Monday 10th of March 2025

impressively collecting the majority of conservative voters in need of a voice...

toilet break

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump used a Yiddish vulgarity to refer to Hillary Clinton on Monday, saying she was “schlonged” in her 2008 Democratic primary loss to Barack Obama.

Schlong is a Yiddish term for penis.

Trump used the insult during a campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and also denigrated for Clinton for taking too long to return from a commercial break during Saturday night’s Democratic debate.

“I know where she went. It’s disgusting, I don’t want to talk about it,” he said. Clinton was reportedly using the woman’s restroom, which was a significant distance away from the debate stage.

The campaign event was Trump’s first since Saturday’s Democratic event when Clinton claimed that Isis used the Republican frontrunner’s heated rhetoric in recruiting videos. The New York real estate mogul pushed back and claimed she was a liar, alleging that the former secretary of state was “crooked”.

The Michigan event did not mark the first time that Trump used the phrase “schlonged”. In a 2011 interview with the Washington Post, Trump blamed Paul Ryan – who is now the Republican Speaker of the House – for the party losing a special election and used the vulgarity. The real estate mogul said at the time: “I watched a popular Republican woman [Jane Corwin] not only lose but get schlonged by a Democrat [Kathy Hochul] nobody ever heard of for the congressional seat and that was because, simply, because of the Paul Ryan plan.”

The use of the phrase is not Trump’s first brush with vulgarity. In August, he implied that he received tough questioning from Fox News host Megyn Kelly because she was menstruating.

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will he get worse?...

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has mocked Hillary Clinton for apparently taking a toilet break during a televised Democratic debate.

"I know where she went. It's disgusting," he said to supporters at a rally in Michigan.

The former secretary of state returned to the stage late after an advert break during Saturday's debate with her party rivals for the presidential nomination.

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to shoot or not to shoot...


Mr Trump is staunchly against gun control. He said the Paris massacres would have been "much, much different" if Parisian citizens had been allowed to carry guns. 

Ms Pierson faced often-sarcastic criticism of her jewellery.

"Surely @KatrinaPierson wore bullet necklace on #CNN to bring attention to 90 Americans fatally shot daily #gunsense," one Twitter user, Shannon Watts, wrote.

In response, Ms Pierson mused: "Maybe I'll wear a fetus next time& bring awareness to 50 million aborted people that will never [sic] ger to be on Twitter." 

Maybe I'll wear a fetus next time& bring awareness to 50 million aborted people that will never ger to be on Twitter

— Katrina Pierson (@KatrinaPierson) December 30, 2015

Another Twitter user said that might not be practical. 

"Of course it will be interpreted literally," lamented Ms Pierson, whose boss has suggested building a wall the length of the US-Mexico border to keep out illegal immigrants.

She put the criticism down to her being a woman.

"The liberals freaking out about my accessories are sexist. They only approve of women in pant suits and jackets. Oh, and tampon earrings."

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Trump is an idiot. Should he become President would be a show of hands from the idiots at large. Congrats. See toon at top.