Sunday 9th of March 2025

with anything tony abbott is involved in, nothing is done without a purpose... "accidents" and cock ups are staged managed...



Prime Minister Tony Abbott has labelled as "wrong" and in "poor taste" a Liberal Party email linking national security to party fundraising.

The party's Victorian branch sent the email yesterday, which read "donate now for a safer Australia" because "Labor and the Left are playing politics with national security".

"With a federal election due next year, donations are critical to allow the Abbott Government to continue on with the job of keeping Australia safe," it read.

It featured a picture of Mr Abbott and a quote saying: "Terrorists who are dual nationals will have their citizenship stripped."

The Prime Minister said the email was sent without consultation with his office or the party's federal secretariat.

"It shouldn't have been done. It was wrong, it was in poor taste," he said.

The way Tony Abbott expresses himself, here, is sending Gus' bullshit detector off the scale... I believe that the script for the "apology" had been crafted before the emails were sent....

Thus every time Tony Abbott says something stupid, I believe it has the inbuilt discreet purpose to stir the peasants' and the ordinary fumblers' brain into associative mode. "Tony is stupid — he is one of us — let's vote for him". Maybe I give Tony too much credit. May be he just a natural bullshitor who has an uncanny accidental resonance with all the bullshit artists in the swinging-voters section. His devoted followers of the Liberal (CONservative) party don't care about his faux pas, including showing ASIO maps of "terrorist residences", as long as HE KEEPS HUGGING THE NEWS and stay in power, with the help of the merde-och press that would not give a rat-arse about Tony's blunders, as long as he is doing the bidding for the CONservatives.

BUT I believe that no matter what, 99.999 per cent of all this is STAGE MANAGED, including the "back-pedalling"  — all designed to make him acceptable, appear to be on top of the issue and still tell the voters that he is "tough on terror"... ALL RUBBISH we don't trust or need.


crumbling castle...

London: The Queen might have to move out of Buckingham Palace for an extended period under plans being considered to allow builders to carry out millions of pounds of repairs to the crumbling building.

The 300-year-old palace needs about £150 million ($306 million) worth of work to fix the roofs and replace old wiring, ancient decorating and dated plumbing, a royal source said on Wednesday.

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I am waiting for our Turdy to give the Queen the honour of "Dame of the Australian Empire" for living in hardship while her castle is being refurbished. I am also waiting for the seemingly inevitable accident when a welder or an electrician sets the dungeon on fire, often with dire result, including the whole roof being destroyed and a few valuable paintings in the corridors being lost by fire or destroyed by water from the fire brigade...

another deliberate shit-stir from our turdy for chopsticks...

Tony Abbott says his department head was not being provocative when he suggested China was unwilling to play a constructive global leadership role.

The secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Michael Thawley, told a conference at the Australian National university on Tuesday that China was not willing or able to play a “serious” leadership role in the world.

Fairfax Media reported Thawley had told the conference: “China won’t help you produce a solution. China will get in the way or out of the way.”

Asked whether Beijing was willing or able to play a global leadership role, Thawley said: “The answer is no, it’s not willing or able to play a serious global leadership role.”

read more:

Another deliberate shit-stir from our turdy for chopsticks... Turdy pulls two strings at once and stirs the mud to distraction... He is a pom who has usurped a role in this fair country. He should be kicked out. We'll be all better for it...

another deliberate shit-stir from our turdy for chopsticks...

Tony Abbott says his department head was not being provocative when he suggested China was unwilling to play a constructive global leadership role.

The secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Michael Thawley, told a conference at the Australian National university on Tuesday that China was not willing or able to play a “serious” leadership role in the world.

Fairfax Media reported Thawley had told the conference: “China won’t help you produce a solution. China will get in the way or out of the way.”

Asked whether Beijing was willing or able to play a global leadership role, Thawley said: “The answer is no, it’s not willing or able to play a serious global leadership role.”

read more:

Another deliberate shit-stir from our turdy for chopsticks... Turdy pulls two strings at once and stirs the mud to distraction... He is a pom who has usurped a role in this fair country. He should be kicked out. We'll be all better for it...

old RET was good. New RET is bad...

Former Treasury secretary Martin Parkinson has heavily criticised the Abbott government's renewable energy target and Direct Action policies, saying they will be a far costlier way to reduce greenhouse gas emissions than an emissions trading scheme.

But he has admitted he and other economists failed to sell the ETS properly to the Australian public during the Rudd and Gillard years, and said he hopes Labor, if it gets back into power, builds on the Abbott government's Direct Action policies rather than starting again with its own.

Dr Parkinson told a conference at the Australian National University that it is "unarguable" that the cost of emissions reduction under the Abbott government's RET and Direct Action schemes is more expensive  than under emissions trading.

"The cost of emissions reduction that the RET has delivered is significantly in excess of what any emissions trading scheme would [be] — carbon pollution reduction scheme, or other," Dr Parkinson said. 

read more:

another "concocted" opportunity for turdy to "pontificate"...


The Prime Minister has warned against a ban on Vegemite in remote communities after reports the spread was being used to make home-brewed alcohol, saying the last thing he wanted was a "Vegemite watch".

A spokeswoman for Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion said the minister heard reports the popular spread was being used to concoct home brew in some dry Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory.

"Addiction of any type is a concern but communities, especially where alcohol is banned, must work to ensure home brewing of this type does not occur," Mr Scullion said in a statement.

"Businesses in these communities also have a responsibility to report any purchase that may raise their own suspicions."

Mr Scullion's comments come after a Brisbane newspaper reported Vegemite was being made into alcohol in large quantities such as in bathtubs in backyards.

read more:


Have you ever made lemonade out of Vegemite? Would the government worry that, should people make their own brew, they would not pay liquor tax? Is there an epidemic of Vegemite bath tubs in backyards? Are we on the cusp of total social collapse? Is this the end of the world as we know it? Is this an opportunity for Turdy to pontificate about a molehill? So many questions that have no answers, especially when this is "the last thing he wants"... Oh I see, if I am not mistaken, there is only one Newspaper of note in Brisbane in which this "Vegemite" report can be found... and it's likely to be owned by ... you've guessed it: Mr Murdoch...


See image at top...


update on the vegemite booze...

Re the item just above:


A fermentation expert doubts claims from Indigenous Affairs Minister Nigel Scullion that Vegemite is being used to make home brew alcohol in Aboriginal communities, saying the yeast in the spread would almost certainly be dead by the time it arrived on shop shelves.

Senator Scullion is now facing accusations that he has perpetuated racial stereotypes of Aboriginal people being drunks after his recent comments about Vegemite that have gained global media attention.

"It is not impossible, but it is highly, highly implausible," said fermentation expert and biotechnologist Dr Claudia Vickers when asked about using Vegemite to make alcohol.

Dr Vickers, from the University of Queensland, said the heat needed to make Vegemite would probably kill off all the yeast, and the high salt content of the product would further reduce chances that any yeast was alive.

"There is nothing alive in the Vegemite that you can use to make beer with," she said.

Read item above...

Yes It looks like something was concocted... Mostly a suspect news item from a suspect newspaper... But can we expect any better from the merde-och press and from a minister for indigenous affairs eager to savage the Aboriginal people? Possibly not. Could it be that the whole thing was concocted by the satirical Betoota Advocate as a laugh... and picked up as reality by the rubbish that is the murdoch mediocre mass media de mierda?... Whoa: the MMMMM.... 

See item at top...


another set-up for turdy to pontificate...


Federal Liberal MP Ian Goodenough is calling for migrants and Indigenous people to be recognised in the constitution.

The West Australian backbencher describes himself as being of Eurasian heritage and was born in Singapore, where his British forefathers had settled in the 1800s.

Mr Goodenough said the Japanese occupation of Singapore in World War II devastated the family but they slowly rebuilt their lives and moved to Australia.

He said he supported recognising Indigenous people in the constitution but wanted the contribution of families like his to be acknowledged too.

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Yep... If you have not detected the magnificent BS yet is because you don't know how political promotion of political snuff works... Here we have a Dorothy Dixer by excellence, an idea for Turdy to nip in the bud with gravitas... This is a) designed to dilute the importance of the Aboriginal people and b) provide yet another platform for Turdy to go in front of the cameras, with some flags behind him and say something like "yes the idea has some merit but..."

Read from top.

deliberate turdy-stirring...

The latest Third Reich reference was a curious argument for stepping up Australian intervention in the Middle East.In a radio interview, Abbott said of Islamic State (Isis) that, “The Nazis did terrible evil but they had sufficient sense of shame to try and hide it. These people boast about their evil. This is the extraordinary thing.”

He made a similar comment a year ago. It’s safe to assume Abbott’s Nazi comparisons are neither offhand remarks nor “gaffes”, as some are given to think.

At one level, the comparison could be read as simply cynical, condescending and lazy. It’s another attempt to scare people so they come running for Daddy and elect the Coalition, with its perceived strength on national security.

But it’s also infantilising, because it presumes the public has no broad historical awareness.

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The struggles for independence...

Recently, when Tony Abbott was protecting the history of a certain Mr Cecil Rhodes, he was protecting his own beliefs. Colonialism, royals and empire has always been at the centre of Tony's subconscious by default. It seems it is his historical default position...


At the heart of decolonisation was an insistence that the peoples of Africa and Asia could run their own lives. In 1887, Rhodes had told the House of Assembly in Cape Town that "the native is to be treated as a child and denied the franchise".

The struggles for independence shattered that view. They were assertions of the agency that had been denied to non-Europeans in the age of Empire. For the great figures of the anticolonial movement - from Toussaint L'Ouverture to Frantz Fanon, from Jawaharlal Nehru to Kwame Nkrumah - there was a determination that history should not be a barrier to creating a new world.

The Oxford "Rhodes Must Fall" campaign adopts a very different approach.

Basic moral worth

"When a black person looks on Cecil Rhodes' statue, she sees a person who denied her basic moral worth, and would have justified enslavement, ruthless autocratic rule, and the sadistic treatment of her and her ancestors," wrote Omar Khan, director of the Runnymede Trust, a leading British race equalities think-tank; this creates "a deep wound that isn’t merely in people's heads nor in any way irrational". Removing the statue is important to start a "conversation about the past's continued effects on black and minority ethnic people".

read more:


Note that the Irish got rid of their Queen Victoria statues... That's why there are quite a few of those in Sydney such as the one in from of the QVB which apparently was rescued from an Irish rubbish tip before being melted for the metal. It has to be said that the English in general had a similar view about the Irish than Mr Cecil Rhodes had about black people.