Monday 24th of February 2025

our dope in charge says sorry about the wrong position of the door...



Prime Minister Tony Abbott has said "nope, nope, nope" to Australia offering resettlement to any of the thousands of migrants caught up in South East Asia's refugee crisis.

"I'm sorry. If you want to start a new life, you come through the front door, not through the back door," Mr Abbott said on Thursday.


come aboard a cruise liner if you will...


Prime Minister Tony Abbott has ruled out allowing Rohingya migrants to be resettled in Australia, saying those who are seeking a better life need to come through the "front door".

International migration observers estimate there are thousands of people at sea in South-East Asia attempting to flee persecution or poverty, including at least 2,000 people trapped for more than 40 days on boats off Myanmar without food or water.

Yesterday Malaysia and Indonesia bowed to international pressure and said they would no longer turn away migrant boats, offering instead to take in a wave of asylum seekers provided they can be resettled or repatriated within a year.

Today Mr Abbott said that while Australia stood ready to assist in other ways, he emphatically ruled out allowing any of those fleeing to settle in Australia.

"Nope, nope, nope," he said, shaking his head.

"If we do the slightest thing to encourage people to get on boats this problem will get worse not better.

"Australia will do absolutely nothing that gives any encouragement to anyone to think that they can get on a boat, that they can work with people smugglers to start a new life.

"If you want a better life, you need to come through the front door.

"Our role is to make it absolutely crystal clear that if you get on a leaky boat you aren't going to get what you want."


Our "role"? Idiot !... Speak for your own arse ! According to little Turdy's mantra, the boat from Exodus would still be roaming the Med... or would have sunk from holes in the loose rust...


a country with a heart...

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has said his country will conduct search and rescue missions for Rohingya migrant boats in the Andaman Sea.

Humanitarian aid would also be delivered by land and sea, he said.

His announcement comes after weeks of authorities rejecting migrant boats and towing them out of Malaysian waters.

Malaysia and Indonesia's foreign ministers are in Myanmar for talks on the migrant crisis. About 7,000 people are believed to be stranded at sea.

The migrants are comprised of Rohingya Muslims fleeing persecution in Myanmar, as well as Bangladeshis, who are thought to be economic migrants.

Malaysia and Indonesia have said they will temporarily shelter those that land on their territory, but need the international community's help with resettling them.


With his utterance : " nope, nope, nope..." on behalf of all Australians, our little Turdy promoted himself to the position of SuperTurd (comic books) or Grand Turd (of the Templar lodge) or Turd Emperor (vassal of the Roman US Empireleum) of a shitty country. We are grateful to be part of this megalomaniac selfish self-wanking arrogant fart-counting nation. Thank you.


It's time to relieve this fair nation from its biggest smelling turd in history. 


a danger to this fair nation...


From Bob Ellis


Tony Abbott is in a perfect storm of bad confluent events that may, in the next few weeks, do for him.

Starving women and children on the high seas are begging for his help; he is telling them to come in the "front door", though for Rohingyas, who are citizens of no country, there is no such thing.

His confessor, George Pell, has been shown to have been the direct cause of several suicides and Abbott has said he has "answered those questions". He has in the past defended paedophile-protector Peter Hollingworth and paedophile John Nestor and has not apologised for these errors of judgment to the traumatised and the deceased. Employees of his minister, Morrison, have been shown to have concealed paedophile rape and he has arrested none of them and called any mention of it a "Labor-Green witch-hunt".

He has committed $26 billion to a dodgy fighter-bomber that so far cannot fly and by the time it is delivered will be obsolete. He is considering a Japanese submarine that, in the age of drones, will be of no use to anyone. He has doubled the deficit and ruled out addressing the cause of it — tax-free superannuation incomestax-free churches and tax-dodging global companies who take our money overseas. He has joined Hockey’s "war on breastfeeding", calling nursing mothers "double dippers" and "rorters".

He is refusing to free up the vote on gay marriage, though Ireland, today, will embrace it. He is refusing to abandon Pyne’s $100,000 degrees. He will, if re-elected, abandon the "schoolkids money" and cost some families $2,000 a year. He has cut the money that would, if it had been better targeted two years ago, have saved Luke Batty’s life. He has, by his cuts, made probable the ethnic cleansing of 150 Aboriginal communities in Western Australia. He is refusing to take back repentant ISIS volunteers, though they would help wonderfully his campaign to "deradicalise" disaffected Muslim adolescents. He has said they will get 25 years if they come back, and has invited them to stay and be decapitated or crucified by DAISH.

On top of this – or because of it perhaps – he is showing signs of mental instability. His latest "drown the children" policy – refusing even temporary sanctuary for those foundlings of the sea, those frantic fugitive people who, like the Israelites of Moses’ time and the Jews of Nazi Germany, have no civil rights in their own country, and his assertion that it would be ‘irresponsible’ to save them, though a United Nations law of the sea obliges him to – indicates a decaying mind, and the dementia pugilistica theory of his recent posture, gait and verbal error is no longer a joke. There is a kind of tornado storming through his mind that might, in a while, consume him.

A perfect storm.

It is to be hoped he will be displaced before then. He is a danger to himself and his nation.,7747


One can say that Turdy is a nasty opportunistic idiot... But so are nearly 49 per cent of voters in this country who approve of his antics... Mind you without the merde-och press propping him up every day, he would have sunk a long time ago. The propaganda machine that supports Turdy is magnificent in its duplicity, its hypocrisy and heartless excrement. All of them are a danger to this fair nation... And contrary to Bob Ellis, I think Turdy has no sense of conflicting ideals. He has not got any but to make your life a misery and that of his mates a cash bonanza... He has no understanding. That is his strength: calm while dishing out crap without remorse.


come to jesus... the little dictator...


Tony Abbott has issued a pointed warning to his frontbench: stop leaking on internal processes and focus on party policy.

The prime minister had a “full and frank discussion” with cabinet ministers on Monday and used the party room meeting to remind his colleagues that breaching cabinet processes will have consequences.

But Abbott stopped short of saying that the leaks were damaging to the government.

In response to a question from a colleague on the privilege of being on the frontbench, Abbott said the cabinet members had a “come to Jesus” moment when they realised the implications of breaching protocol.

The statement was well-received by the party room, prompting cheers and comments of “hear, hear”.

read more:


Tony Turdy Abbott is a rabid despotic iddiott... Throw him out. OUT ! See images at top and half way down...


still a rabid idiotic pom — until we see the form...


From Peter FitzSimons

The technicality that could topple Tony Abbott

Here, friends, is a key and interesting difference between the US and Australia.

When Barack Obama was elected as President, nutters of all descriptions emerged from the woodwork maintaining that despite ample evidence to the contrary – including his birth certificate, and two notices in local newspapers – he was born in Kenya, not Hawaii. If true, his presidency would be invalid, as it is against the US Constitution to have a foreign-born president. The "birther movement" itself was born, led by Donald Trump, and still sputters on, though it is so discredited now, to say you're a "birther," is shorthand for "I'm a loon."


Here in Australia, there has been, true, a little muted rumbling over whether or not our own Prime Minister retains dual citizenship with Britain, which would be against our own Constitution, but it has never developed into a mass movement.

Most Australians it seems, even those who disagree with the Prime Minister on just about everything, accept that he was democratically elected, and have no desire to see him ruled out on what would be really no more than a technicality. A compelling piece written this week, however, by the editor of Independent Australia, has gone viral, with 8.8 K likes on Facebook, and 1.4 K tweets.

It notes that, whatever else, the PM was not an Australian at all until the age of 21 when he was obliged to be one to get his Rhodes Scholarship. And it notes his refusal to show the form which really proves he "has renounced his British citizenship." We'll see. All up, the easiest thing to kill it stone-dead would be to produce the form.

read more:




Note to Fizz, Pete FitzSimons... This is far more than A TECHNICALITY. All other members of parliament with dual nationality had to resign their original nationality before being able to be in Parliament. It's the LAW.  not a technicality. 

So Tony Turdy is still a rabid idiotic pom until we seen he has renounced his English citizenship. Then he will be considered a rabid idiotic OrstralyaN.

an 'incorrigible Anglophile'...


Listen to these facts. Anthony John Abbott was born in England to an English father and an Australian mother. Despite having an Australian mother, the family came to this country when Abbott was a toddler under the assisted migrant scheme as £10 poms. They took the Australian Government's money, despite Abbott’s father being a dentist. His father, Dick, went on to create one of Australia's largest orthodontic practices, making a literal fortune selling braces to bucktoothed rich kids' parents in Sydney's North Shore.

Abbott arrived in Australia at the age of three, went to posh schools, got degrees in law and economics from Sydney University and, for reasons still subject to significant conjecture – since he was by no means an academic standout – won a prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford University, back to the land of his birth.

But there was a problem. To win a Rhodes Scholarship, you needed to be a citizen of one of the former “colonies” — not Britain. But Tony Abbott was born in England and had never applied for Australian citizenship. At 21, he was still a pom. Presumably, despite his punchy political activism, he was ineligible to vote in the 1980 Federal election. In the end, the forms were submitted by Tony’s mother and came through just in time for him to attain the scholarship.

Here’s how Abbott described the experience of coming home to the mother country, in a speech to Queen’s College Oxford in 2012:

Like about a million other Australians, including Prime Minister Gillard, who also came to Australia as a child, I was born in Britain. As well as people, the British Isles have given Australia our language, our system of law and our parliamentary democracy. The conviction that an Englishman’s home is his castle and faith in British justice, no less than the understanding that Jack is as good as his master, have taken strong root in Australia….

So when the plane bringing me back to Britain flew low up the Thames Valley and I saw for the first time as an adult Westminster Abbey, the Houses of Parliament, St Paul’s cathedral and the Tower of London, I had a sense of belonging…

Let's state the bleeding obvious. Tony Abbott was a pom, has always been a pom and is still a pom to this very day. He may have a few Australian allegiances and characteristics, but there is no doubt whatsoever that his deepest loyalties and loves lie with the Auld Country. As he described himself in his turgid political manifesto Battlelines, he is an 'incorrigible Anglophile'.

The proof is plain. But let's dig deeper.

Tony Abbott was national director of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy before he entered politics — the group that strived hardest of all to prevent Australia breaking its archaic constitutional links to Great Britain by becoming a republic. And he was still deeply involved during the 1999 referendum — and smug afterwards, when the vote was narrowly unsuccessful.


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