Wednesday 26th of March 2025

mutual admiration society .....

big brother george .....

‘Big Brother Bush has finally
descended into the hell of public scorn and degradation. The once-mighty George
2, the “War President”, who towered over the global landscape after 9-11, has
slumped into disrepute with the popularity-meter resting on empty.

Oh dear. Just 29% approval. 

There’s no place to hide now. 6
years of demagoguery and deception have smashed the Orwellian façade and fueled
the public rage. The country is on tender-hooks; one paltry incident away from
a citizen revolt and massive political upheaval. 

Don’t believe it? The fury of the
masses is silently brewing just below the surface. The spectre of violence is
quite real. 

Bush’s popularity is now
somewhere below Nixon’s and just above venereal disease; the perfect spot for a
draft-dodging poseur whose bravado cost the lives of hundreds of thousands of
innocent Iraqis.’ 

Starting Over
When Bush Is Gone

We need more Jean Sara Rohe

Fram the New York Times

McCain Gets Cantankerous Reception at Commencement

Published: May 19, 2006
NEW YORK (AP) -- Senator John McCain of Arizona received a cantankerous reception during his appearance at the New School commencement Friday, where dozens of faculty members and students turned their backs and raised signs in protest and a distinguished student speaker pointedly mocked him as he sat silently nearby.

The historically liberal university has been roiled in controversy in recent weeks over the selection of McCain, a conservative Republican and likely 2008 presidential candidate, to deliver the commencement address.

Some 1,200 students and faculty signed petitions asking the university president, former Nebraska Sen. Bob Kerrey, to rescind the invitation. Petitioners said McCain's support for the Iraq war and opposition to gay rights and legal abortion do not keep with the prevailing views on campus.

Kerrey, a Democrat who served in the Senate with McCain and, like McCain, is a decorated Vietnam War veteran, addressed the controversy almost immediately after the 2,700 graduates and thousands of other parents and friends filed into Madison Square Garden for the ceremony.

"Sen. McCain, you have much to teach us," Kerrey said to a smattering of boos and hisses. He urged students to exercise the open-mindedness he said was at the heart of the university's progressive history.

But Kerrey's remarks were immediately overshadowed by those of Jean Sara Rohe, one of two distinguished seniors invited by the university's deans to address the graduates.

Beginning by singing a wistful folk tune calling for world peace, Rohe announced she had thrown out her prepared remarks to address the McCain controversy directly.
Read more of it at the new york times

Who needs leadership?

Jumping on the bandwagon, without a second's reflection Howard compares Iran to Nazis:

Prime Minister John Howard was among three world leaders who today said an Iranian bill, which reportedly would force non-Muslims to wear coloured badges in public, was akin to Nazi Germany. ...

But, but, but, it's Another Fraud on Iran:

... The whole thing is a steaming crock. ...

Yes, we CAN get by with an arse-licking sycophant. Never mind, Costello's leadership on solutions for remote indigenous communities prove he is a true visionary. "Lock 'em up!".

wings of justice award .....

''The senator does not reflect
the ideals upon which this university was founded.'' Rohe declared. "'He
will tell us we are young and too naive to have valid opinions.” 

"I am young," Rohe
continued, "and though I don't possess the wisdom that time affords us, I
do know that pre-emptive war is dangerous. 

And I know that despite all the
havoc that my country has wrought overseas in my name, Osama bin Laden still
has not been found, nor have those weapons of mass destruction.''

Jean Sara Rohe 

Wings Of Justice