Tuesday 11th of March 2025

don't trust this rubbish in this lousy paper. YOU want better faster NBN? YES? simple. don't vote for malcolm...

more crap from the crappy press...

Once more, the merde-och press attacks Labor for thinking ahead. You NEED a better NBN than what Malcolm is delivering with his mixed up bag of nineteenth century technology, wires pre-world war two, and a bit of optic fibre. Labor still wants you to have the best and it's AFFORDABLE. But Murdoch and his troops don't want you to have it because it's likely to be BETTER than his cable TV... So the exclusive is now about "budget blow", as if Malcolm had not blown the budget on trying to fix something that won't work well and will cost three times as much. Don't vote for Malcolm if you want a BETTER NBN.

your coalition NBN: crappier than ever....


The national broadband network (NBN) is back in the news with reports that it could now cost up to $56 billion for the government's "multi-technology mix" (MTM) network that will deliver tops speeds of 50Mbps by 2021. This compares with Labor's original plan with a projected cost $41bn and speeds of 1Gbps.

Here's an updated look at the differences between the Coalition and Labor NBNs. We'll compare the plans again before the next election when Labor declares its position.

read more: https://www.choice.com.au/electronics-and-technology/internet/connecting-to-the-internet/articles/nbn-coalition-labor-plans-compared

Since this analysis has been done nearly 9 months ago, the Coalition NBN looks even crappier than ever. The fibre to the node is a silly retrograde idea that only a crappy Malcolm — who thought of giving $11 million cash to a start up cloud seeding company with an untranslated Russain brochure run by "a mate" — could think of. 


see also:

your NBN is not in your area... you can't afford it anyway and then it will splutter with clapped out copper. Brilliant...


the price of fishy...

Yesterday, a calm and measured small article on the front of the merde-och Australian, told us that Malcolm was going to need $20 billions EXTRA to continue the roll-out of "his" NBN... So there... see image and article at top...