Monday 24th of February 2025

turdy is trying to kill the ABC. DON'T let him do it... have a mass uprising against his dangerous neo-fascism...

kicking the ABC for no reason

fact finding of the inquiry as ordered by Turdy:

A) from now on, The ABC shall never interview anyone with a contrary view to that of the Turdy Government.


B) The ABC is Turdy's ABC


C) All journalists at the ABC shall be replaced with PR personnel from the Prime Minister's office.


Here concludes the inquiry.

boycotting the ABC for fear of having to tell the truth...


Mr Joyce was to use his appearance to sell the benefits of the government's agriculture white paper, which includes millions of dollars of assistance for farmers. 

Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull - who has said he opposes a boycott of the program - is scheduled to appear on next week's episode of Q&A. A spokesman for Mr Turnbull said on Monday he had not decided whether he would appear next week.

Asked to explain why Mr Joyce was told not to appear on the program, a spokesman for Mr Abbott said: "Given the ABC is undertaking an inquiry into Q&A, it isn't appropriate for minister Joyce to appear tonight."

The ABC has commissioned an independent audit of Q&A, to be conducted by television veteran Ray Martin and former SBS managing director Shaun Brown. Past editorial audits have taken between eight and 12 weeks to complete.

"They are reviewing 22 programs - it isn't going to be done overnight," an ABC source said.



Why? Simple... The Turdy government wants to milk the issue as long as possible in preparation of an "election"... The Turdy government is smartly worried that ANY ministers would have to basically tell THE TRUTH when interviewed from now on, and that is not on... Ciobo's appalling performance on the Q & A programme would of course be exposed further, should Turdy's henchmen appear on the ABC. 

turdy is supported by a turdy mediocre mass media...

Why do Australians hold to these myths, or delusions, in the face of readily available evidence? To be sure, the myths have been promoted by politicians, particularly since John Howard tried to stop the Tampa in 2001. But Pauline Hanson’s xenophobia would never have spread beyond her minority of supporters without active promotion by the commercial media. The outright lie of calling asylum seekers “illegal” or “unlawful” would have been quickly exposed.

John Howard was an expert dog whistler, but without the attack dogs of the commercial media to whistle up his baleful skill would have been wasted. Tony Abbott is a much less cunning politician, and he would be nothing without the constant confection of alarm and hysteria by the commercial media. The front pages of the Murdoch tabloids in response to the Q&A controversy are but the most recent example.

The Coalition’s power derives substantially from the overt political activity of the commercial media. Labor has given away most of its power. It is content to do whatever it takes to be elected, and seems unable to seriously resist any of the commercial media’s rantings. That leaves the media as the major overt political force in the country.

(Lobbyists for the wealthy should not be forgotten. They would be the other major political force, also dominant over the parties. Though they are less visible and the level of their influence is a bit more difficult to gauge, it is clearly large, as the parties govern more and more for the wealthy.)

The commercial media erupt in paroxysms of outraged innocence at the tiniest suggestion they provide anything but “quality journalism”. They pompously parade the cliches of “independent” journalism as the fourth estate, selflessly oiling the wheels of liberal democracy, keeping citizens informed and governments honest. Presumably they then gather at the bar and laugh uproariously at their own brazen mendacity.


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Turdy is supported by an undemocratic low life mediocre mass media de turd (mierda)... We cannot expect the smell of roses in this environment...

turdy does not give a shit...


The FABC, had, coincidentally, scheduled an extraordinary national meeting in Adelaide for the day following the Q&A episode, to discuss the effects of recent budget cuts, and how these were to be addressed.

According to the FABC press release, budget cuts, ‘in breach of a pre-election promise by [PM] Mr Abbott’, amounted to 400 job cuts, the closure of regional facilities and a decline in programming and services. Further, SA president, Jessica Knight, was concerned that

‘the ABC is being seriously undermined because powerful forces are at work to destroy Australian public broadcasting.'

But the Adelaide summit turned instead into an explosion of media attention with the latest attack by the government centred on Q&A's controversial screening of Mallah’s appearance, taking precedence over any public relations strategy of the FABC.

The reaction by Abbott was not only an ironic declaration (delivered whilst discussing the terrorist threat of ISIS) that “heads would roll”, but an unprecedented set of impositions on the public broadcaster including banning coalition ministers from appearing on Q&A and ordering a government inquiry into the ABC — to which the PM referred as a “lefty lynch mob”. And the latestultimatum from the PM – an unabashed attempt at managerial control of the broadcaster – that the producers should move the Q&A program to the news division.


read more:,7944


Tony Abbott does not care about the ABC as long as the ABC is decimated... This for the benefit his mate Rupert Murdoch and to promote his rabid agenda designed to kill the Australian democracy... If I am wrong here, which is possible, then Tony Abbott is an angelic illusion of a Vivid image projected on an outdoor dunny — and I was only seeing the dunny. 

Actually, the ABC news bulletin on Radio National this morning 11 AM was about the Greek cash tragedy, the RBA rabbitting on about cash in the form of negative gearing, about a murder somewhere for cash, a car crash in whoop-whopp and the weather. Nothing about Pluto nor about global warming... nor about the Aussie economy tanking since Abbott took over, nor about the Aussie dollar being in free-fall. Nor about the expensive $88,000 junket that Bronwyn Bishop took in Europe for a job application at taxpayers expenses...


ejaculating penises on the inside of public toilet cubicle doors

Due to its legendary nose for news, last week’s Sunday Times was first to reveal the “eight experts” chosen by culture secretary John Whittingdale to “help decide the BBC’s future”, the Murdoch empire barely able to wait to share its horror at the venerable institution’s latest humiliation.

And what a golden shower of talent Whittingdale has stitched together, a veritable human centipede of business-minded entities, in order to safeguard the nation’s cultural heritage.

Dawn Airey is the former head of Channel 5, the launch of which in 1997 marked a colourful new chapter in British broadcasting. Some might say that asking a former head of Channel 5 to decide the future of the BBC is a bit like asking someone who draws ejaculating penises on the inside of public toilet cubicle doors to curate the National Gallery, but she is sure to bring an interesting perspective to the negotiating table.

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