Monday 10th of March 2025

rock, scissor, paper... civilities between rogues...

rock, scissor, paper...

According to Simon Tisdall at the Guardian, Trump is the first “rogue” US President... is Trump a rogue president? What does “rogue" mean? That Trump does not play the same game as before, the rules of which were to say diplomatic niceties and bomb the shit out of people who did not submit? Or is Dumbdumb a “rogue” because he says shit to get people to submit, but does not really want to bomb anyone?


Here is Tisdall, on 26 March 2018:

The pace and scale of fighting in Iraq and Syria is picking up as the US-led coalition scents final victory over Isis. Trump recently approved an expanded deployment of US ground forces in Syria. But human rights groups say increased combat intensity does not excuse or justify fatal carelessness with civilian lives. Such “own goals” hand propaganda victories to Isis and may also motivate its followers to commit terrorist acts.

Trump has frequently vowed to exterminate Isis by all means. It is one of his few clearly stated foreign policy aims. The White House accused Obama of micromanaging operations. Trump, in contrast, appears to have delegated most control to Jim “Mad Dog” Mattis, the former general appointed Pentagon chief.

The first results of Trump’s laissez-faire approach were seen in January when he authorised a special forces raid in Yemen over dinner. The attack on al-Qaida went disastrously wrong, causing dozens of civilian deaths and one US military fatality.

Now Iraq and Syria are bearing the brunt of Trump’s brash bellicosity. Putin will certainly be watching. It may not be long before the US president faces war crimes allegations, too. And what will May say then?

Simon Tisdall 26 March 2018

This was relative sanitised bullshit by Tisdall.


More sanitised bullshit followed yesterday, 2 September 2018:

Russia is going to extraordinary lengths to justify in advance the murderous onslaught that observers fear is about to descend on Idlib, a province in north-west Syria that is home to nearly two million internally displaced people. Idlib is the last large populated area outside the control of Bashar al-Assad, Syria’s dictator. And Assad, backed by his Russian and Iranian allies, is determined to get it back – whatever the human cost.

In a series of coordinated moves last week, Russian government officials and military spokesmen tried to pre-empt or deflect western opposition to the expected air and ground offensive. Partly it was pure propaganda. Sergei Ryabkov, the deputy foreign minister, accused the US of plotting forcible regime change in Damascus. “Again, we are witnessing serious escalation of the situation,” he claimed.

Unfortunately perhaps, this is disingenuous fantasy. A distracted Donald Trump has shown no interest in toppling Assad. He has ended support for rebel groups and given Vladimir Putin, Russia’s president, a virtual free hand. Airstrikes by the US, France and the UK after Assad’s chemical weapons attack on Douma in AprilWEBLINK proved to be an ineffective one-off. Trump has turned his back on Syria and plans to pull out the remaining US special forces fighting Islamic State as soon as possible.

Simon Tisdall 2 September 2018
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In both these cases, Tisdall blame the present leaders of the world (Trump and Putin) for the “carnage”. Not a single word about the fact that ISIS, Al Qaeda and other “rebels” whoever they are, are actually “guilty” of having created the shit in the first place. Nor is there any analysis of who created the “terrorist" USAMA BIN LADEN — which was the US administration to fight the Russians (supporting Kabul's socialist “regime") in Afghanistan (1980s), — nor IS: The Saudis-US alliance UNDER OBAMA (2008 onward) in order to unseat Assad (a socialist despot) and tame the Shias in Iraq. 

What we’re seeing is the continuation of shit started a long time ago — more than 2000 years ago — followed by the fall of the Roman empire, the rise of the Ottoman empire, the wars of religions, and the decline of the Ottoman empire against the Russians.

In modern times, the shit continued with:

the artificial “implantation of  Israel” in Palestine and the division of the Middle East by the West.

The USA and the West resentment of Syria from about 1949.

The USA and the West organising Saddam to fight Iran in the 1980s.

The West's "accidental green light” to Saddam’s takeover of Kuwait.

The Western media taken in by fake news, including Saddam soldiers killing “babies in incubators”.

The liberation of Kuwait in 1990 by Bush senior (and allies), but letting Saddam in charge BECAUSE "democracy" in IRAQ would have fallen in the hands of the Shias aligned with IRAN.

The Awful Margaret Albright’s sanctions on Iraq that led to the death of many children in Iraq. “it was worth it”.

Saddam defending his “regime” against the Shias (aligned with Iran) by draining their swamp (waterways) and gassing the Kurds, whom the West saw as "freedom fighters" on one side of the fence and saw them as “terrorists" in Turkey.

The fake WMDs incentive concocted by the CIA, to invade Iraq, which “once liberated from Saddam”, was taken over by the Shias aligned with Iran. 

The creation of ISIS (under Obama’s watch) as a Sunni revolt (Arab Spring) in both Syria and Iraq, leading to a “need for the West to intervene” in both Syria and Iraq, etc… etc… Even if you’re a young kid, you know the rest...

It’s not only messy, it’s stupid and dangerous and HAS BEEN DELIBERATE.

Tisdall sees this world from his little armchair and carries his bleeding heart on his sleeve… and his sleeve is full of blood — a bloody-mindedness with little resemblance to the truth or its historical complexities. For him the Russians are guilty, the US are guilty under Trump. Mo mention that Obama was actually more guilty about this ISIS caper than Trump. 

Putin and Trump, in their own inimitable ways, are trying to sort out the mess which had been deliberately created as a mess — without upsetting the swamp of hawks in the USA, where warmongers live amongst the reeds… In some ways both men want peace, because they know that “war” will be terminal. They have to know. 

In regard to Idlib, the more practical solution would be for the rebels, helped by the US and the Saudis, ADMIT DEFEAT AND SURRENDER before a bloodshed ensue. Could this happen? Is pride and religious hubris going to prevail over the best "common sense” (compromise) on offer? 

Tisdall has carried on, totally unchecked by his masters of poop at the Guardian:


Banned 21 years ago, yet still the world stands by as chemical attacks go unchecked

Sweeping US sanctions imposed on Russia last week as punishment for the Salisbury nerve agent attack help maintain the comforting impression of an international community united in its determination to prevent the use of chemical weapons. Airstrikes by US, British and French forces on Syrian regime targets after April’s chlorine gas atrocity in Douma were intended to provide similar reassurance.

But far from being stamped out, the use of such weapons is in danger of being normalised 21 years after most of the world signed the Chemical Weapons Convention, which banned their development, production, stockpiling and use. Experts suggest the threat comes not only from outlaw regimes like Syria’s but increasingly from “non-state actors”, such as Islamic State.

The Kremlin has vehemently denied involvement in March’s attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia. But history and facts point to a different conclusion.

This is total bullshit of course: History and FACTS show that the Russians have had zero involvement in this.

Why has Trump stayed unusually quiet on US sanctions against Russia?

Trump’s unexplained, initial silence over sanctions, coupled with 19 months of playing patsy, have intensified what may be the biggest question in US politics – what has Putin got on Trump? 

James Clapper, a former intelligence chief who believes Russia “turned” the 2016 election, put into words what many Americans must be thinking. “I have been trying to give the president the benefit of the doubt,” Clapper said last month. “But more and more … I really do wonder if the Russians have something on him.

This is bullshit as well. All along during the presidential elections Trump has claimed he wanted a rapprochement with Russia. On this alone, he should not have been elected, but he was. Nothing to do with "wondering" if the Russians have something on him.


Islamic State attacks show group is intent on killing Afghan peace hopes
The ISKP’s mostly foreign origins, its extreme brutality – including beheadings and forcing victims to sit on explosives – and its documented, systematic use of rape and abduction in terrorising women and girls have done much to alienate the Afghan civilian population.

Now, in a strange twist, the US and the Afghan government appear to be relying on their bitter Taliban enemies to help them vanquish this greater evil and simultaneously end the war

This is bullshit as well... The Americans, by "creating" Bin Laden in the 1980s, showed they did not want peace in Afghanistan, but a "permanent" US presence in that country. The country is divided and the "problem" of the poppies is a major headache. When the Taliban took over after the defeat of the Russians, the US was not "happy" with the result, one of which was the Taliban ban on growing "poppies". The USA had replaced a progressive "socialist" egalitarian government with a regressive repressive, anti-women, anti-fun, ruthless one — the Taliban. The USA invented a "reason" to go and bomb the shit out of Afghanistan (searching for Bin Laden) in order to change the government into a more moderate one. 17 years later the US is still at it and NO REAL PROGRESS  has been made, despite the Afghan people being good people...

Putin holds winning cards as Syrian war nears Idlib showdown
The surrender of rebel forces in south-west Syria, following the fall of eastern Ghouta and other regime successes, strengthens the grim expectation that nothing can now deny Bashar al-Assad a final victory – of sorts – in Syria’s civil war.

But the physical restoration of territory does not necessarily translate into restoration of political authority. For Assad, besieged by predatory friends and neighbours and shunned internationally, the larger question is: having survived the war, can he survive the peace?

Assad is deeply in hock to Russia, whose 2015 military intervention saved his bacon, and Iran, which also came to his rescue. He remains dependent on their support, for now. Both have paid a high price for their stake in shaping Syria’s future. They will not quickly relinquish it.

Typical half bullshit...("of sorts" — as Tisdall opinionates)

America must deal with Donald Trump, the first rogue president
Trump was outshone, outmanoeuvred, out-thought and outwitted. Here was no Rocky Balboa, champion of the common man, running up the steps of Philadelphia’s Museum of Art: more a New York version of the ignorant, bigoted Alf Garnett, stumbling glass-jawed into a disastrous public drubbing. Trump had it coming, of course. He has been winging it ever since he took office 18 months ago. To go into a summit of such significance without preparation was the height of folly and vanity.

Trump had no "choice". On one hand the mega-bullshit was coming thick and fast from "his" intelligence agencies. He knows that, by being pursued by Mueller, the intelligence agencies having gunning for him would give him unsolicited fake information. In his war on Saddam, little Bush (or his acolytes in "his" administration) requested fake information for the case for war to feed to the MSM. He had to trust his instincts and the result was not bad for Trump, unlike what the MSM and Tisdall made out of that meeting. Both Trump and Putin wanted to find a solution to achieve peace. They did, while still playing the game within the rules as defined by the Potomac Hawks... as this was also in parallel with sanction on Iran... Give and take, and confuse...
Trump and Putin’s unhily [sic] alliance could lead to war with Iran:
It is plain what a US president should be talking to Putin about: Russia’s illegal occupation of Crimea, its cyber attacks, information warfare and election meddling – in the latest development, 12 Russian intelligence officials were indicted for hacking emails during the 2016 election campaign. Then there are the chemical weapons atrocities in Syria and Salisbury, Russia’s treaty-busting nuclear build-up and its sanctions-busting in North Korea. But topping Trump’s personal agenda, it seems, is something entirely different, presaging a whole new world of misery: Iran.

In regard to Iran, your guess is as good as mine. I believe that the USA might refer its actions to Israel, in order not to "be implicated" in the incoming shit.
THE 12 "INDICTED" RUSSIANS are not even a proof of Russian meddling in anything to do with the US elections. 
The chemical atrocities in Douma were "fake flag" events staged by the White helmets or such. The poisoning of the Skrupals has more to do with MI6 using Sergei to "infiltrate the "Russian Mafia" which Putin hates as much as rats in his cabinet.
Whose side is Trump’s American? The answer is becoming more and more obvious
The more fundamental problem is that the US president is questioning the purpose of Nato, despite it having advanced US security and economic interests since 1949, undercut efforts to forge greater European unity that could have challenged US dominance, kept the Soviet Union/Russia at bay, and (mostly) maintained peace in Europe.
As usual, one can misread the signs. NATO is still used by the USA as a control to belittle Europe. NATO isn't going to fold under Trump, like Guantanamo didn't fold under Obama. NATO has been creaking and has been a gentleman's club for hubris — a repository for former rightwing head of states. Now, Trump is rattling the old window-panes —and NATO is being "revamped". 

And so on and on and on… Tisdall takes no prisoners, except himself… He is prisoner of his own hubris and misunderstandings… He should have gone silent a long time ago…

APPENDIX: In regard to the invasion of Kuwait by Saddam...

The population of Kuwait in 1990:  576,511 Kuwaitis, 1,573,169 non-kuwaitis.
I’m generally not inclined to take issue with my FP colleagues, but David Kenner’s recent posting on the WikiLeaks release of a cable recounting Saddam Hussein’s infamous meeting with U.S. ambassador April Glaspie deserves a response. 

In an article headlined "Why One U.S. Diplomat Didn’t Cause the Gulf War," Kenner argues that the new release shows that Glaspie should not be blamed for the U.S. failure to make a clear deterrent warning to Saddam. And that is what he accuses me and John Mearsheimer (and the Washington Post) of doing. In his words, "the Washington Post described her as ‘the face of American incompetence in Iraq.’ Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer piled on in a 2003 article for Foreign Policy,arguing that Glaspie’s remarks unwittingly gave Iraq a green light to invade Kuwait.”

In short, I think it is clear from the cable that the United States did unwittingly give a green light to Saddam, and certainly no more than a barely flickering yellow light.  Glaspie certainly didn’t make it clear to him what would happen if he used force against Kuwait.  This is a case of policy failure but not deterrence failure, in short, because deterrence wasn’t tried in this case. 

Lastly, this incident seems to be a classic illustration of a country applying what IR theorists describe as a "spiral model" remedy to a "deterrence model" situation. (In the "spiral model," states are aggressive solely because they are insecure, and therefore reassuring them is the best way to avoid war.  In the deterrence model, states are aggressive because they are simply greedy or ideologically driven, and the only way to avoid war is to pose a credible deterrent threat.) The Glaspie meeting reveals that U.S. leaders were concerned about about Saddam’s intentions, and the U.S. government tried to reassure him that we were friendly so that he won’t do something precipitous. What was needed, however, was a clear and explicit statement that an attack on Kuwait would be met with an American military response. Glaspie never uttered such a statement, and we all know what happened next.

An internal UN document...

An internal UN document that was leaked to the media says the organization won’t provide humanitarian assistance to war-torn Syria until there’s a deal on “political transition.” The UN had earlier denied such a directive existed.

The UN ‘secret directive’ on Syria was published by Russian newspaper Kommersant on Sunday. The two-page document, dated October 2017, lays out the framework for “all UN actors” operating in Syria “to ensure support and assistance is provided to those in need in all areas of Syria.”

According to the leaked file, the UN “would be ready to facilitate reconstruction” in Syria only once there is “a genuine and inclusive political transition negotiated by the parties.” This phrase is highlighted in the text.

Concerns about the UN tying its assistance in post-war reconstruction to the political process in Syria were previously raised by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov. Speaking at a press event two weeks ago, Lavrov said that a “secret directive,” banning UN agencies from participating Syria’s economic recovery, was distributed by the UN Secretariat last October.

The Russian minister explained that he first suspected that such a directive may exist within the UN after UNESCO had rejected Moscow’s appeal for help in restoring partially destroyed World Heritage sites in the ravaged ancient city of Palmyra.

According to Kommersant’s own sources, the leaked document was originally written by former US diplomat Jeffrey Feltman, who is now serving as UN under-secretary-general for political affairs. The UN, meanwhile, had denied that such a document ever existed. “There was no ‘secret directive’ issued by any department at the UN,” Stephane Dujarric, the secretary-general’s spokesperson, told TASS news agency at the time.



babblings about deemocracee...

From CJ Hopkins

The latest “Trump Deathwatch” began on Tuesday, August 21, 2018. It began in a courtroom in Alexandria, Virginia, when Paul Manafort, sleazebag beltway operator and former chairman of Trump’s campaign, was pronounced guilty by a jury of his peers on ten counts of various types of fraud — tax fraud, bank fraud, and failure to disclose thirty-one foreign bank accounts which he was using for the purposes of fraud. Or maybe it began in another courtroom, this one miles away in New York City, when, almost at the exact same moment, Michael Cohen, Trump’s ex-lawyer, pleaded guilty to eight unrelated charges of fraud and campaign finance violations, the latter charges stemming from “hush money” paid to two of Trump’s former bimbos.

In any event, whichever came first, it began with these two sleazebag characters, both of whom had been indicted by special counsel Robert Mueller, who is doggedly investigating allegations that the President of the United States is a devious Russian intelligence asset personally planted in the Oval Office by Vladimir Putin, the Russian mob, and a conspiracy of crackerjack “cyber-influencers,” who brainwashed millions of American voters into betraying Hillary Clinton, and the nation, with a bunch of emails and some Facebook posts, and who are even now waging “a chaos campaign to undermine faith in American democracy.”

Mueller, who had previously indicted thirteen Russian “cyber-influencers” who he was certain would never appear in court to laugh derisively in his face, needed to put a “win” on the board, and he needed to do it before the midterm elections. The Resistance® and the corporate media have been desperate for something juicy that they can relentlessly milk for the next ten weeks. They need the Democrats to take the House so they can pretend to try to impeach Trump, or at least subpoena a buttload of folks to appear before a series of congressional hearings that they can drag out all the way to 2020. Naturally, they were hoping Mueller would deliver someone even vaguely connected to their ridiculous, James Bondian “Russiagate” narrative, but Cohen and Manafort were the best he could do, so they went ahead and made the most of it.

Television networks interrupted programming. Most of them did that split-screen thing. News readers broke out their “serious” voices. Legal “experts” were rushed into studios to nod their heads and agree that this was “very serious,” or “extremely serious,” or “potentially extremely serious,” or, in any event, “very, very bad for Trump.” The press, who were still recuperating from the exertion of  their synchronized attack on Trump for attacking them for attacking him day after day for the last two years in an only marginally less synchronized manner, instantly went into full Trump attack mode.

The Guardian immediately went to live, moment-by-moment “Trump Deathwatch” coverage. Their opinionists started pumping out pieces proclaiming that “Trump’s reckoning has finally arrived,” and demanding he be impeached before “the cancer on his presidency” metastasizes. The New York Times Editorial Board (which is obviously getting a bit fed up with the riff-raff questioning its journalistic integrity) announced that, starting from that very moment, anyone doubting that Donald Trump is a dirty, rotten, Russian agent is a “fantasist” and a member of his “cult.” CNN began babbling about impeachment, as did the BBC, and more or less every organ of the corporate media.

The Washington Post Editorial Board authored a rather lengthy example of the speech that “a presidential president” would deliver in Trump’s circumstances (which she wouldn’t be in), confessing that the Russians have “attacked our democracy,” and that we’re under “ongoing assault” by the Kremlin, and welcoming special counsel Mueller’s further indictments of this “presidential” president’s inner circle of sleazebag operators, dirty tricks specialists, PR hacks, corporate lobbyists, and political consultants (which, of course, this “presidential” president wouldn’t have … well, except for sleazebags like David Brock, secret agent Christopher SteeleMarc Elias, of the law firm Perkins Coie, Jeremy Bash and Philippe Reines, of Beacon Global Strategies, LLC, “a unique Washington consulting firm,” and innumerable other distinguished sleazebags).

By the morning of Saturday, August 25, this latest “Trump Deathwatch” (like those that have preceded it) had been cancelled due to declining ratings. The corporate media started running those features reminding Americans how difficult it is to impeach, or otherwise remove from office, a treasonous Russian intelligence asset who is openly working with Vladimir Putin to destroy America, and Western civilization, and establish a global fascist dictatorship ruled by Putin, Trump, Corbyn, that Italian bozo, and Bashar al-Assad. The corporate media run these features in the wake of every “Trump Deathwatch” episode to taper liberals off the effects of the mindless hysteria they have just finished generating.

Which, in this case, that turned out to be unnecessary, as liberals and other Trump obsessives, who by now are used to having The Resistance® whip them up into these gibbering fits over Russians or Nazis on a regular basis, were already onto the next big story. On the Wednesday after “the worst day of his presidency,” Trump (perhaps on Putin’s orders) had tweeted about “white South African farmers,” which had set off yet another round of global denunciation of racism, white supremacy, Nazis, and so on. Trump, who either is a master manipulator or has the attention span of a chihuahua, or both (and yes, folks, I’m afraid that’s possible), had seen something on  the White Genocide Channel that he felt he needed to share with the world (or use to force the corporate media to switch back from the Russia hysteria to the Nazi hysteria they’d been relentlessly flogging until the Manafort conviction and Cohen plea deal allowed them to switch back to the Russia hysteria they’d been relentlessly flogging since the Traitor Summit).

And on and on, and on, it goes … and will continue to go until 2020, unless Trump decides to attack Iran, which I doubt The Resistance® will let him do, because that would get extremely weird, as they would somehow have to simultaneously support another US war of aggression and condemn Trump as Adolf Hitler for starting it. Oh, and also, they would have a hard time explaining why Putin had ordered his stooge in the White House to attack Russia’s ally in the Middle East. So, probably, no attack on Iran.

Which means we are in for another two years of alternating Russia and Nazi hysteria, mostly on a low-intensity basis, with the occasional new segment of “Trump Deathwatch” thrown in. Personally, I’m rooting for the Democrats to take control of the House in the midterms, purely for the sake of entertainment. After calling this ass clown a Russian spy and Literal Hitler for the last two years, they’re going have to at least pretend to impeach him, or else stage a series of internationally-televised neo-McCarthyite congressional hearings to root out the diabolical networks of Putin-Nazis that have infested America, and Britannia, and the rest of the West.

That’s the main thing, after all. Yes, the corporatist ruling classes need to make an example of Trump to dissuade any future billionaire ass clowns from running for high office without their permission, but even more so, they need to put down the “populist” opposition to the spread of global capitalism and the gradual phase-out of national sovereignty that began with Brexit and continued with Trump, so they can transform the smoldering remains of the Earth into one big happy neoliberal market run by supranational corporations and the “democratic governments” they have bought and paid for … which, by that time, folks won’t even notice because we’ll all be shuffling around like zombies staring down into the screens of our phones.

Damn, I think I may have gone and opened a rather enormous can of leftist worms right at the end of this essay by mentioning the “national sovereignty” thing. So, leftists, please ignore the previous paragraph. National sovereignty is the same as nationalism. Nationalism is very, very bad. Internationalism is good. Internationalist socialism is what we all want. Okay, admittedly, the forces of internationalist socialism appear to be … well, somewhat marginal at the moment (or possibly virtually non-existent), but that’s not a problem, because the global capitalists will be happy to internationalize everything for us, and to do away with all those nasty nationalists, and that national government-subsidized healthcare and university education and all that stuff.

So let’s forget that I mentioned national sovereignty, because that’s all Putinist Trumpism, and so on. There’s absolutely no reason at all for leftists to discuss that subject, or to view it in any kind of larger historical or geopolitical context or anything. Once the global corporate empire finishes their Privatization of Everything, I’m sure they will be open to considering socialism. They’ll probably even let us vote on it. By then, they will have cleansed the Internet of all the discord-sowing Putin-Nazis … so there won’t be any danger of being “influenced” to vote the wrong way or anything.

In the meantime, don’t forget to do your part in the War on Trump, Putin, Assad, Corbyn, and whoever else the corporate media tell us we’re at war against. Forget about global capitalism. Keep obsessing about Donald Trump. And if you get tired of obsessing about Donald Trump, you can always call Corbyn an anti-Semite, or accuse Glenn Greenwald of working for Putin, or, if you’ve got some free time and want to get creative, compile a Directory of International Assadists, or some other paranoid pseudo-blacklist. Every little contribution counts!


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Read from top.

history with a bit of shortening fake...

DER SPIEGEL: Mr. Ischinger, was there a single moment when you realized that the old world order was slipping?

Ischinger: Absolutely. It was in February 2007, the year before I took over the chairmanship of the Munich Security Conference. Vladimir Putin was speaking in Munich and in an extremely aggressive tone, he called into question the U.S. claim to leadership. I was sitting in the audience and, behind me, a journalist said: This is going to change the world. It was a turning point, the beginning of something new.

DER SPIEGEL: Was that clear to you at the time?

Ischinger: We didn't take it seriously enough. I'm not excluding myself. We tried to ignore the war in Georgia in 2008 and essentially tried to deny reality until March 2014, until the annexation of Crimea. Then, it wasn't possible any longer.

DER SPIEGEL: "The World in Danger" ("Welt in Gefahr") is the title of your new book. How bad is the situation?

Ischinger: We are experiencing an epochal shift. Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the situation has never been as dangerous as it is today. Primarily because mutual trust has vanished. We can only see the rough outlines of what the new political age will look like. There is Russia's new role, China's expansion, violent conflicts around the world such as the war in Syria, the consequences of which we in Europe have particularly felt. A once reliable partner like Turkey is faltering, and we have experienced significant instability even within the European Union. But no politician has unsettled the world to the degree Donald Trump has. Since he entered office in January 2017, the entire liberal world order seems to be in danger.

DER SPIEGEL: Why are these disruptions to global politics taking place now?

Ischinger: There are many reasons. America's unipolar hegemony after 1990 is approaching its end and China is rising at the same time. That begs the question: Who will guarantee the erstwhile global order once the U.S. is no longer prepared to do so? Relations between Russia and the West are extremely strained. In this new world, prognostications regarding what will happen next have become much more difficult to make. Uncertainty and uneasiness characterize the global political situation.

DER SPIEGEL: Is Trump destroying the West with his rhetoric?

Ischinger: If it were only actions that mattered in foreign policy, I would be more sanguine. Because the U.S. is still doing more for NATO than all the rest of us put together. Unfortunately, the current situation isn't the only thing that matters. Words do too. And Trump's words act like poison to the cohesion of the West. The West needs a symbol, and that is what we have lost under Trump. And because we Germans finally became embedded in the West after a long journey over the last 70 years, it is a particularly painful loss, almost a loss of identity - much worse than for the French or the British.


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First things first: Russia could not abandon Ossetia which was being "attacked" by Georgia. Ossetia as part of the USSR is mostly populated by Russians.

Second: Ukraine was part of the USSR until the early 1990s. A deal had been made between Reagan and Gorbachev that as the USSR was "dismantling itself", the West, especially the US would not try touch former USSR countries. But true to word, the USA, with media and a few billion dollars, basically fomented a "Nazi" revolution in Ukraine to oust the elected government. Crimea was not "annexed" by Russia. Crimea was a USSR gift from Kroutchev to Ukraine 50 years ago. Crimea, like Scotland is populated by Scots, is populated by Russian people. The Russians have a Russian port in Crimea "that they subleased from Ukraine to give it some cash". When Ukraine turned on the Russians with the help of the West contrary to the Reagan/Gorbachev agreement, the Crimean Russians did not want anything to do with Ukraine. They had a referendum, in the same class as the Scots voted to stay in the UK or not. The Crimeans voted to REJOIN Russia. No "annexation" here.

Trump is shaking the illusion of comfort enjoyed by the Europeans who, to say the least, have been lazying about in forming their Union. At twice the population of the USA, Europe should be able to enjoy the status of being more powerful than the USA. Nupe... They have been cleverly "divided" by the USA — and the "refugee" problem is one of these more discreet clever acts from the USA: create wars in Africa and in the Middle East and bob's your uncle...


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laughing while we still can...



The idea that regiments of the Schutzstaffel were fighting purely for Estonian and Latvian independence is a horrifying fabrication in defiance of the overwhelming evidence documented by holocaust historians. The West has exploited this sanitizing of history that reappeared following the reinstatement of free enterprise in eastern Europe which has proliferated the far right in the EU as a whole. Why? It serves their cynical immediate interests in undermining Moscow. The same manipulations are occurring in the Cold War’s sequel. Last year, NATO even produced a short film and a-historical reenactment entitled Forest Brothers: Fight for the Baltics, glorifying the anti-Soviet partisans as part of its propaganda effort against Russia.

Any crimes that were committed by the Soviet NKVD during the war are dwarfed by the tens of thousands of Jews and Roma which were exterminated on an industrial level by the Nazis and their co-conspirators using the race theory — there is no comparison. Not to mention that the reintroduction of the free market to Eastern Europe killed more people than any period in Soviet history, reducing life expectancy by a decade and undoing seventy years worth of progress. We only ever hear of the faults of socialism and the inflated numbers of losses of life attributed to its failure, never the daily crimes of capitalism or the tens of millions lost in the wars it produces.

The Soviet brand of socialism was far from perfect, but nevertheless a model for what humanity can achieve in the face of tremendous adversity without being shackled by the contradictions of capitalism — an industrial society with relative equality in education, wealth, employment and basic necessities. Now that Western capitalism is once again collapsing, it is making friends with nationalists to revise its ugly history and the Russian minority in the Baltics are suffering the consequence. It will continue to apportion blame on the up-and-coming power in Moscow, no longer the quasi-colony of the Yeltsin era, for its soon-to-be expiration. Let us hope it does not start another World War in the midst of it — for all our sake.

Max Parry is an independent journalist and geopolitical analyst. His work has appeared in publications such as The Greanville Post, Global Research, CounterPunch and more. Read him on Medium. Max may be reached at

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Western capitalism is far from collapsing. We won't know that Western capitalism has collapsed until it has (2032 ±5). It will be sudden, with few markers ahead. Presently, it is being upgraded, adapted, re-tooled to populism via pseudo-fascist tendencies, including Trumpo-fiddle-ism: grab more, share less. It won't make any difference.


The main thingster that will "collapse" Western capitalism is global warming. This is why many denialists of gobal warming accuse global warming of being a communist plot. But this is also why many Western capitalist countries have adopted wind mills and solar panels as a solution to carbon neutral energy supplies, and are counting their "carbon footprint" pennies, because they known it's warming up.


As it stands, present capitalism is not planetary sustainable. We only make Western capitalism succeed by discounting a lot of side-effects in the equation. WC (Western capitalism — not water closet, though it's like a sanitised version of such — clean toilet seat, all shit down the pipe) is a bit like taking a soothing medicine for a headache that will destroy your kidneys. And it will.


Population demands in growth and comforts are not sustainable even with the best management of resources. The world is still on track to pump an extra 3 ppm of CO2 per year, through transport, food production and land clearing (stupid management of land — especially in Australia).

There will be an intersection of degradation (including global warming — (especially global warming), plus plasticocracy, toxicocracy and othercrazycracies) plus growth (the laws of too large numbers) at which our activities will become inevitably too destructive. This has been explored in various articles on this site especially here:

wearing a beige cardigan on a hot day at the beach because mum said so...


With the bloody change of government to the near-extreme right in Australia, this is not going to improve the situation or give us a better chance to weather the oncoming problems. We have to turf out ScoMo and his idiots as soon as possible.

On this score, most of the nations on the planet are arming themselves in preparation for conflicts rather than cooperation. Nothing new here, except the present firepower is far more than a couple of guns and arrows...


Our media are at best being ignorant of this situation, are lying and are blaming "the other", using fake flag events such as the Skripals to stir the "anti-other" sentiments. But most of our media are also distracting us for essential understanding of our failures, with inane entertainment, because, as even some of our best people say, we are tired of bad news and we need a good laugh while we still can...


At this level too, collectivism should not be the destruction of individualism, but a realisation that we have to find collective efficient solutions to the oncoming problems, some of which are already at our doorsteps. This won't prevent the onslaught though, but it will give humanity and other species a better chance of survival on this limited environment we call Earth.


It's our call.


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