Monday 10th of March 2025

the horror prospect of losing malcolm's elegant turdy cuture for that of a real turd again...

turd going down

Supporters of Peter Dutton say the Home Affairs Minister is leaning towards challenging Malcolm Turnbull for the prime ministership and has the numbers to win, amid a crisis over energy policy and a horror new poll showing support for the Coalition has slumped.

Mr Dutton has spent the weekend taking soundings among Liberal MPs, leaving close colleagues with the clear view that he believes the government is now in an unwinnable position.

All indications were that Mr Dutton was ready to run for the leadership, they said, in another sign of a Coalition meltdown with conflicting claims over support for rival camps ahead of a policy showdown in the Coalition party room on Tuesday.

An exclusive Fairfax-Ipsos poll shows the Coalition has suffered a horror slump in its primary vote from 39 to 33 per cent over the past month amid open disputes on energy and speculation over the leadership.

In its worst result since early last year, the Coalition now trails Labor by 45 to 55 per cent in two-party terms in a result that would cost the government more than 20 seats at a general election.


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please, mal leave the hot house...

turnbull smiles...

Please Malcolm do the right thing and call an early election before you are rolled by the potato-man who I believe is a full-blown global warming denialist in disguise — and is supported by Murdoch. 



The scorching temperatures and forest fires of this summer’s heatwave have finally stirred the world to face the onrushing threat of global warming, claims the climate scientist behind the recent “hothouse Earth” report.

Following an unprecedented 270,000 downloads of his study, Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, said he had not seen such a surge of interest since 2007, the year the Nobel prize was awarded to Al Gore and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

“I think that in future people will look back on 2018 as the year when climate reality hit,” said the veteran scientist. “This is the moment when people start to realise that global warming is not a problem for future generations, but for us now,” said the veteran scientist and outgoing director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impacts.

The heatwave has dominated headlines across the northern hemisphere this summer. New temperature records have been set in Africa and cities in Australia, Taiwan, Georgia and the west coast of US. Heat stroke or forest fires have killed at least 119 in Japan, 29 in South Korea, 91 in Greece and nine in California. There have even been freak blazes in Lapland and elsewhere in the Arctic circle, while holidaymakers and locals alike have sweltered in unusually hot weather in southern Europe.


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The campaign of denial would have been much less effective without the backing of the Murdoch press and especially The Australian newspaper. For two decades, and particularly from 2002 when Chris Mitchell took over as editor-in-chief, the broadsheet has campaigned relentlessly to debunk climate science and discredit climate scientists.

The Australian frames climate change as a manifestation of the wider culture war, characterising climate scientists as leftists with a political agenda. It has published hundreds of stories and opinion pieces aimed at undermining the credibility of climate science, attacking renewable energy and railing against any policy that would reduce Australia’s emissions.

Many of The Australian’s readers have had their understanding corrupted by this campaign. Many senior business people and policymakers are convinced that there are serious doubts about the main propositions of climate science, as I found at the Climate Change Authority when some members arrived asking if we would listen to ‘the other side’ of the argument.

The falsities and distortions spread by The Australian are so numerous it’s impossible to detail them short of a very fat book. For some years a blog titled The Australian’s War on Science kept track, but the author Tim Lambert ran out of steam in early 2013.[16] The journalist Graham Readfearn has periodically exposed the distortions committed by his former employer News Ltd.

Robert Manne devoted part of his 2011 Quarterly Essay, ‘Bad News: Murdoch’s Australian and the Shaping of the Nation’, to the newspaper’s war on science and its unique fondness for character assassination. The paper has described those calling for action on the scientific warnings ‘greenhouse hysterics’, ‘prophets of doom’, ‘deep-green Luddites, ‘the hessian-bag brigade, ‘zealots’ and much more. The opinion pages were turned over to every denialist you can think of, from the cleverer ones such as Bjorn Lomborg to the lunatics such as Lord Monckton.

The drumbeat of anti-science and hatred of renewable energy continue. Picking, randomly, the Saturday edition of 12 August last we find the paper’s stable of right-wing commentators in full flight.


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survival of the whimpest...


Malcolm Turnbull's days are numbered. His time may even be measured in hours

Australians cannot reasonably be asked to put their trust in Malcolm Turnbull if he cannot even claim that from close to half of his own colleagues.

1 hour ago

by Mark Kenny

... and quoting seneca...

Quis candidatus laboret

quis alienis:

quis suis vatibus pugnet

quis consulatum.




A Candidate who can work with

any other people (and)

Who can fight their doom

against one colleague.



Translation by Leoniscus Gusius...


According to Dr Ralph Kettel (1563-1643), President of Trinity College at Oxford, "Seneca writes as a Boare (wild pig) does pisse...

or as the lord's prayer sayeth...

Our Malcolm, who art in Kanbra,
Hollowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom's goneth. 
Thy will be not be done 
As it was in Cayman Islands haven.
Stop this daily circus of inbred.
And do not forgive their trespasses,
As we won’t forgive theirs. 
So lead us into elections, 
To deliver us from Dutton and Abbott evil. 
For thine is not your kingdom, 
without NEG power, nor glory, 
The sooner the better. 

winning in his own mind...

Malcolm Turnbull says he was ousted by his Liberal colleagues because they thought he would win the next federal election.

Key points:
  • Mr Turnbull said the Coalition was in a worse position now than under his leadership
  • Said his ouster was a "form of madness" by those who feared he would win
  • Mr Turnbull was appearing on the BBC's Politics Live program in the UK


Mr Turnbull told the BBC "internal politics of the Liberal Party" lead to his demise as Australia's 29th Prime Minister.

"As I said at the time it was essentially a form of madness that occurred, whipped up internally and also amplified by voices in the media," Mr Turnbull told the Politics Live program in London.

"Basically, you could argue that their concern was not that I'd lose the election but rather that I'd win it."

Host Andrew Neil challenged Mr Turnbull on the claim, telling him "that's not credible" and reminding him the Government was behind the opposition in 40 consecutive polls.

But Mr Turnbull stuck by his statement, saying the Coalition had "level pegging" in the polls.

"We had essentially drawn even, and in our own polling in the marginal seats, which is obviously the only ones that matter, you know, in terms of determining government, we were ahead," Mr Turnbull said.

The former member for Wentworth was removed as prime minister after a Liberal Party leadership spill in August last year, and subsequently resigned from parliament.


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Read from top.


Time to throw out Scummo and his CONservative idiots... Prove that Malcolm is correct, please.