Sunday 9th of March 2025

zzzzz... zzzzzz.... zzzzzz...



After the daily dose of methamphetamine pumped into our cultural environment by Tony, we gratefully ingest Malcolm’s Valium. This new father figure is soothing and calming. The slow drone and espousing of motherhood ideology is pleasantly soporific by comparison to “the death cult is coming” screeching of his predecessor.

2. Countertransference

Freud proposed that emotions and responses – countertransference – aroused in the therapist by the client are revelatory. The impact of the client’s monologue may convey unconscious truths. Tony Abbott provoked rage, which was diagnostic of his – obvious – violence. He was perpetually provoking.

The fighter made us fight him.

By contrast, Malcolm induces slumber. He never gets to the point, making statements with qualifying, reducing, whimsical shrugs and provisos. He expounds simple inchoate ideas with profuse words. He pontificates and drones on. He skirts around issues, avoiding conflict, while smugly boring us into submission.

We are being sung a shallow lullaby while the earth is cooking, as Pacific Islands sink and refugees are tortured.,8332



Actually, Gus thinks that Malcolm's present tactic is designed to tame the extreme right in his party of Liberals (CONservatives). From time to time, he elbows us with a repeal of one of Abbott's cringe and imbecile policies. Like the Knights and Dames... That brings back the balance of our democratic illusions. I must admit that Malcolm has to bring the two-ton fish of lazy rabid extreme right policies onto the beach with a 10 pound nylon line... It's delicate. he cannot pull too hard... So like the sirens used to take sailors to their death, Malcolm is singing this snoozing calming song to lure the extreme right to its death. 

In the meantime he catches a lot of us, the small fry, with the musak.