Monday 10th of March 2025

panic ! the end of the world is coming ! repent ! the twelfth man is coming onto the pitch... it's not cricket !



Our negotiations with the world powers are a source of national pride," Rouhani said in March. "Yesterday. your brave generals stood against the enemy on the battlefield and defended their country. Today, your diplomatic generals are defending [our nation] in the field of diplomacy — this, too, is jihad."

Bachmann goes on to further explain Iran's Shia Muslim goals by stating that they foresee and eventual world were only Islam reigns.

"Islam is a flame because they see to that their scripture is being fulfilled. If you are a Shia, you believe that we are going to see the hidden imam soon come back and we will have an apocalypse and we will have an all-out war and then peace will come with only Islam reigning," she said. "If you are Sunni Islam, you also believe that it is the end of the age. As Christians, we know that the word of God is true. Let's preach the true living word of God from every pulpit so that believers can know what God's time clock is."

She urged more pastors to speak from their pulpits about the end of times, which she says is coming near. She contends that while Christian pastors and priests are not speaking on the end of times, Muslims are preparing for the coming of their twelfth imam.

"Talk about what you see in the newspaper every single day. We can talk about God's time clock and the fact that Jesus Christ's return is imminent. Is there anything more important to talk about?" Bachmann asked. "That needs to occupy our time and our thoughts from virtually morning to night because we have very little time, in my opinion, left before the second return of Christ."

And the woman wanted to become president of the most powerful nation on earth ! Where are the Men in Black when you need them? Or those men in whites, bringing the straight jackets straight from the asylum? Where's the pope? Or Toto the Clown? Or Albert the octopus — that beast that can predict cricket match results — especially if it rains?


they know something about global warming but no telling us...


Creation Museum CEO and President Ken Ham revealed that around 15 million people have seen his 2014 debate with Bill Nye over creationism, but said that secularists do not want to see another such debate take place.

"Around 15 million people have seen the debate since then, and it's still impacting lives and starting conversations," Ham commented in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

He then linked to an interview with WDN from March, in which he was asked about the prospects of "round two" in terms of another debate with Nye, who is the CEO of science-advocacy group The Planetary Society.

"Many of the secularists were really upset with Bill Nye for debating me," Ham said, adding that it's unlikely such a debate will happen again.


This resembles the "debates" I used to have in the 1970s with "creationists": there was no debate. One cannot "debate" someone who has no other explanation of reality than: " John 14:6 — Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life."

No debate between Ham and Nye. I don't blame the realists for giving up and thinking such debate is crap... "The debate challenge topic was chosen as "Is creation a viable model of origins in the modern scientific era?" While Ham argued in favor of creationism, Nye defended the evolution standpoint."

No contest ! Creationism wins the debate hands down. Humanity was created 6,015 years ago. Boom. No need to ask questions, No need to look at the way the world is, once we decree the way the world should be — with salvation on a big hook at the end of a thick fishing line... Pass the collection plate... You should be happy the creationists are saving your arse !

Yes, the creationists are working their butts off to save the world from the next floods. They must know that global warming is god's punishment for people believing in global warming. That's why they are constructing an ARK the full size to that of Noah's, in Kentucky of course — with a few more feet to host a few more species... and a few less feet considering a few species have become extinct since Noah became pissed at the end of the ordeal. Praise the lord....



al qaeda — being killed by more religious extremists...

Two of al-Qaida’s most important spiritual leaders have told the Guardian that the terror group is no longer a functioning organisation after being ripped apart by Isis. In a wide-ranging interview, Abu Qatada, a Jordanian preacher who was based in London before being deported in 2013, and Abu Muhammad al-Maqdisi, regarded as the most influential jihadi scholar alive, say the al-Qaida leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, is cut off from his commanders and keeping the group afloat through little more than appeals to loyalty.

Senior insiders in Jordan add that al-Qaida around the Middle East has been drained of recruits and money after losing territory and prestige to its former subordinate division. The ongoing war between al-Qaida and Isis has left the US struggling to catch up with the tectonic shifts within the global jihadi movement, intelligence insiders told the Guardian.

Maqdisi, who Zawahiri counts as a close friend, is frank about the 63-year-old Egyptian’s situation. “He operates solely based on the allegiance. There is no organisational structure. There is only communication channels and loyalty,” Maqdisi said.

Qatada, who was born Omar Mahmoud Othman and has been described by the British government as a “truly dangerous individual”, also says Zawahiri is “isolated” and admits that Isis have been winning the propaganda and ground war against al-Qaida.

in raptures...


Bachmann Terror Overdrive: The Age of Rapture

A clutch of headlines over a span of two days in April: US dispatches elite troops to Ukraine. US sends warships to Yemen to join naval blockade. BP taking more oil from Iraq in payments as government coffers dwindle. Saudi bombs boost al Qaeda. Sale of US arms fuels wars in Arab states. Michelle Bachmann says all signs point to the Rapture. For the first time in my life, I agree with Michelle Bachmann.

(Note: This was my column in the May edition of CounterPunch magazine.)

You remember Bachmann, don't you? She was once considered a serious candidate for the presidency. On the campaign trail, she would describe the road-to-Damascus moment that led her to become a Republican: reading Gore Vidal's "snotty novel," Burr. "If that's what Democrats believe," she said of Vidal's mordant look at the corruption and conniving of our Founding Dads, "then I must be a Republican." (Thank god she didn't read Myra Breckinridge, eh? Who knows 
what she would have become?)

Anyway, during those busy April days, Bachmann was interviewed on a Christian radio station and declared that the disastrous results of America’s foreign policy were clear harbingers of the coming Rapture: that blessed time when the Lord, like a celestial Mr. Scott, will beam up the saved to the heavenly Enterprise — then destroy the earth and kill billions of people with ravaging fire and photon torpedoes.

(You can see why Bachmann and her literalist ilk don’t worry too much about climate change; why bother to save a planet that’s going up in smoke any day now? And why bother to tend the sick and feed the hungry and all that other jazzmo Jesus talked about, when most of them are going to have their flesh fried and their souls shipped to hell? But oddly enough, the prospect of imminent departure doesn’t seem to stop these pious paragons from padding their portfolios with long-term investments. Well, faith is a mystery, as they say.)

Of course, the apocalyptic foreign policy Bachmann talked about was not Obama’s insane dance along the nuclear tripwire in Ukraine. Nor his brutality in helping impose a naval blockade of Yemen — a nation that imports 90 percent of its food, mostly by sea. The fact that Yemenis were starving and dying and running for their lives under the bludgeoning of American bombs dropped by Saudi aggressors did not trouble Bachmann at all.

Nor was it the fact that the Saudi assault has been a tremendous boon to al Qaeda, who had been stymied by their enemies, the Houthis, but were now free to capture airports and take chunks of territory with the help of their frequent allies, the Americans. (See Syria, Libya, etc.) Nor did she care about Obama’s record-breaking arms sales to some of the most repressive regimes on earth. Her only quibble with any of this would be that it did not go far enough — that there weren’t more troops in Ukraine bellying up to the Russkis, that there weren’t more bombs and starvation in Yemen, doing God’s work in killing heathen Muslims, that there weren’t more arms going to the Islamic extremists in Saudi Arabia so they too could kill more heathen Muslims.

This is not what set Bachmann off. On all these things there is remarkable comity and unity across the breadth and depth of the American political establishment, from the far right wing that Bachmann represents to the, er, not-quite-as-far-right wing that Obama and Hillary Clinton and other system-supporting “progressives” represent. The only “debate” in our militaristic empire is how fast we kill, how many we kill, and with whom we kill at any given time.

No, the great sign of the impending end of the world that Bachmann saw was … a prospective agreement to keep Iran from making nuclear weapons. (Which they have not done, are not doing, and have repeatedly declared they will never do — even though Israel has a vast arsenal of illegal, uninspected nuclear weapons aimed at them.) The slightest chance of a temporary pause in Iran’s eternal punishment for its demonic lèse-majesté — kicking America’s imperial stooge out of their country 36 years ago — is, for Bachmann (and for many others in the political establishment) an abomination unto the Lord, for which He will soon implement the mother of all final solutions.

Now here we come to a splitting of theological hairs. 


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See toon and read article at top...


not the end of the world, but we might stuff up the planet...

NASA has busted the world's scariest rumour confirming there is no asteroid heading towards Earth which would end humankind.

The space experts released a formal statement in response to several blog and social media posts claiming an asteroid will impact Earth sometime between September 15 and 28.

The rumours state the impact will be near Puerto Rico causing wanton destruction to the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States and Mexico, as well as Central and South America.

But according to NASA, it is all untrue.

"There is no scientific basis — not one shred of evidence — that an asteroid or any other celestial object will impact Earth on those dates," NASA's Near-Earth Object office manager Paul Chodas said.

NASA's Near-Earth Object Observations Program says there have been no asteroids or comets observed that would impact Earth anytime in the foreseeable future, the statement reads.

It goes on to say all known Potentially Hazardous Asteroids have less than a 0.01 per cent chance of impacting Earth in the next 100 years.

it's definitely the end of the world, may be...


WASHINGTON — Nearly eight out of 10 Evangelicals say they believe the ongoing violence in the Middle East is an indication that the rapture is on the horizon, a new survey released Friday shows.

Research conducted by the Brookings Institute's Center for Middle East Policy on Americans' attitudes toward the Middle East and Israel found that 79 percent of Evangelicals say they believe "that the unfolding violence across the Middle East is a sign that the end times are nearer."

The survey, which compiled a national sample of 875 adults and an oversample of 863 self-identified Evangelicals with a margin of error between plus or minus 3 to 4 percent, found that only 43 percent of non-Evangelical Christians believe that terrorism in the Middle East is indicative of the apocalypse.

"These numbers are very striking on the end of days theology that these respondents claim motivate them," Politico editor Susan Glasser said during a panel discussion after the release of the survey at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.


See toon at top...