Monday 10th of March 2025

the aussie spirit of larrikinism is about to die...


Larrikinism — with its mixture of irreverence, playfulness, some satirical elements of love and of loss, nostalgia for the sounds and trousers styles of the past such as flares, and the sobering subjects of epidemic disease and delusions — is an Australian English term meaning "a mischievous young person, an uncultivated, rowdy but good hearted person", and/or "a person who acts with apparent disregard for social or political conventions"...


This free-spirit is about to die...


In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the term larrikin generally meant "a lout, a hoodlum" or "a young urban rough, a hooligan", meanings which became obsolete. These might describe Gus' latest mood of soul presently. Gus has no soul. He is a fiere atheist unlike our prime minister, Scott Morrison, who believes that whatever happens, god is the answer and the question. He isn't a larrikin, though he could be a hooligan with the truth.

"Foo was here" is an Australian graffiti signature of popular culture, especially known for its use during World War I, but also became popular among Australian schoolchildren of post-war generations.
Foo (or Mr Chad) is shown as a bald-headed man (sometimes depicted with a few hairs) peering over a wall (usually with three fingers from each hand appearing to clutch over the wall as well), with the simple inscription "Foo was here".
Digger History, the Unofficial history of the Australian & New Zealand Armed Services, says of Foo that "He was chalked on the side of railway carriages, appeared in probably every camp that the 1st AIF World War I served in and generally made his presence felt".[1] If this is the case, then "Foo was here" predates the American version of World War II, "Kilroy was here", by about 25 years.

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Here we must be cautious... The virus is real and the treatment is out of this planet, while the statistics would warn any aliens not to drop in for a visit. Isolationing is working so far in preventing us, old folks, getting out of the world too early, though we can't go anywhere anyway. So, we wash our hands with soap every five minutes to pass the time and do not leave our homes. Lucky we managed to solve our internet problems before the damage. The ADSL was crap with uploading speed below 0.73 bps on a good day... The NBN, as slow as it is to download movies, is a welcome communication tool between isolated family members — especially the young ones who feel that we're robbing them of their best years, by shutting down all the places of fun. 

Musos are reduced to tears...

Unlike the time of prohibition in the USA, where alcohol was the enemy, and the police could be bribed, this time the police has means to track all the illegal underground venues to prevent infection. So we have to strongly believe that we are now herded separately for the next 9 weeks — probably for the next 9 months after which we all have died of boredom or the tunnel is showing flickers of light — for our own good. We have no choice but to follow the directives. We could not afford a fine. Scomo has done yet another press conference where he explained why he was behind the 8th ball till today: Blah blah blah... I trust god inspired him to be generous with our delayed home imprisonment to give us time to collect enough toilet paper rolls for the duration.

We have to pull together, don't we?

hello children...

The opinionatoring preachers of virtues are frothing at the mouth! Now, they believe 100 per cent the scientific evidence that the coronavirus deserves an economic destroying hammer, dismissing the "conspiracies" from a few doctors, professors and scientists who demand some caution. These preachers were the same loonies who with the same virulent ardour, dismissed the theory of global warming, a theory supported by more than 97 per cent of decent serious scientists — to support a couple of ratbags who contradict the idea, because of their own larrikinism — or stupidity in this case. 


It's a question of WHO DISHES OUT THE FEAR. We had the same with Saddam. They will belittle you as if you were naughty children for not believing Scomo — a believer in god — who could not tell a lie. Could he? We believe that Andrew Bolt has his own supply of toilet rolls...

