proteins that make up and power our bodies. But less than 2 percent of our DNA actually codes for them. The rest — 98.5 percent of DNA sequences — is so-called “junk DNA” that scientists long thought useless. The non-protein-coding stretches looked like gibberish sentences in a book draft — useless, perhaps forgotten, writing. But new research is revealing that the “junky” parts of our genome might play important roles nonetheless. Nature has a peculiar way of writing. Our genetic script uses only four letters: A, G, C, and T. Long combinations of these letters make up our genes, which inform the construction of proteins. But the protein-making process is not as straightforward as reading a cooking recipe. Before putting proteins together, DNA gets transcribed into threads of RNA that are chopped and reassembled into smaller pieces. During the chopping, the non-coding stretches — the junk — are discarded, meaning they never even get used to make proteins. Why nature carries so much seemingly unnecessary material in its guidebook is a question that researchers continue to ponder. The most logical explanation is that this “junk DNA” might not be so useless after all. Nearly a decade after the completion of the Human Genome Project, which gave us the first full read of our genetic script at the start of the century, a team of over 400 scientists released what they called the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements, or ENCODE for short. The international collaboration explored the function of every letter in the genome. The results of the massive undertaking called for a reassessment of junk DNA. Though less than two percent of the genome makes proteins, around 80 percent carries out some sort of function. What fell into ENCODE’s definition of functionality was pretty broad, however. Any “biochemical activity” was fair game — getting transcribed into RNA, even if chopped later in the process, qualified sequences as functional. But many of the “junk” sections do have important roles, including regulating how DNA is transcribed and translated from there into proteins. If protein-coding sequences are the notes of a symphony, then some of the non-coding sequences act like the conductor, influencing the pace and repetitions of the masterpiece. But not every bit of junk DNA might have a functional use. In a study published in Molecular Biology of the Cell in 2008, scientists cleaned junk DNA from yeast’s genome. For particular genes, they got rid of introns — the sections that get chopped away after DNA transcription. They reported the intron removal had no significant consequences for the cells under laboratory conditions, supporting the notion that they don’t have any function. But studies published in Nature this year argued otherwise. When food is scarce, researchers found these sequences are essential for yeast survival. The usefulness of these introns might depend on the context, these studies argue — still a far cry from being junk. Useful JunkOther research advances in the last decade also suggest “junk DNA” might just be misunderstood genetic material. Scientists have now linked various non-coding sequences to various biological processes and even human diseases. For instance, researchers believe these sequences are behind the development of the uterus and also of our opposable thumbs. A study published in Annals of Oncology last year showed that a non-coding DNA segment acts like a volume knob for gene expression, ultimately influencing the development of breast and prostate cancer. And a study in Nature Genetics this year found mutations outside of gene-coding regions can cause autism. Exploring the role of non-coding sequences is now an area of intense research. Increasing evidence suggests these noncoding sequences might help cancer defeat treatment, and experts now see them as promising tools for cancer diagnosis. Despite the number of functions now ascribed to junk DNA, some researchers still believe most of the genetic code is useless. Dan Graur, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Houston, thinks at least 75 percent of it has no function. To come up with the number, Graur used mathematical modeling to determine how much DNA could possibly be useful. He considered the frequency of deleterious mutations — harmful changes or breaks to the double helix — our genome acquires over time, along with fertility rates. Because those mutations can be lethal, Graur estimates in a 2017 paper in Genome Biology and Evolution that no more than a quarter of our genetic code can be functional — any more and we would accumulate deadly mutations at an unsustainable rate. Questions and much debate remain around junk DNA. If Graur is right, a vast portion of it might just be scratch pages that protect the useful stuff from mutations. But that’s not so shabby for a junky material, is it? In short, when DNA duplicates, it needs some parts to quickly assemble in a jiffy. We’ve already mention the speed of DNA duplication and the process needs some prepared junk bits. So please stick to the theory of evolution rather than to the alien certainty…
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something fishy...
Unexpectedly simple
Chinook salmon are known to return to spawn at two distinct times of the year: spring and fall. Individuals that return during these times have generally been referred to as parts of distinct groups, or ecotypes, with traits specific to their timing and presumed divergence being caused by the lack of interbreeding. By looking at genomes across fish from both runs, Thompson et al. found that a single genomic region of interest was nearly perfectly associated with run timing but not with other traits such as maturity and fat reserves (see the Perspective by McKinney). Further, they conclude that the region operates as a Mendelian trait, with assortment dictating run timing and associated phenotypes being caused by the migration environment rather than genetics.
Science, this issue p. 609; see also p. 526
Differentiation between ecotypes is usually presumed to be complex and polygenic. Seasonal patterns of life history in salmon are used to categorize them into ecotypes, which are often considered “distinct” animals. Using whole-genome sequencing and tribal fishery sampling of Chinook salmon, we show that a single, small genomic region is nearly perfectly associated with spawning migration timing but not with adiposity or sexual maturity, traits long perceived as central to salmon ecotypes. Distinct migration timing does not prevent interbreeding between ecotypes, which are the result of a simple, ancient polymorphism segregating within a diverse population. Our finding that a complex migratory phenotype results from a single gene region will facilitate conservation and restoration of this iconic fish.
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Science 30 Oct 2020:
Vol. 370, Issue 6516, pp. 609-613
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are deer hunter women aliens?...
When archaeologists discovered the bones of a 9000-year-old human in a burial pit high in the Andes, they were impressed by a tool kit of 20 stone projectile points and blades stacked neatly by the person’s side. All signs pointed to the discovery of a high-status hunter. “Everybody was talking about how this was a great chief, a big man,” says archaeologist Randy Haas of the University of California (UC), Davis.
Then, bioarchaeologist Jim Watson of the University of Arizona noted that the bones were slender and light. “I think your hunter might be female,” he told Haas.
Now, the researchers report that the burial was indeed that of a female, challenging the long-standing “man the hunter” hypothesis. Her existence led them to reexamine reports of other ancient burials in the Americas, and they found 10 additional women buried with projectile points who may also have been hunters. “The message [of the new finding] is that women have always been able to hunt and have in fact hunted,” says archaeologist Bonnie Pitblado of the University of Oklahoma, Norman, who was not part of the study.
The “man the hunter hypothesis,” which prevailed after an influential symposium in Chicago in 1966, held that during the course of human evolution, men hunted and women gathered—and they seldom switched those gender roles. Some researchers challenged the notion, and ancient female warriors have been found recently, but archaeological evidence of women hunting has been scant. And the idea that all hunters were male has been bolstered by studies of the few present-day groups of hunter gatherers, such as the Hadza of Tanzania and San of southern Africa. In those cultures, men hunt large animals and women gather tubers, fruits, nuts, and seeds.
Haas and his team, including local Aymara colleagues, weren’t intending to study female hunters. They discovered the fossilized remains of six individuals in burial pits at the archaeological site of Wilamaya Patjxa at 3925 meters’ altitude on the windswept altiplano of southern Peru. Two people were buried with stone tools. One person, likely 17 to 19 years old, was accompanied by four projectile points that would have been attached to short spears for hunting, several cutting blades, a possible knife, and scraper tools likely used for processing animal hides and meat. The 20 stone tools and ochre, which can be used to tan hides, were neatly stacked next to the top of one individual’s thigh bone, as if they had been held in a leather pouch that had disintegrated. Another person, likely 25 to 35 years old at death, was buried with two projectile points. The pits also held bone fragments of Andean deer and camelids, such as vicuña or guanaco.
The researchers figured out the sex of the bones using a new forensics method developed by co-author Glendon Parker of UC Davis. The technique analyzes whether an individual’s tooth enamel carries a male or female version of a protein called amelogenin. The individual with the impressive toolkit was female; the other person with hunting tools was male. Studies of isotopes of carbon and nitrogen in the woman’s teeth showed she ate a typical hunter’s diet of animal meat and plants.
Others find the evidence of a female hunter convincing. “It’s a smoking gun,” says archaeologist Meg Conkey of UC Berkeley, who was not part of the study. “But skeptics might say it’s a one-off.”
Haas anticipated that concern: In a search of reports of burials at 107 other sites in the Americas older than 8000 years, he found 10 other women and 16 men also buried with hunting tools. This meta-analysis suggests “early big-game hunting was likely gender neutral,” he and his colleagues report today in Science Advances.
Robert Kelly of the University of Wyoming applauds the discovery of the female hunter but isn’t convinced by many of the other potential cases. He points out that having tools in the same grave as a person doesn’t always mean they used them in life. Two burials were female infants found with hunting implements, for example. Buried tools could also have been offerings from male hunters to express their sorrow, he says.
Pitblado says that even if not all of those female remains belonged to hunters, the meta-analysis suggests women have long been capable of hunting, and provides hints about where to look more closely for evidence. Human ecologist Eugenia Gayo of the University of Chile agrees. Such research could help answer questions such as “What were the type of environments where everybody got involved in the hunting?” she says.
It shouldn’t be surprising that women could hunt, Pitblado adds. “These women were living high up in the Andes, at 13,000 feet full time,” she says. “If you can do that, surely you can bring down a deer.”
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why are alien naked and ugly in pennsylvania?...
Declassified FBI Files Confirm Existence of Gigantic 'Human-Like Aliens', Report Claims
The papers leaked online suggest a grave situation may occur at any time "with regard to flying saucers" as those allegedly multidimensional structures would level any human-built craft.
The FBI has declassified documents mentioning flying saucers and "multidimensional beings", it follows from an almost 70-page report penned by an unnamed professor and recently leaked online, reportedly on the FBI's online vault. According to Alienstar and the Daily Star, the files dubbed Memorandum 6751 by UFOlogists discuss alien encounters dating back to 1947, mentioning extraterrestrial ray wielding "disks" and other alien objects.
"A very serious situation may develop at any time with regard to flying saucers. If one of these should be attacked the attacking plane will almost certainly be destroyed", the report reads, stating that in the public's mind this might create "near panic" along with international suspicion.
"This principle data concerning these craft is now at hand and must be offered no matter how fantastic and unintelligible it may seem to minds not previously instructed in thinking of this type", it explains dwelling on the incidents.
The report's anonymous author proceeds to depict the "flying saucers" and the way they operate:
"Part of the disks carry crews, others are under remote control", the files read insisting their mission is nothing but peaceful, but possess enough capacity to deal with human weaponry.
The report alleges that the visitors – "human-like but much larger in size" - contemplate "settling on this plane", and they travel on the disks that boast "a type of radiant energy, or ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship".
Pointing to the objects' unrivalled elusiveness, it says they reenter from the etheric (their purported home according to the report) "at will and so simply disappear from our vision without trace".
The leak comes days after a jaw-dropping video emerged showing a shiny silver object, universally deemed to be a UFO or the US secret fleet, shooting through the skies adjacent to a passenger plane taking off from the city of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
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