Monday 10th of March 2025

raising the flour to puff puff...

stupid tony

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has reassured Australians that everything possible is being done to protect them, a day after the terror alert was raised to high for the first time.

The decision to increase the alert level on Friday followed a spike in "chatter" detected in a sixfold increase in counter-terrorism operations during the past year.

Mr Abbott on Saturday repeated his assurance that the upgraded alert level did not mean a terror attack was imminent.

But it was designed to raise community awareness about the increased likelihood of a terrorist attack in Australia, with people urged to contact the authorities if they noticed anything suspicious.

"People should go about their lives normally, reassured that strong arrangements are in place to detect, to prevent and to respond to terrorism," Mr Abbott said in a statement on Saturday.

"The government is ... taking considered action so that you can continue to lead your lives confident that everything, everything possible is being done to protect you."

NRL and AFL finals in Perth, Townsville and Sydney are expected to undergo new security measures on Saturday. They are the second lot to be played under the high threat rating after two games in Melbourne and Sydney on Friday night.

Security will also be increased at airports, ports, military bases, government buildings and large public events.

NSW police intend focusing their efforts on popular landmarks such as the Sydney Harbour Bridge, and "soft targets" such as shopping centres.

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a sad irony is voting a suspicious turd in charge...


Tony Abbott demo: police fight off protesters at Melbourne University

The prime minister was officially opening the Peter Doherty institute for infection and immunity at the university

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quite ironic that our Turd-in-Chief, a science ignoramus and destroyer, is opening a centre for immunity...


tall tales & true .....

Yes Gus.

Notwithstanding the calming reassurances offered by 'Team Awstrayla' captain Tony Abbott that the government has “no specific intelligence” on planned terrorist attacks, the lifting of its official terrorist threat level indicator from ‘medium’ to ‘high’, coupled with claims that the number of counter-terror investigations has increased by 600% in the past 12 months, would surely suggest to many Australians that there must be a terrorist lurking around every corner?

Of course, as anyone with a modicum of experience knows, throwing percentages around can be highly misleading & it just might be that the quantum of anti-terror investigations was actually quite small to start with & hasn’t really grown that much. How would we know given that ASIO’s annual report conveniently offers no insight into such numbers, allegedly to help keep us safe?

Prime Minister Abbott helpfully suggests that all of these matters are the responsibility of ‘professionals’ & that the best thing that members of Team Australia can do is to trust the government & ‘keep their eye out for anything unusual’.

On that note, some might find the coincidence of all this ‘non-panic’ about terror with the anniversaries of the 911 attacks & the Abbott government’s first year in office quite curious, whilst others might wonder about the sudden but convenient disappearance of the ‘budget emergency’ or claims by “Blinky Bill” Shorten that he & the Prime Minister are “partners” in national security, just as they seem to be on matters of remuneration for politicians.

spring in his step...

Yes John...



meanwhile at turdograph central...

Apparently some fellows CAN'T WAIT for the alert suspicious level to be raised to full red alarm... to do their bad deed... The Turdograph on Sunday, or the Sunday Telecrap, is doing our Turd-in-Chief proud... Don't be too alarmed though, just be moderately alarmed... while not worrying about anything because our Turd-in-Chief knows shit when he sees it.

Oh, did I leave the "Sydney go Krazy for Kardashian" sub-headline in it by accident?... Possibly, but I did not notice any craziness in town... Ah, you mean there was a few Sydney sheilas wearing Kardashian underpants on their heads while the celeb, queen of boganville, was in town? Who knows... If it's black and white in the Turdopaper, it's must be true.


sunday turdograph


and while our turd-in-chief is preparing WWIII, camping...

Holding signs that included "turn on the tap" and "water is a human right", dozens of people have protested against a decision to cut off water to an Aboriginal community in Central Australia.

The protesters included MLA Alison Anderson - formerly of the Country Liberal Party and now a member of the Palmer United Party - who shed tears as she discussed the treatment of Aboriginal people in Alice Springs.

She repeated past claims that the Country Liberal Party that rules the Northern Territory was racist.

"This is not anything to do with squatters, this is to do with people who actually own the country," Ms Anderson said.

The rally of about 60 people was held outside the Alice Springs office of NT Community Services Minister Bess Price, who has defended a decision to cut off water to Whitegate, a small community on the town's outskirts with between four and 30 residents.

Water to Whitegate was cut off about a month ago, leaving its residents fearful for their future.

They were thrown a lifeline last week when the Lhere Artepe Aboriginal Corporation offered to supply the community with water for 12 months.

But protesters have called for a more permanent solution.

The NT Government said it told residents before the water was turned off, although this has been disputed by some of the residents of the community.

The traditional owners - Felicity Hayes and her family - were granted native title on the land in the 1970s, but it was never gazetted as one of Alice Springs official town camps.

Because it is not an official camp, Whitegate residents, who live in tin sheds, do not get basic services, including electricity.



Meanwhile Tony Turdy is preparing his field marshal campaign to start World War III while on a camping trip. It is of course crusade.  All this is done from a tent in Arnhem land where the Turd has gone to honour his commitment — a year late. So much crap has arisen from his regime since this commitment


Mr Abbott said he wanted to sort out the timeline before deciding on the precise wording.

"There is a firm intention on the part of this Government, on the part of the Opposition, I think on the part of the parliament generally, to embark on this journey but it's got to be a successful one," Mr Abbott said.

"There's nothing worse than having a go at this and finding that it fails because we've been too ambitious, or in the process of trying to do something wonderful we've ended up dividing the country."

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Anyone knows that whatever Tony does will be a balls up...

our turd-in-chief is preparing WWIII...


By joining the campaign against Islamic State, Tony Abbott aims to nurture our relationship with the US and strengthen the only card he has left to play on the domestic front - the protection of national security, writes Paula Matthewson.

The last time Australia went to war, in 2003, the decision was as much about friendship as it was about peace.

The commitment of Australian troops to Iraq was a product of the strong political friendship between our conservative prime minister, John Howard, and the Republican president George W Bush - forged during the dark hours of September 11, 2001 - as much as the need to rid the world of Saddam Hussein's supposed weapons of mass destruction.

Everyday Australians felt little connection at the time with the need to fight America's war against the brutal oppressor, but Howard leveraged our shared horror of the tumbling twin towers and the bombings in Bali into a grudging acceptance that overthrowing Hussein would aid in the fight against Al Qaeda.

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nothing more than a reactive political opportunist...

‘Terrifying’ Tony Abbott is using the politics of fear to bully the Australian people into liking him and letting him to take away some of their rights and freedoms, writesLyn Bender.

With each new threat from ISIL, Prime Minister Tony Abbott is shamelessly fanning the fires of terror in the hope we will forget his shortcomings blunders and buffoonery. Hoping that he will become a strong leader of gravitas the masses will cling to.

In Abbott Land — security has become insecurity.

Fear constricts the mind, to a reactive state. Stress hormones heart rate and blood pressure rise. Digestion is disrupted and pupils dilate. We startle at a sudden noise due to hyper-arousal. Living in a state of fear and anxiety is a health hazard.

Fear produces powerful, emotional and physical responses. It’s a survival instinct and can be a lifesaving force. Under threat decisions are made on the basis of fight, flight, freeze or attach. Fear is the weapon of choice, of those seeking to gain and maintain power. Frightened people can be manipulated and subjugated.

“We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

These famous words by American President Franklyn D. Roosevelt are now a cliché.

But, nevertheless, now a reactive, fearful and fear-manipulating leader is now catapulting us into war. Tony Abbott struts ‒ or more correctly frets ‒ on the world stage: a small frightened man, determined to hold onto his fifteen minutes of fame.

In fight or flight, reactions are crude.

Is western involvement in another war the answer or the problem?

Even Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has said that ISIL is an ideology that cannot be defeated in the battlefield alone.

The grotesque acts of ISIL circulated on the internet and in screaming headlines have primed Australians to be afraid. But was it really a threat to Australia? Or did it become an increased threat when Tony Abbott intensified his provocative stance?

Tony Abbott, the reactive political opportunist, has seized the day — but not in a good way.


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