Friday 10th of January 2025

fuzzy fuck mother nature. It's good for you…


There are a few articles on RT — the Russian sponsored news network — which to say the least are a worry. Here are a couple of them:

Paper beer bottles & wooden cutlery: Do eco-moralists care more about the environment, or turning people’s lives upside down? 

REALLY want to help Mother Nature? Don't drive electric cars, ignore paper bags & forget about organic food…

One could think that these article, unattributed, are satirical… But no… They sadly represent a "fuzzy fuck mother nature. It's good for you…” attitude. We are reminded that a fellow called Will Fowler, the “creative director for Headspace” said to the Guardian in 2017 that :
“Brands are allowing people to pat themselves on the back without them personally having to sacrifice anything,” 

Thus we are told without laughing:

This "describes" the bull market in corporate virtue-signaling. And this is the essence of green consumerism – reassuring people used to a high-consumption standard of living that they need not change their lifestyle in order to reduce their carbon footprint.

Here Gus must mention that people used to a LOW-consumption standard of living in the third-world (or as they say now : countries in development) that they need not change their lifestyle in order to reduce their carbon footprint, despite hoping to drive a Merc in the near future instead of riding a belching donkey… 

The article continues:

In reality, consuming less is always better than consuming a “green” product. But there’s no way for companies to monetize non-consumption, and no way to grow a nation’s economy through not spending money. For all the ink wasted in touting “compassionate capitalism,” unrestrained economic growth is not compatible with reducing humanity’s environmental impact. No country can buy its way to zero emissions (though that won’t stop governments from trying with constructs like carbon offsets and cap-and-trade that reek of magical thinking).

It's human nature to want to save the planet, and the corporations driving the green consumer craze are merely taking advantage of this instinct. But the only thing green about their products is the money spent to purchase them.

"It's human nature to want to save the planet…” No it’s not. It’s human nature to burn stuff, kill monkeys and cut trees. Saving the planet? You must be kiddin’… Consuming less? Sure the USA has 500 million people equivalent living there because most of them (its 330 millions) are twice as fat and eat double portions compared to the rest, on the other side of the world...

All good. Do your bit. Buy a gas-guzzler instead of an electric bike, use plastic spoons and plastic disposable bags galore to help the environment, don’t use solar panels because burning coal is less dirty at the origin of manufacture (oh not really!) and don’t eat organic foods because they will make you fart the same than GMOs but cost more… Paper beer bottles? Like milk cartons? Wooden spoons? Gus is a tragic wooden-spooner…  always coming last...

And by the way, Will Fowler, the “creative director for Headspace”, isn’t from Headspace the organisation to save young people, but from Headspace the corporation that sells “well-being” at inflated prices… Compared the pears :

Headspace (organisation) is an Australian non-profit organisation for youth mental health established by the Australian government in 2006. It has been useful to prevent youth suicides...

Headspace (corporation) provides guided meditation resources online. Users can get ten days of free content, after which they have the option to take out a monthly or annual subscription for more advanced levels of meditation or continue with the free “basic” trial. In the UK, a lifetime subscription can costs between £299.99 and  £399.99.

Nothing wrong with meditation but already one can see where Will Fowler is coming from: money — especially the decimal .99. As an expert marketeer of the 1980s and 1990s, Gus cannot stress enough the psychological power of the .99 that reduces the cost of something from £400 to 399.99… This .01 difference is the major difference between selling/buying your grandmother or not...

Anyway, one can guess where these RT articles come from. Corporations. Corporations that do not like the competition from the greenery. Whether these are Russian, US, EU corporation is irrelevant. These don’t like the artisanal way to manufacture food. They will promote furphies like organic foods are no better for you and will damage your wallet. 

It’s better to protect crops with pesticides and herbicides than save the bees. Burning oil and coal is better than wind electric energy. Plastics are superior to paperbags — especially wet. Paying for meditation is better than getting free mental health. In all of this, the attractor is choice and stamping your ground by paying for something, including maintaining the habit of burning fossil stuff and doing smoky doughnuts with your souped-up car — rather than breathing the clean air for free. 

Imagine that wind and solar energies are like returning to hunting and gathering situation. Soon you will have to hunt your own hedgehog for tucker… Yep, returning to nature sounds like an episode of Dad’s Army, the old home guards fighting the Gerry’s tanks with bayonets training on a camping trip, and eating hedgehogs which by the way are delicious because the gipsies eat them… as long as you cook them in a mud casing to remove the spines…

But we soon need to breed hedgehogs in captivity otherwise we’ll run out of hedgehogs as young Pike (you-stupid-boy) reminds us, because the gipsies ate them all…

There are several campaigns at the moment coming from animal groups remind us that animals have feelings too. So do cannibals tell us the corporations. At which level do we make their life (animal’s) a misery before slaughtering them? What about a happy carrot? I can show you an unhappy one — a carrot, that lost its foliage by a massive spray of RoundUp before harvest. 

And what’s wrong turning a few nags into pet-food? Kick them in the head with inhumane passion (sadism) because it sent you broke on your last bet with Ladbrokes… Gambling with fire is our passion, not saving the planet with care.

How come an organic goat’s cheese taste better than cardboard? Can one eat plastic directly, bypassing food manufacturing and packaging entirely, saving time and sweat for farmers — who are suffering like hell in an interminable Australian drought, that, as prophesied would happen a few years back by Tim Flannery who was so-poopooed by the likes of Andrew Bolt, because at the time it was flooding everywhere?

And don’t mention global warming… As Mr Putin says, young Greta does not understand that things are more complicated… Sure. What's complicated about our world economy relying 99.99 (note the decimal) per cent on burning fossil fuels and that burning fossil fuels is slowly (fast in geosumpthing time) killing the planet off?

Nature? Sure let’s replace our water guzzling lawns with weed-less plastic fake grass all over. This will be a winner. Planet Plastic has a good ring to it. Turtles in the oceans love plastic bits to death.

Gus Leonisky

Your local ecomoralist with a bent pitchfork.

when gout was fashionable: you could afford rich food...



Am I at risk of having gout?

You’re more likely to have a gout attack if you:

  • are male
  • have a family history of gout
  • have elevated levels of uric acid in the blood
  • drink too much alcohol (particularly beer)
  • eat a diet high in purines such as meat, sweetbreads, offal, shellfish, and fructose
  • are overweight or obese
  • use diuretics
  • have type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol – these conditions can mean that your kidneys are less able to flush out the urates
  • have kidney disease
  • crash diet or fast.
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arnold schwarzenegger — strongman against global warming...

Teen climate activist Greta Thunberg has asked for a lift back across the Atlantic after next month's UN climate summit in Chile was unexpectedly scrapped.

The 16-year-old made it from Sweden to California by boat, train and electric car before Chile's government announced it was canning the summit because of political unrest in the South American nation.

The COP 25 summit will now be held in Spain.

"As #COP25 has officially been moved from Santiago to Madrid I'll need some help," Ms Thunberg tweeted from Los Angeles. 

"It turns out I've travelled half around the world, the wrong way."

"Now I need to find a way to cross the Atlantic in November ... If anyone could help me find transport I would be so grateful."

Ms Thunberg refuses to fly because of the carbon emissions involved.

Her highly publicised journey has so far involved crossing on a zero-emissions sailing boat from the coast of England to New York, then travelling overland through North America by train and in an electric car borrowed from Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Mr Schwarzenegger is not the only celebrity supporting Ms Thunberg — US actor Leonardo DiCaprio shared a photo of the himself and Ms Thunberg on his Instagram, calling her "a leader of our time". 

"It is because of Greta, and young activists everywhere that I am optimistic about what the future holds," DiCaprio said.

"It was an honour to spend time with Greta. She and I have made a commitment to support one another, in hopes of securing a brighter future for our planet."

Ms Thunberg was one of around 25,000 delegates expected in Santiago for the United Nations climate summit.

The summit will now take place in Madrid on the original scheduled dates of December 2-13.

"I'm so sorry I'll not be able to visit South and Central America this time, I was so looking forward to this," Ms Thunberg said on Twitter.

"But this is of course not about me, my experiences or where I wish to travel.

"We're in a climate and ecological emergency. I send my support to the people in Chile."

Ms Thunberg rose to prominence last year after she started spending her Fridays outside Sweden's parliament, holding a sign reading "School strike for climate."

Students across the world began emulating her campaign, leading to organised school walkouts and the rise of the "Fridays for Future" movement which targets government action on climate change.


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Arnold Schwarzenegger could row...

how life might rejuvenate once the human species dies out...

How life blossomed after the dinosaurs died

In 2014, when Ian Miller and Tyler Lyson first visited Corral Bluffs, a fossil site 100 kilometers south of the Denver Museum of Nature & Science where they work, Lyson was not impressed by the few vertebrate fossils he saw. But on a return trip later that year, he split open small boulders called concretions—and found dozens of skulls. Now, he, Miller, and their colleagues have combined the site's trove of plant and animal fossils with a detailed chronology of the rock layers to tell a momentous story: how life recovered from the asteroid impact that killed off the dinosaurs 66 million years ago.

Plants and animals came back much faster than thought, with plants spurring mammals to diversify, the team reports today in Science. "They get almost the whole picture, which is quite exciting," says functional anatomist Amy Chew of Brown University. "This high-resolution integrated record really tells us what's going on."

When the asteroid slammed into Earth, it wiped out 75% of living species, including any mammal much larger than a rat. Half the plant species died out. With the great dinosaurs gone, mammals expanded, and the new study traces that process in exquisite detail.

Most fossil sites from after the impact have gaps, but sediment accumulated nearly continuously for 1 million years on the flood plain that is now the Corral Bluffs site. So the site preserves a full record of ancient life and the environment.

Such sites can be hard to date. But Miller, a paleobotanist, and his colleagues collected 37,000 grains of pollen and spores, which revealed a clear marker of the asteroid impact: a surge in the growth of ferns, which thrive in disturbed environments. The site also includes two layers of ash from nearby volcanoes. Volcanic ash includes radioactive minerals whose decay can be used as a precise geochronological clock, providing two time markers. The known flips in Earth's magnetic poles, which some minerals in the layers had recorded, add detail to the chronology. "They have a very strong geochronological framework," says David Fastovsky, a paleontologist at the University of Rhode Island in Kingston.

The record confirms the devastation wrought by the impact. Raccoon-size mammal species had swarmed the site before the catastrophe, but for 1000 years afterward just a few furry creatures no bigger than 600-gram rats roamed a ferny world where flowering plants, with their nutritious seeds and fruits, were scarce.

By 100,000 years later, twice as many mammal species roamed, and they were back to raccoon size. These critters foraged in the palm forests that replaced the ferns. "It's a world that's coming back from complete and utter devastation," Miller says.

Over the next 200,000 years, what he calls the "palm period" gave way to the "pecan pie" period, when walnutlike plants arose. New mammals evolved to take advantage of the nutritious seeds. Mammal diversity increased threefold, and the biggest of the new species reached 25 kilograms—beaver size.



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