Monday 10th of March 2025

a good reason to vote yes: make tony abbott squirm...

tony and toneetony and tonee

postal vote yes, early and often... once.


It is a simple question, with big implications: should the law be changed to allow same-sex couples to marry?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has released a sample of the paper it will send out to voters as it pushes ahead with the same-sex marriage postal survey.

The first survey papers will be mailed to voters today.

More than 16 million voters are eligible to vote in the survey — and the ABS says it will take two weeks to send out forms to all of them. Everyone on the electoral roll should have a form by September 25.

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Then the Turdy right wing will debate in parliament if the voters knew what this was all about... They will demand a recount and then they will vote with their "conscience" which is a big ask since they have only voted as a block before, like a flock of sheep under the spell of a mad rabid Kelpie... Some will find that they have sold their "conscience" to some religious groups, including Satan and the church of the saintly coal miners.

Picture at top in Redfern Street, Redfern by Gus Leonisky. Painted by xxxxxx for the #vote yes....


a firie tony...

It appears that Tony Abbott today was fighting a bushfire in Beacon Hill, Sydney. He should actually spend more time preventing global warming which he contributes to by not believing in it since global warming is not mentioned in the bible. Tony Abbott is an idiot.


He gets an uptick from the Daily Telecrap:

Daily TelegraphFirefighters continue to fight suspicious fire at Beacon Hill | News Local

Tony Abbott puts out a property fire in Beacon Hill ... The Northern Beaches RFS 
has been fighting spot fires all day as temperatures soared into the 30s. ... This 
driver threw a lit cigarette butt from his car at Beacon Hill today.

abandoned by the kid...

Tony Abbott's daughter Frances Abbott has announced her support for marriage equality and urged people to vote yes in the national postal survey.

Despite her father being an outspoken opponent of the yes campaign, Ms Abbott posted a passionate statement in favour of legalising same-sex marriage to Instagram, alongside a picture of herself wearing a 'Vote Yes' T-shirt.

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matt canavan needs to "grow a heart"...

The Nationals senator Matt Canavan’s call for marriage equality advocates to “grow a spine” was “very regrettable” coming from a politician who had faced less adversity than LGBTI Australians, the mental health expert Patrick McGorry has said.

The psychiatrist and former Australian of the year criticised Canavan in an interview on Sky News on Monday, responding to reports that mental health services have experienced a surge in requests for help since the same-sex marriage postal survey was called.

The digital youth service ReachOut said it had seen a 20% increase in people accessing its online advice relating to LGBTIQ issues and half a dozen of the country’s most prominent mental health organisations have held crisis talksto deal with higher demand, according to Fairfax Media.

The National Mental Health Commission has expressed “concerns about the detrimental mental health impacts of the marriage equality debate”.

Last Monday Canavan said people should “stop being delicate little flowers and have a proper debate”. “Can’t we all just grow a spine and grow up?” he said. “The debate hasn’t been that bad.”

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There are reports in the media today that Tony Abbott had been headbutted by a YES voter... PLease take this with a grain of salt. Tony appears to be the only "witness and reporter" of the assault and the headbutter identity is unknown. At this stage there is 50 per cent chances that the event was staged by an "agent provocateur" of the NO vote to give the YES vote a bad look and there is 20 per cent chances that Tony failed to recognise a cuddle given by a man used to play rugby...


Malcolm Turnbull has condemned an alleged head-butt of Tony Abbott by a marriage equality supporter but says the incident is one of “a relatively small number” of such cases in the postal survey campaign.

Speaking to 3AW Radio on Friday, Turnbull said it was “a disgraceful incident” and urged calm after what he said amounted to an assault of the former prime minister. “Any violence coming into our political life is absolutely to be condemned,” he said.

Tasmanian senator Eric Abetz has claimed that the alleged incident is a “harbinger” of more violence, despite conceding it is not indicative of the yes campaign generally.

Marriage equality supporters have been quick to condemn the incident and denounce political violence but opponents have used the incident to rally against same-sex marriage.

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NO record of the headbutt... Most likely a no voter playing the agent provocateur to stir the no vote by wearing a yes vote t-shirt. not the first time this caper happens... 

a hero? or an agent provocateur?...

Tasmanian police have charged a man with an alleged assault on former prime minister Tony Abbott.

The 38-year-old has been charged with one count of common assault, following an incident on Hobart's waterfront on Thursday afternoon.

The man has been granted conditional bail and will appear in the Magistrates Court in Hobart next month.

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Headbutting a silly former prime minister who has been doing much damage with his turdy political assaults to this fair land of Australia should be rewarded with a bunch of flowers. Ten points minus the mercurochrome for Tony. But we have to respect the law decorum processes... Yet we could still find out that the man in questions is an agent provocateur for the No case... Though I could be wrong...

a bouquet to Funknukl...


A 38-year-old Hobart DJ charged with assaulting former prime minister Tony Abbott says he is a lone anarchist that "felt the need to headbutt Tony Abbott because I didn't think it was an opportunity I'd get again".

Astro 'Funknukl' Labe has been charged with one count of common assault, following an incident on Hobart's waterfront on Thursday afternoon.


The Hobart DJ has been granted conditional bail and will appear in the Magistrates Court next month where he said he intends to plead guilty.

"I must state in no uncertain terms that this has nothing whatsoever to do with marriage equality," Labe said.

"For all intents and purposes legally I'm remorseful.

This was nothing to do with the Yes campaign, I'm not a campaigner, I'm a lone anarchist that felt the need to headbutt Tony Abbott because I didn't think it was an opportunity I'd get again."

Police said the charge followed an investigation into a complaint made by Mr Abbott, and that they would make no further comment.

Mr Abbott has alleged the man headbutted him after asking to shake his hand.

He told reporters at a morning press conference that his injuries were minor.

Mr Abbott and others have said the alleged attacker was wearing a badge supporting same-sex marriage.

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Should Tony Abbott want some respect — a tiny little bit, mind you — he should not press charges... But we all know that Tony is vengeful combatant, an ignoramus and liar — and an opportunist by mentioning that Funknut was wearing a Yes Badge, when the yes/no vote was irrelevant to the deed... 



like father, like daughter-ish...

"It's déjà-vu all over again" quotes Paul Bongiorno from Yogi Berra, in regard to our illustrious turd, Tony Abbott, in the Saturday Paper. Tony is like a nightmare that keeps us awake. But of course this generous fire-starting(as a denialist)-fire-fighter(in the local bushfire brigade) turd can say with confidence that he and his wife have raised their kids to be "themselves". One could be cynical and claim that seeing near-naked Frances' butt shown from two different angles in the Scheisse Turdograph on the occasion of a body-building contest, is reminiscent of the famous red budgie smugglers of her daggy dad, but as she supports the equality of marriage, all is forgiven. Well done. A great body in a great mind. 

Meanwhile the usual suspects in the Scheisse Telecrap, Devine, Peta and Piers, harp on about life from their ultra-conservative shitty sheets when this country was great, now going to the dogs because of marriage equality and the head-butting of a "former Prime Minister", as if it never happened before... I am not going to go through the history books to show when some physical violence happened against a "former Prime Minister" nor a real one before, but let say here that never ever in this fair country a "former Prime Minister" has been lying so much and done so much damage to the concept of "Prime Minister" and "former Prime Minister" than "former Prime Minister" Turdy... When he was elected as chief of all crap is when this country really went downhill fast. That some people take violent action against this little pile of shit is not a welcomed sight, but his own record shows that he was himself a violent action-man with fists...

So ease up, the scribes of crappy monologues, your glorious Turdy did not get a broken bone as he should have had, just a bruised ego which he quickly recovered by blaming the "yes vote", when the attacker in question denied that this was the case.


please read also:

don't mention the war...

success of the postal vote...


Support for marriage equality has rebounded and the yes side holds a decisive lead among Australians who have already voted in the postal survey, according to the Guardian Essential poll.

The poll found that 58% of Australians support a change in the law to allow same-sex couples to marry, up three points from 55% last week, compared with 33% who oppose it and 9% who are undecided.

More than one-third of Australians (36%) have already voted, with many more saying they will definitely vote (45%) or probably vote (8%).

Among those who have already voted, 72% voted yes compared with 26% who voted no.

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Considering that the idiots in government are unable to make the essential decisions, in order to implement a more democratic decision-making in this fair nation, WE NEED MORE POSTAL VOTES. Here comes the next survey:



Piss off Tony today...


free speech for all as long as I agree with what you say...


Abbott in 2012 would not only support things being said that he agreed with:

“It’s human nature of course, to support free speech, as long as it’s agreeable. The trouble is deciding which opinions can be censored.”

Late last year he was back to calling for an end to restrictions on freedom of speech, which he focussed on 18c, in the wake of the case against Queensland university students, which was ultimately dismissed, and the Bill Leak case, which was dropped.

“What happened to those students in Queensland is just outrageous, what’s happening to Bill Leak right now is just outrageous,” he told the Australian in November 2016.

“We are not precious little flowers in this country, we have robust debate and the best antidote to something that you find offensive or even insulting is to point our exactly why it’s not true and not fair.”

But the man who shaped his later political career out of standing as a defender of freedoms, most crucially of expressing what you believe, even if he doesn’t care for it, now wishes to see a popular song by an American rap artist banned from the rugby league grand final.

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The little shit...

See also: 

not a bad bone in his body... a saint.


political footy...

Here's a deal. If we must take politics out of our sport, can we please take sport out of our politics?

No more serving prime ministers up on the podium to hand out the trophy. No more ex-prime ministers in the Cricket Australia box. No more local members holding the No.1 members' ticket at our football clubs and stalking the hill for flesh to press and cameras to pose for. No more front-page Wallabies scarves and Origin bets. No more pollies having beers at the footy. No more 'any boss who sacks anyone today for not turning up is a bum'. No more thunder-stealing speeches in Parliament.

read more:

he'll polish more backbenches with his butt...


"It was a wake-up call to the ideologues," said one, arguing the party had been in thrall to moral "straighteners" despite a more liberal public mood.

"It was the end, in practical terms, for the disproportionate sway of the 'A-team'," said the MP, predicting it "could" see the member for Warringah's grip loosened on his [Tony Abbott's] safe North Shore seat.

The "A-team" is a reference to the right-wing trio of the former prime minister plus ex-Abbott ministers Eric Abetz and Kevin Andrews.

read more:


Read from top...

see also:

not squirming any more and going to a wedding...

Former prime minister Tony Abbott is speaking on the legislation.

It's no secret I haven't been a supporter of same-sex marriage," Mr Abbott says.

"I won't be opposing this bill because I respect the will of the people as expressed in the postal survey."

​"The plebiscite was an Abbott government decision - we opened the door to change," he adds.

"I am pledged to respect and facilitate the verdict of the Australian people," Mr Abbott finishes and adds he looks forward to attending the wedding his sister, Sydney City councillor Christine Forster, to her partner next year.

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