Monday 10th of March 2025

¡ OLE !


Spain is fighting to save its embattled tourism industry after the UK government imposed a 14-day quarantine on all arrivals from the country.

Spanish officials insist the virus is under control and want certain areas exempt, including the Balearic Islands.

The UK said it had no plans to change its decision, and extended its travel advice, telling nationals to avoid non-essential journeys to all of Spain.

About 18 million Britons travelled to Spain in 2019.

Junior UK health minister Helen Whately defended the quarantine decision, telling the BBC that after all the "sacrifices" made during the lockdown, the UK could not take the risk of going back to a situation of rising virus rates across the country.

Spanish PM Pedro Sánchez said on television on Monday evening that the UK's decision was "misguided" and that he would continue to try to negotiate.

Spain's rate of infection has jumped in recent days. While the outbreak remains under control in many parts of Spain, certain areas - in particular Catalonia in the north-east and the neighbouring region of Aragón - have seen a huge spike in infections.

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bad news....

Coronavirus latest: Hunger killing 10,000 children per month, says UN


A UN report has revealed that over 120,000 children will die from a shortage of food supplies caused by the pandemic over the first year. Meanwhile, Germany is ramping up testing procedures. Follow DW for the latest.

  • Germany is imposing mandatory tests on those returning from high-risk locations
  • The UN has said more than 10,000 children are dying per month from coronavirus-related hunger, and the long-term consequences for poverty-stricken regions could be catastrophic
  • Almost 16.4 million people have contracted the virus across the globe, resulting in more than 650,000 deaths

All updates in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC/GMT)


02:06 New cases are still rising in China's northwestern region of Xinjiang, with 57 infections confirmed in the area's latest update.

Beijing also reported its first case of domestic transmission in more than two weeks, while the northeastern province of Liaoning confirmed six new infections.

Another four coronavirus infections were discovered among Chinese travelers arriving from outside the country, bringing the daily total over a 24-hour period to 68 nationwide.


01:32 Bolivia's interim president, Jeanine Anez, has said she has recovered after testing positive for the coronavirus, thanked well-wishers, and is now back at work.

"Thank you with all my heart for the love and support during my coronavirus illness," Anez tweeted. "Bolivians are a great family. We will move forward."

Gracias de todo corazón por el cariño y apoyo durante mi enfermedad de coronavirus. He sido dada de alta, y vuelvo al trabajo normal. Sus muestras de cariño me dieron fuerzas para seguir adelante. Los bolivianos somos una gran familia. Vamos a salir adelante.



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quarantining spanish travellers...

Global airline group IATA says the UK’s decision to make travellers from Spain quarantine for two weeks is a “big setback” that doesn’t accurately reflect the Covid-19 risk in the country, as airline stocks plunged on Monday.

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), whose 290 airlines account for over 80 percent of the world’s air traffic, said the decision was a problem for consumer confidence, which is “essential to drive a recovery” after the coronavirus pandemic left the travel industry struggling. 

Britain caused outrage and panic among holidaymakers and tourism companies on Saturday when it announced that people returning from Spain would be forced to quarantine for two weeks. The country had been on the UK’s list of ‘safe’ destinations where quarantine wasn’t required on return to the UK.



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corona deaths per million...

These figures from Le Monde (02.08/2020, in French — do your own translation, i.e. Royaume-Uni = UK) — note in French a comma in figures is a point in English, i. e. 861, 6 = 861.6:


1. Belgique 861,6 (861.6 per million)
2. Royaume-Uni 694,9
3. Espagne 608,8
4. Pérou 594,6
5. Italie 581,5
6. Suède 564
7. Chili 504,9
8. Etats-Unis 468,6
9. France 451,8
10. Brésil 441,5
11. Mexique 370
12. Irlande 363,2
13. Pays-Bas 357,8
14. Panama 340,2
15. Equateur 333,8
16. Bolivie 262,2
17. Arménie 250
18. Canada 242,3
19. Macédoine du Nord 233,3
20. Suisse 232,6
21. Moldavie 219,4
22. Kirghizistan 218,2
23. Iran 205
24. Colombie 203,5
25. Luxembourg 187,6
26. Portugal 168,7
27. Honduras 139,5
28. Afrique du Sud 138,5
29. Irak 123,4
30. Roumanie 120,3
31. Guatemala 111,6
32. Kosovo 110,4
33. Allemagne 110,3
34. République dominicaine 109,2
35. Koweït 108
36. Danemark 106,1
37. Bosnie-Herzégovine 102
38. Russie 96,5
39. Bahreïn 93,7
40. Oman 87,2
41. Arabie Saoudite 85
42. Serbie 82,1
43. Autriche 81,2
44. Argentine 79,6
45. Monténégro 77,1
46. El Salvador 69,8
47. Turquie 69,1
48. Guinée Équatoriale 63,4
49. Qatar 62,6
50. Hongrie 61

a king on the run...

Juan Carlos, the former king of Spain, is high-tailing it out of the country after the Supreme Court began probing an alleged $100 million in kickbacks he reportedly received from a Saudi high-speed rail contract.

The 82-year-old former monarch told his son, King Felipe VI, he was leaving Spain, according to a statement released by the royal house on Monday. While Carlos has declined repeatedly to comment on the scandal, which triggered a Supreme Court investigation in June, the allegations are believed to be the reason he is leaving.


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children will likely get infected ...

As the number of coronavirus cases rose in Spain and Madrid in particular, the capital’s premier argued that children will likely get infected at home or elsewhere, but that schools will be safe once they reopen.

“Over the school year it is likely that practically all children, one way or another,” will be infected with the coronavirus, Madrid regional premier Isabel Díaz Ayuso told esRadio in an interview on Wednesday. 

Perhaps they will become infected over the weekend at a family meeting, or in the afternoon in the park or catch it from a classmate. We just don’t know, because the virus can be anywhere.

With the school year scheduled to begin next week, Ayuso has ordered all teachers to get tested for Covid-19. The combination of short notice, long lines and the government contracting with a private company to take care of the tests has infuriated the educators.



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