Monday 24th of February 2025

the russians glow in the "spectral evidence"...


You may have had the fortune of having been an "experiencer" of the hilarious comedy called “People of Earth” and should you be slightly bent like old Gus, you would see big-eyed big brain bumbling short alien “Jeff” (played by Ken Hall) as big idiot Trump and cool Nancy (played by a cool Debra McCabe) as nasty Theresa May. Trumble soon dies in the series in the character of Kurt. He may come back as an alien monk —Turdy Abbott...

As these characters in real life all take themselves too seriously and make our life a misery, it’s time to panic… Trump, May, Trumble believe in their own boots. Ugly. We’ve lived in the twilight zone of a political garbage dump for a long time — and it’s getting weirder by the minute as rats are crawling up the drainpipes. Humans are unable to be themselves for long and as soon as we get sick (in the head or find spots on our dick) we have to blame something (a rat) or someone else for our ills. At present it’s the Russians.

A few days ago, a nice loony extremist Christian told me to read Psalm 82 and soon I would be cured of atheism and discover why the Russians did it. Of course all Christians are loony extremists otherwise they would be atheists. Atheism is a disease like small pox, the clap and German measles — and the only way to cure this, is to read psalm 82 on Tuesday as we all know — it’s Shir Shel Yom...

So under the threat of going to hell for five minutes or having to scratch my butt over the rest of my hopefully long remainder of this life, I went and looked up the thingster 82 again that I already had read a long time ago as a kiddywink at a religious indoctrination gulag in Yourp.

It still does not make sense (imagine reading this crap when five years old — there is no Peter Pan nor Captain Hook in the story), for the reason that psalm 82 does not make any sense. Serious scholars are still divided on the meaning (hey guys, it does not mean anything!). The Christian view of Psalm 82 interprets "gods" as humans, thus removes the supernatural meaning included in the original text and violates proper interpretation of the scripture. The Christian view is generally blind to the supernatural divine narrative woven throughout the Old and New Testaments. Thus there has been a lot of “editing” and “rewriting” (often called interpretations) to make this senseless psalm (and all the other biblical flood and biblical frogs stories) fit the rest of the spin, in which the original sin — which doesn’t make any sense either — features prominently so we can be salvaged from the big dump and get our good behaviour bond back. 

Is bashing Russia part of our salvation? I guess so because all the western Christian countries, including the happy-clappies, the methodists and the Anglicans firmly believe so. But fear not. Danielski spent the night and day amongst lions without being eaten, which of course prompted the Romans much later on to test the strength of religious belief by sending Christians to their death in circuses. We should blame the Russians for this.

The word “alien” which features as “reptilians (or lizard-men) in the People of Earth series, is not mentioned as such in the bible, but the invasion of the supernatural forces of angels, cherubs with trumpets and demons are there in the ether fighting it out between "giants” or “nephilim” to call them by their official name, for the gods, of which, according to extremists, there is only one real one sitting pretty on a glorious cloud between toilet breaks.

Enforcing these RIDICULOUS biblical beliefs led to the trials of the “Witches of Salem”, the inquisition, the rejection of Galileo and the defenestration of many pure souls (Gus does not believe in souls but who cares) during the fight for the good oil between the ascetic Protestant who though being tight-arsed was the way to heaven and the flamboyant Catholics who thought that making money was the purpose of paradise. Nothing has change, except that many protestants, now turned "evangelicals", recognise the power of cash.

And now Christianity practice the fair demonising of the Russian people led by the devil himself, Satan — er I mean Vlad the … I mean Putin. Of course this cleverly distracts from the fact that Trump may have had a tryst with a “model” who got paid $130,000 and that poverty is increasing in the UK. It unfortunately did not steer the mind of the Aussies away from the cricket ball tempering SCANDAL…. Selling weapons to the Saudis will help solve these small crises while blaming Russia will solve the rash on our butt and absolve big companies practicing tax evasion religiously.

As we know, tax evasion is big business. It’s a funny beast which of course the non-tax paying churches decry as a sin. 

So, who are the “giants” the "nephilim” apparently mentioned in psalm 82 — these giants that have been sanitised (spirited out) from most of the Christian versions?… What follows may appear going askew but eventually it'll come back to the senselessness of 82. Meanwhile keep blaming the Russians.

The Fellowship of the Royal Society (FRS, ForMemRS and HonFRS) is an award granted to individuals that the Royal Society judges to have made a substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge, including mathematics, engineering science and medical science. Blaming Russia is not included though.

Fellowship of the Royal Society has been awarded to many eminent scientists including Isaac Newton (one of the earliest Fellows of the Royal Society, elected in 1672), Charles Darwin (1839), Michael Faraday (1824), Ernest Rutherford (1903), Srinivasa Ramanujan (1919), Albert Einstein (1921) and Winston Churchill (1941) who made a pact with the Russians (the devils) and the Americans (the “gods”) in Malta, 1945.

Cotton Mather, (1663–1728), an influential New England Puritan minister, author, and pamphleteer, became a Fellow of the Royal Society for doing some hybridisation experiments and for promoting inoculation for disease prevention. Inoculation against diseases had been an on-and-off idea that was practiced in China from about the 10th century. 

But Cotton Mather is mostly remembered for his hatred of the Salem witches trials which his dad was pushing for. Cotton was thus denied the presidency of Harvard College which his father, Increase Mather, held. Cotton should have known that daddy rules.

The Salem witch trials resulted in the executions of twenty people, fourteen of them women, mostly by hanging. Five others, including two children, died in prison. The preliminary hearings were conducted in several towns: Salem Village (now Danvers), Salem Town, Ipswich, and Andover. The main trials were conducted in 1692 in Salem Town.

Daddy Mather was involved in stirring the witch lynching hysteria. Cotton Mather, his son, wrote a letter "The Return of Several Ministers Consulted" which urged caution but did not denounce the use of "spectral evidence” which was a lot of non-scientific bullshit. He should have known better.

After the number of executions grew, Increase Mather eventually preached a few sermons to cool the atmosphere. More people were hanged. All good religious fun that make people nowadays believe that the Russians, the Giants or the Nephilim did it. 

Cotton Mather eventually believed that fossilised leg bones and teeth discovered near Albany, New York, were the remains of Nephilim (the "giants" mentioned in psalm 82) who perished in the great flood. However, palaeontologists have identified these as mastodon remains. So much for these idiots like Cotton Mather who bite a bit of science but still hold on to rubbish beliefs…

Of course in the case of Skripal, there is irrefutable “spectral evidence” like those in the Salem Witches trials. The Russians glow in the dark. We all know that.

Gus Leonisky
Atheistic Mouldy Stale Bread all around...

hitting a moose....

Follow city journalist Ozzie Graham (Wyatt Cenac), who travels to Beacon, New York to write a piece on a support group, "StarCrossed", for survivors of alien encounters. Although skeptical at first, Ozzie realizes the truth of the group's claims when he begins to recall similar experiences. Ozzie eventually quits his city job and moves to Beacon to further investigate the town's strange occurrences, as well as resolve issues in his past related to his possible abduction.

As the series progresses, Ozzie gradually learns that his employer, Jonathan Walsh, is a reptilian in disguise. Jonathan, who has considered him a friend since he abducted the young Ozzie, explains that there is an alliance among three races of extra-terrestrials: greyswhites, and reptilians, which was sent many years ago to conquer Earth under reptilian leadership. However, in his time on Earth, Jonathan has developed sympathy for humans and wants to expose the truth about the invasion, so he hopes to persuade his alien coworkers and the humans he calls friends to help.

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I remember now... It was not a moose. It was a deer...

a grand fabrication for WW3: creating hysterics...

The UK's recent diplomatic row is by no means an isolated case, geopolitical analyst Phil Butler told Sputnik, referring to the mounting pressure exerted by the West on Russia over the past years. Judging by the level of the West's saber-rattling, a third world war is now closer than at any time since the 1962 Caribbean crisis, Butler opined.

The sort of rhetoric Prime Minister Theresa May and the British Parliament used when accusing Moscow of poisoning former spy Sergei Skripal has not been leveled at Russia since the Cuban Missile Crisis in the 1960s, geopolitical analyst Phil Butler told Sputnik.

"Looking at President Trump's seeming eagerness to jump on board, combined with his appointing the psychotic John Bolton as National Security Advisor, the picture does not look good at all. The level of aggression has simply ratcheted up many notches. I am sure this is why Mr. Putin warned the world of Russia's new and devastating weapons. The Kremlin surely knows more than any of the rest of us. Short answer, World War III is closer than at any time since [US President] Kennedy and [Soviet leader Nikita] Khrushchev sorted things out," the geopolitical analyst highlighted.

UK Chemical Weapons Charade is Just Part of a Broader Plan

Following the poisoning of former MI6 asset Skripal in Salisbury, British Prime Minister Theresa May rushed to point the finger of blame at Russia, although the investigation into the case is far from being completed. In addition to disrupting high-level diplomatic ties with Moscow and expelling 23 Russian envoys from the UK, the British leadership called upon the US and European countries to follow in its footsteps.


As a result, the White House tweeted Monday that 23 countries agreed to expel 137 Russian diplomats over the Skripal poisoning case. However, 11 EU member states, namely, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia and Slovenia, have not demonstrated "solidarity" with London and refused to boot out Russian envoys.

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Read from top. Were the Salem witches russian spies?


give UK enough time to manufacture some "facts", please...

Scores of non-Western countries refuse to take the UK’s assertion that Russia was behind the incident in Salisbury at face value, demanding it present the evidence, Moscow’s embassy in London said. Some 160 states share that view.

While many in the Western world, save several notable exceptions, united behind the UK as it accused Russia of poisoning the former spy with a military-grade toxic agent, many more countries have not been persuaded by the fiery rhetoric of British PM Theresa May, the spokesperson for Russia’s British embassy told Sputnik.

“Even if Mrs. May said that she was absolutely sure that Russia was responsible for the incident in Salisbury, she would have to present all evidence to Russia, the international community and the British public. This is the opinion of almost 160 countries which are not members of the Western bloc,” he said. “It is obvious that no one in the wider world would take British words for granted.”

On Monday, following the lead of the UK, the US, 18 EU states and other European countries, Canada and Australia announced they would expel a number of Russian diplomats in solidarity with the UK. Washington alone ordered the expulsion of 60 diplomats, including 12 at the Russian mission to the UN, alleging they were covert intelligence operatives.

What became the largest collective expulsion of Russian diplomats in history was denounced by Moscow as an extremely unfriendly and unwarranted step. Still, there were voices in the West that refused to side with London until the evidence is laid out. Austria as well as Switzerland, both stressing their neutral country status, refused to follow suit. Cyprus, Portugal, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Slovakia, Slovenia, Malta and Luxembourg did not jump on the expulsion bandwagon either.

Meanwhile, Russian Ambassador in the UK Alexander Yakovenko conducted a briefing for foreign ambassadors on Tuesday, during which he confirmed that Russia is fully ready to cooperate with UK investigators.

“So far, London continues to refuse such cooperation which is unacceptable,” the embassy said in a statement in the wake of the meeting. Moscow has repeatedly asked London to provide samples of the toxic agent allegedly used in the March 4 poisoning of the Skripals but all of its requests have been turned down.

The representatives of the countries that were present at the meeting told Yakovenko that they have been kept in the dark by the UK with regards to the ongoing investigation, the embassy said.


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"spectral evidence" as facts...

Spectral evidence is a form of evidence based upon dreams and visions. It was admitted into court during the Salem witch trials by the appointed chief justice, William Stoughton. The booklet A Tryal of Witches taken from a contemporary report of the proceedings of the Bury St. Edmunds witch trial of 1662 became a model for and was referenced in the Trials when the magistrates were looking for proof that such evidence could be used in a court of law.[1][2][3]

Spectral evidence was testimony that the accused witch's spirit (i.e. spectre) appeared to the witness in a dream or vision (for example, a black cat or wolf). The dream or vision was admitted as evidence. Thus, witnesses (who were often the accusers) would testify that "Goody Proctor bit, pinched, and almost choked me," and it would be taken as evidence that the accused were responsible for the biting, pinching and choking even though they were elsewhere at the time.


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good question...

Russia's ambassador to Australia has been hauled in by Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to explain his country's role in a nerve gas attack in the UK, hours after an extraordinary press conference in which he tried to cast doubt over whether the incident even happened.

Key points:
  • Grigory Logvinov questioned whether there was evidence Skripals had been poisoned
  • He repeated denials two Russian diplomats being expelled from Australia were spies
  • Foreign Minister Julie Bishop met with ambassador this afternoon

Ms Bishop announced yesterday that two Russian spies would be expelled from Australia in response to the attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia, who were found unconscious on a park bench in the city of Salisbury earlier this month.

The UK Government said they were attacked with the nerve agent Novichok, a chemical weapon developed by the Soviet Union in the 1980s.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called the poisoning a disgraceful attack on the sovereignty of the UK and the rule of law.

But during a press conference with Australian journalists this morning that lasted more than an hour, Russian ambassador Grigory Logvinov questioned what happened to Mr Skripal.

"My gosh, who has seen the Skripals after their alleged poisoning?" he asked reporters.

"Who has seen any real medical report beside the political statements that they were poisoned with some alleged nerve agent?"


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EXACTLY!... but our moronic press dung-beetles will never ask these questions, will they?




If you are a young writer journo who has never seen spinshit, please read :

the "spectral evidence" in five powerpoint slides...

Russia's Kommersant newspaper has gotten its hands on 'Salisbury Incident', a document used by the British government to convince allies to expel more than a hundred Russian diplomats over the Skripal poisoning case. The five-slide PowerPoint presentation summarizes the UK's version of events. But what proof does it offer? Let's look at the facts.

The Salisbury Incident PowerPoint presentation was reportedly sent out to 80 top-level foreign embassy officials in Moscow, including US Ambassador Jon Huntsman, who told Kommersant that he found Britain's evidence "very convincing." Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called the slideshow a "massive manipulation of world public opinion" on the basis of "6 pictures." Looking at the document, it's not hard to see why the Russian diplomat reached this conclusion.


Court evidence aside, the PowerPoint presentation itself points out that Prime Minister May wrote to the OPCW asking for assistance on March 14, two days AFTER accusing Russia. The same day, London announced its 'response' to the poisoning, including the expulsion of 23 Russian diplomats, a break in high-level diplomatic contacts, and a ministerial and royal family boycott of the upcoming World Cup.


Finally, the slideshow confirms that the OPCW investigative team arrived in the UK a full week after May gave Moscow its 24-hour 'ultimatum' to Russia. On Tuesday, the organization confirmed that it has finished collecting samples from the scene of the crime, but stressed that its analysis would only be completed in two to three weeks' time.


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any journalists out there?

The Russian ex-spy and his daughter left critically ill in a nerve agent attack three weeks ago were probably poisoned at the front door of their home, British police say.

Key points:
  • Police have searched numerous sites including pub, restaurant and cemetery
  • Russia says it's in no hurry to retaliate for expulsion of its diplomats
  • Moscow says UK secret service may have been behind attack


It was the first time police have said where they thought Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia might have been poisoned.

The highest concentration of nerve agent found so far was on the Skripals' front door in Salisbury, and detectives plan to focus their investigation in the surrounding area, London's Metropolitan Police force said in a statement.


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Now, if I was a journalist, I would ask myself: why is this information coming up ONLY now and how can two people poisoned on their door steps can eat at a restaurant call Zizi, walk to a public space and slump on a park bench somewhat a while after being poisoned by a nerve gas supposed to act "quickly"?

On 11 March 2018, Public Health England issued advice for the other people believed to have been in The Mill Pub (location where the attack is believed to have been carried out) or the nearby Zizzi Restaurant. On 12 March 2018, British Prime Minister Theresa May stated that the substance used was a Novichok nerve agent.

According to Mirzayanov, some Novichoks can be eight times as deadly as VX, the V-series agent that was used to kill North Korean exile Kim Jong-nam last year. Just 10 milligrams of VX on the skin can be lethal.


There are no previous reports of Novichoks being used in battle or assassinations. However, Andrei Zheleznyakov, a Russian scientist involved in their development, reportedly died not long after being exposed to a small amount that leaked out of a rubber tube in the lab.

The BBC reported that traces of the poison had been found at the Italian restaurant where the father and daughter had a meal before they were found unconscious last Sunday, March 4, in Salisbury, Wiltshire.

So how can a couple of people go and eat at Zizi nonchalantly and then succumb to the gas "administered at their front door or in their home"?


Any journos out there with a pen and paper?

Question one: why is this information coming up ONLY now?

Answer: SO THE STORY DEVELOP NEW LEGS... It's starting to flag down a bit in the trousers... This provides the news with more shots of police and people in full anti-something suits... Makes good TV.


Question two: how can two people poisoned on their door steps can eat at a restaurant call Zizi, walk to a public space and slump on a park bench somewhat a while after being poisoned by a nerve gas supposed to act "quickly"?

Answer: Well, the story so far constructed by the police, the secret service and the UK government is not believable one iota. And so far no victims have been shown. 


Hey , Mr Journo, study the caper in more details: Russia had nothing to gain by this stunt. NOTHING AT ALL. only brickbats! They're not dumb!... Contrarily, the English hegemony had a pissing need to blame Russia for something, ANYTHING — considering that so far NOT A SINGLE PROOF of Russia's interference with the 2016 US Presidential elections has come up IN THE MUELLER INQUIRY. Slide four in the "proof" that Russia has poisoned the Skripals has NOTHING TO DO with the poisoning but is a loaded political opinion — all without mentioning the shenanigans of the USA such as spying on Merkel and Hollande — and spying on the whole world, as well as supporting Daesh, despite making noise to the contrary:

slide 4slide 4

In 1972, the United States Congress banned the practice of disposing chemical weapons into the ocean. 32 000 tons of nerve and mustard agents had already been dumped into the ocean waters off the United States by the U.S. Army, primarily as part of Operation CHASE. According to a 1998 report by William Brankowitz, a deputy project manager in the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency, the Army created at least 26 chemical weapons dump sites in the ocean off at least 11 states on both the west and east coasts. Due to poor records, they currently only know the rough whereabouts of half of them.[37]

There is currently a lack of scientific data regarding the ecological and health effects of this dumping. In the event of leakage, many nerve agents are soluble in water and would dissolve in a few days, while other substances like sulfur mustard could last longer. There have also been a few incidents of chemical weapons washing ashore or being accidentally retrieved, for example during dredging or trawl fishing operations.[38]

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Note: if I were the Queen, I would demand that the logo at top of the slide be REMOVED, PLEASE... It smells like a sewer... And now I remember: there is no more journalists with an ounce of journalism in their heads. They are all remotely controlled by the governments through someone called Rupert. 



that's a new one...

The first annual Christian witches convention is set to be hosted in Salem, Massachusetts, this April and will feature internationally recognized Prophet Calvin Witcher who agrees with the convention’s host that Jesus was a sorcerer and the Bible is really a “book of magic.”

The Rev. Valerie Love, the force behind the event who describes herself as a practicing Christian witch and an ordained minister of spiritual consciousness, recently launched the Covenant of Christian Witches Mystery School to help Christians tap into magic, which critics are condemning as "dangerous." She insists there is nothing wrong with the idea of Christians practicing magic despite biblical warnings against it.

In an extended discussion with Witcher approximately two months ago on reconciling the practice of witchcraft and Christianity, Witcher, whose website says he “brings God’s messages to humanity through powerful teaching and training, allowing non-traditional followers to hear the divine voice of hope,” said the Bible is a “huge book of sorcery.”

“The Bible is a huge book of sorcery. You literally can’t get around that. You can’t get around Jesus being a magician. There’s just no way,” he said.

Asked to elaborate on what he meant by his statement, Witcher pointed to miracles from Jesus’ adult ministry as clear examples of sorcery.

“You’re talking about sorcery at its base understanding, it’s really just being able to change the natural by supernatural means. That’s really it. It’s an alchemical process. It’s to say that you turn water into wine. One, two fish and five loaves of bread, feeding the multitude - absolutely forms of sorcery. Walking on water defined the natural realm and laws that govern this physical plane. That’s all realms of sorcery. Magic is simply just using the props to do it,” he contended.

“You’re talking about the whole of Jesus’ adult ministry is all magic, all sorcery. Even if we just say ‘Jesus.’ Every particular miracle Jesus does defies human law, defies the laws of the universe and the world. So … you can’t really talk about being a Jesus follower without doing what he did which is magic."


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Read rom top anyway.