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the gnats ortherwise known as the nationals...The Nationals leader, Michael McCormack, has unveiled a new statutory authority for water infrastructure in an effort to contain a bush boilover at the election – and has declared his party is happy to enter preference deals with One Nation because their policies align. McCormack used a speech to the National Press Club on Tuesday to unveil a new Northern Australian Infrastructure Facility-style body for dams, with the new body charged with using “the best available science” to examine how large-scale water diversion projects could be established to deliver reliable and cost-effective water to farmers and regional communities. The Nationals leader recognised there was “a big clamour” to pause the Murray-Darling plan in some parts of regional Australia – a backlash threatening Liberal and National incumbents. But he argued reopening that process would give the Greens “an opportunity to make it even a more environmental document than it already is”. While he argued against pausing the plan, McCormack decried water buybacks as “lazy policy” and said there shouldn’t be more buybacks to allocate water to the environment than envisaged under the current arrangements. The Nationals leader was also asked whether he endorsed comments from Barnaby Joyce, who said he sacked the head of the agriculture department Paul Grimes “to remind him where the authority starts from” and noted he “got a lot more sense” out of bureaucrats after the firing. That revelation was contained in a report by The Project on Monday evening, in which Joyce repeated that he did not know the directors of Eastern Australia Agriculture despite acknowledging he may have done accountancy work for the previous owner of two properties at the centre of controversial $80m water buybacks.
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the family man visits the strip club...
A drunken bender in a US strip club has proved politically painful for more than just the man at the centre of the scandal.
The handsy saga brought One Nation back to the forefront of the federal election campaign.
In doing so it meant the Coalition's leaders had to again defend their preference dealings with Pauline Hanson's party.
That was music to the ears of an Opposition leader eager to accuse the Prime Minister of becoming hostage to Senator Hanson and to Clive Palmer, who is seeking re-election.
A night at the strippersThe shots were fired early but it was a drunken trip to a strip club that ultimately ended Steve Dickson's federal political ambitions.
One Nation leader Pauline Hanson had stuck with him as he and staffer James Ashby were engulfed in scandal amid revelations the pair wanted millions of dollars in political donations from an American lobby group and discussed softening gun ownership policies.
But vision of him touching a dancer and making derogatory comments in a US strip club proved a bridge too far.
"I wouldn't tolerate my own children behaving this way towards women and I cannot and will not condone my own candidates dealing with women in this fashion either," Senator Hanson said in announcing she'd accepted his resignation.
Apparently, the video of Steve Dickson, being a dick in the USA, was not used in the original Al Jazeera reportage because "it was not in the public interest". Like hell!... Somehow, the footage, like a collateral damage video, ended up in the hands of the Channel Nine journos... Though killing journalists in cold bloody murder is far removed from dicky Dickson's indiscretion in a recording, it still does not absolve One Nation for being full of nuts, idiots and deceiful morons.
And the gnats of the Nationals still align themselves with the crappy One Nation... Idiots...
tears of one nation...
A tearful Pauline Hanson says the strip club scandal involving former One Nation Senate candidate Steve Dickson has been used to attack her political party unfairly.
Key points:Mr Dickson on Tuesday withdrew from the election campaign after undercover footage emerged of him making derogatory comments and touching a dancer during a night out at a strip club in Washington DC last year.
The former Senate hopeful also apologised for his behaviour, saying the footage "does not reflect the person I am".
The video was filmed as part of the same operation which last month revealed Mr Dickson and party adviser James Ashby travelled to the US last year seeking campaign help from lobby groups such as the National Rifle Association (NRA).
In the wake of the leaked footage, Senator Hanson told Channel Nine's A Current Affair she believed her party was repeatedly targeted in a way that others were not.
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RUBBISH. All the other parties have been hit in the gonalds, the donalds and the watergates. But unlike Pauline crying her spilled sour dickmilk, say, someone like Tomato Joyce will non-stop push the boundaries of the incredible above the flocks of flying porkies, instead of shedding tears that could fill a swimming pool to drown himself in. Scummo is embarrassing as a Noah's Ark family member, living on the monkey deck, in the chimp sub-division. While Shorten will be attacked like you won't believe by the merde-och media in a couple weeks. What we've seen poured on him so far in this rubbishy drivel, is like a Sunday picnic. The full assault will start on next Sunday, with revelation on Bill's private life, sauced up by the likes of Peta Credlin, Miranda Devine and Shit-Pumping Piers. Zingers?...
And dear Pauline, next time, chose your members well, amongst the nazi panoply of good family superior race white dudes:
killing orang utans with good work in kanbra...
In phone calls and text messages, Mr Hanley said the posts were "defendable" and cited his record of good works in the Canberra community.
He referred all media inquiries to a UAP media advisor, however the party did not respond to questions on the posts.
The ACT preference deal is part of a nationwide agreement between the Liberal Party and the United Australia Party for the coming federal election. But it is possible to have local variations from seat to seat.
Barnaby Joyce has preferenced the Christian Democrats first on his ballot paper in his seat of New England, bucking the Nationals' deal with One Nation.
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adding salt to the wounds...
The errant Liberals were bundled out with haste because the views they expressed underscored negative perceptions about the party. The party in Victoria right now does not need their representatives presenting as homophobic, or saying crazy things about Muslims – not in the most progressive state in the country, where voters are already worried that a party of government is vulnerable to takeover by ultra-conservatives and rightwing fringe dwellers.
It’s exactly the wrong message in the wrong place at the wrong time, because it plays to a pre-existing concern at large in the community. And there’s further trouble too, with a revelation far-right ringleader Neil Erikson was one of three extremists who attended a “conservative recruitment event” for the LNP at a private residence on the Gold Coast last year.
Cue the Nationals leader Michael McCormack, who didn’t help by saying breezily mid-week that it was fine for Nationals to do preference deals with One Nation because there was an alignment between the two parties. Not only was that a dumb message for Nationals trying to hold their ground in what looks like a burgeoning bush boilover, it was a deeply dumb message for Melbourne.
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killing species to grow cattle...
Most clearing of Australian habitat relied on by threatened species is concentrated in just 12 federal electorates, nine of which are held by the Coalition, an analysis has found.
University of Queensland scientists found more than 90% of the threatened species habitat lost since the turn of the century has been in six electorates in Queensland, two each in NSW and Western Australia and one in Tasmania and the Northern Territory.
The study, commissioned by the Australian Conservation Foundation, comes in the wake of a United Nations global assessment that found biodiversity is being lost at an unprecedented rate, with one million species at risk of extinction. The report warns the decline in native life could have implications for human populations across the globe.
The research found the greatest loss of threatened species habitat in Australia had been in the agriculture minister David Littleproud’s electorate of Maranoa, in southern Queensland. Nearly two million hectares, or 43%, has been cleared since 2000, when the federal Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act was introduced. Among the 85 threatened species affected are the koala, the greater bilby, the black-throated finch and the long-nosed potoroo.
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mccormack is an ignoramus, a racist and a fascist...
Fiji's Prime Minister Frank Bainimarama has accused the Australian Government of taking a "big step backwards" in its relations with the Pacific, after Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack was captured on tape saying island nations affected by climate change would continue to survive — by picking Australian fruit.
Key points:Footage published by The Guardian shows Mr McCormack at a business function in Wagga Wagga, after Australia stymied efforts by small island states to get Pacific-wide consensus on their declaration for stronger action on climate change.
The watered-down agreement ended marathon talks at the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) in Tuvalu, where the smaller Pacific nations had been pushing for a phase-out of coal in the power sector, which Australia resisted.
But Mr McCormack, who was acting prime minister at the time, told the function the Pacific nations would be fine.
"[I] get a little bit annoyed when we have people in those sorts of countries pointing the finger at Australia and say we should be shutting down all our resources sector so that they will continue to survive," he said.
"They will continue to survive, there's no question they will continue to survive, they will continue to survive with large aid assistance from Australia.
"They will continue to survive because many of their workers come here and pick our fruit."
The Fijian Prime Minister responded to the comments on Twitter.
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an apology that is not worth a fig...
Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack has apologised for comments about Pacific islanders being able to survive the ravages of climate change by taking fruit-picking jobs in Australia.
Key points:Mr McCormack made the comments last Friday as he sought to dismiss criticism levelled at Prime Minister Scott Morrison following the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF), at which leaders claimed Australia was ignoring the threat climate change posed to the survival of vulnerable low-lying island nations.
"[I] get a little bit annoyed when we have people in those sorts of countries pointing the finger at Australia and say we should be shutting down all our resources sector so that they will continue to survive," he said.
"They will continue to survive, there's no question they will continue to survive, and they will continue to survive with large aid assistance from Australia.
"They will continue to survive because many of their workers come here and pick our fruit."
On Thursday he apologised.
"Well look, if any insult was taken, I sincerely apologise," he said.
The Nationals leader said his comments were simply an effort to highlight the importance of Pacific islanders to Australia's seasonal labour scheme.
"I come from an electorate where there's a strong horticultural section, for which couldn't operate without the labour force that's provided by the Pacific islands."
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"Well look, if any insult was taken, I sincerely apologise"?... Hold your thousand thirsty old nags, Michael! This is another insult! You insulted the people and then you say: "if any insult was taken..." basically infering that you DID NOT INSULT THEM, BUT they felt insulted?...
Why don't you say : "Sorry, I goofed. I was insensitive. I was a mongrel. I was out of line. I'm a poor silly bastard... I'm not worthy of being in government. I'm an idiot... and I will try to make sure this won't happen again. I beg your forgiveness. Please, kick me in the arse, I deserve it..." Then people might accept your apology and kick you in the arse nonetheless.
cheesed off about their big (mccormack) cheese...
There might be a place where “raving inner city lunatics” are the only people who are concerned about climate change but it is certainly not Michael McCormack’s electorate of Riverina.
Here in south-western New South Wales, the effects of climate change could not be more keenly felt, as we continue to manage for an extended fire season, as we continue to sell down stock and towns actively deal with water shortages and quality issues for drinking and irrigation.
They are just the headlines to our lives.
Monday’s extraordinary interview is just more evidence of the tin ear on the national political party most often associated with country Australia. And more’s the pity.
Those of us who live in the country need metropolitan Australians to understand our lives more than ever. Yet this sort of rubbish about ‘woke inner city greenies’ is exactly the sort of crap that divides the nation and takes the place of the more difficult policy work to address some of our challenges.
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Family-run dairy farms are fuming after regulations they were told would protect them from unscrupulous milk processors appear set to do the opposite.
Key points:The government's own competition watchdog, the ACCC, says it has concerns the proposed regulations are hazy and could entrench the market power of big multinational companies.
"We believe that farmers may be in a worse situation than what they were in regard to the Murray Goulburn debacle," dairy farmer Graham Forbes told AM.
In 2016, milk processor Murray Goulburn retrospectively slashed milk prices for its suppliers after running into financial headwinds on global markets.
Under pressure to save an industry in trouble, the government promised new regulations to force processors to stick to prices and agreements.
A draft code of conduct released in January "prohibited" such actions unless there were "exceptional circumstances."
But in a new draft released last month by Agriculture Minister Bridget McKenzie, processors could change contract conditions after they were signed if there are "circumstances beyond the reasonable control" of the processor.
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a nat day with the nags...
Nationals leader Michael McCormack has been accused of organising a party meeting in Victoria to coincide with the Melbourne Cup by the rebel MP who sensationally quit to sit on the crossbench.
Ex-Nationals MP Llew O’Brien quit the party and blindsided his former leader by teaming up with Labor to secure the role of Deputy Speaker on Monday.
The former police officer, who backs a tough national integrity commission, claims Mr McCormack convened a party room meeting in regional Victoria in late 2019 to coincide with Melbourne’s Spring Racing Carnival.
By doing so, he allowed Nationals MPs to travel to Melbourne at taxpayer expense under the rules, before enjoying the free hospitality at the races.
“I raised strong objections to that. It was a party meeting that ended when a race was on in Melbourne,” Mr O’Brien told The Australian.
“I wasn’t comfortable with that and I raised it with both the leadership and the party room.
“There are certain things in my mind that tend to be glaringly obvious that you shouldn’t be doing.
“And going to a sporting event or organising a meeting to coincide with another event that is not covered by your travel entitlements is one of those things.
“It was only after my protests that the people going there paid part of their own way. And I would say that a response from certain party (MPs) in relation to that was quite negative towards me, and inappropriate.”
At least five Nationals MPs including Mr McCormack, and his deputy Bridget McKenzie, Darren Chester, Michelle Landry and Kevin Hogan enjoyed a day at the races.
Mr O’Brien secured the position of deputy speaker on Monday in a shock win by 75 to 67 votes.
The embarrassing parliamentary defeat on the floor of Parliament for Scott Morrison involved at least five Nationals MPs secretly voting for Mr O’Brien instead of their colleague and Mr McCormack’s preferred candidate Damien Drum.
After a testy Nationals party room meeting where Mr McCormack was called “a liar” as he insisted he had not traded votes in the leadership ballot for the deputy speaker role, his critics got their revenge by teaming up with Labor to reject Mr Drum’s candidacy.
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the gnats lead us to alternative facts in seafood lalaland...
Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack was accused of distorting reality during Monday night's episode of Q+A, linking Black Lives Matter protests to Victoria's coronavirus dilemma as the Government was criticised for failing Australians stranded overseas.
Shadow Home Affairs Minister Kristina Keneally said the Federal Government had done more for seafood exports than the 25,000 Australians the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) says were trying to return home.
DFAT estimates that around 3,500 of those Australians are in vulnerable situations.
Nationals leader Mr McCormack said the Government was limited in terms of the number of people it could fly home and get into quarantine, but that didn't placate the former NSW premier.
"Is there any more Australian value than look after your mates?" Ms Keneally asked.
"There is a lot more that could be done — yes, there is a weekly cap of 4,000 [people, but] it is not at capacity, and it hasn't been at capacity.
"There are only four cities where international flights are currently allowed to arrive — why aren't we using Darwin or Gold Coast or Canberra where we could have international airports?"
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undemocratic decisions...
Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack and a secret group of government ministers intervened in the selection of more than a third of the projects funded from a $200m regional grant fund.
Key points:The scale of projects chosen by the ministerial panel — which were eligible for funding but not among those recommended by department officials for funding — raises further questions about ministerial intervention in government grant schemes.
In the weeks leading up to the start of the 2019 election, Mr McCormack announced $200 million in spending under the third round of the Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF) for 330 projects across Australia.
A number of projects that received funding were publicly championed by Mr McCormack and other Nationals members of parliament in a series of press conferences and announcements at the time.
The scheme was enormously popular, with organisations seeking grant applications of up to $10 million, and with 915 applications within the third round alone.
Under the Commonwealth Grant Rules, ministers must disclose to the Finance Minister when they approve grants against the recommendations of their department. Ministers must give a brief statement of reasons for departing from funding decisions.
A letter from Mr McCormack to the then finance minister Mathias Cormann sets out: "Of the 330 projects approved under round three of the BBRF, a total of 112 as listed … were chosen by the ministerial panel against the department's recommendations."
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Michael McCormack should resign... but he won't...
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