Monday 10th of March 2025

credlin's acid column in the sunday telegraph of 9/4/17 was designed to promote shit as an alternative to positivity...


Peta Credlin admits the climate change policy under Julia Gillard's Labor government was never a carbon tax, but the coalition used that label to stir up brutal retail politics.

Credlin, the former chief of staff to Tony Abbott when he was prime minister and now a political commentator for Sky News, said the coalition made it a "carbon tax" and a fight about the hip pocket rather than the environment.

"That was brutal retail politics, and it took Abbott six months to cut through and when he did cut through Gillard was gone," she told Sky News on Sunday.

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pedalling backwards...

The people of Talbingo (population 390+1, according to the sign) have seen a lot of politics lately. A few weeks ago they hosted the Prime Minister. Now they've had the prime minister in exile.

Connie Lomas, who queued up when Malcolm Turnbull visited last month to announce the second-coming of the Snowy Hydro, was especially excited to meet Tony Abbott.

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abbott lies... abbott is negative... abbott is an idiot...


Long-serving Federal Liberal MP Warren Entsch has called on former prime minister Tony Abbott to quit Parliament if he cannot stop criticising the Government.

Key points:
  • Tony Abbott has used commercial radio to critique the Government's performance
  • Warren Entsch says Abbott's public comments are damaging to the Government
  • Mr Entsch says Abbott's views should be addressed internally

"He will either be remembered for his positive contributions in his term as a prime minister or I am fearful that he will eventually end up being remembered as a spoiler," Mr Entsch told the ABC.

The former prime minister continues to critique the Government's performance and now has two regular spots on Sydney's highest rating commercial talk station.

But Mr Entsch has reminded Mr Abbott that when he lost the leadership he promised he would not snipe.

"He was going to step down graciously, he was going to serve in the best interests of the country but he was not going to do a running commentary, he was not going to be critical," Mr Entsch said.

"Well it has been anything but that.

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Tony Abbott, we are sick of your lies19. February 2012 Ad astra (359)It is absurdly ironic that you, the one who has admitted on national TV that sometimes you do not tell the truth, should spend so much of your time and energy demonizing Julia Gillard as an inveterate liar, not to be trusted, even picking up on your favourite shock jock’s tag: ‘Ju-liar’. You have been relentless in labeling her a liar while day after day you lie bald-facedly to the Australian public. 

Alcoa lies
Only last week you lied by attributing Alcoa’s decision to review the viability of its Point Henry aluminum smelter to the carbon tax, although the MD of Alcoa had specifically said that the carbon tax was not a factor. Later you said that Alcoa’s problems made it the worst time to introduce the tax, maybe afraid you had gone too far. But not willing to let the matter lie, you and the Leader of the Nationals both asked the same question of the PM in Question Time last Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, selectively quoting from a Treasury assessment which mentioned that over a 60% reduction in aluminum output could occur consequent to the carbon tax, but failing to mention that the compensation to the industry for the carbon tax would reduce the cost to it to no more than a one cent rise in the Australian dollar. You failed to acknowledge what the MD of Alcoa had said was the real cause of the company’s difficulty: the high Australian dollar, low aluminum prices and the high price of the commodities used in production.

On Wednesday, you attributed the delay in the $3 billion upgrade of the Alcoa alumina refinery at Wagerup, WA to the upcoming carbon tax, but the PM read out a statement from Alcoa to the contrary, stating it was due to its inability to obtain a satisfactory supply of natural gas. By omitting those facts you set out to deceive – you lied. Still not satisfied you had done enough damage, you then sent out Eric Abetz on 
Lateline on Thursday to insist that the job losses foreshadowed by Alcoa and also those announced by Qantas and other companies, were ‘preemptive action’ by these companies in anticipation of the carbon tax. No evidence of this was evinced. Your lies multiply. We are tired of them. When are we ever going to hear the truth from you? You are a political opportunist to whom telling the truth is irrelevant. 
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"He will either be remembered for his positive contributions in his term as a prime min..." News to everyone: TONY ABBOTT NEVER DID ANYTHING POSITIVE IN HIS POLITICAL LIFE.



opinion driven by madness...

In her opinion piece "Policy driven by madness" of this Sunday (bloody cold and raining, 3 June 2018, Sydney) Telegraph, Peta Credlin chastises the law-makers for enforcing draconian reduced emissions for cars by 2025. Apparently, none of the top 20 cars sold in Australia presently meet the rigid standards. 

Appalling! Yes I know Peta and her husband — Brian Gerard Loughnane AO, a business and political strategic adviser, Federal Director of the Liberal Party of Australia from February 2003 until January 2016 — and their little puppet, Tony Abbott, do not believe in global warming, so why do something about something you don't believe in.


Meanwhile in Europe, Porsche, The German luxury car maker and Volkswagen subsidiary stopped the sale of its vehicles in Europe over suspected non-compliance with environmental standards, German media has reported.

The halt in sales will last until Porsche adapts to the new WLTP test standards for vehicle emissions and fuel consumption, which will step into effect across the European Union in September.


So, for Europe the work has to be done by the end of the year, while in Australia we've still got seven years before joining the lower emission targets... 


And we might have to buy Chinese electric car which are less ostentatious than the Tesla, and possibly adapt to electric bicycles, all run from windmills and solar panels...

Do you bit, Peta, shut your trap: that'll cut 20,000 megajoules equivalent in of CO2...


See also: