Monday 10th of March 2025

more of the same crap ahead...

same breed...

The Prime Minister has brushed aside the resignations of two more senior ministers, insisting the Coalition can still win the federal election in May.

Key points:

Christopher Pyne says it's time for renewal and still believes the Coalition can win the election

Defence Industry Minister Steve Ciobo told the Prime Minister of his resignation weeks ago

Linda Reynolds will be promoted to Defence Industry Minister

Defence Minister Christopher Pyne and his junior minister Steve Ciobo have today announced they will not recontest their seats, adding to a swathe of senior Government figures departing politics.

The rump of resignations presents a political headache for Scott Morrison and the Coalition, which needs to win seats to stay in power after the poll.

"I don't get flapped by things like this, I just keep on going," Mr Morrison told reporters at Parliament House.

Today's resignations come after similar announcements from Nigel Scullion, Michael Keenan, Kelly O'Dwyer, and former foreign minister Julie Bishop.


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if not cynical, it's essentially dishonest...



PM’s climate fund fallacy

“Having seen the policy and watched Morrison’s misrepresentations of climate reality in media interviews, Tim Baxter, a fellow of the Law School and associate of the Climate and Energy College at Melbourne University, doesn’t see Australia cantering towards its climate goals. He sees a gallop. The ‘Gish gallop’.”

Mike Seccombe 


Scott Morrison says his new $3.5 billion climate fund will cut Australia’s emissions, but experts warn he is playing a numbers game that is ‘essentially dishonest’.


Read more at The Saturday Paper


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anus horribilis...

One of the most ancient types of creature on our planet may now become the butt of an evolutionary joke after it was discovered that the jelly has an ‘intermittent anus’ which appears and disappears on command.

The warty comb jelly, also known as a sea walnut, has no permanent connection between its gut and the rear of its body. Both its gut and its epidermis are just a single cell thick.

Instead, the jelly builds up waste in a bubble near its outer skin before a temporary anus opens up and expels the waste. Charming.


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Unfortunatetly, our leaders are in the same category as far as their brain is concerned. Their brain disappears when not in use, never to come back once elected, only to be replaced by an intermittent anus... 


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a coal lump in scummo's throat...

Having declared peace in our time (and I deploy that phrase in the Neville Chamberlain sense), Morrison then rolled around to energy projects. He said the government was about “supporting the development of commercially viable and feasible baseload power all around the country”. These projects could be “gas, it could be hydrogen … it could be hydro”.

There’s a word missing there, right? It starts with c and ends in l.

The prime minister declined to utter the word coal. As well as gas, hydrogen and hydro, Morrison noted there could be “other traditional sources”. C-o-a-l could not pass his lips.

This omission would be of only glancing interest, or perhaps zero interest, had the prime minister not been the same bloke who, seemingly five minutes ago, had brought a lump of coal into the Australian parliament and brandished it lustily during question time, in one of the most boneheaded performances ever to grace the bear pit.

This is coal,” the then treasurer declared triumphantly in February 2017, brandishing his prop as if he’d just stumbled across an exotic species previously thought to be extinct. “Don’t be afraid,” Morrison said, soothingly, to his political opponents, waving the black rock kindly supplied by the Minerals Council of Australia. “Don’t be scared.

Just for the record, no one was scared then – except perhaps members of the voting public transiently in the visitors galleries of the House of Representatives witnessing the sudden onset of shark-jumping as a parliamentary sport.

But perhaps the strange coal seance of 2017 was all a harbinger, more omen than stunt, because it’s pretty clear that Morrison, to borrow from himself, is a bit scared now. Being trepidatious is entirely reasonable, because it’s clear to anyone watching that there is a schism inside the government.


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in the wake of the same crap behind...

scummo's flips


Being a rabid atheist, Gus does not care much about people's belief. I will respect these silly beliefs, though (we're all compassionate human), should they promote genuine peace — and as I often say, people can believe what they want, as long as it does not interfere with the secularity of our social constructs. I don't write things like the end of evolution?... in intelligent design is a dumb idea, promoted by uncle rupert to retard the science of global warming... to be funny. I use fun (satire, hopefully) to make salient points that should be obvious to all, but unfortunately indoctrination (via pulpit and media) in fairy stories is the tool to control people into dumbness and believe in heavenly crap, like a funeral insurance. Religion and insurance companies rely on your gullibility to make a profit. By the end of your life, had you built your house to be fireproof, crimeproof and floodproof, you would have saved a lot of cash that you forked out to insurance. But there will be some gangs and mad individuals always trying to break your windows or sell you eternal love...


See also: 

conflict is inevitable... in heavenly sex before and after noah's ark....