Monday 10th of March 2025

welcome to bondi — the thought police...


A controversial Bondi Beach mural highlighting Australia's immigration detention system has been painted over just hours after a fiery council meeting declared it should stay.

Key points:
  • Artist Luke Cornish painted the mural to coincide with his exhibition at nearby Bondi Pavilion
  • A petition lobbying for its removal had reached nearly 900 signatures
  • Waverly Council agreed on Tuesday night to remove the mural once Cornish's exhibition finishes this month, but it was defaced overnight


Early morning swimmers and joggers spotted the white paint covering the mural on Bondi Beach this morning.

The suspected vigilante action came after heated debate at a local council meeting last night, where councillors voted to eventually replace the artwork — but not immediately.

The seawall mural was painted by artist Luke Cornish late last month.

He said the 24 Australian Border Force officers in the artwork were meant to represent "the 24 suicides in detention facilities". 

Speaking on ABC Radio Sydney's breakfast program this morning, he said he was more "emotional" than "annoyed" about the defacing of his artwork. 

"I'm amazed it lasted more than two days," he said.


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this is australia...

original mural...

original mural

this is bondi...



This is REALLY Bondi... It's the setting for Bondi Rescue... On a sunny day, it's better than paradise.


Bondi Beach is a popular beach and the name of the surrounding suburb in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. Bondi Beach is located 7 km (4 mi) east of the Sydney central business district, in the local government area of Waverley Council, in the Eastern Suburbs. Bondi, North Bondi, and Bondi Junction are neighbouring suburbs. Bondi Beach is one of the most visited tourist sites in Australia.


Bondi Rescue is an Australian factual television programme which is broadcast on Network 10. The programme, which has aired since 2006, follows the daily lives and routines of the Waverley Council professional lifeguards who patrol Bondi Beach. Bondi Rescue was first broadcast in 2006. Bondi Rescue is broadcast internationally throughout 100 countries. 

white paint? more like shitty brown cream paint...

A controversial mural at Sydney's Bondi Beach in Australia has been vandalised after councillors rejected calls to remove it.

The mural, painted by artist Luke Cornwall in July, was defaced on Wednesday.

The piece showing 24 Australian Border Force officers below the words "not… welcome to Bondi" has divided opinion.

Mr Cornwall said he painted the mural to highlight Australia's policy towards asylum-seekers.

But some had called for it to be painted over, calling it "offensive" and "politicised".

On Tuesday night, the council voted to keep the artwork after debating a motion to have it removed.

Vandals struck hours later, daubing the artwork with a streak of white paint.


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a streak of white paint?... Who is writing this crap?

 a) the paint is not white and

b) a streak it is not. It's a massive roller big effing job!


meanwhile at the wapo...

The Washington Post just wrote the mother of all corrections.

The newspaper published the 579-word mea culpa on a July 23 article Wednesday — so long that it is more than one-fifth the length of the original story, had to be separated out into 15 bullet points and jumps from the first page of the print edition into the food section, according to the Washingtonian.

The article by Korsha Wilson — titled “Black families once lived off their southern farmland. Their descendants are struggling to hold onto it” — “contained many errors and omitted context and allegations important to understanding two families’ stories,” the paper said.

The story details the struggles of two families — the Freemans and the Terrys — to keep their family farms.

Among the many issues with the story: The first name of one Freeman was misspelled; the number of children he had with his second wife “was eight, not 10”; and another family member “did not buy 170 acres with his siblings in 1963,” but rather “his parents bought the 150-acre property in 1961,” the correction said.

Yet another relative died four years earlier than the original article reported.

“Contrary to what was reported in the initial article, (Emanuel) Freeman Sr.’s grandson, Johnny, did not refuse to move off a Halifax, Va., sidewalk for a white woman; he was talking to her, which drew the ire of some white locals, including the Ku Klux Klan,” the correction went on.

“When a crowd gathered at the Freeman home where Johnny fled, gunfire was exchanged, and one family member’s home was set ablaze,” the correction said.

In a statement to the Washingtonian, Post executive editor Martin Baron said the paper was “embarrassed by the widespread errors in this freelance article.”

“We have published a detailed correction of each error and updated the story based on re-reporting by Post staff.”

The paper said the correction “is all we have to share.”


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Note: The New York Post makes rarely mistakes as it does not publish articles, just pictures for the illiterates... That was below the belt. G


Not as bad as Der Spiegel's apology (23 pages), though...

your letter is under the floor boards...

A plaque on a wall could be the final remnant of Bondi Beach's heritage-listed post office if redevelopment of the building goes ahead, local residents say.

Key points:
  • Bondi Beach Post Office was sold by Australia Post in 2017 under the proviso that postal services would continue nearby
  • Sydney company Taylor bought the building and wants to redevelop it into apartments, retail and underground parking
  • The plan is now before the Land and Environment Court, which will hold a conciliation meeting this month 


The post office, built in 1922 and described as an example of "inter-war stripped classical style", was quietly sold by Australia Post for $10 million to financial advisor Jamie Nemtsas.

Redevelopment plans emerged after Mr Nemtsas on-sold it to Sydney construction and property developer Taylor with an asking price of $15 million.

Senator Doug Cameron was outraged about the sale and raised the issue in the Senate before the last federal election.

"Here we have a valuable and important public asset, a community asset that is heavily utilised by residents, sold off for a pittance without going to tender, behind closed doors," he said.

Taylor's development application (DA) includes three storeys of apartments with a retail shopfront underneath and two levels of parking underground.

The DA has provisions which retain the facade, with a "relatively small plaque" titled "Bondi Beach Post Office" as an historic marker.

The worst case scenario would see the post office relocated somewhere else, Lenore Kulakauskas, convenor of Bondi Beach Precinct and ALP member for Vaucluse, said.


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boondi update...


The wall — now grey. Picture by Gus Leonisky


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According to the survey forms and correspondence received by the Royal Anthropological Society of Australasia regarding Aboriginal place names, 1899-1903, 1921-1926, Boondi, now called Bondi means ‘the noise made by sea waves’. According to the David R Horton map, Boondi most likely originated from the Dharug Language group. 

In the lead up to NAIDOC Week 2015, the Indigenous Services team of the State Library of NSW will be posting an Indigenous ‘word of the week’ from collection material available on the Rediscovering Indigenous Languages Website. This year the NAIDOC Week theme is ‘We all Stand on Sacred Ground: Learn, Respect and Celebrate’. It encourages people to find out more about their local community and the traditional names for places, rivers and mountains in their area. The State Library’s collections hold significant historical materials that record Aboriginal place names and meanings across Australia.


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closing the mecca of sunburning bods...

The NSW Government has closed Bondi Beach after the number of people on the famous sands exceeded Australia's outdoor-gathering limit imposed to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Key points:
  • Pictures of a packed Bondi Beach yesterday went viral online
  • People making the most of Sydney's warm weather have been widely criticised 
  • Gatherings of more than 500 people in outdoor areas are banned in Australia


The closure is temporary and the measure will extend to other beaches if social-distancing rules, which have banned non-essential outdoor gatherings of more than 500 people, are being flouted.

NSW Police Minister David Elliott ordered the beach to be shut on Saturday afternoon.

It came after many people made the most of warm weather in Sydney yesterday, descending on the tourist hotspot.

Pictures of the large crowds went viral online, attracted widespread criticism, and drew the ire of Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt and other officials.


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Not only you can't get the melanoma cancer anymore, you're not allowed to get the shittycrownvirus as well... Welcome to the world upside down.