Sunday 9th of March 2025

no budging on budget...



Forget Labor supporting the Coalition's $6.5 billion omnibus bill! Why demand higher standards from Labor when bullying, thuggery and broken promises from the conservatives are a given, asks Mungo MacCallum.

IT IS really hardly surprising that Bill Shorten is proving reluctant to co-operate with the new government he so nearly toppled.

After all, when the Liberals were in opposition from 2010 to 2013, they had a policy of remorselessly opposing anything and everything that the government suggested.

Tony Abbott extravagantly sauced Julia Gillard’s goose and now Shorten is applying a touch of relish to Malcolm Turnbull’s gander. What goes around comes around.

But Turnbull and his colleagues, egged on (of course) by the Murdoch media marauders, are outraged. How dare they act against the national interest? Why, Shorten committed – well, agreed at least tacitly – to $6.5 billion spending cuts, a key first step in the urgent task of budget repair. He must make good his pledge. Do election promises count for nothing (don’t mention 2010)?

Shorten at the National Press Club. Smile while you deliver the kidney punch #auspol

— Katharine Murphy (@murpharoo) August 24, 2016

This is all good rhetoric, but it unfortunately avoids the facts. Sure, Shorten’s platform was for spending cuts, but they were not for the purpose of budget repair; they were to pay for his other policies, most notable the promise to fully fund the Gonski education reforms.

And for that matter, despite all the bluster, Turnbull is not all that interested in budget repair either. His $6.5 billion would only be a down payment for this national economic plan for $50 billion worth of cuts for the corporate sector.

Shorten has said he is prepared to negotiate over the budget, but Turnbull is showing no signs of doing so. Despite fulsome (the correct word) overtures to the crossbenchers, he has so far offered to give the official opposition nothing.

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a waste of space...


A generation of Australians has never known a recession or high unemployment but unless hard decisions are taken soon, there is a "terrible risk" complacency could end Australia's 25 consecutive years of economic growth, Treasurer Scott Morrison has warned.

In the first of three "economic headland" speeches the Treasurer will deliver in the coming weeks, designed to set out the budgetary challenges facing the nation - and the government's vision for how to tackle them - Mr Morrison will argue that it should not take an economic crisis to trigger a wake-up call, or restart the economic reform process, so Australia enjoys a prosperous future.


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For the last three years, the Liberal government has been a sad waste of space... And now Morrison wants us to pay for his de-cycled garbage... Garbage is free. Tax cuts to businesses is not the way to go. All it will do is drain more cash overseas from the pocket of ordinary Australians and produce NOTHING. A better solution would have been to invest IN AUSTRALIAN businesses, rather than let the rest of the planet come here and rape our resources cheap. Adani is the next one on the list... What is wrong with you people? 

Prosperity does not come from banking fiddles and real estate shock value. Mining is now at the bottom of profitable businesses and today even Woolies is in dire straights after having tried to compete on a market of selling hardware.

Are these business nuts? The Liberals and their cronies have killed more businesses than a hot rabbit gets to shag. These Liberals are HOPELESS... This nation of moribund dorks only voted them back in with a margin of 0.05 because of the erroneously spruiked "expertise" of Malcolm which to say the least is CRAP on a stick, in regard to the national level. The levers of a nations economic future are VERY DIFFERENT to the fiddles of making a private buck by investing in hedge funds...

And we have to suffer this ugly despicable idiotic bunch of Liberal (CON-artist-servatives) for another three years unless we get a new election. Meanwhile, the Turd his polishing is act in the background. But a Turdy Turd is still a turd...

And the MMMM (the mediocre mass media de mierda) is pandering to these idiots...


is he listening to himself?


Treasurer Scott Morrison has warned of a new divide between "the taxed and taxed-nots", saying Australia has a generation growing up expecting Government handouts.

Key points:
  • Treasurer says too many Australians are not paying taxes
  • Speech comes ahead of "budget measures" Government wants to pass
  • Labor renews calls for banking sector royal commission

In an address to a Bloomberg function in Sydney, Mr Morrison also cautioned against "renewed protectionism", citing the more than $3 trillion worth of foreign investment currently in Australia.

He used his address to warn against complacency amid Australia's ongoing economic success, saying there was currently a generation which has never experienced a recession.

"A generation has grown up in an environment where receiving payments from the Government is not seen as the reserve of the disadvantaged, but a common and expected component of their income over their entire life cycle, and not inconsistent with self-reliance," he said.

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After three years of stable-jobs destruction while converting employment into casual bum-fights, this religious dork is preaching like a demented economist on a street corner dedicated for prostitutes who work for cash only. And he preaches that YOU (the poorest bugger amongst us) has had enough hand-outs, but he wants to hand out cash to businesses instead. If he was not so chubby, he would look like the previous chubby occupier of that chair, namely rort barrelling whatisname Hockey. 

Yes Scott, we are bludgers amongst lazy bastards in a country led by politically inept elected members who are bludging their way to a superannuation, pension and other perks that only Aussie pollies can dream of, on the entire planet — apart from the Brussels sprouts working for (and against) Europe while lining their pockets with gold.

And please explain "self-reliance" to retirees who have the interest on their cash dwindling like glaciers of Switzerland in the global warming sun. Explain "self-reliance" to people who used to make trains for the NSW railways but now will have to eat rat-meat on Sundays after Baird decided to feed the South Koreans instead. Please explain "self-reliance" to most people whom your party of dorks have tried to deny an education, or an apprenticeship by destroying TAFE to profit extortionist private colleges. The list of cloddy stuff from this mob of moronic conservative is staggering beyond the sunset...