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god hates us again..."This morning I had a long phone conversation with someone who is thinking hard about religious conversion.” Wow… Full of his own importance, like a pope of orthodoxy. Yes, with this pandemiocomiumus, we’ve lost our cocooned reality, we’ve been instructed to live like rats to “save people” and we could wonder what this is all about. We’d rather believe that god’s unfathomable love just sends us some nasty red tennis balls with spikes to make sure we know who’s boss and we give in to this facile false interpretation — rather than understand evolution of life and the twisted human mind as they really are. No matter what, we’ll die. We can cheat on our taxes, especially the richer we get, but we cannot cheat death. This is included in the package of naturalness. We don’t like it, but there is nothing we can do about it but avoid dying earlier than from “natural causes” as we only can sip yogurt at age 105. And Rod, pissing in his pants with elevation, cannot sing the praises loud enough about a Ross Douthat that has had an article published in The New York Times — The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor. We’d like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Here are some tips. And here’s our email: — about godot’s (possibly good?) intentions:
The Pandemic and the Will of God The purpose of suffering may be mysterious, but the search for meaning is obligatory. The NYT always introduces Ross Douthat as an opinion columnist. If you call writing drivel and nonsense “opinion”, then you should bury yourself in a Roman vat of rotten anchovies for a stint at reality. Already this subheading “The purpose of suffering may be mysterious, but the search for meaning is obligatory.” is full of silly stupid idiotic crappy erroneous assumptions. First, there is no mystery in suffering. Suffering is a natural warning telling us we’re under attack from other creatures, that we’ve been hit by a bullet in the groin or that our genetic material isn’t the full quid. We try to avoid it though, by using aspirin and other potions depending on the origin of the pain. We even let a surgical team penetrate inside our innards to remove bits that have gone bad… This live butchery does wonder and replaces our knees with titanium joints. The six weeks of suffering that follow are worth the effort, as, soon, we can play like gazelles in a Kruger national park, while before we could not lift our feet. Second, the search for meaning is a fruitless hunt that has kept philosophers occupied otherwise they would have had no meaning to their purpose of living in a barrel. A search for meaning is as essential as trying to find some loo paper at the supermarket when you know there is none. They even post it on the entrance: NO TOILET PAPER HERE. But you still hope that someone threw a roll a few months ago behind the fish tins, and between the packets of chips. Should you find one there, alleluyah, would be like finding god and you now know what to do with it. Treasure it till the end of time. But is there a meaning? No. None, zero, nada, nothing, niet, nil. Should you share your new treasure? Bugger that. Douthat carries on with more crap: Notwithstanding the fond hopes of our president, the pandemic that spread around the world during the Christian season of Lent isn’t ending miraculously as Good Friday gives way to Easter Sunday. The liturgical calendar has turned, but the churches remain empty, and the long Lent imposed by the coronavirus will continue for many months to come. … A pandemic sharpens the permanent questions of theodicy, the debates over whether it’s reasonable to believe in a good and loving God in a world so rife with misery. But because any justification of God’s ways can seem smug and abstract when set against the awful particularities of sorrow, believers often eschew frontal debate in these moments, emphasizing solidarity and mystery rather than burdening the suffering with our moral speculations. In these pages, for instance, the famous Jesuit, Father James Martin, recently argued that “the mystery of suffering is unanswerable,” that no explanation suffices for all the diversities of human pain, and therefore what Christians must offer instead of argument is the person of Jesus — whose ministry of healing both reveals a loving God and shows us where to find his presence today, among people caring for the grieving, the dying and the sick. Writing in Time magazine, the famous Anglican theologian N.T. Wright offered a similar conclusion: Instead of seeking explanations for our present disaster, we should “recover the biblical tradition of lament,” an expression of solidarity both with our fellow humans and with God himself, who in the Old Testament grieves for his people’s infidelity and in the person of Jesus weeps for Lazarus. The Christian tradition, Wright argues, doesn’t require us to “explain what’s happening and why. In fact, it is part of the Christian vocation not to be able to explain — and to lament instead.” BULLSHIT !!!! Time to go to the microwave oven and heat up a cup of old coffee made yesterday (nothing is going to waste) and finish that packet of stale biscuit. LAMENT INSTEAD OF UNDERSTANDING? Oh boy, this guy and the others he mentions are full of pigeon poop in the loft… The sad part in this is that he can write rubbish with no qualms and without referring to reality. You believe and all will be fine, even if you can't breathe and die. Very Pascalian attitude. Pascal died in his 39th year because he refused any treatment to his ailment — which to make a point in his favour, doctors of the times were more like charlatans with hats, unlike the newfangled breathing machine that can drain liquid from your lungs, until you get better. We need to have more faith in the machines than in god. God will let you drown in your own juice instead. This is why there is shortage of ventilators, while there is too much belief in godot that oozes like sewage from a damaged pipe. The machine will help much better. God would be pissed off with the technology, sure… and bloody hell, Douthat goes the full thrust wit a fake-humble caveat: "Because we are not Jesus, it is a very bad idea to walk around telling strangers how their suffering might display the works of God. But as friends, we can participate in others’ discernment and pattern-seeking, and we can try to discern purposes in our own life — suffering as punishment, suffering as refinement, suffering as a judgment on a nation or society, suffering as an opportunity, suffering as part of a story not our own.” This is completely deranged. Words are not enough to describe this written slop. Suffering as refinement? Yes the Marquis de Sade lives around the corner. We need an image of a dog poo Everest with a cross at the top to illustrate Douthat’s loony concept variation on the theme of suffering, unless we decide to self-flagellate to become part of this story “that is not our own”… Suffering as a punishment? No ! You got a fucking virus because you talked to someone who had been infected but had no symptoms — or not showing yet. In general you also got the virus because you’re poor and your social network (say black) is a tight-knit of poor people supporting each other by whatever mean-sharing means… Or you got a virus, because you’re an old and decrepit KKK member enjoying the last cruise of your life in a viral gastroenteritis-infected ship… Why should you be punished? Now the question is why has the World Health Organisation declared a pandemic, basically voiding your health insurance policies and “forcing” governments to destroy your freedom, your jobs (you were working three of them to survive), and your local network? This is a man-made “punishment” in isolation — if not catching the bloody thing is “punishment". God washed His (god is a male) hands from the whole thing a long time ago. Nature is not a battle of good and evil — but of survival in a changing environment. The only judgement we can pass is "are the presidents doing enough to protect us, or are they farting around with no idea what’s coming next? And were does this Covid19 come from considering that 99 per cent of viruses have been PATENTED"? Go and play a trumpet… GL. A rabid atheist
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the nightmare continues...
Julian Assange’s partner, who gave birth to his two children while he was living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, has pleaded for him to be released from prison as a matter of extreme urgency.
Stella Moris-Smith Robertson said there were now genuine fears for the health of the WikiLeaks founder.
Assange has been held in Belmarsh prison in London since he was dragged out of the embassy a year ago, and is awaiting an extradition hearing on behalf of the United States, where he wanted for questioning over the activities of WikiLeaks.
He has been in poor health for months, but his friends say coronavirus is now spreading through Belmarsh.
One prisoner has died, and a number of prison officers are off sick, suspected of having the virus, say his friends.
In a statement to the courts supporting an application for bail, Moris-Smith Robertson reveals that she met Assange in 2011 when she was a legal researcher, and was asked to look into the Swedish legal theory and practice.
“Over time Julian and I developed a strong intellectual and emotional bond. He became my best friend and I become his,” she wrote.
The friendship developed, and despite the “extraordinary circumstances”, a close relationship began in 2015, she said. The couple have two young children aged three and one.
“My close relationship with Julian has been the opposite of how he is viewed – of reserve, respect for each other and attempts to shield each other from some of the nightmares that have surrounded our lives together.”
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FREE ASSANGE TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOSTON — On the first Monday in March, Michel Vounatsos, chief executive of the drug company Biogen, appeared in good spirits. The company’s new Alzheimer’s drug was showing promise after years of setbacks. Revenues had never been higher.
Onstage at an elite health care conference in Boston, Mr. Vounatsos touted the drug’s “remarkable journey.” Asked if the coronavirus that was ravaging China would disrupt supply chains and upend the company’s big plans, Mr. Vounatsos said no.
“So far, so good,” he said.
But even as he spoke, the virus was already silently spreading among Biogen’s senior executives, who did not know they had been infected days earlier at the company’s annual leadership meeting.
Biogen employees, most feeling healthy, boarded planes full of passengers. They drove home to their families. And they carried the virus to at least six states, the District of Columbia and three countries, outstripping the ability of local public health officials to trace the spread.
The Biogen meeting was one of the earliest examples in the U.S. of what epidemiologists call “superspreading events” of Covid-19, where a small gathering of people leads to a huge number of infections. Unlike the most infamous clusters of cases stemming from a nursing home outside Seattle or a 40th birthday party in Connecticut, the Biogen cluster happened at a meeting of top health care professionals whose job it was to fight disease, not spread it.
“The smartest people in health care and drug development — and they were completely oblivious to the biggest thing that was about to shatter their world,” said John Carroll, editor of Endpoints News, which covers the biotech industry.
The official count of those sickened— 99, including employees and their contacts, according to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health — includes only those who live in that state. The true number across the United States is certainly higher. The first two cases in Indiana were Biogen executives. So was the first known case in Tennessee, and six of the earliest cases in North Carolina.
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very well designed to undermine the very notion of truth...
This is a rush transcript and may contain errors. It will be updated.
Marc Steiner: Welcome to The Real News. I’m Marc Steiner, great to have you all with this. We’re about to have a conversation with Noam Chomsky, who we all know is considered the founder of modern linguistics, but he and his ideas and his activism have been an inspiration to many across the globe who seek social, economic and racial justice. Just a personal anecdote, I’ve been reading him since 1967 when he wrote his essay against the Vietnam War called The Responsibility of Intellectuals, and I have had the pleasure of interviewing him a couple of times in the past. He’s written well over a hundred books, appears often on my colleague, Amy Goodman’s, Democracy Now! And his latest book, which I just finished, is Internationalism or Extinction. And as we face the COVID-19 pandemic and the failures of Neoliberal capitalism, who better to spend some time with than Noam Chomsky? And so, Noam Chomsky, welcome to The Real News, good to have you with us.
Noam Chomsky: Pleased to be with you.
Marc Steiner: So let me just begin. You have written, in your book and at other times, about the remembrance of Hitler and the rise of fascism. And here we find ourselves at this moment with facing the depth of climate change, under Trump, the doomsday clock is getting closer and closer to midnight, “Seconds” as you’ve said recently, and so all this coming together and we have this coronavirus pandemic exacerbating this march towards, potentially, a right wing populous authoritarianism. Looking back into history, I’m just curious where you think we are now. And I was thinking about a quote that you wrote in your book from Mark Twain, which I love, which is, “History doesn’t repeat, but sometimes rhymes.” And we’re in something, a strange rhyming period. Talk a bit about where you think we are.
Noam Chomsky: Well, I’m old enough to remember, as a child, listening to Hitler’s speeches over the radio at the Nuremberg rallies. I couldn’t understand the words when I was six years old, but I could easily understand the mood. And it was frightening, the adoration of the screaming crowds, the ranting, and also seeing what was beginning to happen in the ’30s as fascism began to spread, and it seemed inexorably over much of the world with these hideous leaders in charge. And these memories do come to mind when I listened to one of Trump’s rallies, for example. There’s some similarity, the worship of the crowds, his very effective use of techniques of manipulation. So for example, the constant flood of lies and self contradictions and so on, which is very well designed to undermine the very notion of truth. It disappears, so you just listen to the great leader.
He’s doing very much the same, I presume, consciously, with regard to the coronavirus. If you look over his statements since January, they range all over the map, “It’s just the flu, don’t worry about it. It’s a terrible pandemic, and I was the first person ever to notice it,” and anything else. That’s a great technique. It assures that he’ll be vindicated. Whatever happens, you’ll find some statements he made that was accurate. When you shoot arrows at random, something’s going to hit the target. And when you have adoring crowds who grasp any word of the leader, when you have an echo chamber called Fox News, where they loyally repeat every bit of nonsense that he’s saying, then it’s a terrific technique of domination and control.
But before, there were people, including good scholars of fascism like Robert Paxton, who argue that we may be in danger of coming to something like fascism. Well there’s something to that. I think we should be reserved about it. Fascism was an ideology. It wasn’t just screaming and ranting at a door in crowds. It was an ideology of state takeover and domination and control of everything, of course, labor unions and so on, but also state control of business. [inaudible 00:04:49], it was called. That’s almost the opposite of what we have now. We have business-control of the state, under Trump, deepening. His primary constituency is wealth and corporate power, and he lavishes gifts for them. It was very striking at the Davos meetings in January, you know the meetings of the masters of the universe? They, very much, dislike him. The corporate executives, they didn’t like his style or anything else about him. He gave the leading speech. They liked it because he talked about his tax cut, a huge gift to the wealthy and the corporate sector, stabbing everyone else in the back. Yeah, they thought that was great.
So he understands how to serve is primary masters, how to keep the adoring crowds under control, but there’s no ideology. The ideology is simply, “Me. I’m a megalomaniac psychopath, and I just want what’s good for me.” That’s not fascism. It’s something pretty awful, but not fascism. With the coronavirus, it’s very important to… It’s a terrible crisis. We’ll recover from it at, maybe, horrible cost, but we will recover. And there are two things that are important to keep in mind. One is, there’s going to be more of these crises. Now this particular one has been predicted for 10 or 15 years, ever since the SARS epidemic, since there were corona viruses. So it was predicted, it was understood that something would come. Steps weren’t taken. It’s very interesting to look at how that works. If there’s time, I could talk about it. But it was understood that something was underway.
If we don’t look at the roots of this crisis and deal with them, there’ll be others and they’ll be worse ones because they’ll be compounded with something else that’s happening. This crisis, we will recover from. We’re not going to recover from the melting of the polar ice caps, and the other very significant impacts of the global warming crisis, which Trump is trying hard to exacerbate right into the middle of this crisis. While people are worried about getting by, he’s continuing on his relentless drive to destroy organized human life on earth. So on February 10th, well the pandemic was spreading over the US Trump, then Trump came out. Trump and his courtiers, it’s not just him. They came out with their budget proposals for next year. A lot of it was predictable, continued increasing cutbacks of every health related aspect of the government. He’s been doing that for years, so let’s continue to wipe out the health system and response system. Okay. That’s expected. Huge expenses for the bloated military and his ‘great wall’. Yeah. We expect that.
Anything that has anything of any use to human beings, we cut. But what was interesting is that he included subsidies for the fossil fuel industry to try to make the major crisis worse to furthermore his new EPA, which is corporate run. As you know, just a couple of days ago, announced the cutbacks in regulations for auto emissions that’ll have the welcomed effect of killing a lot more people from pollution, which is a major killer, but more important, expanding the race to the abyss with coming environmental crises. Now these are things we have to pay attention to. We have to think about the words of this [inaudible 00:09:12]. Now what can be done to prevent the next one? Which, very likely, will probably be worse.
Now we have to ask ourselves what we’re going to do about the truly existential crisis which is going to destroy human civilization? Not just my view, incidentally, a very interesting memo from JPMorgan Chase, the biggest American bank. The memo was quite interesting. It said that, their phrase, the survival of humanity is at risk if we continue on our present course, including the virtually genocidal commitments of the bank, his bank, their bank, to fund fossil fuels. It’s understood that the Davos men, they understand, the masters of the world understand it very well. We should understand it. We should not mince words. When I say genocidal, it’s correct. There is time. There’s not much, but there is time to deal with the crisis, even without a radical change of institutions. There are ways to do it, but not much time. Every day, every year we waste, it gets worse.
Every year we allow Trump and his accolades to expand the crisis, to accelerate it, it gets harder to deal with. If he gets reelected, I won’t say it’s a death knell for the species, but it’s a very severe blow. All of this should be right in the front of our minds as we’re thinking about this crisis. And we should recognize that it is in the front of the minds of the criminal class, the ones who are taking advantage of this crisis to ram through their programs of destruction and devastation, which, in their little sociopathic minds, are evidently dedicated to. These are not exaggerations, incidentally.
If we look at the Republican Party, we even know why they’re doing it. You go back about 10 years, John McCain running for president. Now he had the climate-change element in his platform. The Republican Congress was beginning to think about small ways to deal with the growing climate crisis, which of course they knew was coming. What happened? The Coke energy machine which had been working for years to try to keep the Republican Party on course, of supporting fossil fuels, went into motion, launched a juggernaut of bribing senators and intimidating them with threats to run alternative candidates, huge lobbying efforts, AstroTurf campaigns. They all [inaudible 00:12:30] in a moment. Ever since then, they’ve been deniers. That’s the world we’re living with. Now that has an effect. Now people listen to Fox News, which echoes what’s coming from the wealthy and powerful and their spokespersons in Washington.
The end result is, if you take a look at Republicans, its main source of information, so called, is Fox News, and about 25% of them think that it’s a serious problem, and it’s about the same number who think that humans are probably involved. This is a major crisis for the world, on that we’re right at the heart of it. Now there are things we have to do. You can learn a lot just by looking at the details of how this crisis arose. Back in 2003, it was understood by scientists that another epic pandemic, and probably a coronavirus pandemic, is not unlikely. There were things that could have been done and some things began to be done. So Obama did contract with a small company in California to produce high quality, low cost ventilators. That’s the bottleneck in the system right now, the reason why nurses have to decide who they’re going to kill. He did make the contract.
The company was quickly bought up by a large corporation, Covidien, which makes high cost ventilators. They sidetracked the project, probably because they didn’t want competition with their high cost ventilators. And pretty soon, they told the government they wanted to get out of the contract because it wasn’t profitable enough to produce what is desperately needed. It’s profitable, but you can make more money with fossil fuels. Same thing’s going with the fossil fuel companies and sustainable energy, they make profit from the sustainable energy corporations, but you make much more profit from destroying the world, so they killed this project. That’s called capitalism, and it’s particularly savage variant called neoliberalism, what we’ve been suffering from since Reagan. It has very harmful consequences.
So we come up to the present, let’s say last October, there was a high level simulation of a coronavirus pandemic showing how awful it would be. That was October. In December, China notified the World Health Organization that they were finding pneumonia-like symptoms with unknown etiology. On January 7th, they informed the World Health Organization that they, Chinese scientists, had identified the source as a coronavirus, had identified the virus, sequenced it, provided the information to the entire world. The US Intelligence knew. In January and February, they were the pounding on the doors of the White House, trying to get someone to pay attention. As one intelligence official put it, they couldn’t get Trump’s ear. For him, it was just a minor flu, “Don’t worry about it.” Finally, it comes, the recognition that it’s a big problem, so of course, he’s the first person who ever knew it was a pandemic, we go into that routine. And that’s where we are now.
It’s the epicenter of the crisis. The only major country in the world, the only one, that is so dysfunctional that it cannot even provide data to the World Health Organization on the number of possible cases. Every other major country can. Now that’s what we’re living with. Now we’re going to make a decision pretty soon as to whether to continue with it, or get rid of it and try to move back to some level of sanity. I should say, this is not the only case for worry. You mentioned the doomsday clock. It’s been moving towards midnight ever since Trump was nominated. This year, broke all records, the analysts abandoned minutes, turned to seconds, a hundred seconds to midnight.
One reason is what we’ve just been talking about, but there’s another one which nobody seems to want to talk about. Trump is tearing to shreds the last parts of the arms control agreement, which go back to Reagan and Eisenhower that have helped maintain the virtual miracle that there hasn’t been a nuclear war yet. Not only doing that, but doing it very blatantly, virtually appealing to other countries, Russia in particular, to find ways to destroy us. So last August, Trump, as you know, abandoned the Reagan Gorbachev INF Treaty, which had significantly reduced the threat of war. He abandoned it, but went beyond, immediately after abandoning it, the US launched a missile, violating the treaty. That’s virtually pleading with adversaries, “Okay. Try to develop means to destroy us as fast as you can.” Great for military industry. They were exalting huge new contracts to develop the new ways to destroy everything. And as they pointed out, down the road, there’ll be even bigger contracts to try to find some hopeless way to defend against the destructive systems that were now developing.
So for them, it’s wonderful. And for the rest of us, saying, “Yeah, we’re toast. They want to kill us all.” Now that’s the meaning of the decisions that are being taken about arms control. And the Russians have been calling for continuing the next major treaty, the New START Treaty. They say, “Let’s just continue it.” The US won’t respond. They don’t say anything. The time is getting short. Very little time for negotiations. That one will probably go. Also facing the ax is the Open Skies Treaty, which was suggested by Eisenhower. That’s under the ax. So anything you can think of that can harm people and destroy civilization, that’s a high priority. Is that an exaggeration? Unfortunately not. Is this the most dangerous administration and party in human history? I’m afraid so. It’s not an exaggeration when you think of the consequences. Those are the issues that we should be thinking about just as the gang of criminals is.
While we’re sequestered and suffering from the effects of the coronavirus, which with sanity can be dealt with, at significant cost, but not hopeless. So the Asian countries have been doing a fairly good job of containing it, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong. In Europe, Germany has the lowest recorded death rate of any country that has statistics. Also Norway. The one reason is, they did not follow this lunatic business-run principal of “no fat in the system, just-on-time delivery”. It worked for automobiles, it doesn’t work for health systems. They can’t have extra beds, they can’t have extra diagnostic capacity, that wouldn’t be efficient, and that means if anything goes wrong, you’re sunk. Now Germany had excess capacity and diagnostic capacity, hence they were able to do something to deal with the crisis.
In fact, it’s pretty instructive for Americans to just listen to Donald Trump’s ravings, and then turn to Angela Merkel, German chancellors, her judicious, measured, factual appeal to the German people, explaining to them what’s coming and what has to be done. Just listening to those, side by side, tells us what Trump courtiers are doing to this country. They’re also making it one of the most hated countries in the world. You can easily see this just by reading the foreign press, especially the third world press. I can give you an interesting illustration of that, if you don’t mind an anecdote. Now there’s an internet fabrication circulating with some lunatic claims about how the US has invented the biological weapon and is using it take over the world, and so on.
It’s attributed to me, and sometimes even accompanied by pictures of me. It’s all over the world. I get a ton of letters about it. Most of the letters are, “Thank you for finally telling the truth.” This is from serious people, scholars, friends of mine. It’s an indication of the attitude toward the United States, that’s engendered by Trump’s antics and actions which are seriously undermining the country in many ways. Not just leading the destruction, but in many other ways. It’s a real malignancy of an unprecedented kind. You can’t say it too strongly.
Marc Steiner: The amazing things you’ve just said, and you’ve anticipated most of my questions. There’s a couple of things here that come out of both the book and what you’ve just said to us. First, when you look at the coronavirus that we’re facing on the planet, this pandemic, you’ve written and talked about the relationship between neoliberalism and authoritarianism, and you can see in this moment that, whether it’s Trump or Bolsonaro or any of the other authoritarian leaders that are on a rise in this world through the populous movements, that they’re using the coronavirus as a ways to even implement greater control.
Noam Chomsky: You’re correct.
Marc Steiner: So I wonder where that fits into the danger we’re facing, in terms of, when you face these pandemics, and this can be the first of many to come, when you read some of the literature telling us about the unleashing of viruses we don’t know from the melting of permafrost and the Arctic ice shelves, and the loss of habitat and how all these things fit into that, that this could be the [inaudible 00:24:28] key to open a door for authoritarianism. And A, do you think that’s true? And B, what would our response be?
Noam Chomsky: Well, actually it’s very much the same as the way the Trump administration is using the opportunity to increase, to intensify, the severe environmental catastrophe in the ways I described. Fossil fuel companies are doing exactly the same. They’re appealing for a reduced reduction of emissions during the time of controls on emissions during the time of crisis, and so on. Yes, every part of the, if you like, criminal gang that runs much of the world, is going to be using the opportunity to intensify their control and destructive power. How do we react? By countering it and overwhelming it with popular reactions and developments, and those are taking place. There’s some very important and instructive things. Let’s go back to the JPMorgan memo that I mentioned. Actually, it advises that JPMorgan stop funding fossil fuels. It says that doing it causes reputational damage.
What does that mean? That’s advice for activists. It said, “You keep wrecking our reputations, we’re going to have to change policy.” The banging on the doors, the protests, it has an effect. That’s one of the reasons for the main theme at Davos, last January. It was quite interesting. The corporate sector is going to be saying, “Yo, we were pretty rotten in the past, but now we’re changing. We’re going to be socially responsible, and even beyond socially responsible. We’re going to go all out to help stakeholders, the community’s workers, we’re really devoted to that now. It’s the centerpiece of our commitments.” Why? Because the peasants are rising with the pitchforks. There’s nothing new about this, incidentally. It’s useful to have a sense of history.
You go back 65 years, the leading economist, Carl Kaysen, liberal economist, Kennedy Administration, who wrote a book in which he extolled, what he called, the “soulful corporation”. You see, corporations are changing. They used to just try to make money. Now they’re soulful. They’re really committed to the mission of helping the world. That was 65 years ago. We’ve now had 65 years of experience with it, peasants are coming with their pitchforks again, we better be soulful again. That tells activists are doing something right. Go after them. Go after their strangle, force them, and create alternatives. Take what the Sunrise Movement just did. It’s a group of young kids. A couple of years ago, the green new deal, if it was mentioned at all, was an object of ridicule. Now, it’s right at the center of the legislative agenda.
It still gets ridiculed, but it’s the center of the agenda. In some form or other, some kind of green new deal is essential for survival. So that transition is very significant. How did it happen? There’s some young kids that are agitated and sat in a senatorial office and just said that we’re supported by congressional officers. They were supported by Ocasio-Cortez, a couple of other young representatives who came in on the Sanders waive, which was very important in changing the mentality in the country and opening up new directions. All of this offers opportunities. Similar things are happening in Europe. That’s the way to counter what you’re describing, the only way. It’s the only way throughout history. It’s the only way now, and it can be done.
Marc Steiner: So I don’t want to keep you too long, but this, what you’ve just raised here… When I was younger in the throws of the movements of the ’60s and early ’70s, we actually thought we would get rid of capitalism, and it’s still very much with us, and maybe stronger than ever. So when you look at what we’re facing, whether this pandemic unleashed, I think, in large part, because of environmental reasons, when you look at the danger, the doomsday clock being so close to the top seconds away, as you wrote, the threat to our democracy across the world and in this country, the climate change and the climate disaster we’re facing, and we’re facing this 2020 election, with Trump, clearly, with a great deal of chance to win. And when you see a lot of young people who are just so dissatisfied, maybe a little with the neoliberal control of the democratic party, but that’s the only face that really opposes Trump at the moment, what is your analysis and feeling about what we should do?
You’ve lived through, as a young child, from Hitler to now, and seen so much for all your time, and have been writing about this. And your ideas have morphed and changed over the years as I’ve been reading them, so where do you think we are now with this? What would you say to activists and other people in the American public about what should happen in 2020?
Noam Chomsky: Well, what should happen in 2020 is obvious. We have to, priority number one, get rid of the malignancy. If Trump manages to win, and there’s another possibility, he may lose and refuse to leave the White House. I wouldn’t exclude that, but if any of this happens, we’re pretty much toast. So that’s priority number one. I get a flood of letters from young people who are in such despair that they don’t see any point in living because if we lose everything, everything goes wrong, there’s no possibility of doing anything. Well if you’re 20 years old and you don’t know a thing about the ’60s, let’s say, it may look like that, but you and I should know better. Just remember what the world was like in the ’60s. Now the United States had anti-miscegenation laws so strict that the Nazis refused to accept them. Federal law required that federal housing was specifically for whites only, no blacks.
So if some black lot of workers managed it, got enough money to get the house, he couldn’t get into [inaudible 00:31:57]. And the other housing developments that were growing, of course, anti-sodomy laws, the women still did not have the legal rights of peers. They were still living under the laws of the [framers 00:32:12], which designated women as property, not people. That didn’t change till 1975. You remember the anti-war movement. In the early ’60s, when Kennedy was rapidly escalating the war, it was almost impossible to get anyone to even listen to any effort to do something about this demonstrating. We tried to make demonstrations, they were violently broken up. And the churches were attacked if there was a demonstration going on. This is Boston I’m talking about, the most liberal city in the country up until the late ’60s. That’s changed enormously. Opposition to aggression, now, is far higher, and we’ve seen it over and over.
In short, in many ways, the country’s become a lot more civilized, not thanks to gifts from above, thanks to the activism of people like you back in the ’60s, had a big impact. It frightened the daylights out of liberal elites. So if you haven’t done it, read books like The Crisis of Democracy by the Trilateral Commission, early ’70s. Trilateral Commission is liberal internationalists from around the world. The Carter Administration was drawn almost completely from its ranks. But what were they concerned about? Too much democracy. The kids are out in the streets protesting. Women are demanding rights. The working people are saying we should have rights too.
What are called the special interests, namely everybody except corporations, well they’re asking for the kind of rights that they don’t deserve. I’m talking about the liberals, “The colleges are a real problem. We have to do something.” I’m quoting, incidentally. These are the liberals, “They’re failing in their mission of indoctrinating the young. We have to make it harsher, under control.” You go to the right end of the spectrum, it’s much more extreme. The point is that the whole spectrum was very frightened and wanted to come down on it like a ton of bricks to put an end to this heresy of calling for democracy and rights. And we enter into a period of very savage capitalism. That’s the new liberal period. All sorts of things.
Like when Reagan came in, he’s reading the script that’s handed to him by his corporate masters [inaudible 00:35:08] over the [inaudible 00:35:08] . First thing is, government is the problem, so get government out of our affairs, meaning hand it over to unaccountable, private tyrannies. That’s called libertarian in the United States. The government is somewhat influenced by public opinion, so it’s bad. They’ve got to put everything in private hands, no influence in the public pure tyrannies. We have destroy the labor movement. That’s a force for freedom and democracy. So his first acts were to try to crush the labor move. It went on. Incidentally, all this stuff was picked up by Clinton. There wasn’t many just expanding. He did some other things which aren’t too well known but are very significant.
Right away, Reagan, reading the script, legalized stock buy-backs and tax havens. That was illegal before, and it was enforced, there weren’t any. That’s not small money. That’s tens of trillions of dollars of pure robbery of the public by the private sector, and it’s right in front of us at this moment. The major corporations who were throwing away their copies of Ayn Rand for the moment, and appealing to the United States to bale them out. Why do they need a bail out? Because during the last few years of very high profits, instead of developing their own productive capacity and, I can barely mention it, doing something for the undeserving public, they were buying back stock to enrich themselves and then shoot their executive pay up to the skyrocketing. So yeah, now they’re not [inaudible 00:37:07], so the public has to come back and bail them out again. Something we’re familiar with in the Reagan period.
Now that can be changed. Unfortunately, it’s not possible at this moment, not to bail out the criminals who have led to the crisis. You have to, they’re too important for the economy. But you can put conditions. You can say, “You get one penny from us, you’ve got to stop permanently any stock buybacks, period. You’ve got to stop any use of tax havens, period.” And that can be enforced. It was enforced for 50 years, pre-Reagan. It can be again. You’ve got to put working people on your board of directors. If you feel you can’t do it, then quit. Somebody else will do it. Those conditions can be imposed. They don’t destroy capitalism, but they do mitigate its cruel impact and give us breathing space to move further. All of these things are feasible, lots more like it. It’s not that we don’t have opportunities and choices. We do. We have to understand what’s happening, understand its roots, grasp the opportunities, work out the proper tactics, not crazy ones, sensible ones, and we can get out of this mess. If we don’t do it, it’s going to be disastrous.
Marc Steiner: Well, you leave us with both a serious analysis of what we face, the dangers we face, but also some hope, and I deeply appreciate that, and I know our viewers will as well. Noam Chomsky, you’ve given us a great deal of time here. I appreciate the time you’ve given us and the work you’ve done, and I thank you so much.
Noam Chomsky: Thank you.
Marc Steiner: And I’m Mark Steiner, here with The Real News Network. Thank you all for joining us. I hope you enjoy this, let us know what you think. Take care.
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