Monday 24th of February 2025

UNHCR refugees...


What this brochure does not tell you is that 90 per cent of these refugees have been created by the intervention of the USA in the affairs of a sovereign country. Bombs and gunfire have been the responsibility of the USA supporting "moderate" rebels, who at best were terrorists of Al Qaeda and at worst were terrorists of ISIS...

The USA should actually pay you to be charitable, should you choose to. Second, NOT ALL FAMILIES ARE "TRAPPED" INSIDE SYRIA. Many falilies are enjoying the freedom offered by the Syrian government. Most of the "trapped" families have been under the occupation of ISIS and Al Qaeda, OR are families of terrorists AND TERRORISTS who have been kicked out of Syrian cities, by the legitimate Syrian armies. The USA should help the Syrian government eliminate terrorism but the USA have supported terrorism in Syria. 

The UNHCR HAS TO DEMAND THE USA FIX THIS PROBLEM WITH US CASH AND GOODWILL (but the US won't because it does not want to help Syria).

getting rid of terrorists (jihadists) in syria...

On August 13, 2018, British Secretary of State Jeremy Hunt assured the House of Commons that he regretted the 2013 vote in which Parliament opposed a military intervention against the "Assad regime" (sic).

However, according to The Times of August 21, the British government will reduce its support programs for "rebel" areas in Syria.

So far, the UK is funding local communities in the Idleb region. In fact, this area is occupied by jihadists from all over the country. Each locality is run by different armed groups, who often fight each other.

Turkey, the United Kingdom and France provide all their supplies. Most importantly, the Turkish army and the British SAS (Special Forces of the Air Force) occupy the area de facto.

Meanwhile, Syria and Russia are preparing to storm the jihadists.

Roger Lagassé


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when the UN is playing "regime change"...

The UN has devised internal guidelines for limiting cooperation with Syria until a "political transition" takes place there, and it was drafted without any consent from the Security Council, the Russian Foreign Ministry has said.

The document in question is entitled 'Parameters and Principles of UN Assistance in Syria,' the ministry wrote in a statement to RT. It was issued by the UN Secretariat in October 2017 and provides guidelines for the UN agencies and programs in their work with the war-torn country.

The Secretariat issued the paper without requesting consent or even consulting the UN Security Council or the UN member states, at least on an official level, the ministry noted, adding that the "guidelines" document still "penetrates deeply" into the political situation in the Syrian Arab Republic, thus "going beyond the issue of simple coordination between the UN structures."

One particular provision of the document explicitly states that the UN "would be ready to facilitate reconstruction" in Syria only "once there is a genuine and inclusive political transition negotiated by the parties." The Russian ministry described it as an apparent attempt to prevent the international organization from contributing to Syria's recovery under the current circumstances, while enforcing a "politicized approach of the countries advocating a regime change."

The directive also implicitly restricts the UN agencies’ cooperation with Damascus, the ministry said, adding that the text of the document says that "UN assistance must not assist parties who have allegedly committed war crimes or crimes against humanity." The US and its allies in the West have repeatedly accused the Syrian government of various violations of international law and particularly blamed them for chemical weapons incidents that took place on Syrian soil. No hard evidence has ever been presented to substantiate those claims, while the West ignored relevant data provided by the Russian military operating in Syria.

"If some influential [UN] donors believe that … it is time to toughen the sanctions regime against Syria, it does not necessarily mean that the UN agencies should be guided by the same irresponsible approach," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in its statement, expressing its hope that the UN Secretariat will review its methods as Syria's need for humanitarian assistance and reconstruction aid grows, not least due to an increasing number of refugees returning home.


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returning home...

Well over 500,000 Syrians have so far returned to their homes after vast swathes of lands in eastern Syrian were recently cleared of Daesh jihadists.

In the course of sweeping joint operations in al-Mayadeen in Deir ez-Zor, in southeast Syria, the authorities in cooperation with Syrian Army engineers discovered weapons, ammunition and medicines, some of which were western-made, left behind in the area by Daesh* terrorists, Syria’s state news agency SANA reported.

One such warehouse full of assault rifles and mortar shells was discovered in the town of Sbeikhan. Another one, where rocket shells were manufactured, was spotted near a town 70 kilometers away from Deir ez-Zor, a city from where jihadists had launched attacks both on residential areas and military zones.

According to SANA, a separate warehouse was found that stored foreign-made medicines and medical equipment that Daesh had used at field hospitals in Dablan, also a stone’s throw from liberated Deir ez-Zor.

Engineering units are going ahead with combing areas cleared of Daesh militants earlier this year, with over 500,000 locals already having returned to their homes.

Deir ez-Zor province had been under the siege by Daesh militants since 2014 before the area was cleared in September 2017 by government forces. Deir ez-Zor was also targeted by a Daesh offensive from May to June this year.

 * Daesh is a terrorist group banned in Russia and an array of other countries.


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the children are the victims...

Every time a Trump administration official pontificates about this or that, a TV split-screen should simultaneously show the heart-rending burial scenes of Yemeni children killed earlier this month by US-supplied Saudi warplanes.

Not just Yemen. How about children starving in North Korea from US economic sanctions? Or Syrian infants living in refugee camps, forced from their homes by US-backed militants? Or Iranian babies facing the toll of vindictive American policies?

Not just the Trump administration. Every American administration has shown the callous ability to allow the killing of children en masse, either through war or economic siege.

Think of Cuba, blockaded continuously by Washington for over five decades, for no other reason than its having a socialist government.

Think of former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who callously said the sanctioning-to-death of Iraqi children was “worth it”.

In Yemen, thousands of children have been killed over the past three years from air strikes in the US-backed war on that impoverished country. For every one of those deaths, Washington bears responsibility for supplying missiles, bombs, warplanes, mid-air fueling and targeting logistics to the Saudi military.

But it was the massacre earlier this month in Yemen’s northern Saada province that stands out as a particular horror. A school bus ferrying children to a summer camp was reportedly hit by a US-backed Saudi warplane, killing up to 40. Shrapnel recovered from scene showed it was a bomb made by the US-based Raytheon company that obliterated the children.

Subsequent images of dismembered children’s bodies being loaded into a truck by grieving parents were gut-wrenching. So too were images of young children digging graves for their classmates.

So, when President Trump and his officials, like ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, or his National Security Advisor John Bolton, stand in front of cameras and lecture other nations about “violations” and the “need to change behavior”, television viewers around the world would find it instructive to simultaneously keep in their mind’s eye the horror that these same American officials are responsible for in Yemen and elsewhere.


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preparing a pretext for more misery...

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, militants arriving in Syria's Idlib after undergoing training by UK private military company Olive.

The Russian Defense Ministry has accused the United States, the United Kingdom and France of preparing to carry out new strikes against Syria under the pretext of chemical weapons use by the Syrian government forces.

"The Western countries' actions in spite of their public statements are aimed at another sharp deterioration of the situation in the Middle East region and the disruption of the peace process on the territory of Syria," ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov noted.

According to the spokesman, militants in the Idlib province are preparing to stage the use of chemical weapons against civilians by the government.

"To carry out the alleged "chemical attack" in the city of Jisr al-Shughur in the province of Idlib, the Tahrir al-Sham group (affiliated with the Jabhat Nusra* terror organization) militants had delivered 8 tankers with chlorine… to a village a few kilometers from Jisr al-Shughur," the general stated.

READ MORE: US' Warning Against Syrian Chemical Weapons Use ‘Another Violation of Int'l Law'

USS The Sullivans destroyer has arrived in the Persian Gulf, US B-1B bomber is deployed at Qatari air base getting ready to carry out a strike on Syria, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.


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behind the tattered veil of moral superiority...

In a move that was entirely predictable, the US administration is once again threatening to bomb Syria if there is a “chemical weapons attack”.

This was entirely predictable because that chemical attack script has been read out, with salty crocodile tears, fake concern, and mocked indignation by US talking heads over the years - since 2012, in fact, when former US President Obama himself drew his red line on Syria.

The latest script-reader to toe the chemical hoax line is President Trump's national security adviser, John Bolton, who on August 22, stated: “...if the Syrian regime uses chemical weapons we will respond very strongly and they really ought to think about this a long time.”

Beyond the tattered veil of moral superiority that is US war propaganda, Bolton's words were clearly a very public command to Al-Qaeda and co-extremists to stage yet another fake chemical attack.


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yet no mention of the US support for the saudis...

A senior UN official has condemned another deadly Saudi-led coalition air strike in Yemen, which has killed at least 22 children and four women.

The victims were fleeing fighting in the al-Durayhimi district, south of the port city of Hudaydah, when their vehicle was hit on Thursday.

A separate air strike the same day killed four children, according to the UN's humanitarian chief Mark Lowcock.

It comes just weeks after a strike on a bus killed over 40 children.

The Saudi-led coalition, which is backing Yemen's government in a war with the Houthi rebels, has yet to comment on the latest deaths.

However, it responded to the news of the deadly bus attack in the northern province of Saada earlier this month by saying that its actions were "legitimate".

It insists it never deliberately targets civilians, but human rights groups have accused it of bombing markets, schools, hospitals and residential areas.


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the united nations and the deep state you cannot trust...

Russia denounces the diarchy at the heart of the UNO and the USA

by  Thierry Meyssan

The Western powers are moving inexorably towards Internet censorship, thereby facilitating the dissemination of propaganda and war indoctrination in their countries. In this context, an extremely violent tension is tearing apart the international scene. Aware of the increasing risk of general confrontation, Moscow is attempting to find credible interlocutors in the UNO and the United States. What is happening at the moment has seen no equivalent since 1938, and could degenerate in the same way.

During a Press conference in Moscow, on 20 August, the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs, Sergueï Lavrov, denounced the instructions issued by the General Secretariat of the UNO to all their agencies, forbidding them to participate in any manner whatsoever in the reconstruction of Syria.

He was referring to a document entitled Parameters and Principles of UN Assistance, drawn up in October 2017 by the Director of Political Affairs and number 2 of UNO at the time, Jeffrey Feltman.

We can read the specific instructions - « The UN will be ready to assist in the reconstruction of Syria only when a comprehensive, genuine and inclusive political transition, negotiated by the Syrian parties in the conflict, is firmly under way ».

This text is contrary to the objectives of the United Nations, but defended by its General Secretariat. None of the member states of the UNO were ever involved in its composition, nor even informed of its existence. It corresponds to the point of view of the governments of the United Kingdom and France, but not that of the United States.

Mr. Lavrov declared he had asked the General Secretary, Portuguese Socialist António Guterres, for explanations.

As far as I know, this is the first time that a member state of the Security Council has ever questioned an internal political document of the General Secretariat. Yet the problem is not new. At the end of 2015, Russia learned about a group of internal UN documents known as the « Feltman Plan for Syria » [1]. This concerned a detailed project for the total and unconditional capitulation of the Syrian Arab Republic, even more drastic than the plan imposed on Japan by General McArthur [2].

Moscow then found itself in a very delicate situation. If it made these documents public, the credibility of the UNO in the service of peace would have been destroyed, and Russia would have had to propose new intergovernmental institutions to replace it. Vladimir Putin prudently decided to keep it secret, and to negotiate with Barack Obama to save the UNO.

However, in practice, nothing had changed - Feltman was removed from his functions by Guterres and then produced another document intended to sabotage peace. Today he has been replaced by his US compatriot, Rosemary DiCarlo, who has not invalidated his instructions.

This time, Russia will not accept excuses and delaying tactics. But is Guterres DiCarlo’s effective superior, or is there a double hierarchy within the UNO, one of them public and favourable to peace, and the other hidden and pushing for war?

At the beginning of the Cold War, the United States thought about how they would be able to survive a Soviet atomic attack which would have killed their President and parliamentarians outright. President Eisenhower therefore nominated a phantom government tasked with ensuring continuity in case such an attack should occur. This secret entity was renewed periodically by his successors and still exists today.

For eighteen years, I have been defending the thesis according to which the United States are no longer governed by their President and Congress, but by this replacement entity. Basing my work on official US documents, I interpreted the attacks of 11 September 2001 as a coup d’etat operated by this unelected authority. Fearing that I am contesting the democratic ideal, my critics have rejected my work in its entirety, without really discussing it nor even reading it.

We may believe that after George Bush Junior’s second mandate and that of Barack Obama, this debate has become obsolete. And yet, during his electoral campaign, Donald Trump denounced the existence of this « deep state » which, according to him, no longer serves the interests of the people, but those of transnational Finance.

Of course, no foreign state has ever taken a public stand about a question which concerns the interior politics and the sovereignty of the United States. Except that last week, President Vladimir Putin took steps in this direction. On 22 August - in other words two days after the public intervention of his Minister for Foreign Affairs against the UNO – while commenting Washington’s sanctions against his country, he declared - « And it is not only the position of the President of the United States which counts. It’s the position of the institution which pretends to be the state, the ruling class in the wider sense of the term. I hope that the realisation that this policy has no future will one day become clear to our partners, and that we will then be able to cooperate in a normal fashion » [3].

Yes, you have read that correctly. President Putin is stating that the United States are governed not by one Power, but two. The first is composed of the elected members of Congress and the Presidency, the second is illegitimate and sometimes more powerful.

In the space of two days, the Federation of Russia called into question the coherence of the United Nations and that of the United States.

Unfortunately, those people who have still not analysed the events of 9/11, nor drawn any conclusions about the wars which followed, are still stuck with the official vulgate. They will probably interpret the Russian position as a machination aimed at destabilising the Western democracies.

From Moscow’s point of view, the war of aggression – by the intervention of jihadist proxies – against Syria must cease, and the unilateral sanctions by the US, Canada and the European Union against Russia must be lifted. The problem that we must all now face is not the defence of democracy, but the danger of war.

Void of any legitimacy, a parallel hierarchy in New York and Washington intends to plunge the world into a generalised conflict.

Thierry Meyssan

Pete Kimberley

Al-Watan (Syria)


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US thieves.....

Illegal U.S. bombing raids, brutal economic sanctions, and incredibly brazen theft by U.S. forces of 66,000 barrels of Syrian oil per day (80% of its total output) have visited a biblical-scale tragedy upon the Syrian people that has battered them virtually back to the stone age.

Following a devastating earthquake in February that displaced thousands of people and compounded the suffering of 13 years of war, UNICEF issued a warning that millions of children in Syria were at a heightened risk of malnutrition.

According to UNICEF, close to 13,000 children have been killed or injured in the Syrian conflict.

More than 609,000 children under the age of five are stunted from chronic undernutrition; 12 million Syrians do not have enough food to meet daily dietary needs; 6.9 million people are internally displaced, and 90% of Syrians are estimated to be living in poverty.