Monday 10th of March 2025

dopus dei .....

dopus dei .....


from the ABC …..

Abbott says Rudd uses religion politically

Federal Health Minister Tony Abbott has accused Labor leader Kevin Rudd of using religion for political purposes.

He was speaking to the Young Liberal Federal Convention in Melbourne this morning.

Mr Abbott says Mr Rudd will need policies, not rhetoric, to show he is more interested in Christians' values than their votes.

He says Kevin Rudd's backbone as a Christian in politics is yet to be tested.

Mr Abbott says Mr Rudd is happy to identify with church concerns on social justice matters, but has been extremely cautious on life issues, which are a political minefield, particularly for Labor members of Parliament.

"I think that in private Kevin is a very sincere Christian but in public, on the evidence so far, he looks more like a very calculating politician," he said.

captain catholic's brown trousers

From the lovely ABC

Tirade 'shows Govt fears Rudd's rise'
A political analyst says Health Minister Tony Abbott's attack on the Opposition Leader shows the Federal Government is concerned Kevin Rudd is gaining traction with voters.

The Government cranked up its attack on Mr Rudd today, when Mr Abbott accused him of using his Christian faith for political point-scoring.

Speaking at the Young Liberals' national conference in Melbourne, Mr Abbott described the Labor leader's views on politics and religion as self-serving.

By his own admission, Mr Abbott is often portrayed as the Coalition's captain Catholic but he said Mr Rudd had gone too far in using his Christian faith to shame people into voting Labor.

"In the gospel according to Kevin, Jesus didn't quite say that the best way to feed the hungry, clothe the naked and visit the lonely was to vote Labor but Rudd would have us believe that this is what he really meant," Mr Abbott said.

His attack was in response to an essay written by the Opposition Leader, called "Faith in Politics".

In the essay, Mr Rudd accuses the Howard Government of trying to hijack religion for political purposes and calls on politicians to take religion more seriously.


Gus: Captain Abbott catholic is worried by the Rudd ascendancy... and throws mud at himself in the process...

Ripe prawn

A pretty obvious tactic by Abbott, to incite Rudd to enter the game of tictac. Rudd found himself with better things to do - well played. Is this an example of Ms McKew's wisdom?

Maybe the Monk was genuinely affronted by Rudd not leaping forward to second Howard's nomination of JPII to the pantheon of Aussie heros.

One thing's for sure - Howard won't stand still while Rudd gives him a flogging. But maybe he will insist another lieutenant steps up to demonstrate undivided loyalty to the chief. And there could be a little frustration on show if Costello is held back when he reckons he can land a couple of blows. Howard wouldn't hobble the champ from Higgins, would he?