Monday 10th of March 2025

the out-of-tune-band-man was confidently playing alone, banging, wheezing and trumpeting loudly to a group of grumpy muppets...


... And it has to be said that for a man with essentially one tune to play, and nobody to accompany him, Scott Morrison's doing a transfixingly good job.

He's pulling the carrots and kicking the footies and being the campaign nice guy who picks up the old ladies and being the shouty guy, sometimes on the same day, and being the superannuation details guy and being the health guy and attacking Bill Shorten and empathising with him when people are mean about his mum and thumping out his reliable crowd-pleaser "Dear Economic Prudence" and remembering not to play the other old favourite because it reminds people of Peter Dutton.

That's a lot of things to remember, but I guess the calming element to the whole arrangement is that when you're doing it all yourself you don't have to lie awake worrying that some dingleberry on your team will accidentally set a bin on fire when you give them one simple job.


When he was interviewed for Kitchen Cabinet in 2014, he recalled his mother encouraging him in his career as a child actor.

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a transfixingly good job? Er... Go easy Annabel... We know you love the bogan from the shire, but... one needs to be a religious nut to be "transfixed" and his "good job" is telling porkies, falsehood and deceitful garbage with great aplomb. Sure I know many "experts" who do the same, but they are in plumbing or in insurance — not leading the country to perdition. Scummo's skills are that of the stagehand auditioning for "My Rubbish Bin's got Talent"... He has been acting ever since... Badly. He has no understanding of global warming, no clue about the destruction of species but he knows all there is to know about a lump of coal. He makes me cry...  THROW SCUMMO and his band of traitors OUT.   


Note: the bulgie smugglers, not the budgie smugglers...

kanbra muppet show...


one absent cartoonist though...

The wit, caricatures and illustrative political satire usually reserved for the morning newspaper can now be seen on the walls of Old Parliament House.

Key points:
  • The popular exhibition is displayed every year at Old Parliament House and also travels the country
  • Most of this year's cartoons examine the election campaign and Scott Morrison's surprise victory
  • Cartoonist of the year Jon Kudelka says politicians regularly buy copies of the art that lampoons them


The annual Behind the Lines exhibition has selected and framed what it says are the 80 best political cartoons of 2019.

Unsurprisingly, cartoonists drew heavily on this year's federal election campaign and the main parties' leaders.

While Prime Minister Scott Morrison was often depicted as a "one-man band" who won the election himself, cartoonists were at times scathing of his thwarted opponent, Labor's Bill Shorten.

The cartoonist of the year, Jon Kudelka, said using humour and cheek to cut through political spin helped keep the country's leaders honest.

"In a federal election, both sides are desperately trying to trick the electorate into believing that they've got their best interests at heart — and there's always plenty to work with there," Kudelka said.

A recurring theme was criticism of the Australian Federal Police raid on the ABC and the home of News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst.


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Read from top.

And not one single cartoon by Gus Leonisky in this glorious exhibitionist display. Possibly Gus is too crass, pedestrian and didactic for the intellectual judges of the pencil-pushers. Or as has been the case for a long time, no-one knows Gus exists in the little YD corner... Who cares? Goodo for the exhibitors. WE'RE GOING TO NEED MORE AND MORE AGGRESSIVE CARTOONING SHIT TO COUNTER THE SMOOTH DEVIOUS SCUMCRAPSON AND HIS SILKY HYPOCRITICAL CHRISTIAN MOUTH...

Note: the election of Scummyson was not a "surprise". This household knew that Mr Murdoch was working the room, Clive Palmer was ready to take a bath to help Scumgrubsonny and that Queensland and WA were CONservatived by the hip-pocket nerve and the disinformation about Labor. Bill Shorten did not help either...