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john bolton spills the beans, the sauce and the boiling oil on chaotic trump...John Bolton, the disgruntled former National Security Advisor, who was fired by President Trump, has finally released his “tell-all” book titled “The Room Where It Happened” published by Simon & Schuster. Simon & Schuster in a press-release about the book said that “it contains a thorough accounting of Trump’s transgressions.” Here is full statement from the publisher house: As President Trump’s National Security Advisor, John Bolton spent many of his 453 days in the room where it happened, and the facts speak for themselves. The result is a White House memoir that is the most comprehensive and substantial account of the Trump Administration, and one of the few to date by a top-level official. With almost daily access to the President, John Bolton has produced a precise rendering of his days in and around the Oval Office. What Bolton saw astonished him: a President for whom getting reelected was the only thing that mattered, even if it meant endangering or weakening the nation. “I am hard-pressed to identify any significant Trump decision during my tenure that wasn’t driven by reelection calculations,” he writes. In fact, he argues that the House committed impeachment malpractice by keeping their prosecution focused narrowly on Ukraine when Trump’s Ukraine-like transgressions existed across the full range of his foreign policy—and Bolton documents exactly what those were, and attempts by him and others in the Administration to raise alarms about them. He shows a President addicted to chaos, who embraced our enemies and spurned our friends, and was deeply suspicious of his own government. In Bolton’s telling, all this helped put Trump on the bizarre road to impeachment. “The differences between this presidency and previous ones I had served were stunning,” writes Bolton, who worked for Reagan, Bush 41, and Bush 43. He discovered a President who thought foreign policy is like closing a real estate deal—about personal relationships, made-for-TV showmanship, and advancing his own interests. As a result, the US lost an opportunity to confront its deepening threats, and in cases like China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea ended up in a more vulnerable place. Bolton’s account starts with his long march to the West Wing as Trump and others woo him for the National Security job. The minute he lands, he has to deal with Syria’s chemical attack on the city of Douma, and the crises after that never stop. As he writes in the opening pages, “If you don’t like turmoil, uncertainty, and risk—all the while being constantly overwhelmed with information, decisions to be made, and sheer amount of work—and enlivened by international and domestic personality and ego conflicts beyond description, try something else.” The turmoil, conflicts, and egos are all there—from the upheaval in Venezuela, to the erratic and manipulative moves of North Korea’s Kim Jong Un, to the showdowns at the G7 summits, the calculated warmongering by Iran, the crazy plan to bring the Taliban to Camp David, and the placating of an authoritarian China that ultimately exposed the world to its lethal lies. But this seasoned public servant also has a great eye for the Washington inside game, and his story is full of wit and wry humor about how he saw it played. Read more:
As a public servant Bolton is the pits of idiotic warmongers in charge. Trump was right to sack him... Bolton LIES, PORKIES AND FIBS...
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awaiting the winter wind of discontent...
See also: taming the crowds and the billionaires... in the prostitution of dolls… and other conspiracies...
something the other presidents did not do...
US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order banning the use of chokeholds but rejected calls to defund or dismantle the police.
Mr Trump said the order, which he signed after meeting families of several victims of police brutality, is aimed at encouraging best practices and tracking officers with excessive use of force complaints.
The news has been met with disappointment by one civil rights group which slammed the order for not going far enough to end police violence and racism.
Mr Trump was also criticised for using the ceremony in the White House Rose Garden on Wednesday morning (Australian time) as a campaign rally following weeks of protests prompted by the death of George Floyd.
“Today is about pursuing common sense and fighting, fighting for a cause like we seldom get the chance to fight for,” Mr Trump said.
Under the order, police will have to employ the latest standards for use of force and improve information sharing so that officers with poor records are not hired without their backgrounds being known.
They will also be required to have social workers present when responding to non-violent cases involving drug addiction and homelessness.
“Americans want law and order, they demand law and order,” Mr Trump said.
He offered his condolences to the families of victims of recent violence at the hands of police and others, and vowed to pursue justice.
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But some people think this is not going far enough... and they're right, but at least The Donald did something other presidents never did in regard to "regulating" the police, which is not a unique "Donald" problem. Though the death of George Floyd was a real bad occurrence, similar and worse events had happened way before Trump. But because "people" (leftists, conservatives, media and bourgeois middle class) hate Trump so much, the whole affair was stirred into a mini-revolution to get Trump out of the way.
The Democrats thus enflamed the problem — and the media will not help Trump in any way. Nor is Bolton, who is a nasty piece of shit (read from top).
The Democrats have tried to get rid of Trump since "their Woman" did not get the job.
They had a fake Russian dossier... with probably fake Russian interference manufactured out of Macedonia...
They spied on Trump's campaign...
They had the Joe Biden Ukraine scandal that Trump did not manage too well in accordance with the rule book, but was entitled to inquire about nonetheless...
They piled heaps on Trump for his "slow" response to Covid19 (while they blocked the relief package in Congress). In fact Trump was only a few days behind the recommendations of WHO, which he had to blame for not giving his administration the early urgency needed (please check the chronology out!)
The Democrats (warmongers in disguise) hate him for removing US troops out of Germany (his reason — fake — is that Germany isn't paying its fair share of NATO, but the reality is that he wants relative PEACE — true! — while sanctioning everyone so he can sell US products and the Pentagon is burning cash like crazy). Same with removing troops out of the "Middle East"... etc...
People hate Trump for his crazy style of "telling it like he sees it" rather than tell people what they want to hear... NO smooth corners like a lying Obama or a Bush or a Clinton...
Yes Trump is a handful.... Crazy without the hypocrisy... Wow...
See also:
the nuts and boltons are taking over the far, trump has not declared war on sumpthin'...
He may have threatened and we though he was dangerous, BUT the picture is a different colour:
Read from top carefully... and forget your "we don't like Trump" prejudice... Sure we really don't like him either because he is an idiot, a bombastic loose cannon, possibly a misogynist, not much of a racist, talks shit that does not make sense, but overall, he hasn't gone to war yet and wants to bring troops home... At this level, because all the other idiots try to stop him, he has to invent devious means to achieve this goal... Note that before the presidential elections in 2016, Hillary Clinton made noises about warring with Russia and China, and Shia Middle-East countries. Syria would be a blood bath extended from Iraq to Damascus. Iran would be a mess...
I repeat, since Trump came into power, apart from one assassination of an Iranian General and a few bombs on Syria that made the US and Europe look foolish, The Donald did not start any new wars. Within his first term, Obama had already started THREE, to the grand total of SEVEN...
See also:
funny how trump is trying to give credit to mattis for singlehandedly defeating the whatever...
NATO in bed with al qaeda....
and many more... On the other hand, sanctions and destruction of bilateral agreements have been his weapons of choice...
Annoying, isn't he?...
bolton piles on the dirty yellow snake dirt...
Washington: President Donald Trump asked Chinese President Xi Jinping to help him win the 2020 US election, telling Xi during a summit dinner last year that increased agricultural purchases by Beijing from American farmers would aid his electoral prospects, according to a damning new account of life inside the Trump administration by former national security adviser John Bolton.
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Yep... The Donald would be so silly as to chastise China with sanctions and tariffs, then ask Xi for a favour... On this one, even if Donald asked Xi for China to buy more stuff from US farmer, Bolton did not see the irony which Xi would have seen... The Donald would not have said to Xi: "this would help my chances of reelection so I can annoy you some more... because if these guys in the Mid-West don't vote for me, you will have to deal with the president who will do anything to let you walk over us..."
Bolton is an idiot and the journos are suckers?
"I would print Trump's exact words but the government's prepublication review process has decided otherwise." writes Bolton... Sure... Most likely the exact words and "intonation" would have had a hint of sarcasm alla Mafia boss coming from Trump... At this level, Bolton is fooled by the master of disguises... Chaos? Yes, but it's a way for Trump to sow little grenades to make people jump, including his own "intelligence" agencies which have been trying to fool him as well...
Bolton's memoirs described by the Journos as: ..."from an administration insider so far, coming from a conservative who has worked in Republican administrations for decades and is a longtime contributor to Fox News. It portrays Trump as an "erratic" and "stunningly uninformed" commander in chief, and lays out a long series of jarring and troubling encounters between the president, his top advisers and foreign leaders."
These idiot scribes should check their records that Bolton has been a WARMONGER, a LIAR and a SNAKE in the grass... But Trump is sneakier than them all, by dismissing all the niceties of "diplomacy"... I knew very successful people like that. Bolton is a "devil" who has tried to make Trump do "devilish things" like bombing Iran and Trump pulled off about 10 minutes before the deed. This would have pissed off Bolton like hell...
Oh and the BBC tells us in a caption below a photo of Bolton as if he was a guru on anything: "Mr Bolton denies that the book contains classified information."
Bolton has been OUTSMARTED by Trump and Bolton does not like this... Wow!
Reading the Guardian's view on Bolton's book, Bolton is an angel truthteller and Trump is a bad egg who only did things for himself:
According to excerpts published by the Wall Street Journal, New York Times and the Washington Post, Bolton describes a pattern of corruption in which Trump routinely attempts to use the leverage of US power on other countries to his own personal ends.
“The pattern looked like obstruction of justice as a way of life, which we couldn’t accept,” Bolton writes, adding that he took his concerns to the attorney general, William Barr.
The anecdote involving Xi is particularly damaging for Trump in the run-up to an election in which he is trying to position himself as tough on China, and his opponent, Joe Biden, as being in Beijing’s pocket.
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Yep the Guardian is swallowing the line, the hook and the sinker... Bolton is now a god because he pisses on trump... Who hasn't?
more fog ahead...
There's a world where the Bolton allegations could lead to more former staff members speaking out, and impeachment could be pursued against a re-elected Trump in 2021 and beyond — but that possibility only exists as fantasy right now.
Will it affect the election?
It's too early to say. There is still a long way to go until the November election.
And in the past few months, pundits' earlier assumptions on what the election would be fought over have been upended by the coronavirus pandemic and the outbreak of protests in the wake of the killing of George Floyd.
A Reuters/Ipsos national poll taken before the Bolton allegations were made public showed Trump trailing his Democratic opponent by 13 percentage points.
Whether Bolton's allegations stick in the minds of American voters, or whether a totally unknown event makes it seem like small fry by November 3, is impossible to tell.
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Read from top.
Read also: as the wind blows up...
bolton: a born liar...
This is the 10th story in our series looking back on a quarter century of journalism by Consortium News.
This is an exact copy of how the article appeared on Consortium News on May 23, 2019.
John Bolton has been saying for years he wants the Iranian government overthrown, and now he’s made his move. But this time he may have gone too far, writes Joe Lauria.
By Joe Lauria
Special to Consortium News
I knew John Bolton and interacted with him on a nearly daily basis with my colleagues in the press corps at United Nations headquarters in New York when Bolton was the United States ambassador there from August 2005 to December 2006.
Most diplomats, officials, and journalists were shocked that Bolton (evading confirmation with a recess appointment) had actually become the U.S. representative, given his long, public disdain for the UN. But that turned out to be the point. It’s been the strategy of Republican administrations to appoint the fiercest critic to head an agency or institution in order to weaken it, perhaps even fatally.
Bolton’s most infamous quote about the UN followed him into the building. In 1994 he had said: “The Secretariat building in New York has 38 stories. If it lost ten stories, it wouldn’t make a bit of difference.”
But a more telling comment in that same 1994 conference was when he said that no matter what the UN decides the U.S. will do whatever it wants:
Bolton sees such frank admissions as signs of strength, not alarm.
He is a humorless man, who at the UN at least, seemed to always think he was the smartest person in the room. He once gave a lecture in 2006 at the U.S. mission to UN correspondents, replete with a chalk board, on how nuclear enrichment worked. His aim, of course, was to convince us that Iran was close to a bomb, even though a 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate being prepared at the time said Tehran had abandoned its nuclear weapons program in 2003.
I thought I’d challenge him one day at the press stakeout outside the Security Council chamber, where Bolton often stopped to lecture journalists on what they should write. “If the United States and Britain had not overthrown a democratically elected government in Iran in 1953 would the United States be today faced with a revolutionary government enriching uranium?’ I asked him.
“That’s an interesting question,” he told me, “but for another time and another place.” It was a time and a place, of course, that never came.
More Than an Ideology
Bolton possesses an abiding self-righteousness rooted in what seems a sincere belief in the myth of American greatness, mixed with deep personal failings hidden from public view.
He seemed perpetually angry and it wasn’t clear whether it was over some personal or diplomatic feud. He seems to take personally nations standing up to America, binding his sense of personal power with that of the United States.
It is more than an ideology. It’s fanaticism. Bolton believes America is exceptional and indispensible and superior to all other nations and isn’t afraid to say so. He’d have been better off perhaps in the McKinley administration, before the days of PR-sugarcoating of imperial aggression. He’s not your typical passive-aggressive government official. He’s aggressive-aggressive.
And now Bolton is ordering 120,000 troops to get ready and an aircraft carrier to steam towards Iran.
Bolton’s all too willing to make his bullying personal on behalf of the state. He implicitly threatenedthe children of José Bustani, who Vice President Dick Cheney wanted out of his job as head of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons because Bustani had gotten Iraq to agree to join the chemical weapons protocol, thereby making it harder for the U.S. to invade Iraq.
After Bolton’s failed 2005 confirmation hearings, Tony Blinken, the then staff director of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told The New Yorker‘s Dexter Filkins:
“We saw a pattern of Mr. Bolton trying to manipulate intelligence to justify his views. If it had happened once, maybe. But it came up multiple times, and always it was the same underlying issue: he would stake out a position, and then, if the intelligence didn’t support it, he would try to exaggerate the intelligence and marginalize the officials who had produced it.”
Bolton is no fan of democracy if things don’t go his way. He is a vociferous instigator of the so-far failed U.S. coup in Venezuela and of course Bolton organized the “Brooks Brothers riot” that disrupted the recounting of votes in Florida in the disputed 2000 presidential election.
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Read from top.
and why is she giving this DANGEROUS warmonger time on the box?
Tonight, Leigh Sales, ABC TV, 7:30 interviewed John Bolton who, as the clever lying bullshitter he is, was clever in answering unchallenging questions. Read from top. Please Ms Sales, this is the type of guy, one does not give ANY airtime to explain himself. Whatever your opinion of Trump as an idiot, liar, clown or maniac is — Bolton is the worse of the worst of DANGEROUS warmongers, liars, psychopaths, sociopaths on this side of the Western world. Read comment above and from top.