Monday 10th of March 2025

USA approved massacres...


As the Western media harps on about China's sad 30th anniversary of Tiananmen Square, especially with headlines "China approves massacre", it forgets a few things. The list of massacres done on behalf of, instigated by, or plainly done by the USA. At this stage, since WW2, one can count nearly 30 million people massacred by the US.

Too many massacres to have anniversaries about, except the 4th of July, every year which off course celebrate the massacre of British troops. Independence Day is annually celebrated on July 4 and is often known as "the Fourth of July". It is the anniversary of the publication of the declaration of independence from Great Britain in 1776.

But as usual, any bashing of someone else — using stirring images of a defenceless student in front of a Chinese tank makes good journalism. The pictures of poor bastards being blown up by US troops — Vietnam photographs excepted — is seen as necessary to maintain our comforts. Did I say 30 million people died for resisting the US empire? Yes, I did and with the mad Hawks in charge of destroying whatever, this list is not complete.



Hong Kong:  China was "correct" to send the army into Tiananmen Square in 1989 because it led to "stability", China's Defence Minister Wei Fenghe has declared.

The public comments on the eve of a sensitive 30th anniversary of the crackdown have broken the usual silence from Beijing about the Tiananmen Square bloodshed that resulted in the deaths of thousands of students. It showed the confidence of the Chinese military to say that "pressure worked", said one analyst.

joining the army generals brass band...

Poll after poll indicates that the only public institution Americans still trust is the military. Not Congress, not the presidency, not the Supreme Court, the church, or the media. Just the American war machine. 

But perhaps that faith in the U.S. Armed Forces is misplaced. I got to thinking about this recently after I wrote articles calling for dissent among military leaders in order to stop what seems to be a likely forthcoming war with Iran. While I still believe that dissent in the ranks stands the best chance of galvanizing an apathetic public against an ill-advised, immoral conflict in the Persian Gulf, I also know its a pipe dream.

These are company men, after all, obedient servants dedicated—no matter how much they protest otherwise—to career and promotion, as much or more than they are to the national interest. The American military, especially at the senior ranks, is apt to let you down whenever courage or moral fortitude is needed most. In nearly 18 years of post-9/11 forever war, not a single general has resigned in specific opposition to what many of them knew to be unwinnable, unethical conflicts. Writing about the not-so-long-ago Vietnam War, former national security advisor H.R. McMaster, himself a problematic war on terror general, labeled in his book title such military acquiescence Dereliction of Duty. That it was, but so is the lack of moral courage and logical reasoning among McMaster and his peers who have submissively waged these endless wars in Americans’ name.

Think on it: of the some 18 general officers who have commanded the ill-fated, ongoing war in Afghanistan, each has optimistically promised not only that victory was possible, but that it was “around the corner” or a “light at the end of the tunnel.” All these generals needed, naturally, was more time and, of course, more resources. For the most part they’ve gotten it, billions in cash to throw away and thousands of American soldiers’ lives to waste.


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