Monday 10th of March 2025

the magician of entitlements: zero for you, all for him...


"Let me put it to you this way: The Age of Entitlement is over" – Treasurer Joe Hockey's words as he began his address to the Institute of Economic Affairs in London on April 17, 2012. Fast forward to today where the former member for North Sydney finds himself in Washington DC, having been parachuted into the role that carries the title of "His Excellency The Honourable Joe Hockey ambassador for Australia to the United States", it seems that age of entitlement he spoke passionately about has never ended ("Public pays for Hockey's babysitter", October 26). And as for those who double-dip, I guess he would have a diplomatic response.

Allan Gibson Cherrybrook

The average Joe works until 60-65 years before he can access his super/pension. Washington-based "leaner" Joe Hockey is paid around $360,000 pa, dips into his $90,000 a year pension, but still bills the taxpayer $2500 in five months for childminding. The "age of entitlement" is not over for some.

Paul Parramore Sawtell

I think I understand, if your name is Philip or Joe then double dipping is fine (we'll even throw in baby sitting), but if you name is Sarah, Deborah, Jill etc then it's a rort.

Tony Walbran Dee Why


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meanwhile on the soiled barnaby underpants y-front...

Barnaby Joyce has described the Labor party as communists and has justified concern about foreign investment because people are not prepared to “die for a rented country”.

The deputy prime minister was speaking at the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF) congress in Canberra to an audience which included the Chinese ambassador.

“The love of one’s country is best delivered when you own that country,” Joyce said. “I may like your car but I love mine. Likewise I find your house very interesting but I want to go home to mine ...

“It is the ultimate sign that the Labor party and the Greens just don’t get it and believe you me, there is one thing people are not keen to do and that is die for a rented country”. 

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