Sunday 9th of March 2025

doing the split...


Liberal senator Cory Bernardi is set to split from the Coalition over coming days to form his own political party.

The ABC understands the South Australian senator will walk out of the Liberal Party within the next 48 hours.

Senator Bernardi has previously indicated he may start a new party for disenchanted conservative voters.

Federal Parliament returns on Tuesday and it's expected that a statement to the Senate will be the first the public hear from Senator Bernardi on his departure from the Coalition.

In his latest newsletter, Senator Bernardi foreshadowed a "testing year" for the Government.

"Unfortunately there are too few in our body politic willing to take the path less travelled — a trustworthy track that has fallen out of use," he said.

"For the sake of our nation, we must get back on track."

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a gift to malcolm...

The new CON party (unnamed so far) is a gift to Malcolm as it's likely to split One Nation in bits and drabs... See what happens. 

the bernardi sauce...

If Pauline Hanson's One nation yore — or PHONy for short — does not suffer from the Bernardi split, Malcolm has only one brilliant thing to do: resign, call an election and move to the Cayman Islands to smell his cash awhile disowning the Liberal Party for being a bunch of (w)bankers. But he won't. He's just there to "keep the lights on" and he has no spine, no will of his own except that of the coal merchants. Turnbull has been a greater disaster that I expected a while ago when I did the cartoon of the thinking turd replacing the ordinary turd. More elegance? Nupe. We only got a self-serving little shrinking man who got a few lucky breaks while we got to collect the shit off the fan daily... Improvements? Nupe.


the hand of god senior...

If the dissident conservative senator Cory Bernardi’s new political party shares the views of its founder, then we can chalk up it up as another fringe party firmly in the climate science denial camp.

Ignoring mountains of evidence from multiple lines of inquiry carried out over many decades, Bernardi has for a long time chosen to listen instead to fake experts pushing talking points that walk like zombies through barbecue conversations across Australia.

A Bernardi-led party would join One NationFamily First, the Liberal Democrats and Rise Up Australia in rejecting the evidence for action on cutting greenhouse gas emissions.

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Here I can smell the hand of god, Rupert Murdoch, in Cory's defecation (err sorry defection). Tony Abbott is still damaged goods but resurrectable in due course. Uncle Rupe is still planning on the possibility of bringing Tony back "when the time is right". All these anti-global warming idiots are supported by Uncle Rupe and his troops. People are making a bit of fuss about Cory and Tony's uneasy relationship but it's all good for the denialists, no matter what.  see:

murdochstein in murdochistan...

intelligent design is a dumb idea, promoted by uncle rupert to retard ...



And by the way the spat between Devine and Bolt was "genuine" because Bolt was not in on the sting... So he reacted when he was baited... All good for the Murdochistan dictatorship (it's more like a family — a mad family)...

the blancmange princess...

What would you expect from the best expert fence sitter in the World? Today, la Annabel Crabb spews a lot of words in an unopinionated tepid editorial, in one of the Sunday rags, that ends up nowhere, but in the middle of a blancmange swamp. Everything is mentioned, from the security of electricity supply to the views of Bernardi, with whom la Blancmange expert did a Kitchen Kabinet episode, which was repeated last night on your now-blancmanged (unless it's white-anted by Guthrie) ABC TV. So Annabel! So pissweak! So many words going nowhere... 

see toon at top...

meanwhile at the ashbygate front...

How will James Ashby go about subverting and undermining Cory Bernardi, asks Sydney bureau chief and Ashbygate author Ross Jones.

James Ashby can taste power.

The list is almost complete.

Pauline is in his spell, the old guard One Nation apparatchiks have been purged, Steve Dickson defected (and probably Andrew Powell to follow), polls up, talkback radio in a frenzy, the Ashbygate Liberals cowed into tacit support.

Everything rosy in the garden.

But he hadn’t counted on … The Beast.

Bernardi, The Colossus of Bigotry, is striding across the Australian Rightscape, casting a massive shadow over Ashby’s ambitions as he goes.

It was supposed to be an easy run.

One Nation holding the balance of power in Queensland and WA after the upcoming elections would provide the perfect megaphone for a tilt at a few Federal seats, with the Nats as the main victims. Maybe enough to upset the Coalition and make One Nation's Federal votes crucial to the governance of the country.

That would put Ashby at the centre of power where, if history is any guide, he would do all he could to blow everything up.

Guy Fawkes night.

So it is with some relief we welcome The Corgi’s entrance to the grand stage of freelance Australian politics. 

Bernardi is match fit and ready to go. He’s been trained in guerilla right-wing activism by the Heartland Institute, he’s got access to Gina’s bucks, support from Trump’s people and an ego the size of an over-inflated party balloon full of helium.

And these two are about to meet in the Battle of The Fringe.

Corgi’s supporters are generally further up the “refined’ curve than the One Nation's lot.

Corgi fans might read The Australian or watch 7.30; they might even have read some large books.


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Remember that the Ashby phenomenom rise is due to the Liberal (KONservative) Party attempts to sink Labor via most devious means, including illegalities which James Ashby should be in prison for.  But the Liberal (CONservative) Party needed Ashby to do the dirty on Slipper. They encouraged him to take-over of One-Nation in order to diminish their natural partners, the wheat-shaft munching Nationals. This tactic has worked so well, even the Liberal (KONservative) Party is under threat of loosing its power base. Send in the clowns. Here we're talking of Bernardi and Christensen who mouth with megaphones the rubbish everyone is thinking in the Liberal (KONservative) Party about Aborigines, refugees, abortion and global warming but cannot say aloud

So Bernardi is now forming his own party, the CONservative Party of Australia, possibly used by the KONservative party to minimise the damage One Nation is doing or going to do, THOUGH,  they still need One Nation (an Ultra CONservative party) to stop Labor in Western Australia, so they make an UGLY deal to sink the Nationals in favour of One-Nation... 

If you did not know that politics had become an ugly game of shit-head and turds, now you know.


Meanwhile the Nationals are not happy...


See toon at top.

in love with the beef stock...



See toon at top

divide and conquer...

Divide and conquer... The old maxim has long been applied to politics. The point here is the proliferation of RIGHT-WING parties, the neanderthals from the Liberals (KONservatives), the Nationals, to One-Nation via the "Bernarditioners" is a simple trick to INCREASE THE numbers of loony right on the benches of parliament. This a clever device that splits the votes WHILE INCREASING the number of right-wing loonies on the benches of parliament especially in the Senate. The next step is to make sure the diminishing Labor voters don't vote Labor... Here the trick is not to split the party for the voters to have a varied choice on the "loony left", but to make sure the Labor Party is tearing itself apart from within and looking like a disunited bunch of idiots. 

This tactic worked considering we elected John Howard, Tony Abbott and Malcolm Turnbull who for all intent and purposes have had the worse policies in Australia's history — a policy to rob the poor to pay the rich.


confused musical chairs...


The Australian Conservatives party, represented in the Senate by Cory Bernardi, will amalgamate with the Family First Party, the ABC understands.

Key points:
  • Family First to be wound up and resources transferred to Australian Conservatives
  • Newly elected senator Lucy Gichuhi will not be part of merged party
  • Peter Dutton calls amalgamation "inevitable" after departure of Bob Day

Family First has two representatives in the South Australian Parliament who will become Australian Conservatives instead.

But the ABC understands newly elected federal Family First senator Lucy Gichuhi will not be part of the merged party and is expected to issue a statement about the developments today.

Senator Gichuhi, who was confirmed just last week by the High Court as the Family First senator for South Australia to replace Bob Day, highlighted her allegiance to Family First.

"Family First is a party that shares my values and my hope for Australia and I am proud to be a member of that team," she told reporters in Adelaide

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It is understood that Senator Gichuhi will become an independent today... See toon at top.


he's pissed off because the media ignores him...

Senator Cory Bernardi has claimed elements of the media are deliberately ignoring him since he split from the Liberal party to found the Australian Conservatives.

Bernardi told Sky News’ Outsiders on Sunday that the media had given him a “bigger megaphone” when he was a maverick or rebel in the Liberal party.

“That wasn’t making the changes necessary,” he said, defending his decision to quit the Liberals to form his own party in February. “There are elements of the media deliberately not giving us publicity or deliberately not calling us.

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Bernardi has not understood yet that the MMMM (mediocre mass media de merdia) in Australian is only after shit-stirring, not after "policies". Bernardi having left the Liberal (KONservative) Party, he is now of no interest to the voyeuristic media.

a double-split?...

Australian Conservatives defector Dennis Hood has fired a parting shot at Cory Bernardi's fledgling party, suggesting it is destined to have "no impact" in state politics.

SA Premier Steven Marshall today revealed Mr Hood — a South Australian Upper House MP — would join the Liberals, bolstering the party's numbers in the Legislative Council.

Mr Hood was the Australian Conservatives' parliamentary leader in SA, and was likely to be its only member, with Robert Brokenshire set to lose his seat.

Read more:

Is Dennis doing a double-split and still secretly reporting to Bernardi?


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roasted over...

Conservative Senator Cory Bernardi has landed himself in a stoush with Australia's multi-billion-dollar livestock industry after using the term "lambassador" in his promotional material.

Key points:
  • The MLA says a Government funding agreement forbids them from engaging in political activity
  • A legal representative for MLA asks Senator Bernardi to immediately post a retraction
  • Senator Bernardi says "lambassador" is a generic term and he "won't be rammed into submission"


Industry group Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) has complained to Senator Bernardi about a Facebook post of an Australian Conservatives advertisement fronted by Sam Kekovich. 

Mr Kekovich is a former footballer and media personality, well-known for heading MLA's Australia Day lamb ads. 

He is also the face of the new Australian Conservatives video, which is promoted on Senator Bernardi's Facebook page with the phrase "The Lambassador supports Australian Conservatives". 

MLA demands immediate retraction of advertisement

MLA has written to Senator Bernardi saying his party has no right to use "lambassador". 

In the letter, General Counsel Clare Stanwix said the advertisement was a breach of MLA's intellectual property rights, demanding Senator Bernardi "forever cease and desist".

She also said under a funding agreement with the Federal Government, MLA was "expressly forbidden" from engaging in political activity. 

"This is an extremely serious matter," Ms Stanwix wrote.


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