Tuesday 25th of February 2025

these little bourgeois should be in prison...


20 march 2016: The New South Wales Government has said it will allow a private operator to bid to run a medium-security jail on Sydney's north-western outskirts, while announcing that prisons that fail to cut reoffending rates will be put to competitive tender.

Faced with a dramatic increase in prisoner numbers, the Government says it will put a tender out for the running of John Morony medium-security jail near Windsor.

"Prisons in NSW are thirsting for reform; you only have to pick up the newspapers, you only have to listen to talkback radio," Minister for Corrections David Elliott told reporters on Sunday.

Mr Elliot said another 1,100 beds would progressively be made available in the public system but there needed to be an improved performance across the system.

Prisons that did not slash reoffending rates would also be put to tender, he said.

read more: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-20/nsw-jails-private-prison-operators-ohn-morony-windsor/7261300



20 August 2016: The US government said this week that it would reduce and eventually cease its use of private prisons.


"[Private prisons] compare poorly to our own Bureau facilities," Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates wrote in a memo to US officials. "They simply do not provide the same level of correctional services, programs, and resources; they do not save substantially on costs ... they do not maintain the same level of safety and security."
According to David C Fathi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union's National Prison Project, this memo represents a sea change in the attitude of the US government towards privatised corrections.
"This really is a historic reversal of the last 30 years," he says. "It's even more significant as a signal that's being sent and quite probably a harbinger of things to come."
However, while the announcement will have a significant impact on certain prisoners overseen by the federal government, this will change nothing for the vast majority of the US prison populace.
read more: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-37133879



prisoner of her private majestic jail...

A new prison that has opened near Grafton, on the New South Wales north coast, will be Australia’s largest, eventually holding up to 1700 inmates.

The facility was built at a cost of about $700 million, and will be operated under a public-private partnership involving the state government and a consortium compromising [sic] John Laing, John Holland and Serco.

‘1700 is an outrage’

The involvement of the private sector, and in particular Serco, has sparked concerns.

Brett Collins, from the inmate advocacy group Justice Action, said the operation of such a large facility should not be left in the hands of a private company.

Read more:



Read fom top.... Compromising??? The article meant comprising I hope...