Monday 10th of March 2025

and god hated his creation...

sour dinosaurs...

One must acknowledge that there are a lot of crackpots on this planet. Ken Ham is one of them. Not only he is a crackpot but he managed to have a following of crackpots who gave him heaps of tax deductible cash to build a "replica" (we have no idea about the bizoid, we never saw the "original") of Noah's Ark. 

But many of us were raise on this silly story of animal pairs making it on board under the supervision of captain Noah. 

The question is — well, Ken is armed with an array of great goofy answers which would make non-believers piss in their pants from laughter, but make the faithful shake their head in acquiescing awe at god's benevolence, and in fear at god's malevolence when god is pissed off — what about the dinosaurs, the placoderms and other animals which seem not to have been invited? 

At the time of Noah, god was so pissed off with His (god is a male) creation which had gone "wicked" that He (god is a male) decided to wipe the slate clean and start again using the same earthy canvas with a family of nice believers and pairs of nice animals.

Ken tells us that some people erroneously thought the Dinosaurs were too big to fit in the ark, we are mistaken. No, Ken tells us very seriously:

Perhaps people and animals were killing each other; maybe dinosaurs had started killing other animals and humans. In any case, the Bible describes the world as “wicked".

Yep, the dinosaur were wicked... So here you are, little brats who go to museums and play with figurines of dinosaurs... You should know they were wicked (according to the idiot Ken Ham).


As you may have noticed, animals don't kill each other any more. And there are no more wicked wars between humans, since that great big flood 4.500 years ago, according to Mr Ham. So the wickedness has gone out of this planet, wiped out by the big flood... I have watched all the David Attenborough scientific documentaries and I never saw a chameleon eat a fly. Well I might have, but flies are a pest which must have sneaked in on board the big ship, like mozzies as well...


I personally can't see why Jesus had to come and rescue us, since the "wickedness" on this planet had been drowned with the wicked dinosaurs...

Stop laughing, this is serious crap. 

Even Ken Ham tells us that some of the dinosaurs managed to get into the ark (I guess they sneaked in) and when unloaded, were noticed as described in the book of Job as big beasts (behemoths) which were seen and named by other people, including the Chinese (how did the Chinese survive the floods, we'll never know), as "dragons" since. Now you know.


Ken, the world linguistic expert, says the word "dinosaur" was invented in the 1800s, and since the bible was first translated into English in 1611 (authorised version), the word "dinosaur" cannot appear in the bible. Unbeatable fact. You are allowed to smile.


Ken Ham continues to tell us, without cracking a small discreet fart, that this evidence is not considered valid by evolutionists, since they are idiots who don't believe in the story of Noah, which happened 4500 years ago.

Noah's version of events beats the scientific explanation of the big meteorite that shook the planet some 65 million years ago by hitting somewhere in Mexico. Without shame, Ken Ham confuses a lot of explanations he thinks scientists believe in:

Dinosaurs starved to death; they died from overeating; they were poisoned; they became blind from cataracts and could not reproduce; mammals ate their eggs. Other causes include volcanic dust, poisonous gases, comets, sunspots, meteorites, mass suicide, constipation, parasites, shrinking brain (and greater stupidity), slipped discs, changes in the composition of air, etc

At the time of the Flood, many of the sea creatures died, but some survived. In addition, all of the land creatures outside the Ark died, but the representatives of all the kinds that survived on the Ark lived in the new world after the Flood. Those land animals (including dinosaurs) found the new world to be much different than the one before the Flood. Due to (1) competition for food that was no longer in abundance, (2) other catastrophes, (3) man killing for food (and perhaps for fun), and (4) the destruction of habitats, etc., many species of animals eventually died out. The group of animals we now call dinosaurs just happened to die out too. In fact, quite a number of animals become extinct each year. Extinction seems to be the rule in Earth history (not the formation of new types of animals as you would expect from evolution).



This perfect explanation by Mr Bible Himself, Ken Ham, proves undeniably that god did not have to destroy His (god is a male) creation BECAUSE it would appear to the independent observer that GOD MADE EVERYTHING WORSE... AND HE KNEW THAT because He (god is a male) knows everything...


Let me point out here to our modern Noah that in all the scientific studies (the real ones, not his creationist piss) extinction is a part of evolution.

But the crunch shows that Ken knows with extraordinary precision that no "missing links" were ever found. These missing links prove with certainty that evolution is boloney. STOP here, Mr loony Ham. If you really studied sciences properly without wanking, you would know that "THESE MISSING LINKS" are not missing.


There are many species that can be defined as the "missing" (not-missing) links including the extinct Labyrinthodonts. Many species of sharks, turtoises and mammals such as horses and rats have been well-catalogued "missing (not missing) links" by SCIENTISTS. And the chronology can prove with amazing accuracy, the process — and timeline — of evolution.


As we all know or should know about genetics — the influence of environmental factors on genetics, leads to adaptation and speciation (species differentiation). We can observe it happen on a hourly basis with microbes, viruses and the like. This is our major problem with "antibiotics" becoming ineffective. The time frames of change are longer with "bigger" species but changes do happen, including in the human species with the discovery of the importance of vitamins — and knowing some stupid food make us grow fat like pigs. 

God was, is and will be an idiot. God does not exist. 

Gus Leonisky

Your local non-believer in this religious shit which has no place in scientific studies... or anywhere.


straight nuz...

"Obama commissions Rob Bell to write gender neutral bible"... This is a spoof which is doing the Christian press rounds...



No, Obama Didn't Commission a Gender-Neutral Bible


A satirical article reporting President Obama had commissioned pastor Rob Bell to write a gender neutral Bible was predictably shared as straight news.




The Vatican has named a former Fox News journalist and member of the controversial Opus Dei group as its chief spokesman, while a Spanish female reporter will serve as his deputy.

The appointment of Greg Burke, 56, was announced following the resignation of Federico Lombardi, a Jesuit priest who has served as spokesman for Pope Francis and his predecessor, Benedict XVI.

Burke spent more than a decade as Fox News’s Rome correspondent before being hired by the Vatican in 2012 as a communications adviser. In December, the American was installed as the press office’s deputy director.

Although Burke does not wear a priest’s collar, the Vatican on Monday stressed the St Louis native is from a traditional Catholic family. As a student at Columbia University in New York he became a member of Opus Dei, a conservative Catholic organisation that has faced criticism for secrecy and its approach to recruitment.

read more:



the great flood...

Flood control initiates Chinese civilization

Around four millennia ago, Emperor Yu the Great succeeded in controlling a huge flood in the Yellow River basin. This is considered to have led to the establishment of the Xia dynasty and the start of Chinese civilization. However, the dates of the events and the links between them have remained uncertain and controversial. Using stratigraphic data and radiocarbon dating, Wu et al. verify that the flood occurred and place the start of the Xia dynasty at about 1900 BC, thus reconciling the historical and archaeological chronologies (see the Perspective by Montgomery).

Science, this issue p. 579; see also p. 538


China’s historiographical traditions tell of the successful control of a Great Flood leading to the establishment of the Xia dynasty and the beginning of civilization. However, the historicity of the flood and Xia remain controversial. Here, we reconstruct an earthquake-induced landslide dam outburst flood on the Yellow River about 1920 BCE that ranks as one of the largest freshwater floods of the Holocene and could account for the Great Flood. This would place the beginning of Xia at ~1900 BCE, several centuries later than traditionally thought. This date coincides with the major transition from the Neolithic to Bronze Age in the Yellow River valley and supports hypotheses that the primary state-level society of the Erlitou culture is an archaeological manifestation of the Xia dynasty.

a museum to test your gullibility...


... there are questions about the origins and authenticity of some of the $US500 million ($660 million) museum's artefacts.

The project was founded by evangelical Christian Steve Green, the president of the American arts and craft chain Hobby Lobby.

The museum presented as non-denominational and Mr Green said it was not designed to preach.

"[The] Museum is for all, when we say our mission statement is to invite all people to engage with the bible, it is for all," he said.

"Even if you're an atheist, we want you to feel comfortable coming in here realising that we're not pushing our agenda, our faith.

"We just want you to learn about this book and be inspired to open it up and read it when you leave."


Read more:


I read "the" book often enough for comic relief and see how it manhandles the neurones... Not a single sentence makes sense unless you are prepared —brainwashed — to believe in crap. But we're easy pushovers... please yourself, read from top and read : 

Of magic potions, poetry, love and sciences... and memory...


downwards trends...

Although some 80 percent of Americans say they believe in God, only a slim majority of the nation's approximately 327 million people believe in God as described in the Bible, according to results of a new study released by the Pew Research Center. And among those younger than 50, belief in the God of the Bible drops lower than 50 percent.

The findings from the survey of more than 4,700 adults conducted nationwide between Dec. 4–18, 2017, reveal that one-third of Americans say they do not believe in the God of the Bible, but believe there is some other higher power or spiritual force in the universe. Applying these results to the general population, that translates to approximately 109 million people who believe in a higher power that is not the God of the Bible.

Only 56 percent of the people surveyed indicated that they believe in God "as described in the Bible" and the strongest supporters of this response were Christians who self-identified as members of the historically black Protestant and evangelical traditions. Some 92 percent of those who identified with the historically black Protestant tradition said they believe in God as described in the Bible while 91 percent of those who identified as evangelicals support that position. These groups also overwhelmingly supported the view that God is all-loving, all-knowing and all-powerful.

Smaller majorities of mainline Protestants and Catholics also indicated faith in the biblical God but significant minorities of Catholics, 28 percent, and mainline Protestants, 26 percent, indicated that they believe in a higher power or spiritual force, which is not God as described in the Bible.

Another significant finding from the study also showed that young adults were far less likely than their older counterparts to say they believe in God as described in the Bible.


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Time to wheel Darwin's theory of evolution to the fore once more. The monkeys are winning: see:

and of course:


and plenty more...