Tuesday 25th of February 2025

5G is mucking up weather predictions...

Forecasters fear 5G wireless technology will muck up weather predictions


A remarkable interagency battle is playing out within the U.S. government over whether plans for the next generation of wireless technology, known as 5G, will threaten accurate weather forecasts—and, if so, how to mitigate the threat. Months of technical studies and debate have only deepened the impasse.

NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) say 5G antennas will blast signals near the frequencies their satellites use to gather critical water vapor data, and could compromise forecasts and science. The agencies are calling for tight limits on stray noise. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which licenses the wireless spectrum for 5G operators in the United States, says those fears are overblown.

Jordan Gerth, a meteorologist at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, says 5G poses "a clear threat" to weather forecasting, but adds that "the devil is in the details." Attempts to reach a compromise have faltered, and a July workshop organized by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine to search for a solution was canceled when federal agencies declined to attend. A series of international meetings beginning next week aims to hammer out global 5G regulations—but forecasters fear U.S. delegates will not argue for strict limits.


5G promises data speeds up to 100 times faster than current 4G networks; it could pave the way for widespread adoption of cutting-edge technologies such as autonomous cars. Already, telecom companies have begun to attach suitcase-size 5G antennas to cellphone towers and rooftops in cities around the world.

The companies want to expand service into additional frequency bands such as one at 24 gigahertz (GHz)—a frequency much higher than those used by existing wireless networks—because they can pack more information into the signals, and because the atmosphere is transparent to signals in the band. But such frequency bands are useful only if companies can blast data at relatively high signal strengths. FCC has proposed allowing noise as high as −20 decibel watts (dBW) in all bands auctioned off so far, including one between 24.25 and 25.25 GHz.

But a nearby frequency is critical for weather forecasters. At about 23.8 GHz, water vapor molecules emit a small amount of radiation—one of the best ways to remotely sense the atmospheric water content that fuels clouds and storms. Because air is transparent at those frequencies, sensors attached to NOAA's Joint Polar Satellite System and the European Meteorological Operational satellites can collect data from all levels of the atmosphere, providing a crucial input not just for familiar 7-day weather forecasts, but also for predicting the strength of hurricanes and where they will make landfall. A long-term water vapor record can also help calibrate climate change models, adds Eric Allaix, a meteorologist at Météo-France in Toulouse who leads a World Meteorological Organization committee on radio frequency coordination.


Science magazine.


In Australia, apart from the Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) and its array of computers, we have the Kookaburras (image at top) as an indicator of incoming weather. Should these laughing jackasses laugh (calling their mates — not laughing at us we think hopefully), this indicates a rallying cry for a change of weather: it's going to rain. My guess is that they're lucky with the coincidence or that "they know in advance" that the soil is going to get wet and worms will come out... Smart or lucky, it seems to work for about 95 per cent of predictions.


Health-wise: https://www.abc.net.au/news/science/2019-08-28/is-5g-safe-dr-karl-radiation-explainer/11416070

huawei to the rescue?...

As Western powers continue to grapple with if or how to fit Huawei's 5G networks into their societies, reports have revealed the Chinese telecom giant is already well into researching 6G mobile technology.

Key points: 
  • 6G is predicted to fundamentally alter people's relationship to technology
  • Huawei is not the only company researching 6G, which is estimated to roll out in the 2030s
  • But Huawei has been banned from 5G networks in Australia, New Zealand and the US


6G, a term used for the globe's "sixth-generation mobile" wireless internet network, will be the successor to the world's still-forthcoming mobile network, 5G. 

Presently, that network is slowly being rolled out in cities around the globe, and in Australia, access to the service has been slow, with coverage so far being provided by just Telstra and Optus.

However, this week, tech website The Logic reported that Huawei was the latest company to join a small list of companies and universities commencing 6G's research and development.

Huawei's research will happen at the company's Canadian lab, and Song Zhang, Huawei Canada's vice-president of research strategy and partnerships, told Logic the company was "in talks with Canadian university researchers" about the network's development.

Yang Chaobin, the president of Huawei's 5G products, said that 6G would not be viable until 2030.

But with 5G technology is still in its infancy — and with many telecommunications company still determining how and where to implement 5G infrastructure — is the move to 6G research jumping the gun?


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Hopefully the 6G network would not impede on our scientific observations, but who knows... We know the spectrum of electromagnetic waves is weird as we can heat up our water in a "microwave oven" and we know the sun heats up CO2 in the atmosphere with specific wavebands of infrared. With our added CO2 from burning fossil fuels, we create global warming...

the furphy of nosebleed with 5G...

A Wifi radiation expert claims levels of radiation in parts of Byron Bay are “off the charts.”

Parents concerned about the possible impacts of 5G technology joined expert Kelly Abeleven, as she conducted tests in tourist hotspots this morning.

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By the end of this year, a new super-fast mobile network will be operating in all major capital cities and regional areas in Australia.

5G represents the fifth generation of mobile network technology, and it promises to be as much of a leap forward as 4G mobile broadband was back in 2011.

As the rollout proceeds, however, it's become a focal point for longstanding concerns about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation.

"I'm very concerned about 5G. I already get headaches from 4G and wifi," Oliver in Mackay wrote in to Hack.

A Sydney resident told the ABC recently: "We don't want it here. It causes us great anxiety that this thing is going to be running 24-7."


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We shall put a stop to this crap now. With radios,TVs, telephones, microwaves and radars, the level of these "artificial" radiations in the environment is very small compared to the general natural radiations which encompass radon, cosmic radiations, thoron, gamma "rays" and our own internal radiation. You have also far more to fear about infrared that can burn your skin (sunburn) and ultraviolet radiation that can induce cancers (melanoma). 

Now a bit more information in regard to the spectrum of radiation used for transmission. As noted at top, the 5G network spectrum is too close to some spectrum used for the analysis of weather prediction. This is a problem. Spectrums for transmissions are allocated by governments to agencies, private and public such as defence. Our ability to "manipulate" radiations to transmit information is quite phenomenal though. And this is not without its problem such as "interferences", deliberate or not, or "capture" in order to listen in. As well some spectrum of radiation are not efficient at transporting info. The atmosphere may not be "transparent" to some radiation frequencies. This to some extend saves our skin. We all (we all should) know about the ozone layer and of its importance in stopping a lot of ultraviolet (UV) rays (light) in the atmosphere. A lot of cosmic radiation is also prevented to reach us because of the atmospheric "opacity"... 


Radar microwaves are quite powerful, but still way below the threshold of doing bio-damage. On Mythbusters, the mob tried to cook a turkey in proximity of a powerful radar at full blast and it "did not work"... They actually did not go into the details but I can guess the "radio-waves" coming from the radar are on a different frequency than that of your kitchen microwave which has a very specific frequency that make water molecule vibrate — thus heat up. This is why the microwave unit is a cage (with a specific grid and size) from which the radio-waves cannot escape. Leave a spoon in your soup bowl in the microwave and it will have a massive fit. 


In electronic warfare, the trick is to jam radio transmission of your opponent — or listen in, but encryption and change of frequency may impede your ability to capture the info, so the general jamming of radio-waves (including GPS) is used. You will get complaints from various people whose phones or car keys won't work when the US navy or Chinese navy is in town, often because they use jamming of certain frequencies. None of these radiation from telephone towers, jamming or car keys will induce diseases or illness. CLOSE specific Radiation can sometimes be beneficial.

... Radiation is energy and research findings provide at least some information concerning how specific types may influence biological tissue, including that of the brain. In some cases the effect may be therapeutic. For example, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technique used to induce a short-term interruption of normal activity in a relatively restricted area of the brain by rapidly changing a strong magnetic field near the area of interest. Mark George provided a nice account of TMS in the September 2003 issue of Scientific American. In it he described how head-mounted wire coils can deliver powerful yet evanescent magnetic pulses directly into focal brain regions to painlessly modulate neural activity by inducing minute electric currents. Clinically, TMS may be helpful in alleviating certain symptoms, including those of depression.

Researchers typically differentiate between the effects of ionizing radiation (such as far-ultraviolet, X-ray and gamma ray) and nonionizing radiation (including visible light, microwave and radio). The ionizing variety may be undesirable because it can cause DNA damage and mutations, thus we should all limit our exposure to its sources--radioactive materials and solar radiation among them. However, given modern technology, nonionizing radiation from power lines, personal wireless devices, cell phone towers and other sources is practically unavoidable. Extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF) surround home appliances as well as high-voltage electrical transmission lines and transformers.

Evidence of health effects from EMF, including their influence on the brain, is inconclusive, and the probability that EMF exposure is a genuine health hazard is currently small. Nevertheless, exposure to high levels of nonionizing energy, such as at radio wave frequencies, can damage the structure and function of the nervous system. For example, microwave frequencies below 3,000 megahertz can penetrate the outer layers of the skin, be absorbed in the underlying tissues, and result in all of the known biological effects of heating, including burns, cataracts, and possibly death. Indeed, government regulators set most exposure limits to ensure that the amount of tissue heated by the absorption of energy is not in excess of what the body can take.


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the 5G transmission is safe and won't make your nose bleed, but it will interfere with the other transmissions used for weather forecasting. 







Satellites see hurricane winds despite military signal tweaks...

BY Paul Voosen

Science  14 Jun 2019:

Vol. 364, Issue 6445, pp. 1019

DOI: 10.1126/science.364.6445.1019


A mission to probe winds deep inside hurricanes, where most satellites cannot see and few aircraft venture, is showing signs of success despite an unexpected obstacle linked to tensions in the Middle East.

A constellation of eight microsatellites has harvested data that—if folded into the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA's) weather models—could have sharpened forecasts of several recent hurricanes, including Michael, a category-5 storm that hit Florida last year. “We're finally getting stuff that really looks useful,” says Frank Marks, who leads hurricane researchers exploring the data at NOAA's Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (AOML) in Miami, Florida. But the progress was hard-won for scientists on NASA's $157 million Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS), who discussed early results at a meeting last week, just as another Atlantic hurricane season kicked off.

With its flotilla of satellites crisscrossing the tropical oceans, CYGNSS can see through the thick clouds of cyclones. The satellites collect radio signals beamed from standard GPS beacons after they bounce off the ocean's surface. The reflections are influenced by sea's roughness, which depends on wind speed. But a month after launch in December 2016, the team noticed the GPS signals were wavering. “We assumed they are constant,” says Christopher Ruf, CYGNSS's principal investigator and an atmospheric scientist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. “And they're not.”

The U.S. military runs the GPS system, and in January 2017, it began to boost the radio power on 10 of its GPS satellites as they passed over a broad region centered on northern Syria. The power boosts, which can thwart jamming, have recurred without warning, each lasting several hours. “It's an opaque situation, obviously, because it's a classified military situation,” Ruf says. The swings don't interfere with other scientific uses of GPS. But they threw off the constellation's measurements of high winds by 5 meters a second or more—the difference between a category-2 and category-3 hurricane.

After 2 years of work, the CYGNSS team has compensated by reprogramming its satellites on the fly. The satellites carry large antennas to catch reflected GPS signals, but they also have small antennas that receive direct GPS signals, for tracking time and location. The team repurposed the small antennas to measure the signal strength of the GPS satellites, making it possible to correct the wind speed measures. “It works,” Ruf says. “We've been testing it for a number of months.”

Even before that fix, the wind data were good enough to improve some hurricane forecasts, says Bachir Annane, an atmospheric scientist at AOML. In the case of Michael, NOAA's forecast models failed, Annane says: They predicted it would track too far west, close to Alabama rather than Florida, and underestimated its ferocious winds. When he reran the models with CYGNSS winds, Annane found that the storm's forecasted early track and its intensity stayed closer to reality. The wind data would have improved track forecasts for two other recent hurricanes, Harvey and Irma, as well, he says.

The satellites are also giving scientists a view of the winds underlying the Madden-Julian oscillation, a large cluster of storms that periodically forms in the Indian Ocean and marches around the equator, influencing global weather (Science, 2 October 2015, p. 22). “Seeing under the rain was a big draw for us,” says Eric Maloney, an atmospheric scientist at Colorado State University (CSU) in Fort Collins, because scientists have long debated what fuels the storms. Last week at the CYGNSS meeting, Bohar Singh, an atmospheric scientist who works with Maloney at CSU, described evidence from CYGNSS that persistent winds boost ocean evaporation under a 3000-kilometer-wide set of rainstorms, sustaining them. That finding could help scientists forecast how the storm belt will change in a warmer climate, Maloney says.

After a few tweaks, CYGNSS can now look at land, too. Its antennas are capturing signs of soil moisture, says Clara Chew, a remote sensing hydrologist at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado. Although not as capable as a single dedicated satellite, CYGNSS's multiple satellites make more frequent measurements, which could help it monitor flood risks and track how different soils retain rain. “You can start to quantify how long the soil remembers,” Chew says.

NOAA scientists hope the new GPS fix will unleash the microsatellites' full potential for looking into storms, perhaps revealing new insights into why some hurricanes suddenly intensify. NOAA isn't likely to start using the CYGNSS data in its routine forecasts, Marks says. The satellites don't belong to the weather agency, and they are unlikely to last more than 7 years before failing. But he thinks their success against the odds could help persuade NOAA to launch its own wind-monitoring constellation.





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no problem with huawei...

Washington has been accusing Huawei of using its equipment for spying purposes, pressuring other nations to give up using the Chinese giant's infrastructure for the new generation of 5G networks. Huawei has rejected the allegations, saying the restrictions could affect the company’s ability to provide services to clients in more than 170 countries.

The UAE telecommunication company du has stated that its internal investigation found no reasons for security concerns related to Huawei’s 5G technology.

"Huawei is our partner in rolling out our 5G network... From a security perspective... we have our own labs in the UAE and we visit their labs... we have not seen any evidence that there are security holes specifically in 5G", the company's chief technological officer Saleem Albalooshi told Reuters.

du is a telecommunications operator based in the United Arab Emirates that provides telephone, internet, and TV services across the nation.

5G networks refer to fifth-generation technologies associated with super-fast data transmission and the ability to support driverless vehicles. Huawei is a Chinese company providing this sort of service.

However, earlier this year, the US accused China's tech giant Huawei of collaborating with the Chinese government and intelligence services for espionage purposes. Both Huawei and Beijing have repeatedly denied the allegations.

Washington has also put pressure on other countries to stop using Huawei equipment for the new generation of 5G networks. In May, the US Commerce Department blacklisted Huawei and nearly 70 of its affiliates from purchasing US technology and conducting business with American companies if not authorised by the government.


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Meanwhile the bad conspiracy theorist next door could suggest that the stupid result of the rugby league grand final last night (see: the worst referee EVER SEEN on a football field...) could have been influenced by Australia reluctance to let Huawei install 5G technology in Australia... The Canberra Raiders are sponsored by Huawei... while the rugby league season was sponsored by Telstra... The bad conspiracy theorist next door thinks no-one in their government mind could let the raiders win...

Leave this noodle soup with you.


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no yankee parts...

US Blacklist Backfires as Huawei Starts Building 5G Base Stations Without American-Made Parts

The Chinese tech giant has made strides to replace American-made hardware, software and technology in its 5G internet and smartphone divisions after being placed on a US Commerce Department blacklist earlier this year.

Huawei has begun manufacturing 5G base stations – the towers facilitating wireless communication between mobile devices and internet networks, without the use of parts made in the USA, company founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei has announced.

“We carried out the testing in August and September, and from October on we will start scale production,” Ren said, speaking at a forum late last week.

According to the company chief, the initial plan is to build 5,000 ‘US part-free’ 5G base stations per month, with more capacity being introduced as it becomes possible to do so.

5G is a major element of Huawei’s business, with the company expecting its 5G base station production to hit some 1.5 million units by next year, more than doubling the 600,000 units expected to be manufactured in 2019.

Huawei president of corporate strategy Will Zhang told Reuters that the Chinese-made components in the base stations would be “no worse” than their US-made analogues, and said that the company has enjoyed “positive surprises” from its efforts.

Huawei's domestically-manufactured 5G base stations are the latest technological breakthrough announced by the company following the introduction of US restrictions meant to limit US companies’ ability to do business with Huawei this past May.  Earlier this month, the company suggested that its newest smartphone, shipped without popular Google apps, would be able to compete directly with the latest Apple iPhone, which also launched this month (and doesn't feature 5G).


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6G network is needed urgently...

Future networks will allow data transmission at insane speeds of up to 100 gigabytes per second, but it is a long road to get there, as even standards and requirements are not set.

China has officially begun research for 6G wireless network standards, China’s Ministry of Science and Technology announced in a press release. The claim comes less than a week after Beijing presented the newest high-speed 5G standard.

The announcement was made in what was described as a 6G launch ceremony in Beijing on Sunday, attended by Vice Minister Wang Wei. The vice minister pointed out that “the current global 6G technology research is still in the initial stage of exploration, the technical route is still not clear, and the key indicators and application scenarios have not been uniformly defined,” according to the press release.

Wang Xi, deputy minister of China’s Technology Bureau said at the event that a team of 37 telecommunications specialists from universities, institutions and corporations has been gathered to create the general plan for 6G research and prove its technological feasibility, the report says.

Very little is determined regarding 6G communications currently. NetworkWorld’s Patrick Nelsons speculated that a future standard could take wireless networks to frequencies beyond 1THz (1,000 GHz), allowing for speeds of a whopping 100 gigabytes per second.

Under the newly-unveiled 5G standard, users can enjoy speeds of 1 to 1.7 gigabytes per second, which although paling in comparison to 6G expectations, is still many times faster than current 4G networks.

To demonstrate the recently-unveiled 5G standard, China created what it called a ‘5G Smart Town’ in 27-square miles town of Wuzhen near Shanghai. The town is covered using some 140 transmitters, the report says.

Before the end of this year, China plans to activate 130,000 5G base stations, one of the world’s largest 5G deployments, according to the Mail.

The 5G standard has become a point of fierce competition between China and the US, as the Trump administration seeks to ban Chinese tech companies from working on US 5G networks, saying these companies use their hardware to spy on the US on behalf of Beijing. Washington has applied pressure on its allies, such as Israel, in an effort to prevent them from cooperating with Chinese tech giants such as Huawei and ZTE on 5G deployment.



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Read from top why we urgently need 6G...

huawei in germany...

Germany’s economy minister has backed inclusion of Huawei in the country’s 5G networks despite US claims of spying by the Chinese tech giant. He recalled that American firms weren’t sidelined during the infamous NSA scandal.

The German telecom network is lagging behind the networks of many other European countries, and the lack of coverage is especially dire in rural areas. Huawei has been seen as a tool to tackle the problem. Yet, Berlin is facing pressure from Washington, who alleges the tech giant has close ties with the Chinese government and helps it to spy on other states. Huawei has repeatedly ridiculed the allegation. While there is no outright ban in Germany, in the US itself, government agencies and private businesses are banned from dealing with both Huawei and ZTE – unless they are granted a special waiver.

Giving his take on the matter, Economy Minister Peter Altmaier reminded during a talk show on the German ARD public broadcaster on Sunday that Berlin did not “boycott” US enterprises after the National Security Agency (NSA) was found to be tapping the phones of Chancellor Angela Merkel and her predecessor Gerhard Schroeder in 2013.


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Note: the whole capers ISN'T about Huawei's ability to spy or not, on communications. This is only about the US hurting a Chinese enterprise competing with US technology and cash. 

5G technology is primarily for military purposes...

The Hidden Military Use of 5G Technology

by Manlio Dinucci

The operation organised by the "Five Eyes" against Huawei aims exclusively to ensure that 5G technology in the West will not be controlled by a Chinese company. As a Pentagon report attests, this civilian technology is primarily used for military purposes.

At the London Summit, NATO’s 29 countries pledged to "guarantee the security of our communications, including 5G". Why is this fifth generation mobile data transmission technology so important for the Atlantic Alliance?

While previous technologies were finalised to produce ever more advanced smartphones, 5G is designed not only to improve their performance, but mainly to connect digital systems that need huge amounts of data to operate automatically. The most important applications of 5G will be realized not in the civilian field, but in the military field.

The possibilities offered by this new technology are explained in the report Defense Applications of 5G Network Technology, published by the Defense Science Board, a federal committee that provides scientific advice to the Pentagon: "The emerging 5G technology, commercially available, offers the Department of Defense the opportunity to benefit at minor costs from the benefits of this system for its own operational requirements".

In other words, the 5G commercial network, carried out by private companies, will be used by the US armed forces at a much lower cost than would be necessary if the network were carried out solely for military purposes. Military experts predict that 5G will play a key role in the use of hypersonic weapons: missiles, including those armed with nuclear warheads, that travel at a speed greater than Mach 5 (5 times the speed of sound). To guide them on variable trajectories, by changing course in a fraction of a second to avoid interceptor missiles, it is necessary to collect, develop and transmit huge amounts of data in very fast times. The same is necessary to activate defences in the event of an attack with such weapons: since there is no time to make a decision, the only possibility is to rely on automatic 5G systems.

The new technology will also have a key role in the battle network. Being able to connect millions of transmitter-receiver devices in a limited area at the same time, it will enable the military - departments and individuals - to transmit maps, photos and other information on the current operation to each other in near real time.

Extremely important will also be the G5 for secret services and special forces. It will make possible much more effective control and espionage systems than those of today. It will increase the lethality of killer drones and war robots, giving them the ability to identify, track and strike people based on facial recognition and other characteristics. The 5G network, being a high-tech warfare instrument, will automatically also become the target of cyber attacks and war actions carried out with new generation weapons.

In addition to the United States, this technology is being developed by China and other countries. International 5G litigation is therefore not only commercial. The military implications of 5G are almost completely ignored because even critics of this technology, including various scientists, focus their attention on the harmful effects on health and the environment due to exposure to low frequency electromagnetic fields. This commitment is of the utmost importance, but it must be united with the one against the military use of this technology, indirectly financed by ordinary users. One of the greatest attractions, which will promote the diffusion of 5G smartphones, will be to be able to participate, by paying a subscription fee, in war games of impressive live realism with players from all over the world. In this way, without realizing it, the players will finance the preparation for war, the very real one.

Manlio Dinucci

Roger Lagassé

Il Manifesto (Italy)


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5G radiation limits...

5G phones are to be subject to tougher radiation limits.

But the standards body behind the new rules says there is no evidence that mobile networks cause cancer or other illnesses.

It has spent several years reviewing scientific literature on the effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields.

It says the new guidelines will provide improved protection for forthcoming 5G technologies that use high frequencies.

It is the first time since 1998 that the guidelines on protecting humans from radiation from phone networks, wi-fi and Bluetooth have been updated.

High frequencies

The rules do not impose new limits on 5G phone masts, but rather concern the phones themselves. 

They impose what are described as "more conservative limits" on radiation from handsets when they connect to higher-frequency 5G networks. 

The changes focus on frequencies above 6 GHz. These are not used for 5G in the UK at the moment but could be in the future.


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the 5G pentagon network...


At Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada - announces the Pentagon - construction of a 5G experimental network will begin in July. It will become operational in January 2021.

The Red Flag, the most important air manoeuvre in the United States, took place at this base last March, with the participation of German, Spanish and Italian forces. The latter were also composed of F-35 fighters which - the Air Force says - were "integrated with the best of American military aviation" in order to "exploit the full potential of the aircraft and weapons systems on board", including certainly the nuclear ones. At the Red Flag in 2021, 5G mobile networks consisting of towers, that can be assembled and disassembled in less than an hour for rapid transfer depending on the operation in progress, will probably already be in operation for testing in a real environment.

The Nellis base is the fifth selected by the Pentagon to test the military use of 5G: the others are in Utah, Georgia, California and Washington State.

A Congressional Research Service paper (see below) explains that this fifth-generation mobile data technology can have "many military applications. One such application is for "autonomous military vehicles," that is, robotic air, land and naval vehicles capable of autonomously performing attack missions without even remote control. This requires the storage and processing of an enormous amount of data that cannot be carried out solely on board the autonomous vehicle. The 5G will allow this type of vehicle to use an external data storage and processing system, similar to the current Cloud for personal file storage. This system can make possible "new military operational concepts", such as "swarming", in which each vehicle automatically connects to the others to carry out the mission (e.g. an air attack on a city or a naval attack on a port).

5G will make the entire command and control system of the US armed forces more powerful on a global scale: currently - explains the document - it uses satellite communications but, because of the distance, the signal takes some time to arrive, causing delays in the execution of military operations. These delays will be virtually eliminated by 5G. It will play a decisive role in the use of hypersonic weapons, which, also equipped with nuclear warheads, travel at more than 10 times the speed of sound.

5G will also be extremely important for the secret services, making possible much more effective control and espionage systems than the current ones. "5G is vital to maintaining America’s military and economic advantages," the Pentagon said.

Particularly advantageous is the fact that "the emerging 5G technology, which is commercially available, offers the Department of Defense the opportunity to take advantage of this system at lower costs for its own operational requirements. In other words, the 5G commercial network, made by private companies, is being used by the U.S. Armed Forces at a much lower cost than would be required if the network were made solely for military purposes. This also happens in other countries.

It is therefore understandable that the 5G dispute, especially between the United States and China, is not part of the trade war alone. 5G creates a new track for the arms race, which is taking place less in terms of quantity than quality. This is not addressed by the media and is largely ignored even by critics of the technology, who focus their attention on the possible harmful effects on health. This commitment is certainly of great importance, but it must be joined with those opposing the military use of this technology, which is unwittingly financed by ordinary users of fifth-generation mobile phones.

Manlio Dinucci
Roger Lagassé

Il Manifesto (Italy)

Read more:https://www.voltairenet.org/article210082.html

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5G landing heavy weather....

Some 45 percent of the US commercial fleet have been cleared for low-visibility landing at just over half of the airports most affected by 5G interference, the FAA said.

The aviation safety agency determined on Sunday which radio altimeter models can potentially be used for low-visibility landings in case of 5G C-band interference. Two types of devices used to measure a plane’s altitude above a fixed level were cleared by the FAA. 

The move opens up runways at 48 out of the 88 most affected airports for a host of aircraft models, including Boeing 737, 747, 757, 767, and MD-10/-11; and Airbus A310, A319, A320, A321, A330, and A350, which together comprise roughly 45% of America’s commercial fleet.

These planes would be allowed to land at the airports listed by the FAA even under low-visibility conditions. The remaining airports are still deemed too much affected by 5G frequencies and would apparently be open for landing only in good weather.

“Passengers should check with their airlines if weather is forecast at a destination where 5G interference is possible,” the FAA warned. The agency also noted that none of 88 affected airports would have been available for landing during recent low-visibility conditions on January 5.

AT&T and Verizon companies that are behind the development of wireless 5G networks in the US agreed to delay their rollout until January 19 and create buffer zones around 50 airports to reduce the interference risks. Buffer zones were particularly created in the New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Las Vegas, Minneapolis-Saint Paul, Detroit, Dallas, Philadelphia, Seattle, and Miami airports.

According to Reuters, however, the list of approved runways does not include many larger US airports. The US passenger and cargo airlines also believe the measures taken so far are insufficient.

“Even with the approvals granted by the FAA today, U.S. airlines will not be able to operate the vast majority of passenger and cargo flights due to the FAA’s 5G-related flight restrictions unless action is taken prior to the planned January 19 rollout,” said Airlines for America, a trade group representing several airlines, including American Airlines and Delta Air Lines.

The FAA previously repeatedly voiced concerns about C-band 5G potentially disrupting airplane instruments, like radio altimeters. The concerns led to negotiations between the telecom companies and government officials, and saw the original 5G rollout date set for December being postponed several times. The telecom companies also agreed to keep their 5G towers offline around dozens of airports for at least another six months after the rollout.


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