Monday 10th of March 2025

in praise of old farts and denouncing a system that makes them king...


Garry Linnell: Angry old men rule, and are ruining, the world...

This article is unbecoming of The NewDaily… Garry Linnell seems to be an old fart himself who has never understood wisdom nor the wise old owl, possibly because of his former lines of employment. He starts his rant with a quote by GBS:

"Old men are dangerous. It doesn’t matter to them what is going to happen to the world." – George Bernard Shaw

GBH also said a lot of things about youth that was not very flattering...

Then Linnell goes to an old guy spoiling for a fight in the small carpark at the rear of the hardware store… Beaut... Obviously, Linnell never met a gang of youth that, in the said carpark, were not there to help old ladies load their cement mixers. Clockwork Orange isn’t about old men. Many a disastrous decisions are made by young people. Yes, the young when placed in charge of the world affairs, may become like Brutus and kill their own glorious relative...

Of course we are told of Garry Linnell’s own self importance: he was director of News and Current Affairs for the Nine network in the mid-2000s. He has also been editorial director for Fairfax and is a former editor of The Daily Telegraph and The Bulletin magazine…

Let’s look at the score. The Bulletin is defunct... The Daily Telegraph is a Murdoch rag, run of course by an old man, Uncle Rupe, who demands loyalty. It’s full of right-wing rubbish designed to turn workers into pseudo-aspirational failed old men cooking sausages. The News and Current Affairs at Channel Nine was a notch above crass and annoying foot in the door crap journalism, while we all know what happened to the Fairfax stable — burned to the ground by various management teams — to be bought by Channel Nine.

Without any references, but blind trust, Linnell tells us that Kerry Packer and Rupert Murdoch never saw the digital future coming and were slow – so slow – in understanding how it might undermine the empires they had spent a lifetime forging… That is a lot of gratuitous bullshit. Kerry Packer was a much smarter guy than Linnell will ever be and Rupert Murdoch embraced the new technology — what did I say? — he enforced the new technology on his working staff (remember Wapping?)… and he concocted the most watched horrid news network, the Fox News… still more influential than all social media combined...

The only failure of Kerry is that he died too soon... and the failure of Rupert is that his investments in “search engines” alla-Google did not pay off, due to the various failures of his young lieutenants and some bad luck… I still remember in the 1980s, when a lot of these "old men" invested into search start-ups, when Google was only a wooden computer in a shed. Google got the cream and Facebook got the youth but this does not mean that they are the best thing since sliced bread. The young farts who run these enterprises are worse than old farts. There, I have said it. 

So, Gus Leonisky is an old fart, an old kook with some annoying mental issues, a decline in libido, a decaying body that creaks and groans like an old farm truck… But I am not in the knowledge that my best can only be viewed in the rear-view mirror… And angry old men do not crowd the world stage — or if they do, it is only by being smarter sociopaths than the young ones who still wear nappies over their heads.. 

So our planet ended up with Trump and Joe Biden as the best choice for the future… And the old Putin is still at the helm, 2,050 years after having replaced the old drunk Yeltsin… Napoleon was a smart young sociopath at heart...

What I am trying to say here is that the ills of the world are not due to farting old men in charge of our systems. We placed the buggers there in the first place, because we picked them amongst a bad lot of psychos, including young ones... 

And the conclusion by Gary Linnell is stupid…

"So when the hunt for a COVID-19 vaccine is finally over, can we search for one for grumpy old men?

Because if we are going to create a new world when this pandemic is over, the last thing we need is a bunch of greying men stubbornly clinging to the old one.”

Idiotic... Not funny really, despite trying to be glibbishly amusing. The Covid19 is killing more old men than of any other age groups. Trying to find a cure for Covid19 is like trying to save the old farts. No need for a new virus to prevent old men reaching the top. This Covid19 shall do the trick… except some old men are smarter than this caper…
 The problems lie with our wonky systems — not the old men. Look at Clinton who was a young testosteroned president… He soon became an idiot.

And who should rule the planet? Young influencers alla-Kardashian selling lingerie and make-up products for pimply kids? I still remember the days, when barely aged ten, I saw the fourteen year-olds as old men...

Gus Leonisky
A proud old fart...

the "democratic process"...

Even the New York Times, a big fan of Russiagate conspiracy, referred to the latest US Senate intelligence report as "sprawling". With 1,000 pages of content, the document has the pretentious affectation of a tome.

But right away one can tell it is heavy on quantity in place of quality from details.

The bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee has spent more than three years digging into claims that Russia interfered in the US presidential elections in 2016. The latest edition is the fifth volume to be published.

As with previous reports on the subject, there is lots of lurid speculation and fuzzy pictures of "Russian influence" conjured from far-scattered dots. But, as before, there is no substantiating evidence to back up the incendiary claim that Russia meddled in the US election in 2016 or subsequently, a charge which Moscow has consistently dismissed as false.

The "sprawling" Senate investigation, which in this edition devotes much attention to Ukrainian and Russian associates of former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, appears to compensate for the dearth of incriminating evidence with heaps of innuendo, enough to bewilder any reader. Manafort worked as a consultant in Ukrainebefore he joined the Trump campaign, so no doubt there was lots of seemingly pejorative material to dig up on his political lobbying work.

It typically sounds tenuous and convoluted, and few people will read the Senate document in full, relying instead on media headlines and conclusions, for example from the New York Times, viz: "The Russian government disrupted an American election to help Mr Trump become president, Russian intelligence services viewed members of the Trump campaign as easily manipulated, and some of Mr Trump's advisers were eager for the help from an American adversary".

But as with previous US intelligence and media reports accusing Russia of interference, there is a touchstone way to cut through all the sensational verbiage. The latest report, as with past narrations, relies on the central premise that Russian state agents hacked into the Democratic Party communications in 2016 and then disseminated damaging information to discredit the party’s then-presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

Quoting from the Senate report (page vii): "The [Senate Intelligence] Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and accounts affiliated with the Democratic Party and leak information damaging to Hillary Clinton and her campaign for president. Moscow's intent was to harm the Clinton Campaign, tarnish an expected Clinton presidential administration, help the Trump Campaign after Trump became the presumptive Republican nominee, and undermine the US democratic process".


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in favour of removing the old men from office...

As Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden moves to win over never-Trump Republicans while attempting to hold onto the loyalty of left-wing Democrats that supported social democrat Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), some of the party’s more progressive elements are looking to form their own party.

Just a few weeks after the end of the Democratic National Convention and just days after their Republican counterpart, two former competitors to Biden and his vice-presidential running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), will join up with other disaffected figures in the party’s left wing to make the case for forming a new third party to push a prospective Biden presidency leftward.

“For far too long we have watched both corporate-funded political parties pillage and devastate our country, our communities, and our families,” says the website for The People’s Convention, scheduled for August 30. “Now it is time for us to ask: What kind of world do we want to build from the ashes of this pandemic and economic depression?”

“One week after the Democratic and Republican national conventions, people from all walks of life will come together to discuss the state of the nation and plans to form a major new political party in America. A party free of corporate money and influence. A people’s party,” the website continues.

The event is hosted by Movement for a People’s Party, which describes its vision as “a major new progressive populist party that will deliver what regular people take for granted in so many other countries: single-payer health care, free public college, money out of politics, an infrastructure jobs program, a $15 minimum wage, financial regulations, and more.”

According to the movement’s Twitter account, headlining the event are author Marianne Williamson and former US Senator Mike Gravel (D-AK), both of whom ran for president as Democrats in 2020, as well as Nina Turner, a former Ohio state senator who co-chaired Sanders’ failed 2020 presidential campaign, and Dr. Cornel West, a radical philosopher and public intellectual who backed Sanders’ campaign.

According to Politico, the convention aims to “serve as an implicit warning to Joe Biden”that if he wins in November but continues to plot a more centrist course than they are comfortable with, he and Harris could face a far more organized challenge from the left in 2024 than was seen in 2020.

“We would say it’s more than ‘implicit.’ We ain’t playing around, y’all,” the group tweeted in response to the Politico piece.

“An entirely new way of being is struggling to be born, and we need a political container for it - one that puts humanitarian values before amoral economic ones, and breaks free of a 20th-century political paradigm that no longer serves our democracy or even our survival on the planet,” Williamson told Politico. “‘A new birth of freedom’ is struggling to be born, emerging from the hearts and minds of millions of people no longer willing to go along with systems that devolve rather than evolve our life on earth.”


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Is this Russian disinformation?...


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watch me. watch me...

The president and members of his campaign have repeatedly asked whether the Democratic nominee for president is fit to serve, pointing to alleged signs of mental decline and his refusal to take a cognitive test.

Joe Biden has shot back at the Trump campaign’s claims that his mental capacities have been ‘diminished’, saying he could “absolutely” serve not just one term in office, but two.

“Watch me. Mr. President, watch me. Look at us both. Look at us both, what we say, what we do, what we control, what we know, what kind of shape we’re in. Come on,” Biden said, speaking to ABC News in an interview set to air Sunday night when asked to respond to the attacks.

“This – look, I think it’s a legitimate question to ask anybody over 70 years old whether or not they’re fit and whether they’re ready. But I just – only thing I can ask the American people, it’s a legitimate question to ask anybody. Watch me,” Biden reiterated.

Biden’s comments follow in the wake of questions by Donald Trump, members of his campaign and supporters regarding the Democratic candidate’s mental fitness, with Trump repeatedly suggesting that “something is going on” with Biden amid the latter’s tendency to mix up words and sentences or have apparent moments of temporary forgetfulness on the campaign trail earlier this year.

'This Guy Doesn't Come Out of His Basement'

On Monday, Trump announced his readiness to debate Biden in September, adding that “if Joe makes it through the debate…if he can make it off the stage and walk back unassisted, [the media] will say it was the greatest debate performance in history.”

Trump also complained about Biden’s disappearance from the public eye and his rare engagements with the media in recent weeks, suggesting that he keeps “saying to my people ‘here I am having bombs thrown at me every day by people that are totally, frankly dishonest reporters…but this guy doesn’t come out of his basement, and he hasn’t taken one question.”

Currently 77 years old and set to turn 78 in November, Biden would be the oldest person ever elected to the US presidency if he won, and be 86 years old if he completed two terms before retiring in January 2029. Donald Trump, himself currently the oldest president ever to step into office, began his presidency at age 70, and is currently 74 years old. If Trump won reelection and served a second term, he would be 78 years old when it came time to pass the baton in January 2025


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a moment in time...

In my various comments on this site, I could be accused of being a Trump supporter... Far from it... But the cynical choice by the DNC of Joe Biden, not because he was the best candidate, but suited the Empire's dark state, has highlighted the depth of the malaise in US politics. Biden's choice of VP was also a cynical act of capturing (mostly retaining Democrat's) votes rather than develop an enlightened path to the future.


As an old fart myself who has seen too many blue murders in politics, I could be wrong. Yet after having witnessed most of the "Republican" warmongers desert the Donald — mostly because he did not want to play the bombing war game in full — to go and huddle in the Biden camp, everyone should be horrified. As well, in the case of old farts leading the next stage of US politics, the DNC (not the public...) has picked the worst dozing doozy... They had so much young talents to pick from.


Either way, troubles seem to loom ahead, either locally with Trump, or internationally with Biden/Harris, possibly leading to disappointment within as well (blaming Trump for their mess till 2024)... Meanwhile the regime of sanctions impose by Trump might recede for better relations with some countries, though deluded "colour" revolutions sparked by the US hegemony (whether Democrat or Republican) will continue to plague some countries...


Now why would Russia prefer Trump to Joe Biden and "interfere with the US elections" in his favour when Trump has been creating many problems for Russia including for the NordStream 2 gas pipeline and the abandon of nuclear treaties. No love gained here. Do the Russians know something we don't?


Will joe revert back to a new treaty with Iran? Will Biden stop the victimisation of China (which is not spooked by Trump anyway)... or will Joe Biden start a major conflict situation under the pretence of rightful whatever?... 


Should the Western world be led by a bumbling idiot (Trump) who needs to reset his good luck (and our own) or by a deceitful old warmonger (Biden) who may have seen doves of peace?... The answer is in the future... but the choice is coming too soon.


According to the latest (secret) polls, Trump is likely to win a second term... Uh? The official polls are still placing Biden way ahead... Sure. Either way it could be ugly, though Trump will leave the White House with no fuss should he loose. And the liberal progressive media shall rejoice. Oh, and the result will be likely to be decided on the subject of abortion in a religious context.


Discounting that no nasty mass shooting happens before the elections...


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