Thursday 23rd of January 2025

through the back door?...


Hillary Clinton also argued that the Democratic presidential nominee should “take a really hard look at the Electoral College” and plot accordingly in order to win the election and not just the popular vote.

US senator and former presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has shared her thoughts on the prospective Democratic vice presidential nominee, as the presidential primaries in the United States get into full swing.

When asked by CNN’s Fareed Zakaria whether she thinks that, with "two men in their 70s" seeking the Democratic nomination, it would be "essential" for a vice presidential candidate to be a woman, Hillary replied that she’d leave that decision for the presidential candidate as "there are so many factors that go into it".

"Personally, I’d love to have a woman on the ticket, finally - again. We’ve had two women vice presidential candidates - one for the Democrats, one for the Republicans", she said. "But obviously, I’d like to keep that moving, and actually have it happen in this election that someone would be the first woman vice president".

She warned, however, that the nominee – whoever it turns out to be in the end – should "take a really hard look at the Electoral College" and determine what will help them win, as they may end up winning the popular vote but still lose the presidential election in the end, with Hillary making a direct reference to her own electoral fiasco in 2016.

Though Hillary herself has not entered the primaries, it has been speculated on more than a single occasion that she might run as a vice presidential candidate or even as a candidate in a brokered convention.


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a hard choice...

Should Biden win the democratic nomination, his choice of vice-president is going to be a bum-rush between a gay one and a female one — or an army general... 


Meanwhile, should Biden pick Hillary as VP, and should Trump pick his daughter Ivanka as VP (which would not be a bad idea considering she's more efficient than — and less evangelically religious than Pence) this would make an old kook like me "nearly" prescient....... See:


a girl in the white house...

If American girls are looking for a role model in the Oval Office, they will have to wait another four years.

The Democrats started this race, way back when Neanderthals still roamed the Earth it sometimes feels like, with a host of non-white, non-male candidates. One by one they dropped out.

If you want change in America in 2020, it seems, you are better off going with a white man in his 70s.

Warren referred to sexism in her farewell address. It's not the same sexism Hillary Clinton encountered when she first ran in 2008.

It is more subtle today, but Warren is right, there is still sexism.

I wish I could say I was surprised. (Though the survey's other finding that one third of the world's men think it's acceptable for a man to beat his wife did shock me. Really guys?)

So electability, it turns out, is code for male. In America it is code for old, white, straight male.

When will that change?


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I have news for the Beeb... Even if Biden gets the nomination, there are still some imponderables with the men (and women) in white coats... Biden's mind is fading fast... At some stage, the Democrats will have to realise they have a dud that won't last the distance. Bernie is still in with a chance and might pick Warren as a running mate... and we still have to wait to see Biden's pick as Vice-President... There is a high probability that Biden will choose HILLARY... She would get the keys to the front door of the White House soon after a Biden's brain fart or his collapse into insanity... So don't despair little girls and girly men... 

hillary in the shadow...

Biden pledges he’ll pick a female running mate, Sanders says he likely will in debate under the shadow of coronavirus


Former vice president Joe Biden pledged Sunday to appoint a woman as his running mate if he wins the Democratic nomination and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he would probably make the same decision, as they met in an extraordinary two-man debate conducted under circumscribed conditions to guard against the growing coronavirus pandemic.

“There are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow. I would pick a woman to be my vice president,” Biden said, in what was the first debate of the 2020 primary race that did not have a woman onstage.

Sanders stopped just short of a similar commitment. “In all likelihood I will,” he said. “For me it’s not just nominating a woman. It is making sure that we have a progressive woman — and we have progressive women out there.”


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Hillary for Biden and Warren for Sanders?...

trump wrote his own gags...


And you already thought Hillary Clinton was humorless. Michael Moore revealed he tried to create a comedy all-star team — including Amy SchumerChris Rock and Bill Maher — to anonymously help write material for Clinton during her 2016 run for president, but her camp turned Moore down and called Schumer too “dirty,” he said.

“Before the debates … I kept thinking, ‘Trump has such thin skin, if Hillary just had like a comedy shiv in her hand, just to slip under that thin skin, he will implode,’ ” Moore said on Schumer’s podcast, “3 Girls, 1 Keith.”

The “Bowling for Columbine” director said he texted some funny friends for help. “I asked all you guys to form a Justice League of comedy, and we would write jokes and things for Hillary to say during the debates that would just make him melt,” Moore said.

Schumer said she was all in — but when Moore took the idea to Clinton’s camp, someone called Schumer “dirty.” (Schumer joked: “They’re not wrong.”)

Moore said that the left-leaning gang agreed to do the work for free, and with no credit. “We were going to do this confidentially … Our only joy [would have been knowing] that the line that brought down Trump was Amy’s [or one of the other incognito writers].” Schumer, who’s related to Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer, added, “We would [have] silently celebrate[d].”


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Hillary was not the best choice for the DNC...


If you look over the past three years of Democratic statements regarding Russia’s interference in the U.S. election you would think the Trump administration and Republicans had direct access to the Kremlin. It was all lies but the reality is stranger than fiction. It was Democrats and those who supported them that enlisted foreign interference to target the Trump campaign. They enlisted and paid a former British spy, who testified he paid former Russians for the information – now known lies – on President Donald Trump and his campaign.

It was a web of deceit that gathers more and more evidence, more and more players, as Congress, the Department of Justice, Inspector General and journalists pull at its threads.

In fact, it was Democratic lawmakers, the Hillary Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and their lawyers that actually enlisted foreign interference in the 2016 U.S. election against President Donald Trump and the American people.

The evidence is revealed in the back and forth question and answers directed by Congressional members at the lawyers hired by the DNC and the Hillary Clinton Campaign. One of the most interesting and revealing testimonies is that given by DNC lawyer Marc C. Elias, with Perkins Coie law firm, who played a central role in hiring the research firm Fusion GPS and former British spy Christopher Steele to investigate President Donald Trump’s campaigns alleged Russia ties at the behest of the DNC and HRC campaign.

Elias’ law firm appears to be intricately woven into many facets of the FBI’s Russia probe. First, not only did Elias’ firm represent Clinton’s campaign and the DNC, but it also represented Crowdstrike, the private company hired by the DNC to investigate the alleged hacking by Russia into the DNC server. Moreover, it is Elias again, who intervened in the case of Trump’s long time friend and advisor Roger Stone. Elias recently challenged Stone in court and stopped Stone’s lawyers from obtaining a copy of Crowdstrike’s report on its investigation into the hacking of the DNC servers.

Moreover, in the newly declassified transcripts Elias reveals the money his law firm paid on behalf of the DNC and Hillary Clinton campaign to Fusion GPS was going to Steele. Steele’s dossier has now been debunked but “he is a foreign spy who was paid to investigate a presidential candidate and used Russian disinformation to divide the nation,” stated a former U.S. Intelligence official, directly familiar with Steele. “The only real foreign interference in the election was paid for by Clinton and the DNC.”


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Obama’s top brass contradict public statements about ‘collusion’ under oath...

Newly released House Intelligence Committee transcripts show just how different a picture some top Obama-era officials painted of the Trump-Russia investigation under oath versus the loaded allegations they made over years in public statements.


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Unfortunately, the Democrats and their acolytes have been busy silly trying to unseat Dumbo Trumpo rather than work on ethical and workable policies — and show aplomb in defeat. Unable to accept they lost the elections in 2016, they went on a rampage for vengeance — which is a bad look. Hillary was a bad choice nonetheless. Her hypocrisy is too obvious despite her artful manner. The deplorables rightly kicked her in the butt. We (Gus) have on this site tried to be as honest as we could and we had no choice but having to side with the Trumpsidooes on this Russian issue. Same with the "impeachment" saga which was bad theatre from the the Democrats who were firing blanks left, right and centre in anger. Pity. And they picked the said character who is going to be exposed for his Ukrainian shenanigans, for the elections later this year...

Imagine if they'd chosen Bernie back then in 2016. The US hospital system might have improved despite resistance from the private insurers...

Read from top. See also: the plots against democracy...

tulsi gabbard for joe's vice presidency...

Former Democratic presidential candidate Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) withdrew her defamation lawsuit against former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday.

In a one-page document filed in the US District Court for the Southern District of New York, Gabbard’s lawyers underlined the “legal merit” of the case but noted that the COVID-19 pandemic requires that Gabbard focus her attention on other priorities such as “defeating Donald Trump in 2020.” 

In a lawsuit filed in January, Gabbard accused Clinton of defaming her when she called her a “favorite of the Russians.”

During the 2020 presidential primary race, Clinton didn’t specifically name Gabbard but said that an unnamed female Democratic candidate was favored by Moscow.

“She’s the favorite of the Russians,” Clinton said in an October 2019 interview on David Plouffe’s Campaign HQ podcast. Plouffe served as the campaign manager during former US President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign. 

“They have a bunch of sites and bots and other ways of supporting her so far. And that’s assuming [2016 Green Party candidate] Jill Stein will give it up, which she might not, because she’s also a Russian asset.”

Gabbard has accused Clinton of making that comment as “retribution” for Gabbard’s endorsement of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) during the 2016 Democratic presidential primary.

"Clinton has not gotten over her loss in that election and still dwells on what happened," Gabbard’s lawsuit states. “But Clinton reserves a special hatred and animosity for Tulsi — who never endorsed Clinton, did not campaign for her, and to top it off, gave the nomination speech for Senator Sanders at the 2016 Democratic National Convention,” the lawsuit adds. 

Gabbard also claimed in her lawsuit that she had suffered more than $50 million in damages because of Clinton’s comments.

Clinton spokesperson Nick Merrill on Wednesday told USA Today that Gabbard’s lawsuit was “a publicity stunt through and through,” also noting that “this filing makes that clear.” He added "good riddance" in Russian in his comment to USA Today.


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Meanwhile, the "sleepy Joe" candidate chosen by the Democrats as seen by cartoonists from opposite sides:






the vice-biden has to be prepared to work within a month...

Earlier this year, presumptive Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden vowed to select a woman to be his running mate, saying that "there are a number of women who are qualified to be president tomorrow".

Politico has cited unnamed sources as saying that picking a running mate remains an issue for Joe Biden given that the presumptive Democratic presidential hopeful needs a person who "could be to him what he was to [former] President Barack Obama: a friend and confidant who subordinated his political interests to those of his boss".

"He's not kidding when he says I really want someone I'm simpatico with — someone he can trust. His experience with Obama was one of genuine closeness and trust", one of the sources said.

The first rule that Biden's potential running mate should meet is "do no harm", another insider argued, referring to Democratic Party adviser Susan Rice and former presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren as potential candidates.

One insider insisted that Warren "checks the box of can-be-president tomorrow" and that "the question for Elizabeth is whether it's too much octane for the tank".


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