Monday 10th of March 2025

poor fellow, my country...


It can be demonstrated that the Abbott government was only elected by default and a on a mountain of lies repeated through the press, especially the merde-och press... It can be demonstrated that the Abbott government is full of dumb people...

The "clever country" was dumbed down by the media moguls and their intent of having a pro-destruction-of-the-environment-for-profit-government. People of the press often mention the three mantras of the Abbott platform — the boats, the carbon tax and the horrendous debt... Not a peep about the destruction of the education system, no mention of the destruction of the environment and no mention of the erosion of workers rights... But these are actually the major underlying factor of the Liberal (CONservative) Party... Exploitation of resources without any safeguards for nature, education elitism and of course paying less for workers in order to boost profits. All these plus the non-belief in climate change, the stupidity of boat policies and the fact the debt was minuscule show that the "clever country" got conned by spruikers selling rubbish. 

In the same breath we have an attorney general, Brandis, who appears he DOES NOT KNOW THE LAW and who is hell bent in enforcing his bankrupt ideology of his party on this country. His pursuit of Craig Thomson while himself being corrupt — yes it is corrupt to claim official expenses to go and talk to a "journalist" while dancing through the night at the said journalist's wedding... Talking to journalists is not a legitimate MPs business expenses as per the government rule book. 

Same with Tony Abbott doing "charity" work, pedalling furiously like a sweating idiot or painting an Aboriginal house in Cape York, and then claim transport expenses to the tax payers... That is not charity... These are expensive photo opportunities for an opportunistic dog. 

And that other fancy-fart we have now as a foreign minister, who, as Julia announced the date for the elections way in advance, started to talk turkey-gloo-gloo about the "government being in a caretaker mode from that instant, on the right-wing Fran Kelly show... Fran of course did not know better but she should have, thus agreed with the gnome-killing stare machine. RUBBISH! The caretaker mode of the government only starts when the PM goes to the GG to tell the parliament it is sent packing. And the super-coiffed-staring-idiot, after having lambasted the Labor government for having "bought" a seat at the UN table for grown-ups, took all the glory by delivering a spruik from the said seat...

Poor fellow My Country... I met Xavier Herbert a couple of times in the 1970s at various functions, including a lecture by the master himself...




As Prime Minister, Abbott has demonstrated his contempt for climate science by an immediate wholesale assault on the climate change infrastructure left by the previous government - closing the Climate Commission, instructing the Environment Department to prepare legislation to scrap the Climate Change Authority (which was independently responsible for allocating $2 billion a year for programs designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions), and sacking two department heads who had been involved in development of the emissions trading scheme.

Worse, Abbott has appointed the former head of the ABC and the Australian Stock Exchange, Maurice Newman, as chairman of the government's Business Advisory Council. Newman recently complained (in The Australian Financial Review on September 17) about the former government's cavalier attitude to the carbon tax ''and related climate myths''. He went on to say: ''The money spent on agencies and subsidies pursuing these myths was wasted. Their legacy continues to undermine Australia's international competitiveness.''

Rubbish. Action by the previous government to impose a price on carbon was a small step to improve Australia's long-term viability as a wealthy country. Dismantling these measures is a futile defence of early 20th-century industrial capitalism.

Read more:

abbott — raping the environment...

The Queensland and Federal Governments have signed a memorandum of understanding giving the state more powers to conduct environmental assessments and approvals for major projects.

State Environment Minister Andrew Powell says there will be less duplication and quicker decisions - but Commonwealth oversight will not disappear.

"The Commonwealth will continue to work with us to ensure those high environmental standards are achieved," Mr Powell said.

"Some of the things we'll see are Commonwealth officers embedded in my department, in the Co-ordinator General's Department.

"It's likely that we'll be audited on a regular basis."

Mr Powell says the agreement will speed up environmental approvals without lowering standards.

He says his federal counterpart is aiming for a nine month turnaround but the deadline is still to be fixed.

Minister [Greg] Hunt mentioned that he is inspired by what is going on in New Zealand where they have achieved approvals in nine months," Mr Powell said.

"That is not what we signed yesterday but that is our goal."

The Greens say the deal will lead to environmental destruction.

Queensland Greens Senator Larissa Waters says Premier Campbell Newman has shown he can't be trusted to protect the environment.

"He's ripped up the wild rivers laws, he's watered down the vegetation laws, he's repealed the coastal protection laws, he's letting the loggers and the graziers go into national parks," Senator Waters said.

"This is the last guy that you want to give more environmental responsibility to."

"The big miners will be able to go wherever they want - there'll be no limits on massive developments."

Those concerns have been echoed by environmental groups.

Nick Heath from WWF says the Commonwealth has historically been a last line of defence.

"Without the Federal Government there would have been a Traveston Dam," Mr Heath said.

"Without a Federal Government there would have been large scale coastal development in pristine parts of the coastline.

"We need a strong federal approval power in Australia for what are truly national and international concerns."

downer rejoins the government, via the press...

Former foreign minister Alexander Downer has cautioned the Abbott government that it will be "no easy task" to bring back the Howard government's asylum seeker policies.

Tony Abbott will this afternoon touch down in Jakarta for his first overseas trip as Prime Minister, and Mr Downer has urged him to settle the contentious issue of turning back asylum seeker boats to Indonesia.

Mr Abbott and a delegation of Government ministers and business leaders will arrive in the Indonesian capital this afternoon in the shadow of the latest boat tragedy, in which as many as 50 people drowned off the south Java coast as they tried to reach Australia last week.



QUITE AMAZING... Alexander, the fish-netted catastrophe-man of international relations, the biggest liar on the "Saddam Hussein has Weapons of Mass Destruction" mantra, the man who brought you the "Children Overboard" affair with the other BIG liar, Peter Reith,... is now being wheeled into the fray by the stupid press...

This confirms the idiocy of all concerned, the Abbott government and the f&^%$ press — and of Alexander Downer...

WOULD THE ABC STOP PANDERING TO THESE IDIOTS — who should be in prison for war crimes?