Monday 24th of February 2025

voting for the greens...

voting for the greens...

You may not be like me: a paranoid idiot who sees conspiracies everywhere...

And here is my latest take on the Queensland vote for the senate where oodles of small parties are fighting for a sixth spot, possibly a fifth spot and remotely a fourth spot...

This is where the conspiracy comes in.

I got this crappy idea coming in my head that in order to sell more products, companies that make stuff, will also manufacture something "NEW" which is basically the same bizzo with a slightly different flavour. It's called "shelf-space". One needs to swamp the competitors with more and more flavours... The choice is so overwhelming for the consumers that they get confused and buy the pretty colours with the most artificial stuff in the packet — on pricing alone, that's where bargains, discounts and manager's specials come in as well...

So I though, hang on a minute... Clive Palmer used to be in the Queensland Liberal (CONservative) Party... and "he left in a huff"... you know the rest. 

My conspiracy theory is that all along Clive is a Liberal (CONservative) stooge... The Liberals (CONservatives) know they need to take shelf-space away from the Greens in the senate... So Palmer and a few others sacrifice themselves to become the "different" product. But when you analyse the stuff in detail, it's the same crap with a different lolly flavour... "You wiv me?..." Had Palmer and his other dudes stayed with the Liberal, the sixth senate seat would be a shoo-in for the Greens, since Palmer would be on THE SAME LIBERAL (CONSERVATIVE) TICKET in a non-winnable position ... By being on a different ticket, he can be on NUMBER ONE on his ticket... By doing so, and due to the pro-rata of allocation of seats, he splits the odds of that sixth seats against the Greens... 

MACHIAVELLIAN... of me to think this way... I should be in an asylum...

this morning on radio...

There was this fellow LNP on Fran Kelly right-wing radio show, ABC, explaining how voting for the small parties in Queensland senate was a Russian roulette, thus he said you should vote for either of the big established parties... Especially his...

I had had the idea of doing a cartoon about the Clive conspiracy theory above (to get shelf space in supermarkets, this theory is REAL AND PROVEN — I used to work in advertising, including product design, so I know) but so far I could not see the punch line.

I guessed a while back Palmer was a Liberal stooge with a debonaire flavour, who sacrifriced himself to take some vote away from the greens, especially in the senate — though he may not see himself like that.


But to get some traction, Clive Palmer even went to the extent of rubbishing Mal Brough for the good-reasons-every-knows, knowing that Brough was a shoo-in anyway, for the Liberal Party. None in the mass media took Palmer seriously, against Mal Brough... For a conspiracy in the style of a double-cross to work to perfection and stay under the radar, one needs always to give a bit of attractive titbits that may seem to go against you or against those you wish to support. That is deception 101...

So this is where I had to find a simple-toon that would show how Palmer would wedge himself to displace the Greens from their shelf-space... Fiendish? Me?...

pork pies in the sky...

pollutioning what would be another glorious day (global warming inspired) in Sydney:
