Friday 7th of March 2025

not even in russia: the aussie speaker of the house loses the purpose of democracy...

the lady loses the purpose of democracy...

The Federal Opposition has accused Bronwyn Bishop of "serious partiality" in her role as Speaker of the House of Representatives and sought to move a motion of no confidence in the Speaker.

The substance of the motion was debated as Labor sought to suspend standing orders but failed on party lines.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has labelled the move a "juvenile display" and defended Mrs Bishop as having done a "very good job".

Manager of Opposition Business Tony Burke moved the motion after the Speaker "named" Labor frontbencher Mark Dreyfus, leading to him being thrown out of the chamber for 24 hours.

To be "named" by the Speaker for disorderly behaviour is one of the most serious actions that can be taken against an MP.

Mr Burke argued that the punishment was not warranted.

"He didn't just get warned, he didn't just get thrown out - he got named - for calling you 'Madam Speaker'," Mr Burke said.

"Yesterday we had a member of Parliament thrown out for laughing.

"Madam Speaker we have spent months watching you laugh at every joke from the ministers at the expense of members of the Opposition."


Mark Dreyfus is one of the most respectful and GENTLE man in the Aussie parliament. On the other side, Tony abbott lies and is the most despicable PM since federation... But Dreyfus knows shit when shit is thrown around. Okay, Tony, be fair, the old lady has had her fun in the sun. Time to put her back on the back benches or sent her to a retirement village on the north shore, with all the old chooks and those fellas who's lost their marbles... 

She is not decent speaker material for a fair Australia. 


a nasty little quip...

Yesterday (27/03/14), there was an uncomfortable moment in parliament house, presently led by the Liberal (conservative) brats. Tony Abbott made a nasty remark about Bill Shorten and his mother-in-law, still the official GG till yesterday, Quentin Bryce. The quip was NOT off the cuff, but a deep denigrating nasty rehearsed whisper doing the round in the Liberal (CONservative) circles. Bill Shorten was decent enough to call Tony to come near and discreetly talk to him. At this point Tony Abbott withdrew the remarks... Thus the remark was wipe off Hansard, not wiped off my mind. It showed the deep ingrained nastiness lurking in the liberals (CONservative) ranks. Poor country.

particularly disappointed in Bronwyn...


Politicians from both sides agree that Slipper, before he was forced to resign over sexual harassment allegations, was an effective, authoritative Speaker. Dressed in traditional silk robes and bowtie, Slipper imposed strict discipline over the 43rd Parliament. Bishop's House, by contrast, has fallen into disarray.

Slipper said he was ''saddened'' at the Bishop rebuff because of his high regard for Bishop's intellect.

''As a recent Speaker I am particularly disappointed in Bronwyn, because she has the intelligence, knowledge and ability to build on the legacy I commenced,'' Slipper said.

''The story of Bronwyn is one of sadness … she has all of the mental capacities to improve our Parliament and make it one we can be proud of.''

Labor has pilloried Bishop from the start, with leader of opposition business Tony Burke comparing her to Dolores Umbridge, the villainous headmistress of the Harry Potter novels, on her first day in the job. Bishop didn't help her cause by announcing she would continue to attend Coalition party room meetings, unlike Labor predecessors Harry Jenkins and Anna Burke, who stopped attending caucus. Allowing Abbott to call Bill Shorten ''Electricity Bill'' - despite parliamentary rules stipulating the use of official titles - was another early flashpoint.

After months of frustration, Labor tried to force Bishop out of her job this week.

Labor staff told press gallery journalists that something significant would happen to the Speaker on Thursday.

A dossier containing an exhaustive list of Bishop's failings was circulated. On Thursday, Burke went nuclear, introducing a rare no-confidence motion accusing Bishop of incompetence, partiality and acting as an ''instrument of the Liberal Party''. The resolution, which provoked gasps from the question time audience, had been in Burke's briefcase for months. But he needed the right trigger.

''You don't move these things lightly,'' Burke says.

Bishop gave Burke his trigger by ''naming'' shadow attorney-general Mark Dreyfus for the seemingly innocuous crime of calling out ''Madam Speaker''. This meant Dreyfus was suspended from the chamber for 24 hours - rather than the usual one hour.

Labor's chief criticism of Bishop has been that she has been unwilling to leave her tribalism behind and preside fairly and impartially over the House.

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Bronwyn may have the intellect, but she is partisan (thus not that bright in my opinion. She appears to be a circular sophist with a square peg to fit a round hole, at any cost). This is not the job of the speaker of the house. It could appear petty for Labor to point out Bonwyn's failures but it is essential for democracy that she's be booted out. It is too late for her to smarten up. OUT OUT OUT! Or as the German would say AUS! AUS! AUS! which would be misleading for this fair country nickname (Aus...) where unfortunately the bullies want to rule the roost by being a bit more nazi daily.


time for her to take a kerosene bath...

It's time Bronwyn Bishop was removed


It was inevitable that sooner or later Labor would be forced to move against Tony Abbott’s chosen speaker, Bronwyn Bishop, and last week the no-confidence motion finally came. Of course it failed on the numbers, but that does not mean that it was futile gesture; in the interest not just of itself but of the parliament as a whole it was time, perhaps past time, for the opposition to take a stand.

Not only is Bishop a one-eyed party loyalist, but her entire parliamentary career was built on attacking opponents and hectoring and berating public servants in committee hearings. It was this sheer unbridled aggressiveness which caused otherwise sane people to propose her as potential leader of the her party in the dark days following the coalition’s fifth successive election loss in 1993.

Commonsense eventually prevailed and she did not even contest the position, but she was elevated to the front bench as shadow minister for health. She immediately mounted a spirited defence of tobacco advertising which brought her into conflict with the AMA president Brendan Nelson, himself a future party leader. Bishop was shuffled off to a more obscure portfolio, but on regaining office in 1996 John Howard brought her back into the spotlight; she ended up as minister for Aged Care (also known as Caged Hair, after her uncompromising bouffant) where she promptly became involved in a scandal involving nursing homes bathing their clients in kerosene as a possible cure for scabies.

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speaker's office for sale...

Bronwyn Bishop has been hosting Liberal Party fundraisers in her Parliament House Speaker’s suite, leading to calls that her position as independent adjudicator is "untenable".

A spokesman for Ms Bishop said there was nothing illegal or improper about the practice, and no official rules appear to exist. But no recent Speakers interviewed by Fairfax Media had used their office for party fundraising.

Asked about a recent fundraising event held in the Speaker's Parliament House suite, Ms Bishop’s spokesman said: "From time to time the Speaker holds private functions in Parliament House as does a large number of members and senators... the cost is charged to her private account.”

"There is nothing illegal about it, there is nothing improper about it,” he added.

"It’s the use of a room that every other Member of Parliament does often. Are you chasing up all the other people that held fundraisers at Parliament House?”

Recent Labor Speakers Anna Burke and Harry Jenkins said they had never used their Parliament House office for party fundraising events.

“The Speaker’s office is representative of the Parliament,” Ms Burke said.

“The Parliament is not owned by the government of the day, it’s owned by the people. And it would be highly inappropriate for the people’s house to be used as a fundraising arm of a political party.”

Responding to the reports of Ms Bishop's Speaker's office fundraisers, manager of opposition business, Tony Burke, said: "If this is true her position as Speaker is untenable.”

“The Speaker’s office is meant to be owned by the Parliament," he added. "It is not a venue for hire."

The House of Representatives clerk would not comment on whether it was proper for the Speaker to be using her office for fundraising. He referred questions to Ms Bishop’s office.

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using her broom like a witch...

The nation's Parliament is on the way to becoming the most disorderly in history, almost a year after the federal election.

Speaker Bronwyn Bishop has booted out MPs on nearly 200 occasions - almost all of them Labor.

The Opposition and the Government blame each other for the figures, but a respected former speaker says it is partly a trend of politicians behaving badly.

On Tuesday, Labor's Member for Wakefield, Nick Champion, was sin binned for an hour for the 25th time since the election.

"You know, this is a Government that breaks its commitments to the Australian people and so, you know, when I'm in the chamber I let them know it," he said.

Both sides of politics are guilty of yelling insults across the chamber, but in this 44th Parliament, Opposition MPs have been disciplined 193 times and Government MPs just four.

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Bronwyn Bishop is too old to know that what she's doing... Sorry, she's not too old... And she would have to know that what she is doing is unfair, but she appear to be drunk with power, while holding the end of the broom to use it like a wicked witch... Time for her to jump on her broomstick and go on a holiday in Salem...

the cesspool of slanted behaviour...


Bronwyn Bishop is a person of many parts, none of which qualify her to be Australia’s Speaker, writes senior correspondent Barry Everingham.

ONE OF THE GREAT TRADITIONS inherited by the Australian House of Representatives from Britain’s House of Commons has been the rule of the impartiality of the Speaker. Indeed, in the Commons the Speaker remains in situ even after elections, where he or she may not remain a member of the ruling party.

In the main, our Speakers have been good, a few bad, but none, with only two who broke the rule: both ALP Members – Leo McLeay in the Whitlam years and way back to a character called Sol Rosvear, who began as Speaker under Curtin.

Today, things are different.

The current Speaker is Bronwyn Bishop — an absolute disgrace whose behaviour in the Chair has brought the Parliament into disrepute.

In preparing this story, I interviewed diplomats from three Commonwealth countries whose  Parliaments work on the Westminster system — Canada, New Zealand and, of course, the UK.

I asked if the behaviour of Bishop would be tolerated in their Parliaments and the answer was a resounding “No!”

One of them told me of his experience accompanying a visiting MP from his country to Question Time in Canberra .

The MP was just incredulous and said had he been told of her behaviour he wouldn’t have believed it — but seeing her in full flight really shocked him.

Bishop, of course, is a disciple of Tony Abbott’s — she admires his thuggery and take no prisoners attitude.,7107


On World Toilet Day, you know what to do.... Flush Turdy Tony down the loo... The dunny connected to Hell...

See toon at top...



still at it and going for the record...


Federal Parliament has embraced the schoolyard tradition of an "end-of-year muck-up day" setting new standards in misbehaviour.

In a raucous Question Time to end Parliament's penultimate sitting week, the Speaker, Bronwyn Bishop, suspended 18 MPs - all Labor.

With a massively depleted front and back bench behind him, a frustrated manager of Opposition business Tony Burke rose to inform the House "18 people in one Question Time is an all-time record since Federation".

An equally frustrated Leader of the House Christopher Pyne responded, describing the Opposition as "idiots", adding: "The Australian public should know that the Labor Party have run a deliberate strategy of ejection today from the House.

"They have deliberately attempted to be thrown out."

Ms Bishop agreed, noting her long list of suspensions included many Victorian MPs "who perhaps wish to go back and campaign" along with others who "may wish to have early planes" to return to their electorates for the three-day break before Parliament resumes for its final sitting week of the year.

The Speaker had indeed toiled through an unprecedented 70 minutes and re-written the record books for Australian Parliamentary history.

Bishop says claims she picked on Labor MPs 'pathetic'

She broke the previous one-day record for suspensions which had stood at 12.

The Speaker almost racked up 50 suspensions in one week, but fell short at 47.

Ms Bishop's personal total of suspensions for the 44th Parliament stands at 285.

Today's record of 18 were marched with monotonous regularity by the Speaker...



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not passing the sniff test...


Speaker Bronwyn Bishop has agreed to refund taxpayers more than $5,000 for a 90-kilometre helicopter trip she took to attend a Liberal Party fundraiser last year.

Mrs Bishop’s office confirmed she will also pay an additional 25 per cent penalty, under expenses rules announced by the Abbott Government in 2013.

Mrs Bishop's six-monthly report to the Finance Department revealed she made the return trip between Melbourne and Geelong at a cost of $5,227.27 in November.

Earlier today, Treasurer Joe Hockey conceded the trip did not pass the "sniff test" and called on Mrs Bishop to provide an explanation.

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She should sack herself out of the job that demands impartiality... Mind you she also spend nearly $88,000 taxpayer's cash on a trip to Europe to get herself a better job... SEEK, give her a job in cleaning dunnies while wearing her pearls...

The Speaker of the House, Bronwyn Bishop, racked up more than $88,000 on a taxpayer-funded trip to Europe during a failed bid to become the president of the Inter-parliamentary Union (IPU), expenses documents have revealed.

Bishop also spent $5,277 chartering a helicopter for a return flight from Melbourne to Geelong to attend a Liberal party fundraiser in November.

Photos tweeted at the time show Bishop arriving at an event at Clifton Springs golf club via helicopter, shortly after the Victorian election was called.

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Meanwhile her boss is officially the worst PM ever in Australia, possibly in the world... But he does not give a shit. see: 


scandalous !!!!   and  
when the imbeciles are in charge of your future...


and more: not your average dame edna in a cactus pit...



you'll have to carry her out in a box...


The incident was dubbed "choppergate" and saw Mrs Bishop lampooned on social media.

A spokesman for the Mackellar MP has confirmed she will nominate for preselection, perhaps as soon as close of business today.

'You'll have to carry her out in a box'

Former federal Liberal leader John Hewson was among those to slam Mrs Bishop's controversial decision to run again.

"You'll probably have to carry her out in a box," he said.

"She doesn't think she's done anything wrong, she doesn't see that she's been totally discredited or [will] probably go down in history as a poor minister and the most biased speaker of all time.

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I started to think who wrote this article was a comic...

Australia needs politicians like Bronwyn. I am a firm believer in the two-party system. Yet both parties seem to be on trajectory of alienating and disempowering Australians who are or want to be part of our political journey. National politics is becoming a club of insiders that is foreign and daunting for everyday Australians.

What message are we sending when on the one hand we are saying now is the time for older Australians to do more, be active and continue in the workforce, while at the same time we are willing to push out one of the most talented and successful members of Parliament?

Jeremy Mitchell was an adviser to Bronwyn Bishop from 1993-97.
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I started to think that whomever wrote this crap was a satirist. Sorry, I was wrong. This fellow genuinely believes the shit he writes. And the Sydney Morning Bunglelard lets him have "his" opinion... Sure, I must say I've never seen idiots work harder than Bronwyn... Actually I don't know. I've never seen her at work doing a DECENT JOB in parliament. I've seen people working hard like dogs, not knowing what they were doing that they went backward, taking half-a-building down with them. That's Bronwyn's style.
So Bronwyn works hard... She visits people, the sick and the dead ones. Good one. One does not have to be a rabid dangerously biased ultra-right wing politician to do so.
See toon and article from top...

her slanted entitled fire-cracker career...

Veteran Liberal MP Bronwyn Bishop has bid farewell to Federal Parliament with a pointed reference to the travel expenses scandal that ended her tenure as speaker.

Mrs Bishop's 29-year political career has come to an end after losing a bruising pre-selection battle for her Sydney seat of Mackellar.

She has served in both houses of Parliament, was a junior minister in the Howard government and speaker in Abbott Government, but was forced to resign from that position last year after sustained pressure over her use of travel entitlements.

In her valedictory speech, Mrs Bishop revealed she was asked to stand down to protect the then prime minister, Tony Abbott, whose leadership was under threat.

"I was asked to resign for Tony Abbott, someone whom I had assisted and worked with and respected for many years," she said.

"There is much more than meets the eye in that saga but not for now."

Mrs Bishop's career as speaker began to unravel after it was revealed she had charged taxpayers $5,000 to charter a helicopter from Melbourne to Geelong for a Liberal Party fundraiser.

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