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the heat is on...
The previous record for the hottest December night in Sydney was set in 1868, when a minimum temperature of 26.3 degrees Celsius was recorded across the night. The weather experts look at that minimum temperature, instead of the maximum, because the gauge drops to the lowest point at night. The lowest temperature reached was 27.1C at Sydney Observatory Hill between 9:00am Tuesday and 9:00am today. The overnight heat also makes it the second hottest night on record for any month of the year, a BOM spokesperson said. To put the heat in perspective, by 1:30am, at Observatory Hill, it was still 28.3C and in Penrith it was still a balmy 30C at 10:30pm. But city dwellers will not swelter for long, with two successive days of heat cooling down with some late rain. "Today will start as another scorcher, but there is a 60 per cent chance of rain and winds from the south, south-east in the afternoon and should bring temperature back to the low twenties tomorrow," said Craig Bourke from the BOM. read more:
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becoming ever more urgent...
As 2016 hurtles towards becoming the hottest year on record, the path to tackling climate change is becoming ever more urgent.
Share our video to help shift the heat onto our leaders for stronger climate action. We need to cut fossil fuel emissions rapidly to protect ourselves from worsening extreme weather events.
In the meantime, here are some tips for staying cool this summer. Stay safe!
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saving the EPA data...
Canadian "guerrilla" archivists will be assisting a rushed effort to preserve US government climate data.
Environmentalists, climate scientists and academics are collaborating to protect what they view as fragile digital federal records and research.
They want the data saved before Donald Trump takes office.
Database geeks and computer-savvy archivists will gather in Toronto to help preserve US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data.
Michelle Murphy, with the University of Toronto's Technoscience Research Unit and one of the event organisers, says concerns around climate do not stop at the border.
"Thing like climate change, things like water quality, things like atmospheric pollution don't respect jurisdictional boundaries," she said.
"If we're approaching a moment when the United States is going to really pull back on regulations, we are also talking about something that's continental or even planetary in scope."
On Saturday, volunteers will help select data they fear is most vulnerable to being lost, mapping the location of inaccessible environmental databases and building a project "toolkit" for other groups interested in preserving some of the roughly 75,000 publications on the sprawling EPA website.
She said the team was in a "race against time" to identify government sites they believe will be rapidly changed after Mr Trump is sworn-in 20 January.
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record deluge in broome...
A tropical low pressure system has combined with Cyclone Yvette to dump more than 200 millimetres of rain on Broome.
It is the most rain to fall on Broome in a 24-hour period in December, according to the Bureau of Meteorology's Neil Bennett.
"The real wet spot was at Broome itself at the airport, 226mm there, the wettest December day on record," Mr Bennett said.
"It's also the wettest day, since 1997, and the third wettest day on record, so that gives you an indication of just how much rain has fallen in that 24-hour period."
It takes Broome's monthly rainfall total to more than 359mm, which makes it the wettest December on record with over a week to go.
"The previous wettest month of December was in 1970 with 278.8mm," Mr Bennett said.
While much of the attention on north-west Australia's weather was distracted by Tropical Cyclone Yvette forming and then weakening well off the Pilbara coast, a tropical low moved over the Kimberley and dumped its record-breaking deluge.
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the great greenland melt...
Greenlanders can now buy home-grown potatoes and salad in Nuuk supermarkets but many southern farmers have struggled with drought in 2015 and 2016. Grass growth is stunted, sheep are smaller, and farmers are forced to buy winter food rather than use their own hay. The number of sheep farmers has fallen from 74 in 1983 to about 37 today.
Self-sufficiency in food may be a long way off but 70% of Greenland’s energy is now renewable hydropower from melt-fed rivers. Hammond speaks of 100% renewable energy, and attracting energy-hungry server farms, which companies such as Google and Facebook typically situate inside the Arctic Circle. She also predicts a growth in tourism with ships entering newly ice-free fjords. “Greenland is becoming a new tourist frontier,” she said.
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Around 950, Norse populated part of Greenland till about 1450. What stopped the Norse (from scandinavia) carry on with the settlements was a mini ice age which started around 1250. I would not be surprised if this mini ice age actually started in 1258, due to an eruption of a volcano on Lombok. The Norse carried on but the conditions became harsher and harsher with a lowering of temperatures and an increase of storms. Though they adapted from being "farmers and herders" by becoming "fishermen and hunters", the Greenland population dwindled, most living returning to scandinavia by end of settlement. The ice age won. The Inuit managed to survive though.
Now with global warming running riot, the local Inuits can grow their own vegetables and I know Aussies who have invested in Greenland mining stocks as the ice clears up faster than one can say boo...
santa is going to wear bathers at the north pole...
Temperatures at the North Pole could be up to 20 degrees higher than average this Christmas Eve, in what scientists say is a record-breaking heatwave.
Climate scientists say these unseasonably warm weather patterns in the Arctic region are directly linked to man-made climate change.
Temperatures throughout November and December were 5C higher than average.
It follows a summer during which Arctic sea ice reached the second-lowest extent ever recorded by satellites.
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Hello? Anyone there? Are our stupid pollies listening? I mean Tony stupid Abbott and his gang of idiots that includes Bernardi and Christensen plus their Murdoch press supporting imbeciles? I also mean Ms Hanson and her brain-damaged idiots who would not know a stick from a scientific observation? Hey Mr Trump, you will need gumboots at your Florida golf course... Better plan for something nasty soon. Listen to the scientists, you F%^$#@&*ing yellow-haired mongrel! Sure, we know, you're planning the end of the world with nukes on behalf of the "exiled" dejected Christians who have nothing else to do but to pray for Armageddon daily. So, please do something for the rest of us who would prefer kicking their hypocritical Christian backsides for being stupidly selfish as they wish for the destruction of this unique little planet in this part of the cosmos, in order to be reunited with a dead guy who was nailed to a cross 2000 years ago...
a bad christmas present from global warming...
Nock-Ten is expected to be packing winds of 222 kilometres per hour (138 miles per hour) when it makes landfall on Catanduanes, a remote island of 250,000 people, on Sunday, the US Joint Typhoon Warning Center said.
It is then expected to hit the country's main island of Luzon, including the capital Manila, on Monday.
"We issued an advisory to local government units this morning to conduct preemptive evacuations," Rachel Miranda, spokeswoman for the civil defence office in the Bicol region that includes Catanduanes, told AFP.
Bicol, an agricultural region of 5.5 million people, is often the first area to be hit by the 20 or so storms and typhoons that pound the archipelago each year.
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soggy fireworks for sydney...
This year could be Australia's fifth warmest on record, and New South Wales will feel it with a heatwave over much of the eastern coast for the final days of 2016.
"In Sydney we've seen the hottest year on record with temperatures well above average, and that is how the year is finishing as well, right across New South Wales," said Rob Sharpe, senior meteorologist from Weatherzone.
"This week will see a number of hot days and very warm nights and that constitutes a heatwave," said Andrew Haigh, spokesman for the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM).
"We are expecting temperatures in the low 40s on Thursday and in the high 30s in the east of the city at this stage."
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I just made a prediction for 2017... It's going to be the worst year for global warming ever... I hope I am wrong... but you know the rest...
middle earf at the souf pole...
Scientists believe a massive object that could change our understanding of history is hidden beneath the Antarctic ice.
The huge and mysterious “anomaly” is thought to be lurking beneath the frozen wastes of an area called Wilkes Land. The area is 151 miles across and has a minimum depth of about 2,700 feet.
Some researchers believe it is the remains of a truly massive asteroid more than twice the size of the Chicxulub space rock that wiped out the dinosaurs.
If this explanation is true, it could mean this killer asteroid caused the Permian-Triassic extinction event, which killed 96 percent of Earth’s sea creatures and up to 70 percent of the vertebrate organisms living on land.
However, the wilder minds of the internet have come up with their own theories, with some conspiracy theorists claiming it could be a massive UFO base or a portal to a mysterious underworld called the Hollow Earth.
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The Permian-Triassic extinction event happened about 252 million years ago when god was playing with bits of strings, some cardboard and some Uhu glue. But then, who knows. Nothing concrete has been unearthed and it will take a generation of global warming (20 years) to reveal that the south pole is poxy — once the ice has completely melted away.
And by the way, the south pole in these poxy Triassic times was in another location... Check the map for 250 million years ago...
as the SCG is about to be flooded...
Sydney, and large parts of the New South Wales coast, sweltered through the hottest year on record as extreme weather events left their mark on the state in 2016.
Key points:In the state capital, every month had maximum temperatures at least 1 degree Celsius above average.
The data is part of the Bureau of Meteorology's Annual Climate Statement, released today.
Most of NSW's coastal areas — including a strip from the areas around Newcastle to the Victorian border — also had their hottest year on record.
All parts of the state recorded above average temperatures in 2016.
According to the report, Sydney recorded its most days above 25C on record.
Extreme events leave their markAs well as the heat, 2016 will be remembered for extreme weather events in NSW.
A dry period from February to April in the state was followed by the wettest May through to September on record, with major and persistent flooding in inland regions.
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record hear in january for sydney...
Sydneysiders were forced to kick off their doonas last night as the city sweated through its seventh sleep above 24C — a new summer record.
Those living around Sydney Observatory Hill have suffered nine days of temperatures 35C and above, equalling the previous record set more than 120 years ago in the summer of 1895-6.
"We've had very warm temperatures in Sydney for both days and nights," Bureau of Meteorology senior climatologist Agata Imielska said.
"The fact that we've had none of these particularly cool days coming through, no very strong cool southerly changes, I've found that particularly unusual and just hard to deal with without an air conditioner at home personally.
"It's just been back-to-back really warm conditions."
Last night, the lowest temperature was 25.4C in Sydney, while the average minimum for the city in the month of January is 18.7C.
"We're looking at almost 10 degrees [Celsius] above the average," Ms Imielska said.
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record january heat...
Sydney and Brisbane residents have just sweated through the hottest month on record.
Sydney’s average maximum temperature for January was 29.6C, beating the previous mark of 29.5C recorded in 1896, the Bureau of Meteorology said on Wednesday.
Last month Sydney had 11 days when the temperature topped 30C and five days above 35C, smashing not only all previous records for the month but for any month since records began in 1858.
“Anyone that’s been feeling really uncomfortable can feel 100% justified in their complaints,” Bureau of Meteorology climatologist Agata Imielska said. “It’s the warmest month for Sydney.”
January’s average minimum was 21.6C, breaking the previous January record of 21C in 1991 and the previous average minimum for any month which had been 21.2C in February 2010.
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And luckily we are in a La Nina event... Unluckily, global warming is not going to stop and wait for us. 2017 started in style... I predicted this year to be the warmest yet, of course before 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021... you know the rest. just add 0.1 degrees Celsius extra per year and by 2100, this will translate as an extra 9 degrees Celsius on average. We're stuffed and Malcolm wants to burn more coal "more efficiently"... He is a full class shitball who takes us for fools and idiots. May be we are.... Hey! this is more serious than you think !
record winter heat...
Winter in Australia this year was hot and dry with the average maximum temperature up nearly 2 degrees Celsius above the long-term trend.
Key pointsThe 2017 winter was the hottest since 1910 when national records began, according to Bureau of Meteorology figures released today.
The average maximum daily temperature recorded across all Australian recording locations for June, July and August 2017 was 23.7C.
That is a whopping 1.9C degrees above the baseline 1961 to 1990 average of 21.8C and smashes the previous record of 23.4C set in 2009
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Global warming is real and anthropogenic... AND INCREASING FASTER THAN WE THINK...
hot hot hot...
It’s always hot in Bidyadanga but a few degrees can make a big difference in the remote Aboriginal community, about 190 kilometres south of Broome in West Australia.
“It’s always hot – it’s the desert – but the difference between 33 degrees and 36 degrees can be quite oppressive,” said Shaun Burgess, a teacher in the community.
This winter, it mattered more than most – 2017 was Australia’s warmest on record for average maximum temperatures, which reached nearly 2C above the winter average and beat the previous record set in 2009 by 0.3C, according to a report released by the Climate Council on Tuesday.
In July alone 72 records were broken for the highest maximum temperature, including in Sydney, which set a record high of 26.5C.
Bidyadanga was one of those 72; on July 27 it reached 36.3C, the hottest day in Australia’s warmest July. It also broke its previous July record of 35.7C, set in 2016.
“It’s made it really difficult to do things like go camping or fishing with the students, which is something we’ve done a lot of in previous years,” Burgess said. “There’s been less of an opportunity to clear the mind, less of a reprieve, I guess.”
And the reprieves may be becoming rarer. Australia has set new seasonal highs for maximum temperatures 10 times so far this century and the Climate Council report found that more than 260 heat and low rainfall records were broken between June and August this year.
It was the fifth warmest winter on record for average temperatures, and the driest since 2002. Daytime temperature averages were above average for almost the entire country; more than 90% of Australia was in the highest 10% of historical observations. And, as summer approaches, a third of the country is at above average risk from bushfire damage as a result of the hot, dry weather.
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rome is on fire... bernardi plays the fiddle like nero... they laugh...
the "socialists" dictators of the turdy-turnbull COALition hate the concept of renewables...
and all the usual suspect on this site...
more hot, more heat, more warm, more more...
NSW reached a record September temperature of 35.81C on 23 September – almost 15C above the average September temperature and more than 1.6C above the record set in 2003.
But in some locations, records tumbled multiple times in September. NSW recorded a September temperature above 40C for the first time in Wilcannia, setting a record measurement of 40.5C on 23 September. That record lasted just four days, with Wanaaring breaking it on 27 September, reaching 41.4C.
Queensland also experienced its hottest day over the whole state on 27 September,reaching 42.5C in Birdsville, and Victoria recorded a new September temperature record, measuring 37.7C for the first time at Mildura.
Research conducted in 2014 by Sophie Lewis from the Australian National University found if greenhouse gases in the atmosphere were at pre-industrial levels, Australia would breach the 30C threshold in September just once every 704 years. But current levels of greenhouse gases make that 16 times more likely.
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And the stupid government ignoramus "ningnongs" want to burn more coal. Idiots.l