Monday 10th of March 2025

cigars, wine and live pigs... while burning some coal to the god of cash...


Newly minted ambassador to the United States, former treasurer Joe Hockey, has taken the time to publicly defend Australia's climate change efforts after The New York Times published an editorial criticising changes at the CSIRO.

Two weeks ago, the revered American newspaper argued the decision to shift focus from climate change research and monitoring to mitigation and adaption stunned the scientific community and undermined commitments made at the November summit in Paris.

"Certainly there are good reasons for research institutes like CSIRO to co-operate with industry in the search for ways to adapt to a warming planet," the editorial said.

"But to do this at the expense of research and monitoring — undermining the search for commercially viable solutions that CSIRO proposes to join — makes no sense."

Now the former member for North Sydney, appointed to the prestigious diplomatic posting by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, has penned a letter to the editor rejecting the claim that Australia is turning its back on climate change.

"Australia remains committed to climate science research and to increased global action to address climate change. CSIRO, Australia's leading science agency, is making a strong contribution to the growing body of international climate change knowledge," Mr Hockey wrote.

"Many of our world-leading universities and climate scientists receive government funding for their research. We are renowned in international climate change forums for contributing a uniquely Southern Hemisphere perspective."

He said the CSIRO "will continue to lead the way" and meet its international obligations, referring to the millions of dollars being spent on research initiatives.

The New York Times called on the government to suspend chief executive Larry Marshall's changes, which cut 350 positions in total and particularly affect the Oceans and Atmosphere division and the Land and Water division.

They said recording and understanding of current trends was essential to understanding the future of the environment and how to prepare for change.

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OKAY... Some people might say that I'm unfair on our glorious Joe in that adapted toon at top... I know Joe is "charitable" and "nice" and "jovial"... But I can assure you that Joe Hockey HAS NO CLUE  about global warming apart from treating it as an economic nonsense. The New York Times is right onto our Joe....

I can assure you that Joe HAS NO CLUE  about economics apart from being able to count 10 beanz on his plate, next to overcooked four (4) sausages and a burnt pound slab of steak. I can assure you that the way he lived in "his wife's house" in Canberra while you, the taxpayer, was forking out weekly rent for it, was a rort (allowed or not, it still is a rort) considering he his now SELLING HIS CANBERRA HOME (the same as HIS wife's) at a MASSIVE PROFIT, for which you won't see much capital gain's tax since it was his wife's primary residence?

The way Joe "gave up on politics (which "just beat him" after more than 20 years polishing parliament benches) was a costly affair paid for by the taxpayers. All in all, Joe's abandonment of politics cost you more than 1.5 million dollars. If I did this in real life, I'd end up in prison. Mind you, La Ms Jackson did this to the HSU — stole more that 1.4 millions — and she is still at large, possibly protected by her liberal mates, Pyne, Abbott and co.

Now, while treasurer Joe Hockey signed on nearly half a billion dollars of chaplaincy in PUBLIC schools while cutting back sciences all around. Yes he is generous to HIS benevolent god which he believes is the same as the bible's but not as vengeful (rabid, nasty, severe, oppressive, caustic, cruel) because HE (god is a male) is full of love. Amen.

So, despite some people saying "you're a nice guy", you're a despicable fantasist opportunist, with no clue about the real world. And I can assure you that the SMH headline "Treasurer for Sale" was cleverly spot-on...

Joe's first budget was atrocious and designed to hit the poor in the gonads while supporting the rich with benefits. No wonder it never passed. His second budget was the same reheated, with MSG added to the gristle...

May his cushy job as "Ambassador" for Australia give him stomach ulcers, as he wakes up from his life of "entitlements"... but Joe will never wake up...


the decimation of the CSIRO is a scandal...

For our Jovial Joe to defend the cuts at the CSIRO is beyond the pale. He should get flogged. His houses should get flooded by the Clarence or burnt down in a savage bush fire. I've had enough of these self-serving bloated self-important idiotic moronic ignorant buffoons. Gees, I need new words to describe my anger!


the shitty CONservative scribes at the NYT...

When Ross Douthat of the NYT tells you: "It’s too soon to say Europeans are actually from Mars once again. But the Continent’s Venusian idyll has taken blow after blow: the euro crisis, the aggressions of Vladimir Putin..." you should know, my dear reader that you are entering the cloaca of an unfathomable cesspool of sneaky educated deliberate disinformation stupidity.
As soon as someone mentions the "aggressions of Vladimir Putin" you know you're in for a treat of polished turditional writings. Mind you it should not take long to know where this crap is coming from. Douthat is a CONservative Catholic baby who is less than half my age (though age is not a criteria for being stupid or not) and has learned his craft by stacking small yellow cubes on top of the blue ones, in the kindergarten of Harvard University. It looks like diplomas from that revered institution went very cheap in the latter half of the 20th century.
One of Douthat's first effort after saying da-da" after nappies was to write a book on how the GOP could resurrect itself, in 2008. No need to mention we just had George W Bush as a dreadful wrecker of the GOP universe — and ours at the same time. George got away with it, just... Bush should be rotting in prison but this is another story.
Douthat's book in question is called "Grand New Party", giving historical parallels on how the GOP could become great again. Here we are now with Trump leading a race of idiots in 2016. Exactly.
I don't think any of the people in the GOP read Douthat's book, unless this was the grandness of what Douthat alluded to in order "to attract the working class" to the GOP, for an epiphanical annihilationic Armageddon of the Democrats.  Trump is doing a great job at consolidating his lead over the other idiots — by attracting the deluded and the uneducated and the morons and the bigots and the rabids and the evangelicals and the loonies...
What Douthat does not mention in his poor papering, is the way the US Empire really works. The Roman Empire worked on a simple technique which was "divide and conquer". The modern US works on the "divide, create corruption with cash incentives, confuse, threaten, cajole, undercut, uppercut, rough up in a dark alley — and if all does not work — invade, install new despots, render broke or instil massive debts to make them bend the knees and become dependant, but do NOT conquer — this last step would be illegal, in these days and ages of respect for nation's "sovereignty" like in Iraq.
This is why when the "aggressions of Vladimir Putin are mentioned, one should be cautious. There was only real aggression without a single aggressive act: Putin took Crimea back. All other "aggressions" attributed to Putin are simply untrue, as compared to the militarisation of Europe with American troops...
Yes Europe is uneasy with all this... But it has one course of action which is to do what the General de Gaulle did in 1964. Tell the yanks to get fucked. Douthat was not alive then and he would not understand all the subtleties of the General when he tried to successfully make friends with the Germans, while the Yanks have been trying to break this alliance ever since...