Friday 24th of January 2025

education shit...

pyne rubbish


Mr Pyne also confirmed plans to reform one of the government's key education authorities by ensuring it was focused only on curriculum development.
ACARA now publishes the My School website, administers national literacy and numeracy tests known as NAPLAN and collects performance data.
Under Mr Pyne's plan all non-curriculum-related roles will move into the Department of Education, suggesting ACARA will relinquish much of its testing and ranking activities.
Mr Pyne said he had not yet started work on the agency's overhaul as it was not a priority, but the Coalition's election-eve costings document factored in $23 million in savings from ACARA's four-year budget, including $7 million this financial year.
Mr Pyne said the review of the national curriculum was needed to ensure ''that it is achieving the outcomes that we believe it should be'' and hinted he may not accept ACARA's advice.
''I don't believe in handing over responsibility for government policy to third parties,'' Mr Pyne said. ''The Westminster system of government requires ministers to take a hands-on approach to matters within their portfolio.
''ACARA has an important role but ACARA is not the final arbiter on everything that is good in education.''
Mr Pyne said the national history curriculum played down ''the non-Labor side of our history'' despite the Coalition governing for two-thirds of the past 60 years.

In a statement to Fairfax Media, ACARA - which has 117 full-time and 22 part-time staff - said the curriculum for English, mathematics, science, history and geography had been ''signed off by all state and territory ministers''.
It vowed to continue to perform its current roles, which had been agreed by a standing council of state, territory and federal education ministers.''We will prepare advice for Minister Pyne on current activities as well as matters that have been raised in policy statements,'' it said.

Read more:

First, education has moved forward since 1953 and more recently with COMPUTERS and the Gonski reforms. Education in this country is NOT A MESS. LABOR DID NOT LEAVE A MESS. Second, the waspish/tykish history of this country was based on transforming some of the major ugly side of history into a bunch of roses. Third, the Menzies era and the Howard era were based on LIES — Giant HISTORICAL LIES, including illegal wars, which the little shit Pyne wants to glorify... Beware, Pyne is a fundamentalist Christian with the bible fantasies on his mind... He never understood sciences. 


pyne dirty spray...

Pyne is hell-bent on destroying the neat progress that Labor did under Julia's stewardship... People panned her for not implementing the Gonski reforms and then she got panned for implementing them... These reforms are designed to make sure education is "equitable" to all, improve the quality of teachers without making a song and dance about it...

But then Pyne is hell bent on letting the school focus on their own ways of dealing with whatever and of course for chrissake, Pyne believes the bible should be a major reference book in the Australian education system... 

Pyne is another idiot like Joe and Tony, with limited vision and no idea about anything — but the grand despise of anything Labor did well. Sad.... sad... sad... 

the coalition lied about its education policy


Federal Education Minister Christopher Pyne is sticking to his guns despite being at odds with the states and territories that have signed up to the former Labor government's school funding reforms.

Mr Pyne says he will not meet the panel that prepared the so-called Gonski education report because he wants to get on with implementing a new system.

The Coalition believes the model Labor negotiated is too complicated and Mr Pyne is looking to put in place new deals using the same amount of funding promised by Labor over four years.

Yesterday, New South Wales and Victoria insisted agreements for funding over the next six years are signed off and they must be honoured.

Mr Pyne has rejected an offer from one of the panel members from the Gonski review, Kathryn Greiner, to talk through their findings.


Gus: the one thing this young ignoramus little shit firstly "educationed" at the Saint Ignatius College in Adelaide is that he does not understand reality. He loves shit... His brain is focused on killing-off one the most comprehensive and best revision of funding for education in this country: The Gonski reform is based on an equitable distribution of funds so that all school kids around Australia have access to a better education. Even Liberal (CONservative) Premiers of Victoria and New South Wales saw that.

The secret model of the little shit Pyne is to allocate as much funds (probably less) to education but make sure the private school get a bigger share than public education... Am I wrong?... You can smell the crap coming  from where he sits... The other thing is that Pyne appears to be a simpleton who cannot understand a "complex formula" (the Gonski formula is actually based on very simple mathematics and one does not need to be Einstein to understand its workings)... No... For Pyne, if he can stuff up public education he will... And don't forget this rising shit-heap used to be a research assistant for "Sharon" Vanstone...

And like many people who don't understand mathematics, Pyne became a Lawyer... Big crap...

Note: Kathryn Greiner is a Liberal (conservative) but even so, Pyne-shit does not want to even listen for five minutes...

I bet he wants his model to greatly favour "traditional" private religious education... As well, the coalition said before the elections that it would honour the agreements between the federAl government and the major states that had signed to the Gonski reforms. The lesser states that had not signed did so out of political spite... They hated Labor — EVEN IF THE REFORMS WERE BENEFICIAL.

Lies, all lies by the Pyne-turd...

lies by the pyne-turd-abbott-shit combo...

Of all portfolios, for a minister of state for education to appear so wilfully uninterested in further evidence is concerning at several levels.

At stake is no less than the optimum usage of multiple billions in taxpayer funds and, therefore, the future productivity of the country.

His refusal to allocate the few hours needed to satisfy himself – and be seen to be satisfying himself – of the facts, exposes an emerging pattern for this government: that its primary energies are more often directed at undoing reforms rather than making them.

Pyne clearly thinks he has the field covered and has no need for any extra tuition.

That would be a difficult proposition for any new minister to justify, let alone one with such a compromised history in this policy area.

Read more:

from the official fence-sitter at the ABC...

Is it surprising that Christopher Pyne has declared that he is junking school funding policy and starting again? Not when you consider how notoriously susceptible this crucial area of public policy is to the extreme political convenience of both sides of politics, writes Annabel Crabb.


What a cynical view from Annabel kitchen window... The Gonski reform is a "revolutionary" way to fund education. It was developed with both sides of politics to improve the prospect of children learning better wherever they are in this country... It is constructed so that the difference and disparity between states are evened out. 

It took a while (not long really but we are an impatient mob, aren't we) for the Labor government to find ways to implement the changes... Not surprising. It had to get the States on board and create new ways to implement the bureaucratic changes. Gillard had to find ways to make sure no one missed out. AND SHE HAD. But some rabid right-wing states, like the religious zealot Queensland government, would not accept anything... ON PURE POLITICAL GROUND. Nothing less, nothing more... They had a good deal in front of them but they chose the grubby political game...

NOW PYNE IS ON THE WARPATH AGAINST THE GONSKI REFORMS FOR PURE POLITICAL GROUNDS as well, blaming Labor for lack of moneys when Pyne's mob want to add 200 billions to the national debt without telling us why... Annabel, you are a disgrace to your profession by failing to see your "balance" is skewed. I am sure you know better but in order to whack the new minister you have decide to cynically whack those who "took time" to implemented the scheme... go away... That is unfair.

Choose a side and stop sitting on a fence, Annabel... At least we can whack you for a reason other than being wishy-washy....

back to the old shit school...


The Greens leader, Christine Milne, said the issue was a test of Abbott's trustworthiness.

"He's now essentially going back to the old scheme of the Howard years which led to huge levels of disadvantage in public education, and where those schools who already had lots got more, and those who had nothing, got very little," she said.

The executive director of the National Catholic Education Commission, Ross Fox, called for reassurance that Catholic education systems would not be worse off under the Coalition's new model.

“The minister has said today that the ‘funding envelope’ for school education over the next four years will remain the same," he said.

“Catholic education systems need certainty that overall funding levels for Catholic education will at least remain at currently projected levels under any new funding model."

Fox said the Catholic sector operated on a needs-based system.

Australian Education Union federal president Angelo Gavrielatos said Friday's meeting of the Ministerial Council for Education was a chance for states and territories to ensure funding was maintained.

"Mr Pyne has manufactured a crisis to suit the government's needs," Gavrielatos said.

"Education ministers must make clear on Friday that the Gonski agreements must be honoured in full, and the laws kept in place."

Lies and broken promises are the hallmarks of the Abbott government... Abbott and Pyne choose politics before proper education... These two rabid idiots are full of shit... What else can I say?...


Meanwhile the "impartial" ABC tells us that:

old shit school


The Gonski reform IS THE BEST MODEL ever developed... The GONSKI reform was developed  in a bipartisan manner. Ah yes... But the model was created under Labor's supervision and the two shits appearing by the side of this confused kid in the picture are no more than LIARS, PERJURERS, CON ARTISTS, PHONIES, PORKYISTS, DECEIVERS, MAFIA MOBSTERS, etc...


mischief by someone...


The tractate Of Education

The tractate Of Education was published in 1644, first appearing anonymously as a single eight-page quarto sheet . Presented as a letter written in response to a request from the Puritan educational reformer Samuel Hartlib, it represents John Milton's most comprehensive statement on educational reform  and gives voice to his views "concerning the best and noblest way of education. As outlined in the tractate, 200-001 Braindumps

education dumbing faux-pas by warren mundine...


Last week, Warren Mundine, head of the prime minister’s Indigenous council, was quoted in the Australian as saying that it is ridiculous to include an Indigenous culture perspective in the teaching of science and maths. Mundine said: “I agree with Christopher Pyne, I think in some areas we have got ridiculous. What is Indigenous physics? Physics is physics. If we are to compete in the job market we must learn technology and engineering, we need to be taught subjects properly.

“I agree that we need to reassess the curriculum because we need real units that teach the subjects without this ridiculous insertion of culture, the idea that you have to have an indigenous or Asian perspective, to be frank, is silly. The sciences and maths should be taught properly.”

Mundine’s comments add nothing to the very important debates on what should be included in the national curriculum and how children, regardless of their cultural background, should be taught. They ignore that culture permeates everything we do — including maths and physics—and reinforces stereotypical views that Indigenous culture is only about language, kinships systems and hunting and gathering – important as they are.

It is well known that all developed countries including Australia are facing a crisis as diminishing numbers of students study mathematics, physics and other science subjects. We also know of the difficulties confronting government and Indigenous communities regarding school attendance. One of the key strategies is surely to look at how we engage students in learning.

For centuries, people from all cultural backgrounds have been developing ideas and solving problems. Euclid who lived in Alexandria more than 2000 years ago laid the foundations for mathematics. Australia’s Aboriginal people represent the longest-living culture on earth. It is incredible that our culture should be treated as a stand-alone subject or as part of the humanities.

In reading the article I was reminded of previous views that attributed the striking Wandjina figures of Kimberley art to Egyptians, Hindus or creatures from outer space. Once they were accepted as Aboriginal, they were labelled as native art or folk art — or just Aboriginal art, not world art.


See toon at top...


"Either he doesn't

"Either he doesn't understand his own policy, or he has deliberately misled the Australian people after the election, as well as before the election," said Kim Carr, Labor's education spokesman.

Greens education spokeswoman Lee Rhiannon said: "Either the Minister deliberately lied when he made the statement, or he doesn't understand his own budget changes."


Yes and yes!!! Pyne is so dumb, he does not understand his own education policy, nor education in general, science rigour in particular and he lied to get elected with footwork that an eight year old could show as fake.

But with the formidable merde-och press pushing him to the fore like the Jesus Christ of educashun, what chance did we have?... The idiots are in charge and we are corralled by the News Corpse and most of the MMMM out there to trust these imbeciles.

I hope that Labor rejects ALL OF THE BUDGET EN MASSE, including the "debt levy" which is a fake policy to make us swallow the rest of this atrocious idiots' budget. 

See toon at top.