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laughing all the way to the safe tax haven...In early November 2014, just days after becoming head of the commission, Juncker was hit by media disclosures—derived from a document leak known as LuxLeaks—that Luxembourg under his premiership had turned into a major European centre of corporate tax avoidance. With the aid of the Luxembourg government, companies transferred tax liability for many billions of euros to Luxembourg, where the income was taxed at a fraction of 1%. Juncker, who in a speech in Brussels in July 2014 promised to "try to put some morality, some ethics, into the European tax landscape", was sharply criticised following the leaks.[54] A subsequent motion of censure in the European Parliament was brought against Juncker over his role in the tax avoidance schemes. The motion was defeated by a large majority.[55] In 2017, leaked diplomatic cables show Juncker, as Luxembourg's prime minister from 1995 until the end of 2013, blocked EU efforts to fight tax avoidance by multinational corporations. Luxembourg agreed to multinational businesses on an individualised deal basis, often at an effective rate of less than 1%.[56] On 22 May 2015, at the EU summit in Riga, Latvia, Juncker, alongside EU President Donald Tusk and Latvian PM Laimdota Straujuma, greeted EU leaders in a way unusual to diplomacy. For instance he tried to convince the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras to wear a tie by offering his own piece.[57] He also remarked on Karl-Heinz Lambertz being overweight and patted his belly. Juncker slapped his former deputy, the Luxembourgish Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn, as well as kissed Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel's bald head.[58] But the most unexpected incident happened when Hungarian premier Viktor Orbánarrived and Juncker addressed him, using the expression "the dictator is coming", following it with a warm handshake and a slight slap on the cheek.[59] Later spokesperson Margaritis Schinas called the event only a "joke". "Juncker is known for his very informal style", he said and added "I wouldn’t make anything else out of this".[60] In August 2016, Juncker received criticism over his remarks on immigration at the European Forum Alpbach in Austria. During his speech Juncker, a supporter of Angela Merkel's open door response to the European migrant crisis, made news by telling the audience that "borders are the worst invention ever made by politicians".[61] Upon hearing the news of Cuban dictator Fidel Castro's death in December 2016, Juncker said that "With the death of Fidel Castro, the world has lost a man who was a hero for many."[62] In July 2017, Juncker described the European Parliament as "ridiculous" after only a few dozen MEPs came to attend a debate dedicated to evaluating Malta’s six months in the EU presidency chair, accusing MEPs of showing a lack of respect for smaller EU countries.[63] Although rebuked for his remark by the Parliament’s president, Antonio Tajani, Juncker responded “I will never again attend a meeting of this kind.”[63] Jaume Duch Guillot, chief spokesman for the Parliament, later said on Twitter that Juncker “regretted” the incident and that Tajani considered the case closed. However, it is not known whether Juncker apologised for his outburst.[64] On 4 May 2018, Juncker attended and spoke at a celebration of Karl Marx’s 200th birthday, where he defended Marx's legacy and unveiled an eighteen-foot bronze statue of Marx donated by the Chinese government.[65][66][67][68][69] Critics accused Juncker of insulting victims of communism.[70][65] MEPs from Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party wrote: "Marxist ideology led to the death of tens of millions and ruined the lives of hundreds of millions. The celebration of its founder is a mockery of their memory."[71]
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A new media campaign by the Hungarian government accuses globalist billionaire George Soros and the EU of pushing open-borders policies. Brussels indignantly dismissed the campaign as a conspiracy theory and fake news. Billboards with the images of Soros and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker tell Hungarians that Brussels officials “are launching experimental immigration projects with African countries; want to introduce mandatory settlement quotas; want to reduce financial assistance for countries opposed to migration,” that last part specifically referring to Hungary. Further accusations appeared on the government of Hungary’s Facebook page, which says the EU wants to impose settlement quotas, weaken EU members’ border protections and make immigration easier.
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Soros makes his cash from investing in "disruptions"...
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When the dust cleared...
When the dust was cleared and the debris swept away, he stood revealed as Hillary Clinton’s most generous billionaire donor. Yet his name rarely surfaced during the presidential campaign—and that’s generally the way he likes it. Dark Money, Jane Mayer’s book about covert political funding, refers to the Koch brothers more than 300 times in its excoriation of the “radical right” but mentions progressive icon George Soros just six times; three are footnotes.
One of the planet’s richest men, his past marred with crimes and misdemeanors, the 86-year-old billionaire skates on. More than a decade ago, he moved his financial headquarters to Curaçao, a tax-free haven in the Caribbean designed for monied hypocrites who talk one game and play another. The place is not bulletproof; on occasion, Soros has been accused—and even convicted—of insider trading. A French court found him guilty of that crime and levied a fine of $2.3 million. In the parlance of the billionaires’ club, that was small change. Investigative journalists, a dwindling cadre, show little interest in him. They prefer to scrutinize safer, softer targets.
If they took even a cursory look, though, they would see that Soros’s global reach and influence far outstrip those of the Koch brothers or other liberal bogeymen—and that underlying it all is a vision both dystopian and opportunistic. “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order,” Soros has declared, “is the United States.” Ergo, that constitutional republic must be weakened and its allies degraded. The Sorosian world order—one of open borders and global governance, antithetical to the ideals and experience of the West—could then assume command.
George Soros has been an escape artist since his adolescence in Budapest, when Nazi occupiers gave him his first life lessons. Until then, the Schwartz family lived in a large house, located on an island in the Danube. György’s mother, Elizabeth, was the daughter of affluent silk merchants. His father, Tivadar, was a prominent lawyer and eccentric; in good weather, he commuted to his office by rowboat.
But all was not as it appeared, even before the predations of the Third Reich. Anti-Semitism ran deep in Eastern Europe, and Hungarian Jews lived on a knife blade, no matter how large their bank accounts. The secularist Tivadar never attended synagogue, but he had a devout belief in Esperanto, the artificial language that he and other disciples believed would eventually become the world’s tongue. The Tower of Babel would be razed, and nationalism would disappear, along with dialects, local attitudes, and national boundaries. But that world lay in the future. For the present, Jewish identity would have to be papered over.
Accordingly, the family changed its name to Soros—“to soar,” in Esperanto. In 1944, the personification of the Holocaust, Adolf Eichmann, came to German-occupied Hungary to administrate the Final Solution. But Tivadar had anticipated him. By then, he had purchased false identity documents for himself and the family. He bribed a government official to “adopt” György and testify to investigators that the boy was his Christian godson.
Now came the fulcrum of Soros’s life and career. The bureaucrat who housed teenage György was assigned the task of confiscating Jewish land and property. With the boy in tow, he went from house to house, making inventories for Nazi officers. It’s unfair sweepingly to condemn those individuals, Jewish and Gentile, who, willingly or unwillingly, sometimes participated in evil in order to survive. Still, most of those who did escape the Holocaust were tormented by pangs of remorse and survivor’s guilt.
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the poster will be "changed"...
The original placards featuring Jean-Claude Juncker alongside George Soros, meant to show their closeness, has sparked fury in the EU, with the EU Commission president condemning the promo-campaign as “lies”, and demanding that the Hungarian governing party Fidesz be stripped of its membership within the EU Parliament’s centre-right bloc.
Hungary’s right-wing government announced Saturday that it would stop a poster campaign against the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker and go ahead with a new one against his deputy, First Vice-President Frans Timmermans.
"Hungarians have a right to know what kind of pro-migration plans are under preparation by the Brussels bureaucracy", government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said. "That's why we undertook an information campaign, which will come to an end, according to original plans, on March 15th".
Shortly thereafter, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban detailed the move, saying that posters with Timmermans would replace those featuring Juncker, since “Mr Juncker is retiring and Mr Timmermans is taking his place”, Orban told the newspaper Die Welt am Sonntag in an interview.
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US territories excluded...
The Council of the European Union has “unanimously decided to reject” the list of “high-risk third countries” – a paper that would require banks and financial institutions operating in Europe to “be more vigilant and to carry out extra checks in the context of transactions” involving these nations.
The document in question was drafted by the European Commission and was supposed to identify the nations that “have strategic deficiencies in their anti-money laundering and terrorist financing regimes,” which could thus pose “significant threats” to the bloc’s financial system.
Surprisingly, as many as four US territories - American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands – found themselves on the list. They were put there alongside about two dozen –mostly Asian and African– nations, including those suffering from acute political and economic turmoil as well as armed conflicts, such as Syria, Yemen or Libya.
A 35-page report accompanying the draft list accused the named US territories of having, among other issues, lax tax evasion legislation and a lack of legally binding control measures, that would allow identification of the end beneficiaries of various financial transactions. “Large portion of high-risk sectors … are unregulated,” the report said, listing the four US territories among the 11 nations that have particularly grave “strategic deficiencies.”
This development infuriated Washington. The US Treasury rushed to issue a damning statement the same day the draft list was published by the European Commission. The statement accused the EU of being superficial in its assessment and complained that the European authorities had “failed” to provide the US with “any meaningful opportunity to challenge their inclusion” or to “discuss with the European Commission its basis for including the listed US territories.”
Washington then stated that it flat-out rejects the conclusions of the European Commission and “does not expect” any US financial institutions to take this document into account in their policies and procedures.
In a bizarre coincidence, weeks later, the Council of the European Union, which consists of the ministers representing all 28 EU members, justified its decision to reject the document with the arguments that seemed strikingly similar to those employed by the US Treasury.
The Council “cannot support the current proposal that was not established in a transparent and resilient process that actively incentivizes affected countries to take decisive action while also respecting their right to be heard,”its statement said. It also demanded that the European Commission draft a new list that would address these concerns, apparently implying that it should first discuss the situation with all affected parties before adding them to the list – precisely what Washington wanted.
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good question...
But was Mr Juncker prevented from speaking on the issues of the Referendum? Obviously not. He has at his disposal the largest press corps in the world, bigger than Washington’s. The British press and television are there. So are European media and the major outlets from the United States. Mr Juncker could speak and his words will echo as far away as Japan. So why was he hamstrung by Britain?
He has the opportunity to speak to journalists every day in the Commission’s Press Room. It is broadcast worldwide. Radio and television signals, internet messages burst across physical barriers like the English Channel and customs controls. He would certainly be noticed as he has not spoken there much since he made a surprise appearance to announce that his chef-de-Cabinet, Martin Selmayr, had been accelerated into the office of the Commission’s Secretary General, the most powerful bureaucrat in Brussels.
What was Prime Minister Cameron’s crime? How did he so offend Mr Juncker, erstwhile prime minister of Luxembourg? Both should know the ruses of politics, the rules of how to get on in Europe.
It is clear that Mr Cameron’s great wickedness was the Referendum. He dared ask the British people what they thought of the European Union, the infrastructure added to the European Economic Community. They did not like it one bit.
In contrast, Mr Juncker’s proudest moment was his hand in creating and signing the Maastrict Treaty called the Treaty on European Union.
“Standing before this new Treaty I sensed that this might be the most important signature I ever made,” Mr Juncker said.
This was on the occasion of 25th anniversary on 9 December 2016, just weeks after the British Referendum.
The treaty was remarkable in being a radical rewrite of the democratic principles of the Community system. It led to protests about the Democratic Deficit. It added unaccountable “pillars”, one a bureaucratic structure for internal matters like justice and home affairs. The other was for external affairs.
The Maastricht treaty also added another undemocratic monstrosity: a system for European money called the euro. This violated the sound monetary principles that had been outlined in the 1970 Werner Report (named after a Luxembourg prime minister and written with the help of Bernard Clappier, Schuman’s former Directeur de Cabinet and later Governor of the Banque de France.Instead of a Community currency governed by democratic institutions, the euro is based on the erroneous Mundell theory. This is designed for a federation not a supranational Community of nations. The euro is run by a closed-door, unaccountable committee called the euroGroup. It is not even mentioned as an institution in the Maastricht and other treaties. Yet it now governs the economy!So if we look at the vote to ‘Leave the European Union‘ lucidly, literally and legally, the British did not reject the idea of a European Customs Union that they had strongly supported by referendum in 1975. They are on the right track. Keep the Community system. They rejected all the non-democratic, bureaucratic trappings called the European Union. That is defined as the autocratic additions Maastricht to Lisbon so cherished by Mr Juncker. Bureaucracy adds treacle to Europe’s petrol tank.
Europe would boom. Robert Schuman created the idea of a European Customs Union as a step-by-step system to define and build European democracy and set its economy in top gear. A customs union provides the way for all the population to participate freely. Benefits of increased trade and prosperity are sure to follow. So in a real sense, European democracy is identified with the customs union and the single market. So it is an absolute nonsense, logically and economically, to say that a democratic State wants to leave democratically a democratic customs union. Brexit proclaims that Brussels has gone sour on democracy. How?
Schuman proposed this customs union with a democratic assembly governing it in July 1948 when he was first Prime Minister of France. It was designed to help Germany become a more democratic country. In that it succeeded. It was also designed to be so strong and forge friendly links to other countries so that Germany would never leave it. In that Schuman was also right.
But who does Mr Juncker admire as the great hero of modern times — the opposite end of the spectrum from the greatest destroyer Mr Cameron?
We do not have to guess. Mr Juncker has already made it well known. He said Karl Marx was the ‘greatest thinker of modern times.’ He was there in Trier to celebrate the 200th anniversary of his birth.
He said that
Marx “is the mentor of the revolution of the proletariat and working people all over the world. He is the main founder of Marxism, the founder of Marxist political parties, and the creator of international Communism and the greatest thinker of modern times.” (emphasis added)
Marx gave the world war and armed subjugation of central and eastern Europe by a Politburo. Schuman gave Europe lasting peace and prosperity.
World atheistic Communism killed between 44 and 163 million people from USSR to China to Cambodia, North Korea to Africa. It was Marx that proposed the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. He is ultimately responsible for the millions sent to Gulag camps as ‘enemies of the people‘. Who is the greatest enemy and destroyer of the people?
Which side is Mr Juncker on?
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Here we could argue till the cows come home about the inflated number of people killed because of communism versus the same people being killed to fight communism. The USA, the major instigator of anti-communist wars bear a massive responsibility in the number of people killed from Vietnam, Indonesia and many other places, including Iraq (in this case to fight a fake war against a dictator)...
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the sooner he goes the better europe ...
And this goes for the UK as well...
A few days before a leaders’ summit on the future of the [EU] bloc in the Romanian city of Sibiu, the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker, whose tenure expires in 2019, shared a lighthearted analysis of the state of the European continent.
European Commission Chief Jean-Claude Juncker has warned that the danger for the EU is that Europeans have “lost their collective libido” for each other.
“We don’t love each other,” Juncker said. "Five or six years after the second world war there was one. Yet these days it should be much easier for Europeans to fall in love with each other than it was in 1952.”
READ MORE: Juncker on Huawei in Europe: We Don’t Reject it ‘Just Because it's Chinese’
Speaking to Hungarian outlet HGV, Juncker said that over the decades of interaction with British politicians, he had always been left with the impression they didn’t quite feel at home in the EU.
Continuing in a whimsical tone, he said that in Britain the “bride” – the EU – had been “systematically reviled” from the start and then “rejected”.
READ MORE: Linking Europe and Asia Offers Opportunities
Juncker also bemoaned a deplorable lack of passion for Europe among the UK political elite, arguing that British politicians for decades had told voters the main purpose of the EU was to facilitate financial cooperation.
To them he stressed, this was never about sharing common values, suggesting this had enabled Brexiteers in Britain to successfully campaign to quit the EU.
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European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker made the comment after the EU’s 28 heads of state failed to reach a consensus on key appointments during a summit in Brussels. Noting his own “satisfaction” and “amusement” at the impasse, Juncker joked that leaders were struggling to find an appropriate candidate to fill the Luxembourger’s illustrious shoes.
It seems it is not easy to replace me.
Juncker’s quip came as he and European Council President Donald Tusk – whose job is also up for grabs – commented on the deadlock. They added that a crisis summit will now be held on June 30, where they hope a consensus can be reached.
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