Monday 10th of March 2025

joined at the hip-pocket....


Billionaire miner Clive Palmer has declared he gives ‘‘zero’’ weight to Tony Abbott’s claim to a mandate, warning the Prime Minister he cannot take for granted the Palmer United Party’s support for the repeal of the carbon tax.

Interviewed on Channel Ten on Sunday, Mr Palmer said his party’s policy was to not only abolish the carbon tax but to refund those who had paid the tax since its introduction in July last year.
‘‘Because it’s a bad tax, it’s always been a bad tax. And I don’t know whether that’s Liberal Party policy. I don’t think it is,’’ he said.
‘‘There’s an ambiguity, because we think it should be repealed from the date of introduction and the Liberal Party policy seems to be only to repeal it and not worry about the injustices that happened over the last year or two. So we’d want to get clarification on that, we’d want to get some advice, talk to people and have a friendly discussion with Mr Abbott.’’

Read more:

Gus: don't be fooled by Clive, the Jovial Baffoon,  the contrary side-kick in the Abbott's knavery... The Palmer party was mostly set up to eat into the Green's senate seat prospects... The PUP is an ultra right wing party that talks of honesty, hard work and economic prosperity, but in real terms this means it also has a total misunderstanding of the planet's natural dynamics...  Despite a "promise" of transparency, this party makes deals that are secretive and not in the interest of democracy.
GLOBAL WARMING IS A SERIOUS MATTER  that the Australian carbon pricing (not a tax) was set up to tackle NECESSARILY to give alternative energy a better footing, as it should, and be increased as possible... PALMER IS A CLEVER BAFFOON who plays a dangerous game for the future of this planet... 
In fact the mathematical formula used to allocate the senate seats can be manipulated by the numbers of parties, including parties like PUP ... It could have been profitable for the Greens to split up into more camps...
By all account, Palmer seems to be the voice of the ghastly IPA (Institute of Public Affairs), an ultra-right-wing think-tank that has no regard for any environmental concerns... and "does not believe" in global warming...


the coal miner in parliament and water resources...

The managing director of Clive Palmer's proposed $6bn China First coalmine met senior federal Environment Department officials on Monday to determine "whether or not" new federal environmental laws would apply to the project.

The mining magnate – who has clinched a powerful four-senator voting bloc from next July – needs a federal government decision before he can proceed with plans to export 40 million tonnes of coal each year.

The decision is required under new laws passed by the former Labor government which demand a cumulative assessment of the impact on water resources of China First and other proposed coal mega-mines in Queensland's Galilee basin.

"It's before the minister and it's being considered by him. He has asked for submissions about whether the water trigger will be applicable to the projects or not … more than likely it will be ... but that is why we are having the meeting with the Environment Department, because we don't know the answer to that, whether or not it will apply to our project," the managing director of Waratah Coal, Nui Harris, told Guardian Australia.

Harris said he was meeting Environment Department officials on Monday.

On September 26, Hunt said that China First and 46 other projects around the country "will require federal environmental assessment of their impacts on water resources".

clive palmer proves to himself he talks shit...


Clive Palmer has said his two elected senators have reached the “unanimous” conclusion they will vote to repeal the carbon tax and insisted efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions should focus on “nature” rather than “human enterprise”.

The leader of the Palmer United party (PUP), who has been campaigning on behalf of his near-invisible candidates in Saturday’s rerun of the West Australian Senate election, also insisted his lead candidate (and employee) Dio Wang had not “meant” a statement he released earlier in the campaign in which Wang backed the existing renewable energy target (RET).

Interviewed on the ABC’s Lateline program on Thursday night, Palmer said “his” senators had told him “that unanimously they want to vote to get rid of the carbon tax. Unanimously. That's their view. And I'm just conveying that to you as their spokesman.”

“So the carbon tax is definitely going. It's a fait accompli,” he said, despite having always insisted his party would demand the repeal be retrospective.

Wang issued a statement on 18 March, saying: “I believe the RET scheme should remain as it is. It worries me when the government says everything is on the table in reviewing the RET… it is the right scheme for maintaining and improving Australia’s environment”.

Now, Clive, tell me how "efforts to reduce greenhouse emissions should focus on “nature”?"... Please explain. What do you mean? Ah I see you want the carbon price you've paid plus the interest on what you owe to be reimbursed to your coffers... Is this the "natural" way?... What a lot of codswallop, pronounced with a debonaire jovial attitude... It's crap. Unfortunately because you shout all this with money, people will be bought... Sad case of crap taking precedence over understanding because of injection of cash... Please, go away Clive, you've said more than enough to make many scientists spew when showing you understand zip about the issue...