Monday 10th of March 2025

some are deliberately ignorant, some are blindly right-wing partisan, some are insane, some are tolerable ...

a pot of senators

Hearing the shrill from the new mad senators is mind numbing... And some of them will get to stay six long years... Let's hope that the new ignorant lot starts to study reality beyond their long-learned prejudices... Let's hope that the ultra right-wing mongrels start to see that their sponsors, the rich, are rorting society under the premise of dripping-down on the plebs and that the lefties abandon harsh refugee policies. Let's hope that all see that the planet is at a slow turning point of sort, with CO2 climbing sky high to dangerous levels due to our burning of fossil fuels. Global warming is real.

One can live in hope... I hope you can place a name on each of them. I made it easy with Hinch with a cover from an old MAD magazine, from Gus' collection of useless tonnage.

losing attraction...


I have argued in my book that of the three modern party groups the Greens are actually closest to Menzies’ policies of the 1950s and 60s. By today’s standards, Menzies was a lefty, a mild social democrat. The modern Liberal Party has been captured by IPA extremists and Labor follows meekly along. So disaffected Liberal and Labor voters are both fair targets, without compromising the Greens message.

Politics – and the world – are likely to be transformed within the next five to ten years through financial and political collapses, global warming, resource shortages and tides of displaced people. We will move towards either a police-state corporate colony or a greener, fair-go, resilient society. Which way we go will depend on the leadership we have.

There are a number of nascent progressive parties, but they have yet to gain traction. The Greens are established and functioning. Since Labor abandoned the field they are the only option. If they are to lead, they need to be willing to keep adapting until they catch the wave. 

It is not a time to play safe. Can the Greens step up to the challenge?

Dr Geoff Davies is a scientist and commentator who has been delving into economics for nearly 20 years.  He is the author of Sack the Economists (Nov 2013) and blogs He is not a member of any political party.

read more:,9388

culling senators already...

The Coalition and Labor have agreed on the allocation of six and three-year Senate terms following the double dissolution election, with Lee Rhiannon of the Greens and Derryn Hinch from Victoria missing out on longer office.

The finance minister, Mathias Cormann, said on Friday that the first six senators elected in every state should be given six-year terms, and Labor senator Penny Wong has agreed.

“This is a function of how many votes and how many preferences you are able to attract,” Cormann told Sky News.

“If you are elected in the first six out of 12 it stands to reason that you were elected earlier, and as such you qualify for the longer period.”

Wong told Guardian Australia that Labor agreed with the Coalition’s proposal: “Labor will support the government’s proposal to allocate senators’ terms of office according to the order in which senators were elected in each state,” Wong said.

“This is consistent with the Senate’s previous practice following double dissolution elections and reflects the will of the voters.”

It means the last six senators in every state will be up for re-election within three years.

Malcolm Turnbull’s double-dissolution election meant the Senate needs to determine which senators are on a three-year term and which are on a six-year term, in order to fall back into the usual election pattern.

There are two counting methods available for the Senate.

The first, which has been used historically in double dissolutions, sees the first six of 12 state senators in every state receive the six-year terms and the remainder appointed for three years.

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the bigots are pushing for freedom of bigotry...

The majority of Coalition backbenchers in the Senate are set to support the latest push to water down the nation's race hate laws.

Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi is this week expected to move a private member's bill to remove the words "insult" and "offend" from the Racial Discrimination Act, meaning it would no longer be illegal to insult or offend a person on the basis of race.

Section 18C of the act makes it illegal to commit an act that is reasonably likely to "offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate" someone because of their race or ethnicity.

Conservative MPs — still reeling from their party's disappointing election result — say the issue is important to their base, arguing the laws, as they stand, impede free speech.

The ABC understands at least 10 Coalition Senators — including Linda Reynolds, Chris Back, Eric Abetz, Ian MacDonald, John Williams and Barry O'Sullivan — have agreed to support the bill, as well as the bloc of One Nation senators and crossbenchers Derryn Hinch, Bob Day and David Leyonhjelm.

read more:

I hope Derryn Hinch sees his mistake. Please also read: 

of racism and culturalism...