Monday 10th of March 2025

racking brain cell after brain cell...


a couple of sick story… The first one is a story coming from The Playboy Book of Satire

It was told by Jack Gelber when asked if he had an anecdote to go with his fiction piece “Jack Gelber KO’s a Chinese Commie, Maybe”.

“A sick man visited a famous doctor of the 18th century complaining of all manner of ailments. After examining him, the doctor suggested he see a good show, have a good laugh, that there wasn’t anything wrong with him that medicine would cure. “Go and see that funny clown Grimaldi," the doctor finally advised. “Sir,” the patient replied, "I am Grimaldi.” And though this has nothing to do with KO'ing a Chinese Commie, it’s the best anecdote I know.”


Imagine (this Gus' story is TRUE, only the names have been changed)… Imagine, you are having a delicate surgical procedure. Your surgeon is Mr Victor Populo and your anaesthetist is Dr John Bull. They all seem to be nice people on the day of your first visit. On the morning of the procedure (say 3rd November — the date has been changed too), you are prepared by nurse Kimberley Hildur that tells you that Dr John Bull will be replaced by Dr Dick Truckman… 

When you wake up, a couple of hours later, The ward nurse from Denmark (the country has been changed) advises you that everything went well and you will be discharged soon. Here’s a couple of aspirin, for when the pain comes. All’s good. By night fall, your spouse has arrived with the car to take you home. The pain is like someone has hit you with a nail-gun everywhere… You take double dose of aspirin and whatever. Your sleep is full of nightmares...

By morning, you read the paper  — The Sydney Bugle Star (the name of the paper has been changed) — and your eyes drift towards a headline: “ANAESTHETIST at Rimolus Hospital charged” (the name of the hospital has been changed). You read on and discover that Dr John Bull has been charged of negligence (and possibly murder) on the night before your operation, as all five of his previous patients before you, had died from an overdose of isoflurane. The hospital had done an investigation and nurse Kimberley Hildur has also been charge for being accessory after and during the facts… Doctor Dick Truckman, the previous holder of the position of chief anaesthetist, had to come back from retirement to put you to sleep...

You suddenly realise that YOU ARE ALIVE. You could have been number sixth… And without any restraint, you say aloud: “OH SHIT!”…Twice!

If you don’t understand the "parablic" meaning of these two stories, don’t worry… Read “The structure of Human CST reveals a decameric assembly bound to telomeric DNA"...





Mr Biden said fossil fuels had to be replaced by renewable energy over time with the US moving towards net zero emissions.

Democrats from the left of the party are enthused by the idea of the US ending its reliance on oil and gas as part of the fight against climate change. 

But such a policy could turn off working-class voters in politically critical states such as Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas, where many of the industry's employees are based.

What has the Biden campaign said since?

The Democrat's aides released a statement following the debate saying Mr Biden planned to phase out taxpayer subsidies for fossil fuel companies, not the industry altogether.




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